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This is the paper version of a Science Bits multimedia learning unit.
The content is taken from the digital work available through the link The print
version is a complimentary tool to assist work in classrooms which are without one computer per

Photo & Image Credits

Lukas Gojda, © (skier, pages 1,6-7); EpicStockMedia, © (cliff diving, page 8); Astrid Gast, © (quads, page 9); elenabsl, ©
(city map, page 9); By NASA/JPL, Public Domain (asteroid, page 9); miq1969,© (curling, page 10); rawpixel,© (airplane, page 18); vesilvio,
© (road, page 20); Vadim Rysev, © (trains, page 23); Jozef Polct,© (bicycle, page 33); photodee, (speedometer, page
33); Maxim Petrichuk, © (cyclist, page 33); Péter Gudella, © (bicycle wheel, page 33); stokkete, © (working on a computer, page
35); goodluz, © (team work, page 36); Piotr DÄ”!bowski, © (processor, page 36); Weerapat Kiatdumrong, © (speedometer, page 36);
Cathy Yeulet, ©123rf.vcom (bicycle ride, page 36); flickr photo by Kecko shared under a Creative Commons (BY)
license (interior de un tren, page 37); lightpoet, © (boats out in the sea, page 39).

The copy and reproduction of this work is permitted under the following simultaneous
· Use of this work must be complemented with the legal use of its multimedia version.
· Use of this work is restricted to the school context and the education sector.
· Distribution of this work must be free of charge.
· The content of this work cannot be modified or adapted.

For any other use, reproduction, distribution, public performance, or adaptation of this
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Copyright: © International Science Teaching Foundation & Learning Bits S.L., 2020.

International Science Teaching Foundation Learning Bits, S.L.

12a Marlborough Place C/ Sant Joan de la Salle, 37
Brighton 08022 Barcelona (Spain)
United Kingdom
Physical Sciences


Unit Structure

Cover Page
The unit title is highlighted and the lear-
ning objectives presented. An index of
the contents according to the 5-E Model
is also provided. The digital version also
includes an activity to review the skills
and knowledge required to undertake
the unit.

A video and a related activity are available
with the digital version. Both versions
have a summary on page one. Different
activities are proposed for the video;
some of these may be interactive in the
digital version, but they all contain open-
ended questions.

This exploratory and discovery activity is
devised to mobilize prior knowledge and
check it against the results obtained from
the experience. The digital version con-
tains the necessary multimedia resources
required for this activity: simulators, videos,
interactivities, etc.

Unit Structure

The unit’s key concepts are formally and
systematically addressed. The digital ver-
sion includes a wide range of multimedia
resources to facilitate understanding of
the ideas presented. The printable version
includes all basic graphical elements and
references to the digital resources availa-
ble. The digital version may also include
reinforcement or enrichment activities.

In this section, the newly acquired
knowledge can be applied in a practical
way. Thus, a problem-solving activity is
proposed, one which requires the applica-
tion of the concepts, attitudes, and pro-
cedures learned throughout the unit. The
digital version may provide multimedia
tools (such as simulators or videos) to help
develop and solve the activity.

Each of the concepts addressed in the
“Explain” section is related to interactive
or open-ended exercises with the aim of
consolidating the topics covered through
practice. The printable version includes all
the exercises except for reinforcement or
enrichment activities, and they are orga-
nized in accordance with the contents
from the “Explain” section. 5
· Engage
· Motions 08
· Explore
· The Kinematics Lab 10
· Explain
· Motion 18
· Frames of Reference 19
· Path, Distance, and Displacement 19
· Displacement Vector 20
· Velocity 20
· Speed and Velocity 20
· Velocity Vector 21
· Velocity and Position-Time Graphs 21
· Average Velocity and Instantaneous
Velocity 22
· Acceleration Vector 23
· Acceleration and Velocity-Time Graphs 23
· Acceleration Vector 24
· Motions with Constant Acceleration 25
· Uniform Linear Motion (ULM) 26
· Interpreting ULM 27
· ULM of Two Objects 27
· Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM) 28
· Velocity Equation 28
· Position Equation 29
· Free Fall 29
· Uniform Circular Motion (UCM) 30
· Angular and Linear Quantities 31
· Velocity, Acceleration, and Turning Radius 32
· Elaborate
· Speedometer Design and Setup 33
· Exercises 37

In this unit, you will learn:

To analyze and graphically represent the motion That acceleration does not always involve an
of an object. increase in speed.
To determine the position of an object by means To describe motions which are not along a
of coordinates. straight, linear path.
To predict the position of an object in motion. To design and assemble a speedometer.
That, regardless of their mass, all objects fall to
the ground with the same acceleration.

6 7

We can all predict where an object in motion is headed to. We do this
intuitively, drawing on our experience.

We can more or less predict where a ball in motion will fall, or when we’ll
reach our destination, or how fast we need to go to catch up with a run-
ner ahead of us in a race.

Intuition, however, does not help us predict the outcome of certain com-
plex motions. When that’s the case, we need to resort to kinematics, the
field of physics that studies motion.

Kinematics uses mathematics to analyze and describe the motion of ob-

jects. Thanks to kinematics, we can make reliable predictions about the
position of a moving object at a specific instant in time. All it takes is
finding out about the motion of objects.

For example, we use telescopes and radars to detect the presence of as-
teroids approaching Earth.

But, what kind of data do we need to obtain from an asteroid to find out
whether the asteroid is going to hit the Earth or just fly past us?


a. We know that two cars at the same position

start moving at 9:00 a.m. Both cars travel at a speed
of 50 km/h.
With this information, can you say for sure that the
two cars will be traveling side by side at 9:10 a.m.?
Justify your answer.

b. We know the bus route of two city buses that

start moving at the same time from the points
indicated on the map.

Check the bus routes on the map. Can we tell

whether the vehicles will run into one another at
some point?
Justify your answer.

c. Suppose an asteroid is detected 600,000 km

away from the Earth’s orbit moving at 5,000 km/h.
We know that the asteroid will follow the path
marked by the dotted line and that in five day’s
time Earth will cross the asteroid’s path.
5,000 km/h
What do you know about the asteroid’s motion? 600,000 km

d. Will the asteroid cover the 600,000 km separat-

ing it from Earth’s orbit in 5 days’ time? Will there
be a collision with Earth? Justify your answer.

Assuming that all the data provided was correct,

how can you explain that the predicted collision
never occurred?

f. So, what characteristics do you need to know to

be able to accurately describe an object’s motion
and thus make correct predictions?

e. The asteroid crossed the Earth’s orbit one day

before Earth passed by the same point, so luckily
there was no fatal collision. 9

The Kinematics Lab

Kinematics aims to describe and predict the motion of objects.

