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Professional Issues

in IT – HNDIT2403

Chapter 9: Some Common Issues in the Society

What We Will Cover
• The Computer and Health
• Digital Divide
• Failures and Errors in Computer Systems
• Silver Surfers
• Increasing Reliability and Safety

Faroos Fashee 2
The Computer and Health
• Along with every profession there are risks confined to
• Possession of knowledge of what these risks are will
help to avoid most of them or to minimize their effect.
• The study of man’s physical activities involved with his
profession is called ergonomics where “ergon” is the
Greek form for “work” and “nomos” means law.
• In the creation of accessories today , it can be seen that
they have been produced so as to perform the relevant
task efficiently while ensuring man’ s safety and health
and providing him maximum comfort.
Faroos Fashee 3
The Computer and Health…
• The physical pain occurs as a result of involving in the same task for a
long period of time are called repetitive stress/strain injuries (RSI).
• The commonest RSI among computer users is the painful condition
on the palm or wrist.
• This condition is called Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and while those
working with the computer keyboard for long periods of time are
subject to this condition, it is also aggravated by adopting the wrong
position when working.
• Conformity to the instructions below on the use of keyboard and the
mouse will help to minimize possible elements of risk involved.
– Use of keyboard and mice produced to health standards.
– Use of a support to rest wrist.
– Keeping palms and wrists straight when typing
– Taking a proper break. Faroos Fashee 4
The Computer and Health…
• The next problem that computer users face is the painful
condition of the back, especially pain of the spine and neck.
• The steps below can be taken to avoid them.
– The seat used should have the facility to adjust height.
– It should have the facility at the back for one to lean
– It should contain adjustable arm supports.
– While feet should be firmly placed on the floor when
seated, there should be a foot rest when the seat has to
be elevated
– When seated, the backFaroos
and neck should always be erect.
Fashee 5
The Computer and Health…
• A condition quite common among computer users is eye-related problems.
• Conditions like headaches are commonly related to the eye problems.
• These conditions of the eyes resulting from computer use are called computer vision
syndrome (CVS).
• The most common eye-related conditions are dry eyes, irritation of eyes, pain of the
eyes, blurred vision and double vision.
• Conditions related to eyes highly depends on Computer Screen.
• The following points will help to minimize the conditions.
– Monitor should be positioned at eye-level or slightly below.
– It should be located 20-30 cm from the eye-level of the user.
– It should be possible rotate up/down and left/right as necessary, and adjusted as
– There should be facilities for the adjustment of “brightness” and “contrast” as
required by user.
– Along with these it is best that one takes eye-exercises.
• Directing one’s sight objects positioned at various distances, from time to time.
• Blinking of eyes from time to time 6
The Computer and Health…
Further the followings also considered .
• Ensure that the level humidity of the environment is
maintained at a suitable level
• Avoid unprotected electric cables drawn at random.
• Avoid unmatched tables and chairs.
• Maintain systematic lighting.
• Maintain sound humidity control.
• Take necessary steps for correct manipulation of certain
accessories. (E.g.: Failure to remove properly the torner in
the printer)
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The correct posture to be adopted in using
the computer

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Digital Divide
• Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and
regions that have access to modern information and communications
technology, and those that don't or have restricted access.
• This technology can include the telephone, television, personal computers
and the Internet.
• Trends in Computer Access:
– New technologies only available to the wealthy
– The time it takes for new technology to make its way into common use
is decreasing
– Cost is not the only factor; ease of use plays a role
– Industrialists provide low cost options for people who cannot otherwise
afford something
– Government funds technology in schools
– As technology becomes more common, the issues shift from the rich
and poor to level of service Faroos Fashee 9
Digital Divide…
The Global Divide and the Next Billion Users:

• Approximately one billion people worldwide have access to

the Web; approximately five billion do not
• Non-profit organizations and huge computer companies are
spreading computer access to people in developing countries
• Bringing new technology to poor countries is not just a matter
of money to buy equipment;
• PCs and laptops must work in extreme environments
• Some people actively working to shrink the digital divide
emphasize the need to provide access in ways appropriate to
the local culture Faroos Fashee 10
Failures and Errors in Computer Systems
• Most computer applications are so complex it is virtually impossible
to produce programs with no errors
• Computer professionals must study failures to learn how to avoid
• Computer professionals must study failures to understand the
impacts of poor work
• The cause of failure is often more than one factor
– Automated processing may not be able to recognize special cases
– Overconfidence in the accuracy of data
– Errors in data entry
– Lack of accountability for errors
– Problems in other systems and software
– Time allowed for development was insufficient
– Making significant changes in specifications after the project began 11
Failures and Errors in Computer Systems…
• Some examples for system failures:
– AT&T, Amtrak, NASDAQ
– Voting system in 2000 presidential election
– Denver Airport
– Ariane 5 Rocket
Reference : Gift of Fire – 4th Edition

• High-level Causes of Computer-System Failures:

– Lack of clear, well thought out goals and specifications
– Poor management and poor communication among customers,
designers, programmers, etc.
– Pressures that encourage unrealistically low bids, low budget
requests, and underestimates of time requirements
– Use of very new technology, with unknown reliability and problems
Silver Surfers
• Silver surfers is the term to describe people who are aged over 50
and who use the internet on a frequent basis.
• The number of older users has increased dramatically over the
past several years due to their being more familiar to the
• Research shows that the silver surfers are spending a majority of
their time using search engines and online shopping sites.
• Other sources indicate that this growing trend among the older
population is due to the increase in use of social networking sites
to stay in touch with family members or close friends that live far
• Studies point to Skype, Facebook, email, and instant messaging are
all highlighted as commonly used, mainly because the means for
communicating have become more available and even free. 13
Silver Surfers…
• While the rise in internet use among the younger population has led to fears of
isolation, it is argued that the increase in use for the older population has done
the exact opposite.
• A study was conducted that surveyed over 8,000 individuals over the age of 50
on the extent of their social-networking use.
• The results showed that individuals who used the internet more consistently
were 1/3 less likely to be depressed.
• Depression for this age group is argued to arise from lack of mobility and
feeling out of touch, but the ability to keep close contact has reversed this
phenomenon - internet use is thought to increase avenues of communication
and feelings of independence.
• A separate study analyzed the brain function of individuals after using the
internet for a week, and found that it improved nerve function in the older
• There are a number of websites for Silver surfers including,, all offering advice and information plus some
like a large social community.
Increasing Reliability and Safety
• Some applications such as air traffic control are really complex and
critical. Air traffic control includes computers on the ground at
airports, devices in thousands of airplanes, radar, databases,
communications, and so on - all of which must work in real time,
tracking airplanes that move very fast.
• Such systems need more reliability and safety.
• Factors which affects reliability and safety of a system:
– Design and development problems
– Misrepresentation, hiding problems and inadequate response to
reported problems
– Insufficient market or legal incentives to do a better job
– Re-use of software without sufficiently understanding the code
and testing it
– Failure to update or maintain a database 15
Increasing Reliability and Safety…
Professional techniques to improve reliability and safety of a system:
• Good software engineering
• Clearly defined professional responsibility
• User interfaces based on human factors and feedback and should behave as an
experienced user expects
• Properly assigned workload. Less workload also can lead to mistakes.
• Redundancy and self-checking
• Testing including real world testing with real users
Law, regulation and markets to improve reliability and safety of a system:
• Criminal and civil penalties should support to provide incentives to produce
good systems, but shouldn't hinder innovation
• Warranties for consumer software
• Regulation for safety-critical applications
• Professional licensing
• Taking responsibility Faroos Fashee 16

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