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Basic Spanish / English Dictionary

by Bryce Hedstrom


This dictionary contains the common vocabulary in beginning Spanish courses. It is not intended
to be an exhaustive dictionary of the Spanish language and it does not contain every possible
translation of every word. The purpose is to help beginners in comprehensible input-based
language courses to understand what they are reading. The dictionary started off based on
Blaine Ray’s beginning Spanish novels: Pobre Ana, Patricia va a California, Casi se muere
and El viaje de su vida, but has grown since then to include much of the vocabulary in other
novels as well as other level I vocabulary. Some inclusions are:

• High Frequency Words: The most commonly used conversational Spanish words

• Common Verbs: High frequency and irregular verbs are conjugated in the present,
preterite and imperfect tenses for easy recognition—because beginning language learners
often need help recognizing various forms of verbs

• Common Cognates: To help teach students learn how to recognize these Spanish words
that are similar to English words and to give them a vocabulary building short cut

• Function Words: The short, abstract words that are used in almost every sentence and
form the grammatical backbone of the language

• Explanations: Special expressions and words that can be confusing are explained and
compared to similar expressions in break out boxes

• Historical & Cultural Vocabulary: Basic vocabulary having to do with the people,
culture, places (countries, cities, natural features) and events in the Spanish speaking world

It also includes vocabulary often associated with typical beginning/intermediate topics and units
to support any curriculum:
• Greetings and Good-byes: Introducing yourself and others, courtesy formulas
• Personal Information: Descriptions, origin, common kinship terms
• Numbers: Dealing with age, telling time, and making purchases
• The Date: Days of the week, months, the year; important dates in Hispanic culture
• Weather: Common weather expressions and seasons; climate in the Hispanic world
• Food: Buying food; ordering a meal and restaurant expressions
• Travel: Asking directions, checking into a hotel, basic transportation
• Places: House, city, beach, park, mountains, etc.
• Important Locations in the Spanish-speaking world
• Getting Medical Attention: Basic body parts; asking for medical help
• Questions: Asking and answering simple questions relating to basic objects, family
members, daily routines, preferences, school, work, simple descriptions, colors and clothing
• Present, Preterit & Imperfect Tenses: Conjugations of verbs commonly found in level I
and II novels
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom


Q. What is the purpose of this dictionary?
A. It began as a way to help students read and understand Blaine Ray’s beginning Spanish
novels: Pobre Ana, Patricia va a California, Casi se muere and El viaje de su vida. It has
grown to include other words that are commonly included in Spanish I curricula.

Q. Why are some words in bold print?

A. The verbs in this dictionary have been highlighted with bold print to make them easier to
spot. Most language learners want to learn how to speak, and verbs tend to be more common in
conversational language. Spoken language is often used to express feelings and opinions and
this mode of speaking often contains more verbs.

Q. Why is the dictionary only Spanish to English and not also English to Spanish?
A. Because it is intended to support input-based instruction. It is primarily to help students to
understand what they are reading or hearing.

Q. Why are conjugations of verbs included instead of just infinitives?

A. Because even gifted students that acquire language quickly and can speak well sometimes
cannot make the leap from the infinitive to the conjugated form—especially in writing. It is often a
big jump from understanding a spoken word in context to seeing it in print, expecially for
beginners. This is often a difficult concept for foreign language teachers, who tend to be good at
grammar, but are actually part of an abnormally small subset of the total population whose
minds can process both ―grammar-ese‖ and normal language at the same time.

Q. Why aren’t the parts of speech included?

A. Because the grammatical markers do not normally help most students to understand what a
word means as they are reading. Beginners usually just want to know the word meaning to help
them comprehend the passage. Extra information often just gets in the way of understanding.

Q. Why is this dictionary so simple? There surely are many more useful words that
could have been included.
A. This dictionary contains the vocabulary commonly acquired and studied in beginning Spanish
courses. It is not intended to be an exhastive Spanish dictionary. It does not contain every
possible translation of every word. It contains words and expressions that early readers are
likely to see. It is a help to beginners and is designed to be user–friendly.
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

A aerolínea
a to, at afuera outside
a causa de because of agarra grabs (from agarrar)
a lo mejor probably agarran they grab (from agarrar)
a tiempo on time agarrar to grab
a través de across, over, through, via agarró (he) grabbed (from agarrar)
a veces sometimes agosto August (not capitalized in Spanish)
abajo down agradecido/a thankful
abierto opened (past participle of abrir) el agua water
abierto/a open (adjective) aguacate avocado
abordar to board, get on ahí there
abraza s/he hugs (from abrazar) ahora now
se abrazan they hug each other (from abrazar) aire air, wind
abrazar to hug al (a + el) at the, to the
un abrazo a hug al lado de beside
abril April (not capitalized in Spanish) alcanzar to reach
abrir to open me alegro I am happy (from alegrarse)
abre opens (from abrir) alemán German (not capitalized in Spanish)
abuela grandmother Alemania Germany
abuelo grandfather alfabeto alphabet
acá over here algo something
acabar de... to have just... alguien someone, somebody
acabo de comer I just ate algún some
acampando camping alguno/a some
acción action allá over there
aceptamos we accept allí there
aceptan they accept (from aceptar) almohada pillow
aceptar to accept almuerzo lunch
se acerca approaches (from acercarse) alrededor de around (the)
se acercan they approach (from acercarse) alto/a tall, high
acerca de about alto stop, halt (a command—like on a stop sign)
acercarse to near, approach alumno/a student, pupil
acompaña goes with (from acompañar) amable kind, nice, pleasing
acompañan they go with (from acompañar) amar to love
acompañar to accompany, go with amarillo/a yellow
acompaño I go with (from acompañar) americano/a American
acostarse to lie down, go to bed amigo/a friend
se van a acostar they are going to go to bed amo I love (from amar)
se acostó she went to bed (from acostarse) amor love
se acostumbra he gets used to (from acostumbrarse) amplio/a wide
acostumbrado/a accustomed, used to anaranjado/a orange
acostumbrarse to get used to, to become accustomed to anda goes, walks, rides (from andar)
actitud attitude andan they/you all go (from andar)
actividad activity andar to go, walk, ride
activo active anima cheer, encourage (from animar)
actriz actress animadora cheerleader
de acuerdo in agreement animal animal
se acuesta lays down, goes to bed (from acostarse) antepasados ancestors
adelante forward, ahead ante before, in the presence of
además besides, as well, also, moreover antiguo/a old, former, ancient
adentro inside anterior previous, preceding
admiración admiration antes before
adiós goodbye antes de... before...+ verb
adonde (to) where
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

antes de comer before eating ayuda help (noun)

anoche last night ayuda helps (from ayudar)
antiguo/a ancient, old, former ayudar to help
antiguamente formerly, in ancient times ayudo I help (from ayudar)
año year ayudó he helped (from ayudar)
apagar to turn off por su ayuda for your help (from ayudar)
aparecer to appear para ayudarle in order to help him/you
apariencia appearance ¡Ayúdame! Help me! (from ayudar)
aparato apparatus, appliance azúcar sugar
aparece appears (from aparecer) azul blue
aparte de except for, apart from
they appreciate (from apreciar)
to appreciate
aprende learns (from aprender) baila dances (from bailar)
aprender to learn bailamos we dance (from bailar)
aprendes you learn (from aprender) bailando dancing (from bailar)
aprendían they learned (from aprender) bailar to dance
aprendimos we learned (from aprender) bailas you dance (from bailar)
aproximadamente approximately el baile the dance
apunta s/he points (from apuntar) bailo I dance (from bailar)
aquel that over there se baja gets out of, go down (from bajarse)
aquella that over there bajar to lower
aquí here, right here bajarse to get out, get down
árbol tree ¡Bajen! Lower! (ellos form command—from bajar)
armario closet bajo/a short (height—see corto)
arriba up bajo under, underneath
arriba de above me bajo I get out of, I go down (from bajarse)
hacia arriba upwards baloncesto basketball
arroz rice banco bank
arruinar to ruin banda band
arruinó (he) ruined (from arruinar) bandera flag
arte art se baña takes a bath (from bañarse)
asco gross se bañan they take a bath (from bañarse)
¡Qué asco! How gross! bañarse to take a bath
asegura assures (from asegurar) baño bathroom
asfixiarse to choke, to asphyxiate oneself barato/a inexpensive, cheap
asfixiando choking, asphixiating barco boat
así so, like this, like that barquito little boat
así que so that, so básquetbol basketball
asiento seat basta enough
asiste a attends, goes to (from asistir) bastante enough, quite, rather, fairly
asistir a to attend batalla battle
asombrosamente surprisingly bebe he drinks (from beber)
asombroso/a surprising bebé baby
aspecto aspect, appearance beber to drink
aterriza lands (from aterrizar) una bebida a drink
atrás back, backwards bebiendo drinking (from beber)
aún even, yet, still béisbol baseball
aunque although, even though bendecir to bless
auto car, automobile besar to kiss
autobús bus un beso a kiss
automáticamente automatically la Biblia the Bible
autopista freeway, highway, turnpike biblioteca library
avena oatmeal, oats bicicleta bicycle
avión airplane bien fine, well, “good”
ayer yesterday bien grande really big
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