This involves observing the motion of objects with different character-

istics and obtaining accurate experimental data from which to deter-
mine regularities, infer laws, and make predictions.

The devices used in the experimental study of motion allow us to pre-

cisely measure the position that an object occupies at a given instant
in time under controlled and repeatable conditions.
One such piece of scientific equipment is the air track.

An air track is a hollow metal bar, with a triangular cross-

section, and small holes drilled into the upper surface of the
air blower
track. Pressurized air is pumped through these holes, creating
a cushion of air. An air blower connected to the track provides
glider the necessary pressure.
A glider mounted on the track moves back and forth over the
track cushion of air, avoiding contact with the track, thus minimizing
friction. The launcher on our air track has adjustable speeds.
air 0.

output To accurately measure the position of an object in a given in-

timer stant in time, the track is graduated with marks separated by
launcher 5 cm to allow the position of one or more photogate flags to
be adjusted precisely. The photogates are associated to timers.

Air track set.

The photogate senses a moving object passing by and stops the timer,
which records the time elapsed since the launch.

Air Track with Launcher
a. The simulator in the digital version allows you to launch a glider with
varying impulses along an air track with one photogate mounted on it. The
position of the photogate along the track can be changed.
Explore how the glider moves over the air track after launch, varying the
impulse and position of the photogate.
Don’t forget to switch on the air blower or else the track won’t work.


Position of photogate (cm)


b. If the photogate is fixed at a single position, how does the time measured
by the photogate change as the glider is launched with increasingly greater

The time measured by the photogate [does not vary / decreases / in-

c. For a given impulse, the time measured by the photogate depends on the
position it holds relative to the launcher. What type of relationship is this?

The time measured by the photogate [does not vary / decreases with /
increases with] the distance between the photogate and the launch end
of the track.

d. We want to know the object’s speed, but the photogate does not pro-
vide this information directly.
How would you calculate the speed at which the glider travels from when
it is launched until it passes by the photogate?

e. Calculate the glider’s speed for the four impulse marks of the launcher
using the simulator in the digital version:
Express your result in cm/s and correct to one decimal place.

Mark 1: ....... cm/s

Mark 2: ....... cm/s

Mark 3: ....... cm/s

Mark 4: ....... cm/s 11
Using several photogates provides more information regarding the
glider’s motion. Four photogates are mounted on the air track, each one
separated from the next by the same distance.


Distance between photogates (cm)


f. Explore the motion of the experimental glider using the four photogates,
and observe how the times recorded relate to one another.

g. Select the experimental conditions used in your last test with the air
track. Next, fill in the table with the following data:

The distance between each pair of consecutive photogates.
The time taken by the glider between each pair of consecutive pho-
Tables togates.
The speed of the glider between each pair of consecutive photogates.

Launch: [1 / 2 / 3 / 4] Distance between photogates: [10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25 cm]

Photogate Photogate Photogate Photogate between between between

1 (P1) 2 (P2) 3 (P3) 4 (P4) P1 and P2 P2 and P3 P3 and P4
Position Change of position
(cm) .......... .......... .......... .......... (cm) .......... .......... ..........
Time Time elapsed
(s) .......... .......... .......... .......... (s) .......... .......... ..........
(cm/s) .......... .......... ..........

h. Compare your results to the results of students who have entered differ-
ent impulses or different distance marks in their tables.
What regular patterns can you find? Select the correct options:

In all tests, the glider’s speed between photogates 1 and 2 is the same as
between photogates 2 and 3 and photogates 3 and 4.
In all tests, the time taken by the glider to travel from photogates 1 to
2 is the same as between photogates 2 and 3, and photogates 3 and 4.
The glider’s speed depends on the distance between the photogates.
25 50 Given the same initial impulse, the greater the distance between consecu-
tive photogates, the greater the time taken by the glider to cover the dis-

i. Graphically represent the position and time data you obtained using the air
track simulator with four photogates in the digital version.
Launch: [1 / 2 / 3 / 4] Distance between photogates: [10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25c m]

Time (s) Position (cm)

......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........

j. Compare your graph to the graphs by students who have entered dif-
ferent impulse values or different distances between photogates in their
tables. What patterns do you observe? Select the correct options:

The greater the glider’s speed, the greater the slope of the straight line.
The position-time graph is a straight line because, for any given impulse,
the glider always takes the same time to travel a given distance on the air
The slope of the straight line depends on the distance between pho-
In all cases, the position-time graph of the gliders is a straight line.
The graph is a straight line because it takes longer for the glider to travel
the distance between photogates C and D than between photogates A
and B.

Conclusions (I)
To know the speed of an object in motion, we When the position-time graph of these mo-
need to measure the time taken to cover a tions is represented, the slope of the straight
given distance. line plotted is the ratio between the change
of position and time elapsed, that is, the
You noticed how, when launching an object on
speed. That’s why the slope increases with
a friction-free air track, it moves with constant
the object’s speed.
speed: the ratio between the change of po-
sition (measured from the distance between
photogates) and the time taken to cover this
distance is constant throughout the track, re-
gardless of the position of the photogates.

When an object moves without chang-

ing its speed, its motion is uniform. If it
also moves along a straight line, it is a
uniform linear motion. 13
Tilting the Air Track
a. Now, let’s analyze a more complex motion and tilt the track for an in-
clined plane experiment. This time, the glider is not launched but dropped,
and it will move down the track due to the pull of gravity.

Explore the motion of the glider using the simulator in the digital version.
Vary the tilt of the track and the position of the photogate.

Simulator Slope

Position of photogate (cm)


b. Determine a position for the photogate and drop the glider with the
three different tilts available in the simulator.
How do the tilt of the air track and recorded time relate?
The time measured by the photogate [does not vary / increases / de-
creases] as the air track is tilted more.

c. Therefore, what can you say about the relationship between the tilt of the
air track and the speed at which the glider travels the distance between the
initial position and the photogate?
The speed [does not vary / increases / decreases] as the air track is tilted

d. You will use four photogates separated by the same distance to study
how the glider travels down the track in detail.
Use the simulator in the digital version to vary the tilt of the track and posi-
tion of the photogates. Then, check the time measurements.

Simulator Slope

Distance between photogates (cm)


e. Select the corresponding experimental conditions used in your last test

on the air track. Next, enter the following data in the table:

The distance between each pair of consecutive photogates.
The time taken by the glider to cover the distance between two con-
secutive photogates.
The average speed of the glider between each pair of consecutive
photogates, calculated as the ratio between distance between photo-
gates and time taken to cover it.


