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presentated by: Group 3

What is the difference
between explicit and implicit?
The adjective explicit describes something that has
been expressed directly. For example, saying We
gave them explicit instructions means that the
instructions were stated in detail. Something that’s
described as explicit doesn’t leave anything up to
What is the difference
between explicit and implicit?

In contrast, the adjective implicit describes

something that has been implied—
meaning it has been suggested or hinted
at but not directly stated or expressed.
Here are some expamples!

Explicit Implicit
• Don’t press that button—it will give you an • I wouldn’t press that button if I were you.
electric shock.

• Open the garage door and move the car to • Move the car for me
the driveway

• It was a dark and stormy night • he trees were swaying wildly outside Elijah’s
window as he prepared for bed, and the gutters
were overflowing.
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