bienvenido/a welcome camarero waiter

bienvenidos welcome (you all) cambia trades (from cambiar)
bistec beef steak cambian they trade (from cambiar)
blanco/a white cambiar to exchange, trade
bloque block el cambio the exchange, trade, change
blusa blouse camina walks (from caminar)
boca mouth caminaba I / he walked (from caminar)
boleto ticket caminan they walk (from caminar)
bolígrafo pen, ballpoint caminar to walk
bolsa bag, purse camino road, route, way, path
bolsillos pockets caminó he walked (from caminar)
bombero fireman camión truck
bonito/a pretty camisa shirt
borde edge camiseta T-shirt
botas boots campo field, countryside
botella bottle canal channel
brillante brilliant canasta basket
brazo arm canción song
buenísimo/a very good cansado/a tired
bueno/a good canta sings (from cantar)
¡Qué bueno! That‟s/How good! cantamos we sing (from cantar)
¡Buena suerte! Good luck! cantan they sing (from cantar)
Buenos días Good morning cantando singing (from cantar)
Buenas noches Good evening/night cantante singer
Buenas tardes Good afternoon cantar to sing
bueno well…; hello (on telephone) cantaran they might sing (from cantar)
bufé buffet cañón canyon
busca looks for, seeks (from buscar) capilla chapel
búscalo look for it (from buscar) la capital the capital (city)
buscan they look for (from buscar) capitán captain
buscando looking for (from buscar) cara face
buscapalabras wordsearch puzzle el mar Caribe the Caribbean Sea
buscar to look for, to seek, to search cariño affection, fondness
busco I look for (from buscar) cara face
buscó he looked for (from buscar) caro/a expensive
carne meat
C carro
cabeza head carta letter, playing card
cada each, every cartero/a mailman, letter carrier
cada día every day casa house
caer (-go) to fall
caerse (-go) to fall down A common welcome in Hispanic culture is:
se cae falls downs Mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house.
café coffee, brown, cafe
caigas you may fall (from caer)
caja box casamiento a Salvadorean dish of beans, rice and cheese
calcetin sock casi almost, nearly
calcetines socks caso case, occasion
calentar to heat up castaño/a brown (usually hair or eyes)
calienta heats up castellano Castilian (Spanish)
caliente hot castillo castle
calle street castigo punishment
calmado calm catedral cathedral
cama bed católico/a Catholic
camarera waitress catorce fourteen
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

a causa de because of cola cola (soda); line; tail

causar to cause colegio high school
cayendo falling (from caer) collar necklace
se cayeron they fell down (from caerse) Cristóbal Colón Christopher Columbus
se cayó he fell down (from caerse) colón the money of El Salvador
cebolla onion color color
celebración celebration colorado/a red
celebrar to celebrate no comas don't eat (tú form command, from comer)
cena supper, dinner come he eats (from comer)
cenar to eat supper comedor dining room
centavo cent comen they eat (from comer)
centro center, middle; downtown comer to eat
centro comercial shopping center, mall comenzar (e>ie) to start, begin
Centroamérica Central America (also América Central) comenzó began, started (from comenzar)
cerca de close to, near comida food, meal
cereal cereal comiendo eating (from comer)
cereza cherry comienza starts (from comenzar)
cero zero comienzan they start (from comenzar)
cerrado/a closed comieron they ate (from comer)
cerrar (e>ie) to close comimos we ate (from comer)
cerveza beer como like, as
chao ciao, goodbye como I eat (from comer)
charlando chatting, talking (from charlar) ¿Cómo? How?
un chico a boy ¿Cómo se llama? What is your name?
una chica a girl ¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name?
chicos kids cómodo/a comfortable
chico/a small compañero/a companion
chiquito very small, tiny comparación comparison
chocolate chocolate comparado/a compared
chofer driver comparé I compared (from comparar)
cien one hundred competir (e>i) to compete
ciento... one hundred + compite competes (from competir)
ciencias science competencia competición
cierra closes (from cerrar) completamente completely
cierran they close (from cerrar) complicado/a complicated
cierto/a certain, true, sure composición composition
cinco five compra buys (from comprar)
cincuenta fifty compran they buy (from comprar)
cine movie theater comprar to buy
cintura waist ir de compras to go shopping
cita date, appointment compro I buy (from comprar)
ciudad city comprender to understand
ciudadano/a citizen comprende understands (from comprender)
claridad clarity comprenden they understand (from comprender)
claro/a clear, light-colored; sure comprendes you understand (from comprender)
claro sure no comprendo I don‟t understand (comprender)
claro que... it‟s obvious that... computadora computer
clase class, kind, order comunicar to communicate
la clase de español Spanish class comunicarnos us to communicate with each other
el salón de clase the classroom comunicarse to communicate with each other
el clima the climate, the weather con with
cobija blanket concentrar to concentrate
coche car, coach concentrarse to concentrate
cocina kitchen condición condition
cocinero /a chef, cook conducir to drive, conduct
codo elbow conmigo with me
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

conoce I know (from conocer) corro I run (from correr)

conocemos we know (from conocer) cortar to cut
conocen they know/meet (from conocer) corte a Guatemalan skirt
conocer (c>zc) to know, to meet corto/a short (length—see bajo)
cosa thing
Conocer is used with knowing people or costar (o>ue) to cost
places; knowing something COMPLEX like a la costa the coast
human being, a city, or a body of knowledge like el costo the cost
mathematics; "to be familiar with" might be a costumbre custom
good translation. crear to create
Conocimiento is knowledge. cree believes, thinks (from creer)
creer to believe
Compare to saber.
No lo puedo creer. I can‟t believe it.
No lo podía creer. She couldn‟t believe it.
conocería I/he would know (conditional, from conocer) No vas a creer esto. You aren‟t going to believe this.
conocí I met (preterit, from conocer) crema cream, whipped cream, sour cream
conocían they knew (imperfect, from conocer) creo I believe, I think (from creer)
conoció he knew/met (preterit, from conocer) criminal criminal
conozca I/he may know (subjunctive, from conocer) Cristóbal Colón Christopher Columbus
conozco I know (from conocer) crucero cruise ship, cruise
conquista the conquest cruel cruel
conquistador conqueror la cruz the cross
conquistó conquered (from conquistar) cuaderno notebook
conseguir (e>i) to get, acquire, obtain ¿Cuál? Which one?
consejero/a counselor ¿Cuáles? Which ones?
considerar to consider cualquier any, whatever, anyone
consigue gets (from conseguir) ¿Cuándo? When?
construido/a built ¿Cuánto? How much?
construimos we build (from construir) en cuanto in terms of, regarding
construir to build, construct ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?
construye constructs, builds (from construir) ¿Cuántos How many?
construyendo constructing (from construir) ¿Cuántos años tiene? How old are you?
contar (o > ue) to count, to tell cuarenta forty
está contento/a is content cuarto room, quarter, fourth
están contentos they are content cuatro four
contesta answers (from contestar) cuatrocientoa/as four hundred
contestaban they answered (from contestar) cubierto covered (past participle of cubrir)
contestar to answer cucaracha cockroach
contestó (he) answered (from contestar) cuchara spoon
contigo with you cuchillo knife
continúa continues la cueca the national dance of Chile
contra against, opposite, between cuello neck
contribuyen they contribute (from contribuir) la cuenta the bill, the check
conversación conversation cuenta counts; tells (from contar)
conversar to converse, talk se da cuenta realizes (from darse)
conversan they converse, talk (from conversar) cuentan they count (from contar)
convertir (e>ie) to convert, change, become cuerpo body
corazón heart cuesta it costs (from costar)
corbata a tie no cuestan nada they don‟t cost anything
corre runs (from correr) cultivan they cultivate, grow (from cultivar)
corren they run (from correr) cultura culture
correr to run cumbia a Carribean dance
corresponde corresponds (from corresponder) cumple has a birthday, reaches
corrida de toros bullfight cumpleaños birthday
corriendo running (from correr) cumplir to fulfill, complete; to have a birthday
corriente running (water) cumplió 16 años turned 16 (from cumplir)
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

curiosidad curiosity deportivo/a sport (adj.)