Slope (cm): [2 cm / 4 cm / 6 cm] Distance between photogates (cm): [10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25 cm]

Photogate Photogate Photogate Photogate between between between

1 (P1) 2 (P2) 3 (P3) 4 (P4) P1 and P2 P2 and P3 P3 and P4
Position .......... .......... .......... .......... Change of position .......... .......... ..........
(cm) (cm)
Time .......... .......... .......... .......... Time elapsed .......... .......... ..........
(s) (s)
Speed .......... .......... ..........

f. Compare your results to the results of students who have entered differ-
ent slopes and distances between photogates in their tables.
Complete the following text to describe the regularities you have observed.

Regardless of the position of the four photogates, the time taken by
the glider to travel from photogate 3 to photogate 4 is [the same as /
greater than / less than] the time taken to travel from photogate 2 to
photogate 3, and this amount of time is [the same as / greater than /
less than] the time taken to travel from photogate 1 to photogate 2.

Therefore, the speed of the glider between photogates 3 and 4 is al-
ways [the same as / greater than / less than] the speed it travels at
between photogates 1 and 2.

g. Graphically represent the position and time data obtained using the air
track simulator with an inclined plane and four photogates in the digital

Time (s) Position (cm)
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........

Slope (cm): [2 cm / 4 cm / 6 cm]

Distance between photogates:
[10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25 cm]

h. Compare your graph and the graphs of students who have used other
slopes and distances between the photogates.
What conclusions can you draw regarding the shape of the plotted posi-
tion-time graphs? 15
i. We saw how, as the glider moves down the air track, the time taken to
cover the distance between two consecutive photogates decreases, while
the glider’s speed increases.
But, at what rate does the glider’s speed increase?
A quantity in kinematics relates the change of speed to the time elapsed.
This quantity quantifies the rate at which the speed of a moving object
What’s the name of this quantity? And how is it defined?

j. Let’s have a close look this time at how the glider’s speed varies as it moves
down the tilted air track using more complex photogates.
These photogates indicate the time it takes the glider to reach them and
the glider’s speed as it travels by them. Explore this simulator in the digital


Distance between photogates (cm) seconds


k. Select the values for the slope and the distance between the photogates
that you used in the simulator. Next, enter the following data in the table:

The speed at which the glider travels past a photogate and the differ-
ence in speed between each pair of consecutive photogates.
The time taken by the glider to cover the distance between two con-
secutive photogates.
Tables 3. 
The glider’s acceleration between each pair of consecutive photogates,
that is, the rate of change in the speed over time elapsed.

Slope (cm): [2 cm / 4 cm / 6 cm] Distance between photogates (cm): [10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25 cm]

Photogate Photogate Photogate Photogate between between between

1 (P1) 2 (P2) 3 (P3) 4 (P4) P1 and P2 P2 and P3 P3 and P4
Speed .......... .......... .......... .......... Change of speed .......... .......... ..........
(cm/s) (cm/s)
Time .......... .......... .......... .......... Time elapsed .......... .......... ..........
(s) (s)
Acceleration .......... .......... ..........

l. Compare your results to the results of the students who have entered
different experimental conditions in their tables. Complete the following
statements about the patterns you have found:

The glider’s acceleration [does not depend on / increases with / de-
creases with] the distance between photogates.


The glider’s acceleration [does not depend on / increases with / de-
creases with] the tilt of the air track.

For a given tilt, the acceleration calculated for the glider [is not con-
stant / is constant].

m. Graphically represent the speed and time data you obtained using the Interactivity
air track simulator with four complex photogates.

Slope (cm): [2 cm / 4 cm / 6 cm] Distance between photogates (cm): [10 cm / 15 cm / 20 cm / 25 cm]

Time (s) Speed

......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........
......... .........

n. Compare your graph and the graphs from the students who have used
different tilts or distances between photogates. What patterns can you ob-
serve? Select the correct options.
The slope of the straight line depends on the tilt of the air track.
The greater the acceleration of the glider, the greater the slope of the
straight line.
In all cases, the plotted speed-time graph of the gliders is a straight line.
The slope of the straight line depends on the distance between the

Conclusions (II)
We observed how an object trave- When representing the speed-time
ling along a tilted air track gradu- graph of this motion, the slope of
ally moves faster. Also, we saw the increasing line obtained is the
how this motion occurs with con- value of acceleration. The greater
stant acceleration, so the change the acceleration, the greater the in-
of speed experienced by the mov- crease in speed in a given time, and
ing object is proportional to the the greater the slope of the graph.
time elapsed.
However, the position-time graph
of this motion is not a straight line
When an object travels because the object’s change of po-
along a straight line with sition is not directly proportional
constant acceleration, it is in to the time elapsed.
uniformly accelerated mo-
tion (UAM). 17


An object is moving when its position changes over time.

In order to determine whether an object is moving, a frame of refer-

ence is used to compare the different positions it occupies.

Therefore, if you are flying in an airplane, the fuselage and the seats are
not moving because their positions do not change with respect to you.

In contrast, for a person who didn’t board your plane, the airplane and
Animation everything in it are moving because their positions change with respect
to the person.

The motion of an object is relative because Two different frames of reference are used The soda can is at rest with respect to the
it depends on the reference frame used to lo- to determine whether the blue soda can on first frame of reference: it hasn’t changed its
cate the positions it occupies over time. the plane is moving. The first frame is located position. In contrast, the soda can—as well
inside the plane, on a tray near the soda can. as the airplane— is moving with respect to
The second frame is on a tree on the ground. the second frame.

Frames of Reference

The frame of reference allows you to locate the position of an

object at all times by means of a set of numbers called coordi-

To do so, a frame of reference must have a point of origin, one or more

oriented axes that meet on that point, and a unit of measurement.

The number of axes of a frame of reference determines the number of

coordinates needed to determine an object’s position. This number will Gallery
vary depending on the motion you choose to analyze. So, axes can be in
one, two, or three dimensions:

50 m

50 m
50 m
20 m 20 m

60 m

One-Dimensional Two-Dimensional Three-Dimensional

Since the runner moves along a straight line, The movement of the skaters is in different The paths airplanes follow are complex be-
a frame of reference in one dimension suf- directions, but it occurs on one plane. That’s cause they do not only occur on one plane.
fices to describe the runner’s motion. why two axes are needed —and two coordi- The frame needed here must be in three di-
nates—to be able to determine their positions. mensions—and with three coordinates—if
their positions are to be correctly determined.

Path, Distance, and Displacement

Once a frame reference has been defined, we can record the coordi-
nates of all the points a moving object passes.

