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Transaction receipt

Binance Smart Chain testnet

Transaction hash:
Transaction timestamp: 06/06/2022 - 11:28:44 UTC

Senders (inputs)

# Sender Value BNB Value USD

1 0x6aa8cbd6b3da0528d7b27926b0ba3e9be724c573 0.0673577 37.71

Recipients (outputs)

# Recipients Value BNB Value USD

1 0x9ac64cc6e4415144c455bd8e4837fea55603e5c3 0.000003 0.00

Miner fee 0.0673547 37.7113

Total 0.0673577 0.00

Disclaimer. This receipt was generated automatically on 2024-03-17T07:21:34+00:00 and is based on public data
from the Binance Smart Chain testnet blockchain. Blockexplorer makes neither warranty that this receipt is free of
errors, nor warranty that its content is accurate. BlockExplorer will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of
any kind, from action taken, or taken in reliance on information contained in this receipt. BlockExplorer is neither a
bank, nor a payment processor for this payment. BlockExplorer does not provide support in case of problems
associated with. Scan to check the validity

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