curso course, class un carro deportivo a sports car
curvado/a curved derecho/a right
cuyo whose (adjective) a la derecha to the right
derecho straight
D sigue derecho keep on going straight
desafortunado/a unfortunate
da gives (from dar) desayuno breakfast
dame give me (from dar) descansa rests (from descansar)
me da gives me (from dar) descendencia offspring, origin
se da cuenta realizes (from darse) describe describes (from describir)
daba I/he gave (imperfect, from dar) descríbeme describe to me (from describir)
dando de comer feeding descubrimiento discovery
daño damage descubrió he discovered (from descubrir)
dar to give descubrir to discover
darlo to give it (from dar) desde since, from
dárselo to give it to her (from dar) desfile parade
darte to give you (from dar) desierto desert
daría I/he would give (conditional, from dar) desilusionado/a disillusioned
dan they give (from dar) despacio slow, slowly
de of, from, by despedidas goodbyes
de acuerdo in agreement, O.K. despedirse de to say goodbye
de compras shopping se despide de says goodbye to (from despedirse)
de la noche at night se despiden de they say goodbye to (from despedirse)
de mal humor in a bad mood despertarse (e>ie) to wake up
de nada you‟re welcome se despertó she woke up (from despertarse)
de nuevo again se despierta wakes up (from despertarse)
de repente suddenly se despiertan they wake up (from despertarse)
dé I/he may give (subjunctive, from dar) después after, later, then
debajo de under, beneath después de… after... (+ verb)
debe must, should (from deber) destinado/a assigned, appointed, destined
no debe shouldn‟t (from deber) destruir to destroy
deber should, ought to, must; to owe destruyó it destroyed (preterit, from destruir)
debía should have (from deber) detalles details
debido/a a due to detrás de behind
decía I/he said (imperfect, from decir) di I gave (preterit, from dar)
deciden they decide (from decidir) día day
decidir to decide diamante diamond
décimo/a tenth dibujar to draw
decir (e>i, -go) to say, tell un dibujo a drawing
decirme to tell me (from decir) diccionario dictionary
decirte to tell you (from decir) dice says, tells (from decir)
dedo finger, toe dicen they say, they tell (from decir)
deja leaves, lets (from dejar) dicho said (past participle of decir)
deja de… stops… (from dejar) diciembre December (not capitalized in Spanish)
deja de pensar stops thinking diciendo saying (from decir)
dejar to leave, allow, let, stay, stop… diecinueve nineteen
del (de + el) of the, from the dieciocho eighteen
delante de in front of dieciséis sixteen
delgado/a skinny diecisiete seventeen
delicioso/a delicious dientes teeth
los demás the rest, other díeron they gave (from dar)
demasiado too, too much, overly le dieron la mano they shook hands with her
dentro de in, inside a dieta on a diet
depende depends (from depender) diez ten
deporte sport diferencia difference
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

diferente different dormitorio bedroom

difícil difficult, hard to do dos two
diga I/he may say (subjunctive, from decir) doscientos/as two hundred
dígale tell him/her (command, from decir) doy I give (from dar)
no digas don‟t say (command, from decir) drogas drugs
no se lo digas don‟t tell it to them (from decir) ducha shower
digo I say/tell (from decir) duele hurts (from doler)
dije I said/ told (from decir) le duele it hurts him
dijeron they said/ told (preterit, from decir) me duele it hurts me
dijo (he) said/ told (preterit, from decir) duermas you may sleep (from dormir)
dile tell him/her (from decir) duerme sleeps (from dormir)
dime tell me (from decir) se duerme falls asleep (from dormir)
dinero money duermen they sleep (from dormir)
dinero en efectivo cash duermo I sleep (from dormir)
dio (he) gave (from dar) dulce sweet; candy
Dios God dura lasts (from durar)
dioses gods durante during, for (a period of time)
dirección address, direction durmió he slept (from dormir)
directo direct duro/a hard
I/he would say (conditional, from decir)
dirigir to direct, manage e and (changes from y before í or hi)
disco compacto compact disc economizar to economize, save money
Discúlpame forgive me, excuse me (from disculpar) edad age
Disculpe. Forgive (me) (from disculpar) edificio building, edifice
diseñador designer educación education
diseño design educado/a educated, well-mannered
distancia distance ejemplo example
distinto distinct, different ejercicio exercise
diversión fun, entertainment (noun) hacer ejecisios to exercise
divertido/a fun (adj.) el (la, los, las) the
nos divertimos we have fun (from divertirse) él he (subject)
para divertirme for me to have fun (from divertirse) elegante elegant
para divertirnos for us to have fun (from divertirse) ella she (subject)
divertirse (e>ie) to have fun ello it (pronoun)
dividido por divided by ellos/as they
se divierte has fun (from divertirse) sin embargo nevertheless, however
te diviertes you have fun (from divertirse) emoción emotion
¡Diviértete! Have fun! (from divertirse) emocionado/a excited
doce twelve emocionante exciting
docena dozen empanada a turnover filled with meat, cheese, or fruit
doctor/a doctor empecé I began (preterit, from empezar)
dólares dollars empezaba I/he began (imperfect, from empezar)
dolarizado dollarized, based on the U.S. dollar empezar (e>ie) to begin, start
doler (o>ue) to hurt empezaría I/he would begin (conditional, empezar)
domingo Sunday (not capitalized in Spanish) empezó he began (preterit, from empezar)
dominaban they dominated, ruled (from dominar) empiece I/he may begin (subjunctive, from empezar)
dominio dominion, rule empieza begins, starts (from empezar)
don male title of respect, Mr.; gift empiezo I begin, start (from empezar)
¿Dónde? Where? empresa business
¿De dónde? From where? empuja pushes (from empujar)
¿Dónde está...? Where is ... ? empujando pushing (from empujar)
doña female title of respect, Mrs. empujar to push
dorado/a golden, gold-colored empujó he pushed (from empujar)
dormir (o>ue) to sleep en in, on, into
dormiste you slept (from dormir) en frente de in front of
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

en vez de instead of escapó (he) escaped (from escapar)

me encanta I just love it (from encantar) escogen they/you all choose (from escoger)
le encanta he just loves it (from encantar) escoger to choose
me encantan I just love them (from encantar) escribe you write (from escribir)
nos encantan we just love them (from encantar) escriben they write (from escribir)
encantar to love, enchant escribir to write
encima de on top of escribió he wrote (from escribir)
por encima on top escribo I write (from escribir)
encontraba I/he found (imperfectt, from encontrar) escrito written (past participle of escribir)
encontrar (o>ue) to find escucha listens to (from escuchar)
encontré I found (preterit, from encontrar) escuchan they listen to (from escuchar)
encontraría I/he would find (conditional, from encontrar) escuchando listening to (from escuchar)
encontró he found (preterit, from encontrar) escuchar to listen to
encuentra finds (from encontrar) escuela school
encuentran they find (from encontrar) escuela secundaria high school
encuentre I/he may find (subjunctive, from encontrar) ese, esa that one
encuentro I find (from encontrar) esmeralda emerald
enemigo enemy eso that
enero January (not capitalized in Spanish) por eso for that reason, so
énfasis emphasis esos, esas those
enfermo/a sick espacio space
me enferma makes me sick (from enfermarse) espalda back
enfrente de in front of, across from España Spain
engordar to get fat español Spanish (not capitalized in Spanish)
se enoja gets mad (from enojarse) especial special
enojado/a mad especialmente especially
ésa that one especie kind, sort, species
ensalada salad espejo mirror
enseña teaches (from enseñar) espera he waits (from esperar)
enseñaban they taught (from enseñar) esperan they wait (from esperar)
enseñar to teach, show, point out esperar to wait, hope, expect
entender (e>ie) to understand esperen wait (ellos command—from esperar)
entero/a entire, whole esposo husband
enterrado/a buried, interred esposa wife
entiende understands (from entender) esqueleto skeleton
entiendo I understand (from entender) esta this
entonces then, so está is (from estar)
entra enters (from entrar) estaba I/he was (imperfect, from estar)
entran they enter (from entrar) estábamos we were (imperfect, from estar)
entrar to enter, go in estaban they were (imperfect, from estar)
entraron they entered (from entrar) estabas you were imperfect, (from estar)
entre between, among estación season, station
entró he entered (from entrar) estaciona he parks (from estacionar)
entusiamso enthusiam estado state, condition, status
época time, age, period, epoch los Estados Unidos the United States
equipo team; set estadio stadium
equivocado/a in error, wrong estamos we are (from estar)
era I/he was (imperfect, from ser) están they are (from estar)
eran they/you all were (imperfect, from ser) estar to be
eres you are (from ser)
es is (from ser) Estar is used with a change from the norm— It
ese/a that, that one is used with an emotional or physical condition or
escalón stair, step a location that changes.
escalones stairs Compare with ser.
escapa escapes (from escapar)
escapar to escape
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

