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Subject Code : Roll No Printed Pages: BCA-NEP-304/ c BCS-NEP-302 BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (SEMESTER - II ODD SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATION (FALL 2023-24) ‘SUBJECT NAME-COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE : Timo: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 75] INSTRUCTIONS: () There are THREE sections in this question paper. (i) Attempt questions from each section as per the directions. Gil) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. SECTION“A (Very Short Answer Type Questions) = ‘Q4. | Attempt ALL questions. co | Bloom's Taxonomy 2) __« | How many types of registers ina system? Name them. C04 ut ‘ sys |). | Whatare the benefits of ‘studying Computer Architecture? Coz @ °) What is a cache miss? a S 2|4)__¢ | Differentiate between operand and operator coz uz e) What is a USB port and which type of devices can be connected with a co4 u USB port? A Draw bus structure to RAM from CPU, how many types of buses are co4 “uf L Fequired for proper working? 2 9) + | Whatis Machine language? cos L2 3 |") = | Explain Micro-processor? cO4 ts ‘SECTION-B (Short Answer Type Guestons) (64-24) 2. | Attempt any SIX questions, CO | Bloom's Taxonomy a) Whats Latch in computer architecture? CO3 ut b) Why is an IOP processor required? cot ua [o What is the use of PC (Program Counter) in CPU? co4 dy | Why we use following ports: CO3 uW 1. USB Port 2. Parallel Port 3. Serial Port 4. PS2 ports 5._VGA ports ©)» _| Explain Parallel communication of output device with diagram. cos iz f) Why is the Cache memory small in size? Explain. co2 [Ey 9) What is Dynamic Memory Allocation? cod re h) + | Whatis the address? What is the relation with memory? cot a ‘SECTION-C (Descriptive Answer Type Questions) (Gx7=35) Q3.__ | Atlempt any FIVE questions. COW | Sloom's Taxonomy COs ts cot is co3 ut ti a What is Booth’s Algorithm (Muliplicationy? oe U2 °) What is DMA? Explain in detail. col cs p) Explain how virtual memory is important, Cot L2 9) Whats the Divisor algorithm? Subject Code: | SoA NEP 303 Printed Pages: wove Tafel if ool 1 f2fe | 3 RANCH 24) GRAM NAME WITH BI ‘TION (FALL 2023-24) {SEMESTER - II) ODD SEMESTER SECOND SESSIONAL EXAMINA ON OS ANEP-203) DEVELOPME! st SUBJECT NAME: COMMUNICATION SKILL. & PERSONALITY [Maximum Marks: 75) [Time: 3 Hours} INSTRUCTIONS: (There are THREE sections in this question paper. () Attempt questions from each section es per the directions. (i) Make suitable assumptions wherever iecessaly. — Rod of TG ‘SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions) - @. [Attempt ALL questions. ‘CO | Blooms t Taxonomy | | a)_| Whats the concept of Personallly? cor i by | What is Attitude? coz a ¢) | Whatis Self-Esteem? co2 L2 [ 4)_| What is Interpersonal Relationship? coe me ©) | Whhatis the concept of Personality? 7 ™ coz 3 ) z Gente of Sky este #)_| Explain the term Motivation? coz iz 9) | What is the meaning of “Soft Skills"? = Get Gus] Hheak Coz 12 hh) _[ What is the meaning of “Goal Setting"? 3 Jan pad Our COT L2 ‘SECTION-B (Short Answer Type Questions) (earza ‘Attempt any SiX questions. —— CO | Blooms - Taxonomy | a)x| What is-the-eonceptof personality andits advantage? ComuP? of xan} COS 12 [ B)_| Write the types of Barriers and explain? mokuaten ond nflici] COS Lz @)_| Explain the term “teaming “ in the context of Interpersonal relations. 9¥-cvatk_CO3 rk @)_| Why Goal Setting Fails? > can & ot of nang FU Coz a °) coz mk \Vihaticthe-concoptot Personality Explaia und won by Bahmlany e #)_| What do you mean by negative Attitude? eae ae wa Nhat is lity and its adv. 7 = cal 9) | What ig the concept of personality ai jantage? — )_ | What is Self Esteem? Could do way it self confidence. How? Explain coz = SECTION-C (Descriptive ANEWOr Type Guestionsy tz ay ‘Attempt any FIVE questions. (8*7535) 3. | ¢ co Blooms a)_| Explain Goal setting with proper example? Tmenamny b) | Explain the diferent Barriers of communication that come when we Talk oe ui} nim a 03 ©), | What do you mean by Art of Prioritization and what are its 4 categories cS ° Explain... s : cor uy é Explain the term - Personality Development end its use in the present Cor | scenario, __* la e [x] What are the 5 levels of prioritization? Explain: cor _| ‘What problems do we face when we have negative Seli-Esteam? Explain — a What do you mean by Goal setting. Write its e4vantage.. — = BCA-NEP{301/BC s : eos Printed