Path is a continuous line defined by all the positions occupied by

an object during motion.

The length of the path is the distance traveled by the moving object.
Often, you don’t need to know exactly all the positions held by a moving
object. Instead, you only need to know the change in position resulting
from that motion.
Displacement is the distance between the initial and final positions of
a moving object.
Displacement and distance traveled are the same only when the trajectory
is on a straight line and the moving object travels in the same direction. 19

Displacement Displacement
Distance Distance
Path Path

(A) Initial position (A) Initial position

(B) Final position (B) Final position

In most motions, distance traveled and dis- If the path is not a straight line, the distance Distance traveled and displacement are only
placement are not the same. traveled is always greater than the displace- the same whenever the path is a straight line
ment. and motion occurs in the same direction.

Displacement Vector
Although two moving objects may have traveled from the same point
of origin and have covered the same distance, we can’t know whether
they reached the same point unless we know the direction they have
moved in.
Displacement is not only the distance between the initial and final posi-
Final tions of a moving object along a path: it also has a direction. That’s why
position we say that displacement is a vector.
position Displacement is a vector with the initial position of the moving
object at the origin and the final position at the end.
Initial position

To deduce the final position of a moving object, you need to know

its original position and the displacement vector of that motion.

Speed and Velocity
A full description of motion must include time. This variable brings new
quantities into play, such as speed and velocity.

Both speed and velocity measure how quick an object moves. However,
they are not equivalent:

In motions along a straight line and in one direction, the magnitude of

velocity and the speed are equivalent.

Kinematics typically uses velocity to describe motion.


d = 500 m Δx = xB – xA = 250 m
Δt = 25 s Δt = 25 s
s = d = 20 m/s v = Δx = 10 m/s
Δt Δt

Speed Velocity
Speed (s) is the distance traveled by an object in motion (d) over a Velocity (v) is the displacement or change of position (Δx) experienced
designated interval of time (Δt). by an object in motion over time (Δt).
Speed is a scalar quantity, a number that does not inform us about the Since displacement is a vector, velocity is also a vector: it tells us how
direction of motion. quick a motion is and informs us about the direction of motion.

Velocity Vector
The speed an object is moving at does not tell us where it is moving to.
That’s why we need to define velocity.

Since velocity is a vector quantity, it has both magnitude or size

and direction.

v1 v1

v2 v2

Magnitude Direction
Magnitude (size), the numeric value of The arrowhead of the velocity vector points
velocity, is expressed as the length of the in the direction of movement.
vector. The magnitude of the velocity vector Although their speeds are the same (as rep-
corresponds to the speed in motions along a resented by vectors of the same size), the
straight line and in one direction. velocities of these dolphins are different be-
The speed of the plane is twice that of the cause they have different directions.
car. Therefore, the plane’s velocity vector is
twice the length of that of the car.

Velocity and Position-Time Graphs

Velocity (v) is the rate of change of position of a moving object Δx x − xi

(Δx) with respect to time (Δt).
v= = f
Δt tf − ti 21
The position of a moving object at any instant in time can be represent-
ed in position-time graphs.
When an object moves at a constant velocity, its position-time graph
is a straight line. The faster the object, the greater the slope of this
Animation straight line.

The slope of an object in motion on the position-time graph cor-

Velocity on position-time graphs. responds to its velocity.

v = 10 m/s
40 40 40
35 35 35
30 30 30
25 25 25
Position (m)

Position (m)
Position (m)

v = 5 m/s v = 5 m/s
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1s 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

These two cars travel at a constant velocity for 4 seconds. The graph for the blue car shows how it trav- If we divide the height of each of these tri-
The blue car travels at 5 m/s, and the red car at 10 m/s. els 5 meters every second. angles by the length of its base, we obtain a
Since both of them are traveling at a constant velocity, measurement of the slope of the line, which
the position vs. time graph for each car is a straight line gives us the velocity of the blue car.
with a different slope.
The graph for the red To calculate the slope of
40 40
car shows how it travels this line, we divide the
35 35 v = 10 m/s
10 meters every second. triangle’s height by the
10 m 1s
30 30 length of its base. In this
25 25 way, we obtain the veloci-
Position (m)

Position (m)

10 m
ty of the red car. The great-
1s er the velocity, the steeper
15 15
10 m the slope of the line.
10 10
5 5
10 m
0 0
0 1s 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

The two trains in the animation travel along the same path over the
same period of time. Can you say, then, that they are moving at the same
velocity? To know this, you need to distinguish between average and
instantaneous velocity.

Average velocity refers to the object’s velocity calculated over an
interval of time.

Instantaneous velocity, in contrast, is the object’s velocity at an
instant in time. It’s like calculating the average velocity over an
infinitely small interval of time.

The trains have the same average velocity, but their instantaneous ve-
locities are different.
When instantaneous velocity of an object in motion changes, its posi-
tion-time graph is not a straight line.

Two objects traveling at the same average

Position-Time Graph velocity can have different instantaneous ve-
300 locities. When an object moves at a constant
250 velocity, average velocity and instantaneous
200 velocity are the same.
Position (m)

100 Average velocity
50 20 m/s
0 5 10 15
Time (s)

Position-Time Graph Although their instantaneous velocities are

300 Average velocity different, if the displacement of two moving
250 20 m/s objects is the same over the same period of
200 time, they have the same average velocity.
Position (m)

100 Average velocity
50 20 m/s
0 5 10 15
Time (s)

Acceleration and Velocity-Time Graphs
Velocity is not constant in most motions. The quantity that describes
how instantaneous velocity changes over time is called acceleration.

Acceleration (a) is the rate of change of instantaneous velocity

(Δv) with respect to time (Δt).

Δv v − vi
a= = f
Δt tf − ti

Acceleration can also be average or instantaneous:

Average acceleration is acceleration calculated over a measurable
interval of time.

Instantaneous acceleration is acceleration at a given instant in
time. It is equal to the average acceleration over an infinitely small
interval of time.

Velocity-time graphs allow us to analyze the changes in velocity of a

moving object over time. 23

16 16 16
Velocity (m/s)

Velocity (m/s)

Velocity (m/s)
12 12 12
8 8 8
4 4 4
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

When there’s no acceleration, the object Velocity decreases as the object slows down, Acceleration does not tell us whether the ob-
moves at a constant velocity. and the slope on the velocity-time graph is ject is moving or not: it is zero whether it is at
negative. rest or moving at a constant velocity.