estaría I/he would be (conditional, from estar) falta lack, shortage

estás you are (from estar) familia family
estatua statue famoso/a famous
este, esta this fantástico fantastic
éste, ésta this one fascinante fascinating
esté I/he may be (subjunctive, from estar) por favor please
no estés don‟t be (from estar) favorito/a favorite
estómago stomach febrero February (not capitalized in Spanish)
esto/a this la fecha the date
estos, estas these felicidad happiness
estoy I am (from estar) felices happy (plural of feliz)
estrecho/a narrow feliz happy
estrella star fenomenal phenomenal
estudia studies (from estudiar) festivo/a festive, holiday (adj.)
estudiaban they studied (from estudiar) fiesta party
estudian they study (from estudiar) fin end
estudiando studying (from estudiar) al fin at the end, finally
estudiante student el fin the end
estudiar to study el fin de semana the weekend
estudio I study (from estudiar) por fin at last, finally
estudio the study, learning al final finally, in the end
estúpido/a stupid (an ugly word in Spanish) fines de semana weekends
estufa stove físico/a physical
estuve I was (preterite, from estar) flaco/a skinny
estuvo he was (preterite, from estar) flamenco refers to the style of music and
Europa Europe dance the gypsies of Andalucía,
evento event Spain; literally "flamingo".
exactamente exactly flan custard with caramel sauce
exacto/a exact flor flower
examen test, exam fondo bottom, end
excepción exception forma form, shape, way
excepto except formándose growing, forming (from formar)
excursión excursion formar to form
exigente demanding, exigent la foto photo
existe exists (from existir) la fotografía photograph
existen they exist (from existir) francés / francesa French (not capitalized in Spanish)
existir to exist Francia France
experiencia experience frente a across from
experto/a expert al frente facing
explica explains (from explicar) enfrente de in front of
explican they explain (from explicar) fresco/a fresh, cool
explicar to explain fríen they fry (from freir)
expresar to express frijoles beans
expresión expression frío/a cold
expulsaron they expelled, kicked out (from expulsar) frustrado/a frustrated
extra extra fruta fruit
extraña he misses (from extrañar) fue he was (preterit, from ser)
extrañaba he missed (from extrañar) fue he went (preterit, from ir)
extrañar to miss, to not feel at home fuego fire
extraño/a strange, odd fuegos artificiales fireworks
fuente fountain; source
F fuera de
outside of
I/he might be (past subjunctive, from ser)
fabuloso /a fabulous fueron they were (preterit, from ser)
fácil easy fueron they went (preterit, from ir)
falda skirt fuerte strong, hard, loud
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

fuerza strength, power, force guatemalteco/a Guatemalan (not capitalized in Spanish)

fui I was (preterit, from ser) guayabera long, light shirt used in Central America
fui I went (preterit, from ir) guerrilla group of fighters
fuma smokes (from fumar) guerra war
fuimos we went (preterit, from ir) guía guide
fuiste you went (preterit, from ir) guisantes peas
fútbol soccer guitarra guitar
fútbol americano football gusta liked it (from gustar)
gustar to be pleasing to, “to like”
G me gusta
me gustan
I like it (from gustar)
I like them (from gustar)
gabinete cabinet, locker me gustó I liked it (from gustar)
ganabas you won (from ganar) le gusta s/he likes it (from gustar)
ganamos we win (from ganar) le gustan s/he likes them (from gustar)
ganan they win (from ganar) les gusta they like it (from gustar)
ganar to win, to earn nos gusta we like it (from gustar)
ganó he won (from ganar) te gusta you like it (from gustar)
ganas desire el gusto es mío my pleasure
no tiene ganas doesn‟t feel like it
garganta throat
gaseosa soft drink, carbonated drink H
gato cat ha has (helping verb--from haber)
gazpacho a cold vegetable soup from ha tenido has had (from haber & tener)
Andalucía (southern), Spain ha visto he has seen (from haber & ver)
gemelo/a twin haber to have (helping verb: hay)
general general había there were/was (imperfect, from haber)
generalmente generally habitación hotel room
la gente people hablaba I / he talked (from hablar)
gigante giant hablan they talk (from hablar)
gimnasio gym, gymnasium se hablan they talk to each other (from hablar)
la Giralda the great cathedral of Seville, Spain hablando talking, speaking (from hablar)
(literally, "weathervane") hablamos we talk (from hablar)
gobierno government hablar to talk, to speak
goma rubber band hablé I talked, spoke (from hablar)
gordo/a fat hablen talk (ellos command—from hablar)
gordito/a chubby, a little bit fat no me hables don‟t talk to me (from hablar)
gorila gorilla hablo I speak, talk (from hablar)
gota a drop, a drip habló (he) spoke, talked (from hablar)
gracias thank you; grace habría I/he would have (helping verb--from haber)
Gracias por ayudarme. Thank you for helping me. hace makes, does (from hacer)
gracioso/a charming,funny, witty hacen they do, they make (from hacer)
gran great (goes before the noun) hacer to do, to make
grande big (goes after the noun) SPECIAL EXPRESSIONS WITH hacer:
grandísimo/a very big; biggest; great big hace __ años __ years ago
grandote/a really big; huge hace ejercicios he exercises, does exercises
gringo/a American hace buen tiempo it‟s good weather
gris gray hace mal tiempo it‟s bad weather
grita yells (from gritar) hace calor it‟s hot (weather)
gritan they yell (from gritar) hace fresco it‟s cool (weather)
gritando yelling (from gritar) hace frío it‟s cold (weather)
gritar to yell hace miles de años thousands of years ago
grito I yell (from gritar) hace mucho tiempo a long time ago
gritó (he) yelled (from gritar) hace muchos años many years ago
grueso/a thick hace sol it‟s sunny
grupo group hace viento it‟s windy
guapo/a handsome, good looking
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

hubo there was (preterite, from haber)

hacia towards, toward huele smells (from oler)
hacia arriba upwards huevo egg
hacía I/he made (imperfect, from hacer) de mal humor in a bad mood
hacían they made (imperefect, from hacer) huipil a S. Mexican/Guatemalan dress
hacían preguntas they asked questions (from hacer) humano human
haciendo doing, making (from hacer) húmedo humid
haces you do, make (from hacer)
I/he may make (subjunctive, from hacer)
I make, I do (from hacer)
hambre hunger iba she / he / it / I went, was going (from ir)
hamburguesa hamburger iba a vivir she was going to live
han they have… (from haber) iban they went, they were going (from ir)
haría I/he would make (conditional, from hacer) idea idea
harto fed up, sick of, tired of idiota idiot
hasta until, up to, even iglesia church
Hasta la vista See you later igual equal, same as
Hasta luego See you later Me da igual. It's all the same to me.
hay there is, there are (from haber) Me imagino I imagine (from imaginarse)
hay que you must, one must impaciente impatient
haya I/he may have (subjunctive, from haber) no importa it‟s not important (from importar)
he I have (helping verb--from haber) importancia importance
hecho done, made (past participle of hacer) importante important
el hecho fact, happening (from hacer) imposible impossible
helado ice cream, iced impresionado impressed
herido/a wounded impresionante impressive
hermana sister incluso including, even
hermanita little sister incómodo/a uncomfortable
hermanito little brother increíble incredible
hermano brother independencia independence
hermoso/a beautiful indígena indigenous, native
hermosura beauty indio/a Indian
héroe hero iniciaron they started (from iniciar)
heroína heroine influencia influence
hice I made/did (preterite, from hacer) información information
hija daughter ingeniero/a engineer
hijito little son Inglaterra England
hijo son, child inglés English (not capitalized in Spanish)
hijos children, sons inmediatamente immediately
historia history, story insecto insect
hizo he made/did (preterite, from hacer) insecto/a insect-like
hogar home instante instant
hola hello insulto an insult
hombre man inteligente intelligent
hombro shoulder intentar to try, attempt
honor honor interés interest
hora hour, time interesante interesting
¿A qué hora? At what time? interior interior
¿Qué hora es? What time is it? internacional international
hora de cenar supper time interrumpe interrupts (from interrumpir)
horno oven invadieron they invaded (from invadir)
horno de microondas microwave oven invadió he/she invaded (from invadir)
hospital hospital invierno winter
hotel hotel invita invites (from invitar)
hoy today invitación invitation
hubiera I/he might have (past subjunctive, from haber) ir to go
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