Pagos: : ae ‘ages: Roll No. adele ele Vpoprls BEA CRESTOSC CSVUTETC TOS) 24) (SEMESTER -TIMRD) ODD SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATION (FALL. 2023-24) UBIEGT NAME! OCPSUSINGAVA gs 767 (Mine: Hours) Moab Instructions: ( There aro THREE soctions in this quostion paper. (Attempt questions trom each soction ax por tho dracon. (i) Mako suitable assumptions whorovor mocouseny ‘SEETHER Vay Sian Anawor Tipo Gueeion ee 4. | Attempt ALL questions, ne Guostons) GO| Blooms Taxonomy a Define identifiers i Java, 2 cot = *) Compare one difference Gelween prinlive dale typo and composite data cot 2 ‘ype. ©) __ | Identify an oxcoplion In Java, 7 COs @ a Compare the Scanner class methods nexi{) and nexiLine() in Java. Co3 ce a Distinguish the advantages of mullithreading, cos “ a Explain AWT in Java Os a o Compare the difference between Grid and GridoagLayout. cos: 2 "| identify the advantages of JDBC over File haniling. Coa tS “SECTION-B (Short Answer yp Questions) (ea=24) GE] Atemptany SH questions. co] Bloom's | ae Taxonomy 3) __| A.dlass fie willbe generaied afer compilation for every Tnieriace 1h Java COT a Explain. 5) ___| Define parameterized constructors in Java with an example. 7 oz a @__| Whats the diference between this ()and sup i ()in Java? — Oz i @___| Define package in Java, List down various adi antages of packages. 03 re a Ts it possible to start a thread twice? oa a a Discover the role of Driver in JDBC, cos a | Whats the write and read mode in File Handling explain with a sulable Coa 2 example. *)__ | Explain, Why Swing is called lightwelght. 7 coe ry SECTION-E Doscrintive Anawel Typo Guvstensy (eS) S| Attempt any FIVE questions. a> eS a) ow io access any data member or maibods ofthe parent class h Java? Cot Texonony L Explain with a suitable example to support yodranswer. 13 | Wie regram a pass tegornunbere 8 paromelosTaerarsme-{— oop numbers is 0, display an invalid entry and ste program should end, itt is ¥. valid entry, divide the largor numbr with the smaller numbor and display the result @ Differentiate between the Thread class and Pdnnabie interface Tor ereating a} GOS al Thread. z @)—} Write a program to create a Frame by creat.) an instance of the Frame Coa iT class. cs y ‘Write @ program in Swing to use JRadioButon and JComboBox CO4 12 7 How to create @ Login Page? Explain the Login Page Connectivily with the [~~ C04 @ database. a llustrate the states of thread Ifecycle In Java. cos 12 Printed Pages: Subject altel gdfololifat3 Cos ECANERS * 4 BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION {gh (SEMESTER - Il) ODD SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATION (FALL 2023-24) SUBJECT NAME-PERATING SYSTEM [ime: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 75] INSTRUCTIONS fe i} There are THREE sections in this question paper. Mee duestions from each section as per the directions. © assumptions wherever necessary. ‘SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (6*2=16) QA. | Attempt ALL questions. = a co | Bloom's = | ‘Taxonomy a ‘What is process control block? cos |" BTL-t Dy What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling? cos | BTL-2 a Define semaphores. cos_|__BTL-4 a Distinguish between page and segment. cos | Bris | ° Define seek time and latency time. coz [sna 9 Define 1/0 management and Disk Scheduling, co4 | aris 3) What are the conditions under which a deadlock situation may arise? cos | BTL-1 *) List the various file attributes. cos | ena, 'SECTION-B (Short Answor typo Questions) (ex4=24) GZ] Atiompr any SK quesions, es ' al a What are the use of job queues, ready queues and device queues? cos | ena Cy Describe the actions taken by a kernel to context switch between kernel. | CO1 | BTL-4 \ level threads. @) Explain dynamic Linkinj co2 BIL-3 | a) Define C-SCAN scheduling. coz ena | What are the drawbacks of Contiguous Allocation of Disk Space? _< coz mma | a Define Direct Memory Access. z = cO4 9) Define Memory management requirements. Co3 *) | Explain Round Robin scheduling algorithn with example. ‘coz ‘SECTION-C (Descriptive Ansvier Type Questions) i Q3,__| Attempt any FIVE questions. cO_[_gBloom’s A Taxonomy What is distributed operating system? What are the advantages of coi.) aml? Distributed operating system? 