16 16
Velocity (m/s)

Velocity (m/s)
12 12
8 8
4 4
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (s) Time (s)

When acceleration is positive, the object Regardless of the value for the velocity, if this
gradually moves faster. velocity remains constant, the acceleration is

Acceleration Vector
Any change occurring to the velocity vector is an acceleration.
A moving object has acceleration when it increases or reduces its velocity,
but also when it turns.

Since acceleration is a vector quantity, it has both magnitude

and direction.

The effect of acceleration on velocity depends on their relative direction:

If the acceleration and velocity vectors are in the same direction,
the velocity magnitude increases.

If the acceleration and velocity vectors are in the opposite direc-
tion, the velocity magnitude decreases.
If the acceleration vector is neither pointing in the same direction nor
the opposite direction to the velocity vector, then the velocity vector
changes its direction and a turn occurs.


 16 16

Velocidad (m/s)

Velocidad (m/s)
12 
v 12 

a 8 
a 8 
4 4
0 0

The effect of acceleration on velocity depends The car on this rollercoaster travels faster and Now the car gradually slows down because
on their relative direction. faster because the acceleration vector has the acceleration vector is in the opposite
the same direction as the velocity vector. direction of the velocity vector.

Effect of acceleration on instantane-

ous velocity.


Velocidad (m/s)

v 12 v
 8 

When the acceleration and velocity are in When the acceleration is zero, the car’s
different directions—the velocity vector velocity remains constant.
changes its direction and a turn happens.

Motions with Constant Acceleration

Let’s have a close look at motions with no acceleration or with constant
acceleration that is parallel or perpendicular to the velocity vector.

If acceleration is zero, the moving object’s velocity vector does
not change, so its magnitude remains constant, defining a uni-
form linear motion (ULM) along a straight line.
If the acceleration vector is parallel to the velocity vector, the ob-
ject moves along a straight line but the velocity magnitude un-
dergoes a change that is proportional to the time elapsed, giving
rise to a uniformly accelerated motion (UAM).

If the acceleration vector is perpendicular to the velocity vector, the

object moves along a circular path, while the velocity has a con-
stant magnitude, giving rise to a uniform circular motion (UCM).

There are other more complex motions, but the acceleration vector is not
constant or the acceleration vector is neither parallel nor perpendicular
to the velocity vector. 25

apar = 0 apar = ct ≠ 0

Motion Uniform Uniformly

aperp= 0 Linear

aperp= ct ≠ 0 Circular
ULM. There’s no acceleration in uniform linear motion: the path
is a straight line and velocity has a constant magnitude. A space
aperp perpendicular acceleration probe far away from the gravitational pull of a star or a puck
apar parallel acceleration sliding across a smooth ice rink (with little friction) are exam-
ct constant ples of this motion.

UAM. In uniformly ac-

celerated motion, the
path is a straight line but
acceleration causes the
velocity magnitude to in-
crease or decrease stead-
 ily. Free-falling objects,
which have this motion, 
accelerate with gravity
 (if friction with air is not 
UCM. In uniform circular motion, the path is circular but the ve-
locity has a constant magnitude. Any given point on the Earth’s
surface follows this motion with respect to its rotational axis.

Uniform Linear Motion (ULM)

Uniform Linear Motion (ULM) has a constant velocity and is along a
straight line. This motion has no acceleration.
The velocity of an object moving with ULM is the rate of change of posi-
tion (Δx) with respect to time elapsed (Δt):
v = Δx
We can infer, from the previous expression, the equation of motion for
ULM. This equation allows us to know the position (x) of a moving object
at any instant in time (t):

x = x0 + v · (t – t0)

To determine the posi-
tion (x) of a moving object
v =
along a straight line, all Animation
you need is one number— x – x0
with a positive or negative v =
t – t0
sign—because this mo- Inferring the equation for ULM.
x – x0
tion is in one dimension. v · (t – t0) = · (t – t0)
t – t0

Using this equation, we can v · (t – t0) = x – x0

determine the position of
an object with ULM at any x – x0 = v · (t – t0)
instant of time (t), provided
x = x0 + v · (t – t0)
that we know its initial posi-
tion (x0), velocity (v), and the Assuming that t0 = 0, then:
time when the object started x = x0 + v ∙ t
moving with ULM (t0).

Interpreting ULM
An object with ULM moves along a straight line in only two directions
with respect to a given frame of reference: either forward or backward.
In the equation for ULM, when the velocity value has a positive sign it
means that the object is moving forward, whereas a negative sign indi-
cates that it’s moving backward.
The position-time graph of a ULM is always a straight line. Analyzing
this graph, we can obtain the parameters of its motion equation:

The slope of the straight line is the moving object’s velocity (v).
Upward sloping lines correspond to objects moving with a posi-
tive velocity, whereas downward sloping lines correspond to ob-
jects moving with a negative velocity.

The cut-off point of the straight line on the vertical axis of the
graph is the object’s initial position (x0), provided that t0 = 0. Simulator

Position vs. Time

Position (m)

position 6
x0 (m) 0 5 10
–5 0 5 2
Velocity, v (m/s) 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)

ULM of Two Objects

The ULM of two (or more) objects along the same straight line and with
respect to the same frame of reference can be analyzed simultaneously.
Indeed, we can determine the motion of each object as well as the rela-
tionship between them. 27
Through simultaneous analysis we can find if, for example, two objects
moving in ULM along the same straight line will run into one another
Animations and the position where and when this will occur. We can do that by ei-
ther using their position-time graphs or their equations of motion.

Graphical Analysis (position-time graphs) Algebraic Analysis (motion equations)

When xa = xb : t = 2 s
xa0 + va · t = xb0 + vb · t
t · ( va − vb ) = xb0 − xa0
xb0 − xa0 6 − 0m
t= = = 2 s
va − vb 2 − ( –1 ) m /s
0m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m
xa = xa0 + va · t xb = xb0 + vb · t
Position vs. Time xa = 0 m + 2 m /s · 2 s xb = 6 m + (–1 m /s ) · 2 s
6 xa = 4 m xb = 4 m
Position (m)

4 va = 2 m /s vb = –1 m /s
0 1 2 3
Time (s) xa0 = 0 m 4m xb0 = 6 m

Two objects moving in ULM along the same linear path can ei-
ther intersect in a single position (and at one single instant of
time) depending on their initial positions and their velocities, or
never cross one another.

Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM)

Velocity Equation
Uniformly accelerated motion (UAM) occurs when acceleration is con-
stant and parallel to the velocity vector. This motion is on a straight line
and velocity always increases or decreases at a uniform rate.
Therefore, from the expression of acceleration (a) as the rate of change
of velocity (Δv) with time elapsed (Δt), a = Δv , you can come up with an
equation to find the velocity (v) of an object with UAM at any instant of
time (t).
v = v0 + a · (t – t0)
Whereby v0 is the initial velocity of the moving object (when t = t0 ).
In rectilinear motions, acceleration is a vector pointing in one of two op-
posite directions. Like with velocity, the positive or negative sign of ac-
celeration indicate the direction of the acceleration vector.
When initial velocity and acceleration have opposite signs, the moving ob-
ject slows down to a rest. Right after that, velocity reverses its direction and
increases in magnitude at the same rate as it was decreasing.


Velocity vs. Time


Velocity (m/s)
100 Time (s)
Initial velocity, v0 (m/s) -100
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200
Acceleration, a (m/s2)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Position Equation
The change in velocity for an object in UAM is directly proportional to
the time elapsed. That’s why velocity-time graphs are straight lines
with upward or downward slopes, depending on whether acceleration Animation
is positive or negative, respectively.

The change of position for a moving object is

only proportional to the time elapsed provided 36
that velocity remains constant. Since velocity in
UAM is not constant, the change of position is not 30
12.0 m/s
directly proportional to time. This explains why
Position (m)

position-time graphs are parabolas opening

up or down according to the following equation: 18

x = x0 + v0 · (t − t0) + · a · (t − t0 )2 6
0 Time (s)
0 2 4 6
This is the equation of motion for UAM. With
Velocity (m/s)

this equation, we can find the position of a mov- 12

ing object (x) from its initial position (x0), its 8
initial velocity (v0), its acceleration (a), and time 4
elapsed (t – t0). 0 Time (s)
0 2 4 6

Free Fall
Due to the effect of Earth’s gravitational pull, all objects falling freely—
with no air friction slowing them down—are in uniformly accelerated
motion. The value for acceleration is the same for all objects, and is di-
rected toward the center of the Earth.

The acceleration due to Earth’s gravity (g) is the same for all ob-
jects regardless of their mass and density: approximately 9.81 m/s2.

A simplified version of the motion equation for UAM for free fall can
be determined, considering that initial velocity of the falling object is
zero, that is, it has not been thrown downward.

x = x0 − · g · (t − t0 )2
2 29
Animation The frame of reference is considered to be at ground level. Accordingly, all
positions above ground are positive—they correspond to the altitude the
object is at—and gravity’s acceleration is negative.

t=0s t=0s
x = 44.1 m x = 44.1 m 0
v = 0 m/s v = 0 m/s

t=1s t=1s -5
x = 39.2 m x = 39.2 m
v = -9.8 m/s v = -9.8 m/s -10

Velocity (m/s)
t=2s t=2s
x = 24.5 m x = 24.5 m -15
v = -19.6 m/s v = -19.6 m/s
t=3s t=3s
x=0m x=0m -25
v = -29.4 m/s v = -29.4 m/s
Time (s)
0 1 2 3

An object in free fall follows UAM. The velocity magnitude of This increase is 9.8 m/s per second, the acceleration due to
an object in free fall increases with the time elapsed. gravity. The object’s velocity is negative because our frame
of reference is at ground level and the positions above it are

t=0s 45 t=0s 45
x = 44.1 m x = 44.1 m
v = 0 m/s 40 v = 0 m/s 40
t=1s 35 t=1s 35
x = 39.2 m x = 39.2 m
v = -9.8 m/s 30 v = -9.8 m/s 30
Position (m)

Position (m)

25 25
t=2s t=2s
x = 24.5 m 20 x = 24.5 m 20
v = -19.6 m/s v = -19.6 m/s
15 15

t=3s 10 t=3s 10
x=0m x=0m
v = -29.4 m/s
5 v = -29.4 m/s
Time (s) Time (s)
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Since the object gradually moves faster, the displacement it This gives rise to a position-time graph shaped like a parabola
undergoes in one second is greater and greater. (like with any other UAM) and decreasing, because the object’s
position coordinate is gradually smaller.

Uniform Circular Motion (UCM)

An object moving with a constant acceleration which is perpendicular
to the direction of the velocity vector is engaged in uniform circular
motion (UCM). The object’s path is the circumference of a circle and the
magnitude of the velocity vector doesn’t change.
For a given time interval, the circular path (Δs) traveled by a moving
object in UCM is constant and, therefore, so is the angle swept when
turning, per unit of time.

Angular velocity (ω) is the angle swept by a moving object (Δθ) in
an interval of time (Δt): ω = Δθ = θ – θ0
Δt t – t0

An object in UCM has a constant angular velocity.

Since the angular velocity of an object in UCM is constant, the angle

traveled by the object (θ) at every instant in time (t) can be determined
with the expression: Animation
θ = θ0 + ω · (t – t0)

0s 25 s 25 s

Δθ = 0° Δs = 0 mm Δθ = 150° Δs = 80 mm Δθ 30°
ω= = = 6°/s
Δt 5s
The tip of the hand of this stopwatch The circular path (Δs) and angle swept This way, we see how the hand’s angu-
follows a uniform circular motion. by the hand (Δθ) increase proportion- lar velocity (ω) is constant because it
ally to the time elapsed. takes the same time to sweep the same

Angular and Linear Quantities

We can determine the length of the circular path traveled (Δs) and mag-
nitude of velocity (v) of an object moving in UCM from the angle covered
(Δθ) and the angular velocity (ω), respectively.
This correspondence is more easily interpreted if angles are expressed
in radians. A radian is equal to the angle formed when the circular path
traveled (Δs) is equal to the length of the radius (r) of the circumference.
In a circumference with a radius of 4 cm, an angle of 1 radian is equal to
a traveled arc of 4 cm; an angle of 2 radians is equal to an arc of 8 cm, etc.
So, to obtain linear quantities Δs and v, their respective angular quan-
tities Δθ (expressed in radians) and ω (expressed in radians per second)
are multiplied by the radius of the circumference (r):
Δs = Δθ · r v=ω·r
From these expressions, we can incorporate linear quantities into the
equation for UCM. 31

To calculate the length of the arc corre- This definition of radian is applicable to
sponding to an angle of 3 radians, multiply circumferences of any radius.
the length of the radius by three.

Velocity, Acceleration, and Turning Radius

Although the magnitude of an object’s velocity in UCM is constant, the
vector changes its direction. This occurs because acceleration is con-
stant and perpendicular to the circular path covered. This is the normal
acceleration (an).

Velocity of an object in UCM is always tangential to the path,

whereas its acceleration is perpendicular and points toward the
center of the circumference.