iría I/he would go (conditional, from ir) las the (also: los, la, el)
irse to leave, to go away las them
isla island qué lástima what a shame
italiano Italian latino/a Latino, Hispanic
izquierdo/a left lava washes (from lavar)
a la izquierda to the left lavando washing (from lavar)
le to him/her, for him/her, from him/her
J le gusta
she/he likes it
jabón soap leche milk
jade jade leer to read
jamón ham lee reads (from leer)
jardín garden legumbre legume, vegetable
jefe boss, chief leían they read (past tense--from leer)
Jesucristo Jesus Christ lejos far
joven young lejos de far from
judios Jews lengua tongue, language
juega plays (from jugar) lentamente slowly
juegan they play (from jugar) lento/a slow
juego I play (from jugar) leo I read (from leer)
un juego a game, a play, a sport; a set les at/ to/ for/ from them
juego de video video game letra letter (of the alphabet)
jueves Thursday (not capitalized in Spanish) letrero sign
jugaban they played (from jugar) levanta lifts, raises (from levantar)
jugando playing (from jugar) se levanta stands up (from levantarse)
jugar (u >ue) to play (sports, games; see tocar) se levantan they stand up (from levantarse)
jugo juice levantar to raise, lift
jugo de naranja orange juice levantarse to stand up, get up
julio July (not capitalized in Spanish) ¡Levántate! Stand up! (from levantarse)
junio June (not capitalized in Spanish) ley law
junto/a together, together with, next to leyendo reading (from leer)
estaban leyendo they were reading
K libro book
licuado a mixture of milk with fruit and sugar
kilo kilogram
líder leader
kilómetro kilometer
limón lemon
limpia cleans (from limpiar)
L limpiamos we clean (from limpiar)
la the (also: el, los, las) limpiar to clean
la it, her limpio/a clean
labios lips línea line
ladino/a a word used to describe a native línea aérea airline
Central American that dresses in modern clothing liso/a straight
and generally accepts Hispanic culture rather than listo/a ready
indigenous culture. se llama is called (from llamarse)
lado side se llamaba was called (from llamarse)
al lado de beside llamado/a called, named (from llamar)
ladran they bark (from ladrar) se llaman they are called (from llamarse)
ladrar to bark me llamo I call myself (from llamarse)
ladrón / ladrona thief llamar to call
lago lake llamarse to call oneself, to name
lancha boat la llave key
lápiz pencil llega arrives (from llegar)
¡Lárgate! Get out of here! llegamos we arrive (from llegar)
largo/a long (not large!) llegan they arrive (from llegar)
llegar to arrive
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

llegara I/he might arrive (subjunctive of llegar) maquillaje make up

llego I arrive (from llegar) máquina machine
llegó he arrived (from llegar) mar sea
llegué I arrived (from llegar) maravilloso/a marvelous
lleva wears, is wearing (from llevar) marca brand, mark
llevan they wear (from llevar) marca scores, marks (from marcar)
llevando wearing (from llevar) martes Tuesday (not capitalized in Spanish)
llevar to wear, to carry, to take, to bring el martes on Tuesday
llora cries (from llorar) marzo March (not capitalized in Spanish)
llorar to cry más more
no llores don‟t cry ( from llorar) más tarde later
lloró cried ( from llorar) masa dough
llover (o >ue) to rain mascota pet, mascot
llueve it rains, it‟s raining (from llover) mata kills (from matar)
lluvia rain matador killer (in a bullfight)
lo him, it; the matar to kill
Lo siento. I‟m sorry. (from sentir) la Maestranza an order of knights skilled in riding
loco/a crazy la plaza de toros de la Maestranza a famous
localizado/a located bullfighting arena in Seville, Spain
lógico/a logical matemáticas math, mathematics
lograr to achieve, get, manage to materia subject in school
Londres london material material
los the (also: el, la, las) mayo May (the month--not capitalized in Spanish)
los them mayor older, larger, main
lotería lottery, bingo mayoría majority
luego later, afterwards me me, myself
lugar place, position me duele it hurts me
luna moon me gusta I like it
lunes Monday (not capitalized in Spanish) me llamo ... My name is ... (from llamarse)
la luz the light mediano/a middle-sized, medium
medianoche midnight
M medida measurement
a medida que to the extent that (+ subjunctive)
madre mother medio/a half
maíz corn medio middle, by means of, half
majestad majesty en medio de in the middle of
mal badly, wrong, sick por medio de by means of, via
malo/a bad mediodía midday, noon
maleta suitcase médico doctor
mamá mom mejilla cheek
manda sends (from mandar) mejor better, best
mandar to send lo major the best
manejar to drive melón melon
manejan they drive (from manejar) menor younger
manera way, manner el / la menor the youngest
de todas maneras anyway, be that as is may menos less, minus, fewer, except
mango mango menos que less than
la mano hand mensaje message
a mano by hand mes month
mansión mansion mesa table
mantener to keep on, maintain mesita little table
mantequilla butter mezcla mixture
mañana tomorrow mestizo/a mixed (Spanish and Indian blood)
la mañana morning meten they put in (from meter)
de la mañana in the morning meter to put in, stick in
manzana apple mexicano/a Mexican (not capitalized in Spanish)
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

mi, mis my (no accent mark--possessive pronoun)

Mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house. se muere dies (from morirse)
mí me (with accent mark--object pronoun) muerto dead (past participle of morir)
para mí for me muerto/a dead (adjective)
microondas microwave muerto/a dead person
miedo fear mueve moves (from mover)
mientras while mujer woman
miércoles Wednesday (not capitalized in Spanish) multiplicado por, por times, multiplied by
mil one thousand mundo world
miles thousands del mundo in the world
milla mile todo el mundo everyone
millón million el nuevo mundo the new world
millones millions municipal municipal, belonging to the city
minisueño minidream, daydream muñeca wrist, doll
minuto minute murieron they died (from morir)
mío/a mine se murió died (from morirse)
mira looks at, watches (from mirar) música music
se miran they look at each other (from mirar) músculos muscles
mirando looking, watching (from mirar) música music
mirándola looking at her (from mirar) muy very, really
mirar to look at, to watch
Look! (ellos form command—from mirar)
looked, watched (from mirar)
mismo/a same nacer (c>zc) to be born
modelo model (m or f) nací I was born (from nacer)
moderno/a modern nació he was born (from nacer)
modo way, manner nacional national
de todos modos anyway nacionalidad nationality
molestar to bug, annoy, pester nada nothing
no me molestes don‟t bug me (from molestar) nadando swimming (from nadar)
momento moment, time nadar to swim
moneda coin nadie nobody, no one, (not) anybody
monja nun naranja an orange
mono monkey naranjo orange tree
montaña mountain nariz nose
morado/a purple navegar to cruise, sail, navigate
moreno/a dark-haired or dark-skinned navergar en internet surf the internet
morir (o>ue) to die Navidad Christmas
morirse (o>ue) to die necesario necessary
moros Moors, Muslims from northern Africa necesidad necessity
mostrar (o>ue) to show necesita he needs (from necesitar)
movimiento movement necesitaba he needed (from necesitar)
muchacha girl necesitamos we need (from necesitar)
muchacho boy necesitan they need (from necesitar)
muchas gracias Thank you very much necesitar to need
muchísimo/a very much, a whole lot necesitas you need (from necesitar)
mucho/a a lot, much necesito I need (from necesitar)
mucho gusto nice to meet you negativo/a negative
muchos/as man negro black
nervioso/a nervous
¡Ojo! (Be careful!) nevar (e>ie) to snow
Students often confuse these words: ni neither, nor, not even
ni siquiera not even
más = more
nieva it snows, it‟s snowing (from nevar)
mucho = a lot, much la nieve snow
muy = very ningún none, not any
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