4 . ee ») Consider 3 processes P1, P2 and P3, which require 5, 7 and 4 time units and | COZ BTL-4 arrive at time 0, 1 and 3. Draw the Gantt chart, process completion sequence and average waiting time for. *“""” (Round robin scheduling with CPU quantum of 2 time units, (ii) FCFS 2 2: Evaluate Round CPU Scheduling algorithm for given Problem 03 BTL-S Time slice =2 ms. + Process Process Time Arrival Time : PL 10 si “TP2 3 3 P3 18 0 P4 6 4 ; fora co2 BTL-3 4 ‘Whats critical section? What requirement should be satisfied fo = Solution to the Critical section problem? co3 | BTL a Explain Dead lock detection honlers Algorithm) with Example? tam} cos | en D Explain different free space management echniques in detail. Expl disk structure in detail. Explain the following with respect to file a) Concept of file b) Access methods ¢) File sharing @} File Atiwibutes ©) File types 9 Explain different Disk scheduling algorith-ns SCAN, CSCAN.CLOOK. Oza | maar SUBJECT CUDE- 3 BCA-NEP-304 BCS-NEP-302 Printed Pages: Roll No. UJol a Ue COURSE NAME-BCA DD SEMESTER FIRST SESSIONAL THEORY EXAMINATION, OCTOBER-2023 EMESTER ll) O1 (SEMESTER -l) Oe BUIEGT NAME-COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE [Maximum Marks: 50] [Time: 2 Hours] INSTRUCTIONS: () Theo aro THREE sections in this question paper, fi) Attempt questions from each section as per the directions. ' fii) Wherever the question papers have boon prpared in both Hindi and English languages, the Hindi Version of the question should be written immediatly after English version of each question. (iv) Make suitablo assumptions wherever necessaly. Question pzper must cover: Course (subject) Leart'ing Outcomes (CLOs) and bloom's taxonomy (L1 : Remember, 2 : Understand, 1.3 : Apply, L¢ : Analy?0) __SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Tyre Guestions) (x3°15) Gi, | Atlempt ALL questions. co ru (@)___ | Whatis the funetion of ALU? " : cot ui (b) __| Whatis the difference between computer organization and CO? 4 architectu 1 | te comarson C=O) cot a [(@) | Perform Addition and subtraction 10110011100 + 01011111000 coi, tt (e) | What is Register? 7 co2 Cy 7 a a (3*5=15) SECTION-B (Short Answer Type Questions) QZ] Aitempt any THREE questions, t Tea TORT (a) __ | What are the common registers? Define them. co2 ut [ (6) | Do circular and arithmetic shift 1000100111 (Left and Right both) coz 4 (c) Explain types of Instruction format. 1 Cot L2 (a)__| Define parallel processing and vector pocessing. co2 La (e) [Describe te basic components of basic computer with diagram, coi ua i ~ z 7 SECTION-C (Descriptive Ancwer Type Questions) (es16-<20) a3. Attempt any TWO questions. (a) | Solve this e in T izati i ‘pression by using all CPU S¥ganization, (T+8) *(A¥B) Differentiate between RISC and CISC. Explain CPU Organization. it : Roll No. BCA-NEP- Printed Pages: 2ielc nine aon NER 301 ‘BCATBCA(C&CSIBSc(CSyiaSc(CS)(DS) Ill) ODD SEMESTER FIRST SESSIONAL. THEORY EXAMINATION, ‘OBER-2023 (SEMESTER =I) ‘OOPS USING JAVA ST oe Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50] Mime: INSTRUCTIONS: () There are THREE section: i 3t questions from ea % i i ® Wuorover| ithe question papers have been prepared in both Hiadl and English languages, the Hindi 1? son erine question should be written immedistely after English version of each question. ii) Make suitable assumplions wherever necessary. duesiton paper must cover: Course (subject) Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and blooms taxonomy (L1 : Remember, L2 : Understand, L3 : Apply, L4 : Analyze) 3s in this question Paper. i ch section as per {?e directions. fix “SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (ox3=15) Gt. | Attempt ALL questions. co RF a) | Tel. what are Keywords? Give an example. cor a (b) | Compare one difference between primitive data type and composite data type. Cot iz (e) _| Solve, what wil be the result stored in x after evaluating the following expression? | CO2 B int x=4, x +5 (x++) + (+4x) +x) (a) _ | entity two differences between a class and an object. : COZ ui {e) | Explain the term "Write Once Run Anywhere.” Explain wih suitable example. | COT a SECTION-B (Short Answer Type Questions) Gxe=75) ‘Ga hitempt any THREE quesifons. j ecare Taareny (a) | Contrast on JIT compiorin Java’ i cot 2 {b) | Datine constructorin Java. cor a (e) ‘Summarize the difference between method overloading and method overriding. Cot ie] Explain with a suitable Example. (a) ] Wire program to print table ofa given ruribor. Oufput should be Ta Tolowing Coz rr format; 9°19 9218 9*10=90 (6)_ [Contest on infinite oop n Java, Explain wil an example Cot iz SECTION-€ (Descriptive Antwer Type Questions) @3, | Alfemptany TWO