ninguno none, nobody, no oficina office

niño/a little boy/girl, child ofrecer (c>zc) to offer, present
niñito/a very small boy/girl oí I heard (preterit, from oír)
niños kids, children, boys oía I/he heard (imperfect, from oír)
no no, not oiga I/he may hear (subjunctive, from oír)
noche night, evening oigo I hear (from oír)
de la noche in the evening, at night oír (-go) to hear
nombre name oiría I/he would hear (conditional, from oír)
normal normal ojo eye
normalmente normally olvidar to forget
norte north once eleven
Norteamérica North America opción option
Norteamericano/a North American opinión opinion
norteño northern oportunidad opportunity
nos us, ourselves oración a prayer
nosotros/as we orden order
se nota he can tell, notices (from notar) oreja ear
notas grades, notes orgulloso/a proud
noticias news oro gold
novecientos/as nine hundred otoño autumn, the fall
novela novel otra vez again, another time
noveno ninth otro/a other, another
noventa ninety óvalo oval
novia girlfriend oye hears (from oír)
noviembre November (not capitalized in Spanish) oyen they hear (from oír)
novio boyfriend oyó he heard (preterit, from oír)
nuestro/a our
Nueva York
New York
nuevo/a new padre father
de nuevo again padres parents, fathers
número number paga he pays (from pagar)
nunca never, never ever pagan they/you all pay (from pagar)
más cansado que nunca more tired than ever pagar to pay
nuestro/a our país country
palabra word
pálido/a pale, light-colored
O palmeras palm trees
o or pan bread
objetos objects, things pan tostado toast, toasted bread
obligatorio obligatory pantalón a pair of pants
obvio/a obvious pantalones pants
obra piece of work, work of art, deed pantalones cortos shorts, short pants
observa observes la papa potato
observan they observe el papá father, dad
observando observing papel paper; role, part
ocasión occasion papitas fritas French fries
océano ocean ¡Para! Stop! (from parar)
ochenta eighty para stops (from parar)
ocho eight
ochocientos/as eight hundred Para looks forward, it is often used for
octavo/a eighth ends, or why something is done.
octubre October (not capitalized in Spanish)
Compare to por.
ocurrir to happen, occur
ocupado busy, occupied
ofender to offend para for, in order to, to
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

para adelante to the front pensaba he thought (imperfect, from pensar)

para atrás to the back pensaban they thought (imperfect, from pensar)
para él for him pensando thinking (from pensar)
para ella for her pensar (e>ie) to think
para mí for me pensaría I/he would think (conditional, from pensar)
para ti for you pensé I thought (preterit, from pensar)
pensó he thought (preterit, from pensar)
parar to stop peor worse, worst
pararse to stand pequeño/a small, little, young
se para stands (from pararse) perder (e>ie) to lose, to misss
parece seems (from parecer) perdías you lost (from perder)
le parece seems to him perdieron they lost (from perder)
le parecía seemed to him perdón pardon, excuse me
me parece seems to me perfectamente perfectly
parecer (c>zc) to seem, to look like perfecto/a perfect
parecía it seemed (from parecer) periódico newspaper
le parecía it seemed to her (from parecer) permiso permission
le pareció it seemed to her (from parecer) Con permiso. Excuse me (asking for permission)
pared wall permitir to allow, permit
parque a park No se permite It is not permitted
participan they participate (from participar) pero but
particular private perro dog
pareja pair, couple perrito little dog
parte part; place perseguir (e>i) to pursue, chase
partido game (sports) persigo I chase (from perseguir)
partir to divide, leave persigue he chases (from perseguir)
a partir de starting from persona person
pasa happens/passes (from pasar) personalidad personality
¿Qué pasa? What‟s happening/wrong? peasado/a heavy
(The answer is always "nada") pesar sorrow
pasajero passenger a pesar de in spite of
pasamos we spend (from pasar) pescado fish (fish meat—see pez)
pasan they pass, spend (from pasar) petición application
pasar to happen, pass, spend time pez a fish (a live fish—see pescado)
pasear to talk a walk pictórico pictorial ,with pictures
pastel cake, pie, pastry pide asks for (from pedir)
paso a step, a pace, a pass pidiendo asking for (from pedir)
pasó happened, passed,went (from pasar) pie foot
patio patio a pie on foot, walking
patria homeland, country pies feet
la Santa Patrona the patron saint piel skin
pay pie (in Central America) piensa thinks (from pensar)
paz peace piensan they think (from pensar)
peces fish (plural of pez) piense I/he may think (subjunctive, from pensar)
pedazo piece pienso I think (from pensar)
pedir (e>i) to ask for, request, order pierde loses (from perder)
pedimos we ask for (from pedir) pierna leg
le pega hits it/him/her (from pegar) piloto pilot
pegar to hit; to stick pintado painted
pelear to fight pirámide pyramid
peleando fighting piscina swimming pool
película film, movie piso floor
peligro danger pistola pistol
pelo hair placer pleasure
pelota ball plan plan
península peninsula planeta planet
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

plano/a flat porque because

planta plant por todas partes everywhere
plata silver dos por dos son cuatro 2 x 2 = 4
plátano banana, plantain
plateado silver-colored, silver-plated porrista cheerleader
plato plate, dish posibilidad possibility
playa beach posible possible
plaza plaza, town square posiblemente possibly
plaza de toros bullfighting arena positivo/a positive
la plaza de toros de la Maestranza a famous postre desert
bullfighting arena in Seville, Spain practicar to practice
pluma pen precioso/a lovely, precious
pobre poor prefiere prefers (from preferir)
pobrecito/a poor little thing prefiero I prefer (from preferir)
pobreza poverty le pregunta asks him/her (from preguntar)
un poco a little, a little bit pregunta asks a question (from preguntar)
pocos/as few, not many se pregunta asks her/himself (from preguntar)
una pregunta a question
¡Ojo! (Be careful!) preguntar to ask a question
Students often confuse these words: prender to turn on
un poco = a little se preocupa he worries (from preocuparse)
pequeño = little (size) preocupaciones worries, preoccupations
preocupado/a worried
No te preocupes. Don‟t worry.
poder (o>ue) to be able to, can, may
prepara prepares (from preparar)
poder power
preparaba it prepared (from preparar)
podemos we can/may/are able (from poder)
preparan they prepare (from preparar)
podía was able, could (imperfect of poder)
preparar to prepare
podría I/he would be able (conditional of poder)
presentar to introduce, present
podría ser it could be (conditional of poder)
te presento I present to you, this is
la policía the police
presidente president
el policía policeman
presiona presses (from presionar)
político/a political
presionar to press
pollo chicken
la primavera the spring (season)
pondría I/he would put (conditional, from poner)
primer, primero/a first
pone puts, places, sets (from poner)
primo/a cousin
se pone becomes, puts on, places herself (from ponerse)
principal main, principal
ponen they put, place (from poner)
principio beginning; principle
poner to put, place, set
privado/a private
poner + adj. to get...
privilegio privilege
ponga I/he may put (subjunctive, from poner)
probablemente probably
no pongas don‟t put (tú form command of poner)
problema problem
pongo I put (from poner)
producen they produce (from producir)
ponía I/he put/used to put (imperfect, from poner)
producir to produce
popular popular
productos products
profesor/a teacher, professor
Por looks back, it is often used for programa program
means, or how something is done. prometo I promise
Compare to para. pronto soon, quick, quickly
propio/a one‟s own, own, proper
por for, through, along, by; times propósito purpose, aim
por eso so, for this reason pronto quickly, quick, soon
por favor please próximo/a next
por fin finally proyecto project
¿Por qué? Why? público/a public
pueblito little town
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

pueblo town, people quitar to take away, to take off

pueda I/he may be able (subjunctive, from poder) quizás maybe, perhaps
puede she/he can (from poder)
they can (from poder)
you can (from poder)
puedo I can (from poder) rabo tail
puerta door rabo de toro ox tail (soup)
puerto port radio radio
pues well, well then, then ramada party
puesto put (past participle of poner) rápido/a fast, quick, quickly
puesta/o wearing, on, in place rápidamente rapidly
punto point, dot, period raro/a strange, rare, odd
en punto on the dot rata rat
pupusa a thick tortilla filled with beans and un rato a little while
cheese, common in El Salvador raza race (of people)
pupusería a shop that sells pupusas la raza humana the human race
puse I put (preterite, from poner) razón reason
puso he put (preterite, from poner) tener razón to be right
tiene razón is right

realidad reality
realizar to bring about, fulfill, carry out;
que that, than, which (for “to realize” see darse cuenta)
¿Qué? What? realmente really
¿Qué pasa? What‟s happening/wrong? rebelamos we rebelled (from rebelar)
(The answer is always "nada") rebelar to rebell
¡Qué ...! How...! rebelaron they rebelled (from rebelar)
¡Qué asco! How gross! rebeló he/it rebelled (from rebelar)
¡Qué bueno! How good/great! recibe receives (from recibir)
¡Qué malo! How bad/terrible! reciben they receive (from recibir)
¡Qué ridículo! How ridiculous! recibir to receive
¡Qué terrible! How terrible / awful! recoge picks up, gets collects (from recoger)
¡Qué triste! How sad! recolección collection of money
quedarse to remain, stay, keep on reconocer (c>zc) to recognize, admit
voy a quedarme I am going to stay (from quedar) recordar (o>ue) to remember, to remind
vas a quedarte you are going to stay (from quedar) recuerda he remembers (from recordar)
me quedo I stay (from quedar) recuerdas you remember (from recordar)
queremos we want (from querer) recuerdo I remember (from recordar)
querer (e>ie) to want, to love recuerdos memories
quería he wanted (imperfect, from querer) redondo/a round
querido/a dear reflejo reflection
querría I/he would want (conditional, from querer) refresco soft drink
queso cheese refrigerador refrigerator
quiera I/he may want subjunctive, (from querer) regalo present, gift
quiero I want (from querer) región region
les quiero I love them (from querer) regresa returns, goes back (from regresar)
te quiero I love you (from querer) regresan they return, go back (from regresar)
quiere wants (from querer) regresar to return, go back
quieres you want (from querer) reina queen
quiero I want (from querer) reírse (e>i) to laugh
¿Quién? Who? whom relación relationship, relation
quince fifteen relajado relaxed
quinientos/as five hundred religión religion
quinto/a fifth religioso religious
quise I wanted/tried (preterite, from querer) reloj clock, watch
quiso he wanted/tried (preterite, from querer) de repente all of a sudden
quita takes away, takes off (from quitar) repetir (e>i) to repeat
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

repite repeats (from repetir)

representa represents
la República Dominicana the Domincan Republic Saber is used with knowing something SIMPLE, like
respeto respect a phone #, where something is, how to do something,
respirar to breathe or a piece of information.
respirando breathing Sabiduría is wisdom.
responde responds, answers (from responder)
Compare to conocer.
responder to respond, answer
respondió he responded (from responder)
la respuesta the answer sabroso/a tasty, savory
restaurante restaurant saca gets, takes out (from sacar)
resto rest, remainder sacar to get, take, take out
resultado result, outcome sacerdote priest
resultar to result, turn out sacrificio sacrifice
reunión meeting, reunion sal salt
revista magazine sal get out! (from salir)
rey king sala living room, room
reyes kings, monarchs salario salary
rico/a rich, tasty saldría I/he would leave (conditional, from salir)
ridículo ridiculous sale she gets out (from salir)
ríe laughs (from reír) salen they leave (from salir)
se ríe laughs (from reír) salga I/he may leave (subjunctive, from salir)
se ríe de laughs at (from reír) salgo I leave (from salir)
se ríen they laugh (from reír) salí I left (preterit, from salir)
riendo laughing (from reír) salía I/he left (imperfect, from salir)
rincón corner salimos we leave (from salir)
río river salió he left (preterit, from salir)
rió he laughed (from reír) salir (-go) to leave, exit, go out
rizado/a curly salta jumps (from saltar)
roba steals, robs (from robar) saltar to jump
roban they steal, rob (from robar) saltó he jumped (from saltar)
robando stealing, robbing (from robar) salón de clase classroom
robar to steal, rob saluda greets (from saludar)
robaste you stole, robbed (from robar) saludar to greet
robó he/she robbed (from robar) salvadoreño/a Salvadorean (from El Salvador)
rodilla knee saludos greetings
rojo/a red salva saves (from salvar)
Roma Rome, Italy salvar saves
ropa clothes, clothing salvó saved (from salvar)
rosa pink, rose San Pedro Saint Peter
rosado/a pink sándwich sandwich
roto broken (from romper) santo saint; holy
rubio/a blond/blonde se himself, herself, itself, yourself, themselves
ruinas ruins sé I know (from saber)
no sé I don‟t know (from saber)
se va leaves (from irse)
S sea I/he may be (subjunctive—from ser)
sábado Saturday (not capitalized in Spanish) no seas don‟t be (tú form—from ser)
sabe he knows (from saber) seco/a dry
sabemos we know (from saber) secretario/a secretary
saben they know (from saber) secreto secret
sabes you know (from saber) secundario/a secondary
saber to know how to, to know information, to find out la secundaria high school, secondary school
sabía I/he knew, used to know (imperfect, from saber) seguí I kept on (preterit, from seguir)
sabor taste seguía I/he kept on (imperfect, from seguir)
sabría I/he would know (conditional, from saber) seguir (e>i) to follow, keep on
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

seguiría I/he would keep on (conditional, from seguir) siga I/he may keep on (subjunctive, from seguir)
según according to siglo century, age
segundo/a second significado meaning
seguramente surely sigo I keep on, I continue (from seguir)
seguro/a sure, certain sigue keeps on, continues (from seguir)
seis six sigue derecho keep on going straight
seiscientos/as six hundred siguiente following, next
selva jungle al día siguiente the next day
semáforo traffic light, semaphore siguió he continued, followed (preterit, from seguir)
semana week significar to mean, to signify
semestre semester ¿Qué significa ___? What does ___ mean?
sentado/a seated, sitting silla chair
sentarse (e>ie) to sit down similar similar
sentido sense, feeling simpático/a nice, pleasant (person)
sentir (e>ie) to regret simple simple
sentirse (e>ie) to feel simplemente simply
la señal the sign sin without
señalar to point at, signal sin embargo nevertheless, however
señaló she pointed at (preterit, from señalar) sino but, except, rather
señor, Sr. Mr., sir, lord ni siquiera not even
señora, Sra. Mrs., mam sirve serves (from servir)
señorita, Srta. Miss situación situation
sepa I/he may know (preterit, from saber) sobre on top of, above; about
septiembre September (not capitalized in Spanish) sobrina niece
séptimo/a seventh sobrino nephew
social social
ser to be soda soda
sofá sofa
Ser is used with the norm—the way things generally sol sun
are: permanent characteristics, where you are from solamente only
solo/a alone, lonely
(origin) & telling time. Compare to estar.
sólo just, only
somos we are (from ser)
sereno/a calm, serene son they are (from ser)
sería I/he would be (conditional—from ser) sonido sound
serio/a serious sonreír (e>i) to smile
servicio service, helpfulness; restroom sonríe he smiles (from sonreír)
Sevilla Seville, Spain, a major historical sonriendo smiling (from sonreír)
and cultural city in Andalucía (southern) Spain. sopa soup
servilleta napkin sorprendido/a surprised
servir (e>i) to serve sorpresa surprise
sesenta sixty soy I am (from ser)
setecientos/as seven hundred Sr., señor Mr., sir, lord
setenta seventy Sra., señora Mrs., mam
sexto/a sixth Srta., señorita Miss
si if su, sus his, her, its, your, their
sí yes suave soft, quiet, smooth
siempre always, ever, forever subirse to get in, go up
se sienta sits down (from sentarse) se sube a gets in (from subirse)
se sientan they sit down (from sentarse) se suben a they get in (from subirse)
¡Siéntate! Sit down! (from sentarse) suben they climb (from subirse)
se siente feels (from sentirse) nos subimos we get in (from subirse)
lo siento I„m sorry (from sentir) me subo I get in (from subirse)
me siento I feel (from sentirse) sucio/a dirty
me siento I sit down (from sentarse) Sudamérica South America; also América del Sur
siete seven suelo ground
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