questions. (a) List the purposes of the keywords “this” and “{uper" in J (a) foam yw uper"in Java, Explain with an Cot ut {b)___ | st yes of operators in Java, Explain na \ ¢ Evaluate different types of inheritance in Java, S wih cal 7 (| Bae yp 2. Support your answer with suitable] G02 is Printed Pages: Roll No. SUBJECT CODE: BCA-NEP-303 lel gfe (Rh [3s] ] BoA D -2023 (SEMESTER...) ODD SEMESTER FIRST See s1ONAL THEORY EXAMINATION, OCTOBER-20 [Time: 2 Hours} , INSTRUCTIONS: i (There are THREE sections in this question paper, (ny Attompt questions from each section as per the directions Gil) Wherever the question Yaron of tho auiaction should he wzittnn Imiaoulathy efter Englisiveraion of each question. 1 lt 2k2 suitable assumptions wherever necossar Question paper must cover: Course (subject) Learnt Romeib 'er, L2: Understand, L3 : Apply, La: Analyas) Papers have been progared in both Hindi and English languay 7 DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION SKILL & PERSONALITY ‘[Maximum Marks: 50] ges, the Hindi 1g Outcomes (CLOs) and bloom's taxonomy (L1 : faz SECTION-A (Very Short Answer iype Guostions) (8x3=18) | QA. | Attempt ALL questions. = co nei (a)__| Define communication. Cot 4 (b) | Whatis meant by ‘decoding’ in the process of communication? Cot 4 (c) | Define Communication Barriers cot 4 (a) Whatis the primary function of language? ° cot Lt {e) | Discuss the role and importance of feedback in effective Coz 12 commurication. How does it influence subsequent interactions? t SECTION-D (Short Anewer Type Questions) Q2. | Attempt any THREE questions. (@) | Enumerate and explain the techniques that can be employed to coz enhance written communication skills. | (6) | What do you mean by need and functions of business letters? CO3 L3 (c) | What are the techniques of effective speech? Cot Ww (@)___[ Discuss the role of body language in communication. coz L2 (@)__ | What are the advantages of Oral Communication? coz ey SFCTION-C (Hescrintive Answer Type Questions) Gei0=20) Q3. ‘Atternpt any TWO questions. 2 Bisaas Taxonomy (a) Elucidate the step-by-rtep process of gommunication, including the co4 te sender, receiver, channels, and feedback mechanisms, RTS} “Justify the importance of using accuiate and appropriate language in | Gos} LS “| communication, especially in specific contexts or audiences, (e) __ | Evaluate the benefits and challenges cf written and oral COs Le communication in today's globalized world, Printed Pages: Roll No. suBJEcT CODE BcA- NEP - 302 Rial 4 cole] [lie a COURSE TAME-B (SEMESTER -m) ODD SEMESTER FRST Se ae TIEORY EXAMINATION, OCTOBER-2023 . JECT NAME-¢ Mime: 2 Hours] : IE-OPERATING SYSTEM ngaximumn Marks: 50] INSTRUCTIONS: () ‘There are THREE sections in this ions in this question papér. (Attempt questions from each section as per tre Hrectons. (ii) Wherever the question indi and English languages, the Hindi gu papers have been prepared in both Hindi and English languages, Version of the question should be written immediately ater English version of each question. (iv) __ Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Question paper must cover: Course (subject) Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and bloom's taxonomy (11: Remember, L2 : Understand, L3 : Apply, L4 : Analyze) “SECTION-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (5*3=15) @ ‘Attempt ALL questions. + CO] TTT {@)_{ Whatis an operating system? cor L-1 (b) _ [Define the process in computer system. cO3 Lat — ys {e)7 | List the advantage of multiprocessor system? coz L3 {@)_ =| What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling? coz L-4 {@)__-} What is multicore and multithreading? 1°" ae coz 1-2 yall SECTION-D (Sheri Answer Type Questions) By Qa. | Attempt any THREE questions. ri Te TT 7a) ~ | Distinguish between hard real time systems and soft realtime systems. COL 13 {b) | What is multiprocessor and multicore? | Coz L2 (e)__ | Explain Memory Hierarchy. i Cor Li {@) | What are the five major activities of an dperating system with regardto | CO2 L2 process management? Tey [Defend timesharing differ from multiprogramming? coz L2 ‘SECTION-C (Descriptive Answer Type Questions) (™10=20) Ga. | Attempt any TWO questions. { —— (a) | Explain the types of Operating system. | cor Lt {b) | Whatis Direct memory access? Explain with the help of diagram. co1 ea} @ | Distinguish between preemptive and noh-preemptive Scheduling, coz Ls } | i

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