suelta lets go of, looses (from soltar) tener ganas de… to feel like (verb)
sueño dream tener hambre to be hungry
tener sueño to be sleepy tener miedo to be afraid
suerte luck (see Expressions with Tener) tener que ___ to have to ___
suéter sweater tener razón to be right
suficiente enough, sufficient tener sed to be thirsty
sufrimos we suffer, we suffered (from sufrir) tener sueño to be sleepy
supe I found out (from saber) tener suerte to be lucky
supo she found out (from saber) tener vergüenza to be embarrassed
suponer (-go) to suppose, assume
sur south tenerte to have you
sus his, her, its, your, their tenga I/he may have (subjunctive, from tener)
tengas you may have (subjunctive, from tener)
T tengo I have (from tener)
tengo hambre I am hungry (from tener)
tal such
tenía I had, he had (imperfect, from tener)
tal vez maybe
tenían they/you all had (imperfect, from tener)
tamales tamales
no ha tenido has not had (from tener)
tamaño size
tenis tennis, tennis shoes
también also, too, as well
tercero/a third
tampoco either, neither, nor
termina ends (from terminar)
tan so, extremely, such, as, too...
terminal terminal
tanto/a so much
terminan they end (from terminar)
tantos/as so many
terminar to end, finish, terminate
tarea homework, assignment, chore
terminó ended, is finished, is over (from terminar)
tarde afternoon, evening, late
terremoto earthquake
de la tarde in the afternoon,P.M.
terrible terrible
más tarde later
ti you (used after a prepoaition)
tarea assignment, homework
para ti for you
tarjeta de crédito credit card
¿A ti te gusta? Do you like it?
taxi taxi
tiempo time, weather
taza cup
a tiempo on time
te you (object); yourself, for you
tienda store, tent
¿Te gusta? Do you like it?
tienda de campaña camping tent
Te ves maravilloso. You look marvelous.
tiene has, you have (from tener)
té tea
tiene __ años is __ years old (from tener)
té helado iced tea
tiene hambre is hungry (from tener)
techo roof
tiene miedo is scared (from tener)
la tele television
tiene que has to (from tener)
teléfono telephone
tiene razón is right (from tener)
televisión television
tiene vergüenza is embarrassed (from tener)
televisor television
tienen they have, you (all) have (from tener)
el tema theme, subject, topic
tienen que they have to (from tener)
temblar to shake, quake
tienes you have (from tener)
temprano/a early
tierra earth, land, ground, soil, dirt
tendría I/he would have (conditional, from tener)
tigre tiger
tenedor fork
tijeras scissors
tenemos we have (from tener)
tío / tía uncle / aunt
tener (e>ie, -go) to have
típico/a typical
tipo kind, type
SPECIAL EXPRESSIONS WITH tener: tira throws (from tirar)
tener __ años to be __ years old tirar to throw
tener calor to be hot tiró (he) threw (from tirar)
tener la culpa to be guilty toalla towel
tener frío to be cold toca a knocks on (from tocar)
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

tocando playing, touching (from tocar) tuvimos we had (from tener)

tocar to touch, to play (music; see jugar) tuvo he had (from tener)
todavía still, yet tuyo/a your
todo/a all, every, the whole
todos/as all, everyone, everybody U
por todas partes everywhere Ud. you (formal—abbreviation for usted)
todos los días everyday Uds. you (all—abbreviation for ustedes)
de todos modos anyway último/a last, final, latest
tomar to take, eat, drink un, una a, an
toma takes, eats, drinks (from tomar) único/a only, unique, sole
toman they take, eat, drink (from tomar) lo único the only
tomando taking (from tomar) unido/a united (adjective)
tonto/a fool unieron they united (from unir)
toro bull uniforme uniform
corrida de toros bullfight universidad university
torre tower uno/a one
la Torre de Oro the Tower of Gold—a tower built unos/as some, a few
in Seville, Spain in the 13th century by the uña fingernail, toenail
Moors, at one time it was covered with gold. usando using, wearing
La torre de la Giralda a tower connected to the usar to use
great cathedral of Seville, Spain usted, Ud. you (formal)
tortilla tortilla ustedes, Uds. you (all)
tortillería tortilla store, bakery utilizar to use, utilize
totalmente totally uva grape
trabaja works (from trabajar)
trabajar to work
trabajan they work (from trabajar) V
trabajando working (from trabajar) va a goes, is going (from ir)
trabajaste you worked (from trabajar) se va leaves (from irse)
el trabajo work, job, effort vaca cow
traer (-go) to bring, carry vacación vacation
tráfico traffic está de vacaciones is on vacation
traigo I bring (from traer) vale is worth; OK (from valer)
un traje a suit valer to be worth, cost
un traje de baño a swimsuit valor worth, value
transporte transport vamos a we go, we are going (from ir)
tratar to try, to treat, to deal with vamos let‟s go (from ir)
trata treats (from tratar) van a they go, they are going (from ir)
trata de… tries to… (from tratar) varios several, various
trata de no… tries not to… (from tratar) vas a you go, you are going (from ir)
a través de across, over, through, via vaso drinking glass
trece thirteen vaya I/he may go (subjunctive, from ir)
treinta thirty ve sees (from ver)
tren train se ve tan bonita She looks so pretty
tres three vea I/he may see (subjunctive, from ver)
trescientos/as three hundred veía I/he saw (from ver)
tribu tribe a veces sometimes, at times
triste sad vecino/a neighbor
tropical tropical veinte twenty
tú you (familiar) veinticuatro twenty four
tu, tus your veintiuno twenty one
tumba grave, tomb vemos we see (from ver)
un/una turista a tourist (m or f) nos vemos see you later (from ver)
turístico/a tourist … (as a adjective) vendedor/a salesman, seller
tuve I had (from tener) ven they see (from ver)
tuvieron they had (from tener)
Basic Spanish / English Dictionary
by Bryce Hedstrom

se ven buenos they look good (from ver) violento violent

ven come (command from venir) la Virgen the Vigin Mary
ven a verlo Come see it. visitar to visit
venden they sell (from vender) vista view, sight
vender to sell visto seen (past participle of ver)
vendiendo selling (from vender) ha visto he has seen
vendría I/he would come (conditional, from venir) había visto he had seen
venga I/he may come (subjunctive, from venir) vive lives (from vivir)
vengo I come (from venir) viven they live (from vivir)
venía I/he used to come (imperfect, from venir) vivía he lived (imperfect, from vivir)
venir (e>ie, -go) to come vivían they lived (imperfect, from vivir)
ventana window vivimos we live (from vivir)
veo I see (from ver) vivir to live
Lo veo, pero no lo creo. I see it, but I don‟t believe it. viven they/you all live (from vivir)
ver to see vivo I live (from vivir)
al verla (upon) seeing it vivo/a alive
verla to see her (from ver) volar (o>ue) to fly
verles to see you all (from ver) volcán volcano
verte to see you (from ver) volumen volume
¿De veras? Is that true? Really? volver (o>ue) to return
verano summer volveremos we will return (from volver)
verdad truth volvería I/he would return (conditional, from volver)
verdaderamente truly, really volví I returned (preterit, from volver)
verde green volvía I/he returned (imperfect, from volver)
verduras greens, vegetables volvió he returned (preterit, from volver)
vergüenza shame, embarrassment voy a I go, I am going (from ir)
vería I/he would see (conditional, from ver) la voz voice
ves you see (from ver) vuela he flies (from volar)
Te ves maravilloso. You look marvelous. el vuelo the flight
un vestido a dress vuelo I fly (from volar)
¡Vete! Get out! (from ir) vuelta turn
vez time (a specific event) se da la vuelta turns around
en vez de instead of vuelto returned (p.p. from volver)
una vez one time han vuelto they have returned
dos veces two times vuelva I/he may return (subjunctive, from volver)
otra vez again, another time vuelve returns (from volver)
la otra vez the other time vuelven they return (from volver)
vi I saw (preterit, from ver) vuelves you return (from volver)
viajan they travel (from viajar) vuelvo I return (from volver)
viajar to travel
viaje trip, voyage
está de viaje is on a trip
vida life y and
video casetera VCR ya already, still, yet, now
viejo/a old ya que since
viene comes (from venir) yegua mare, female horse
vienen they come (from venir) yo I
viernes Friday (not capitalized in Spanish)
vine I came (preterit, from venir) Z
vino he came (preterit, from venir)
zapato shoe
vio he saw (preterit, from ver)

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