As shown in the interactive resource of the digital version, the greater

the velocity, the greater the turning radius produced by a given normal
acceleration, that is, the smaller the change of direction of the velocity

The turning radius (r) of a UCM depends on the values of acceleration

and velocity, according to the expression:



r = 3.5 m

Velocity, v (m/s) Acceleration, an (m/s2)

2 3 4 2 3 4


Speedometer Design and Setup

In this activity you will design, set up, and build a digital bike
speedometer to measure the speed and the distance traveled.

The device that measures distance traveled is also called an odometer.

To assemble the speedometer, you will need the following equipment:

A sensor that detects one turn of a bicycle wheel.

 microprocessor—with a built-in timer—to interpret the signals

sent by the sensor. It needs to be set up to interpret the signals and
calculate the speed and the distance traveled.

A small LCD screen that shows the speed and distance traveled.

To be able to set up and assemble the experimental device correctly,

you need to understand how speedometers really work.

Counting Turns
The digital speedometer is based on the relationship between the dis-
tance traveled by the bicycle and the number of times the wheel turns.

Measure the diameter of one of the wheels on your bike and answer
the following questions.

? 33

a. How many meters does your bike travel every time the wheel rotates

b. How many turns does this wheel need to rotate for the bicycle to cover
one kilometer?

c. So, the perimeter is calculated from the wheels’ diameter. The distance
traveled is obtained by multiplying that length by the total number of turns.
That said, keeping count of the spins of a wheel is no easy task.
How would you go about counting how many times the bicycle wheel

Speedometers are equipped with a wheel rotation detection system,

a magnetic sensor that detects one complete turn of the wheel. This
sensor has a mobile part and a fixed part:

T he mobile part is a magnet fixed to one of the spokes on the

wheel at a specific distance from the center.
T he fixed part is a magnetic switch—connected to the speed-
ometer—mounted on the fork and at the same distance from the
wheel’s center as the magnet.

Every time the magnet passes by the magnetic switch, the switch
sends an electric signal to the microprocessor.

With the signal and the wheel’s radius, the microprocessor calculates
the distance traveled by the bicycle. However, you need to set up the
microprocessor first so that it can correctly transform the signal into a

An Algorithm to Calculate the Distance Traveled

You need to generate an algorithm to set up your speedometer.

An algorithm is a set of ordered, precise instructions that allow a

specific action to be carried out.

a. The interactive resource in the digital version contains the instructions

the processor needs to be able to measure the distance traveled by a bicy-
cle from the signals emitted by the sensor.

Place the algorithm instructions in the correct order of occurrence.

Show distance Magnetic switch
traveled on the screen is turned on

[..........] [..........]

Add together distance traveled

and wheel’s perimeter End

[..........] [..........]
b. For your algorithm to work on a processor, you need to define the vari-
ables it uses.
The following are instructions to define the algorithm’s variables, which
come into effect when the processor is activated. Select a suitable name for
each of the variables.
For this exercise, consider a wheel’s radius of 33 cm.

Set [distance traveled / perimeter / radius] = 0 (in meters)

Set [distance traveled / perimeter / radius] = 0.33 (in meters)
S et [distance traveled / perimeter / radius] = 2 · π · [distance traveled /
perimeter / radius] (in meters)

An Algorithm to Calculate Speed

To calculate the bicycle’s speed, you need to know the time it takes the
wheel to make a complete turn. Interactivity
The microprocessors have a built-in timer that can be started and
stopped following the algorithm’s indications.

a. The interactive resource in the digital version shows the orders needed
to calculate and display the bicycle’s speed on the screen.

Place the orders of the algorithm in the correct sequence.

The magnetic switch Calculate the bike’s speed by divid-

is turned on Reset and start the timer ing the wheel’s perimeter by the
time recorded on timer
[..........] [..........] [..........]
Display speed
on the screen End

[..........] [..........] 35
b. In this case, you also need to determine the algorithm’s variables and
start the timer.
These instructions are followed once the processor is activated. Select a
suitable name for each of the variables below.
For this exercise, consider a wheel’s radius of 33 cm.

Set [distance traveled / perimeter / radius / timer / speed] = 0 (in meters per
Set [distance traveled / perimeter / radius / timer / speed] = 0.33 (in meters)
Set [distance traveled / perimeter / radius / timer / speed] = 2 · π · [distance
traveled / perimeter / radius / timer / speed] (in meters)
Start [distance traveled / perimeter / radius / timer / speed] (in seconds)

Setting Up the Microprocessor

These algorithms need to be transcribed by using a programming lan-
guage if the microprocessor is to execute the orders.
Use a suitable software and build a program from the previous algo-
rithms and the variables you defined.
Consider the units displayed on the speedometer for the speed and dis-
tance values.
Connect the microprocessor to the screen and sensor to check that the
speedometer works correctly.

Mounting the Speedometer

a. Next, it’s time to mount the speedometer on the bicycle.
Bear in mind the following tips:
T o avoid damaging the screen and microprocessor while doing the ex-
periment, place them safely in a container. Make sure that you can see
the LCD screen at all times.
T he wires connecting the microprocessor and the magnetic switch
must be properly attached to the bike frame.
When mounting the magnetic sensor, make sure the magnet and the
magnetic switch are placed at the same level.

b. Once the speedometer is mounted on the bicycle, you can check if it

functions correctly.
1. F ind a flat, open area. Measure a distance of 10 meters.
2. Slowly cover this distance on your bike, while another student times
3. Write down the speed and distance readings displayed on the
4. Divide the 10 meters traveled by the time taken to check that the
speed you measured is correct. Repeat the same process three times.

Motion Frames of Reference

1. Indicate the Frame of Reference 3. Drawing Points on a Straight Line

When we talk about motion, we are not in the hab- Locate points on the graph’s axis based on their
it of specifying the frame of reference, although coordinates:
that doesn’t mean that it’s not there: there’s always A = –3 B = 2 C = –1
a frame of reference. Indicate the implicit frame of D=4 E=3
reference that allows us to determine whether mo-
tion is present or not in the following situations:

–5 0 5

4. Coordinates of a Point on a Straight Line

Express the coordinates of the points plotted on
The ticket inspector slowly walked down the
the line:
aisle of the train. [Train / Railroad platform /
Railroad track] A = ........... B = ........... C = ...........
D = ........... E = ...........
The flight assistant has not moved from his
seat since takeoff. [Air / Airport / Airplane]
The red bag right next to the blue backpack is
on the baggage belt, moving over to where the
rightful owner patiently waits. [Conveyor belt / –5 0 5
Backpack / Person]
Earth travels a distance of 940 million kilome- 5. Drawing Points on a Plane
ters over a period of one year, and returns to its Plot the following points on the graph based on
initial position. [The Sun / The Moon / Jupiter] their coordinates:
2. Moving or At Rest? A = (–3, –3) B = (–2, –2) C = (–2, 4)
Imagine you are arriving at the port on your D = (–1, 0) E = (4, –1)
sailboat. You are leaning against a railing post and
5 y axis
waving hello to someone on the dock. Choose the
correct option for each case.
The second hand on your wristwatch is [mov-
ing / at rest] with respect to the sphere. The
sphere of your wristwatch is [moving / at rest]
with respect to your wrist, which you shake
when you wave hello. Your wrist is [moving / at –5 5 x axis
rest] with respect to your other hand, leaning
against the boat’s railing post, so that this hand
is [moving / at rest] with respect to the sailboat.
The sailboat is [moving / at rest] with respect
to the dock where there’s someone waiting for
you. The dock itself is [moving / at rest] with
respect to any given point on Earth’s rotational
axis. The Earth is, at the same time, [moving /
at rest] with respect to the Sun. 37
6. Coordinates of a Point on a Plane c. Rank the following distances, from longest to
Indicate the coordinates of the points plotted on shortest.
the graph:
3,100 nautical miles
A = (.........., ..........) B = (.........., ..........)

B. 200 feet
C = (.........., ..........) D = (.........., ..........)
3,400 miles
E = (.........., ..........)
D. 1 kilometer
5 y axis E. 
1,400 yards
1,200 meters

8. Measuring Distances and Displacements

a. Observe the trajectory drawn on the map and
measure the distance traveled and the displace-
ment using the graph scale.
–5 5 x axis
Distance traveled = .......... m
Displacement = .......... m


Path, Distance, and Displacement

7. Units of Length
According to the International System of Units, the A
meter (m) is the basic unit of length. 100 m

On many occasions, lengths are measured or ex- 100 m

pressed in different units, so they may need to be
converted into meters.
a. Look up information on the Internet and com-
b. Observe the path drawn on the map and meas-
plete the list of equivalences between the follow-
ure the distance traveled and the displacement us-
ing units of length:
ing the graph scale.
Express your result correct to three decimal places,
Distance traveled = .......... m
if necessary.
Displacement = .......... m
1 kilometer (km) = .......... m
1 mile (mi) = .......... m A
1 nautical mile (M) = .......... m
1 yard (yd) = .......... m
1 foot (ft) = .......... m

b. Convert the following distances into meters.

Express your result correct to one decimal place.
36 km = .......... m 7.2 mi = .......... m 100 m
669 M = .......... m 515 yd = .......... m 100 m
911 ft = .......... m B

Displacement Vector Image C shows two tractors that have traveled
[the same distance / different distances] and
whose displacement is [the same / the same,
9. Boat Maneuvers but in the opposite direction].
Observe the displacement vectors of the boats
in the image and indicate whether the following The tractors in image D have traveled [the same
statements are true or false: distance / different distances] and their dis-
placement is [the same / the same, but in the
opposite direction].

Image A. Image B.

The displacement of boats A and B can’t be Image C. Image D.

compared because they are vectors.
Speed and Velocity
The final position of the two boats is different.
The two boats have started moving from the 11. Units of Speed and Velocity
same initial position. In the International System of Units, or SI, speed
and velocity are expressed in meters per second
The displacement vectors inform us about the
boats’ paths.
However, other units are also commonly used,
Boat A‘s displacement is greater than boat B’s.
such as kilometers per hour (km/h), miles per hour
Boat B‘s displacement is greater than boat A’s. (mph), or knots (kn) for example.
The displacement of boats A and B are in the a. Conversion between units is done by using con-
same direction. version factors. The interactive resource in the digi-
tal version shows you how to go about converting
10. Path and Displacement units. Convert the following velocities from m/s to
Observe this set of images and complete the fol- km/h, and vice versa.
lowing statements.
Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
The tractors in image A have traveled
134 km/h = .......... m/s 187 m/s = .......... km/h
[the same distance / different distances] and
their displacement is [the same / the same, but b. Convert the following velocities from m/s to
in the opposite direction]. mph, and vice versa.
The tractors in image B have traveled Remember: 1 km is 1,000 m, and 1 mile is 1,609 m.
[the same distance / different distances] and Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
their displacement is [the same / the same, but
22 mph = .......... m/s 25 m/s = .......... mph
in the opposite direction]. 39
c. Convert the following velocities from m/s to knots d. Rank the following means of transport based on
(kn), and vice versa. Remember: one knot equals one their velocity, from fastest to slowest.
nautical mile per hour, and one nautical mile is equal
to 1,852 m. Give your answer correct to one decimal A. 
A car moving at 100 km/h.
place. B. 
A motorbike moving at 100 mph.
7 kn = .......... m/s 151 m/s = .......... kn C. 
A motorboat moving at 100 kn.

Velocity Vector

12. Magnitude and Direction 13. Tractor Velocity

Compare the velocity vectors of the following The tractor’s speedometer in the animation keeps
images and match the images to the following reading the same value: 28 km/h.
a. Which one of the characteristics of the vector
Same magnitude and opposite direction: .......... representing the instantaneous velocity remains
unchanged throughout the motion of the tractor
Same direction and magnitude: .......... in the video of the digital version?
Different direction and same magnitude: .......... Direction Magnitude
Same direction and different magnitude: ..........
Different direction and different magnitude:

Image A. Image B.

b. Which one of these representations of the

velocity vector at the 2nd second of the tractor’s
motion is correct?

Image C. Image D.

q q

Image E.

q q

c. Which one of these representations of the veloc- 15. An Aerial Tramway
ity vector at the 7th second of the tractor’s motion This is the position-time graph of a cable car ride.
is correct? The graph displays four different sections.




Position (km)
q q 3
2 4

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
Time (min)
q q a. What is the distance covered in each of the four
Velocity and Position-Time Graphs Section 1: .......... km Section 2: .......... km
Section 3: .......... km Section 4: .......... km
14. Position-Time Graph
This table displays the position occupied by a mov- b. What are the totals for distance traveled and
ing object at different moments in time. displacement in this motion?
Use the interactivity in the digital version. Total distance traveled: .......... km
Total displacement: .......... km
Represent the position-time graph of the motion.
c. What is the period of time it takes the cable car
Time (s) Position (cm) to cover each of the four sections?
0 2 Section 1: .......... min Section 2: .......... min
1 5
Section 3: .......... min Section 4: .......... min
2 5
3 5 d. In which section is the cable car at rest? For how
4 5 long? In section [1 / 2 / 3 / 4]. It is at rest for ..........
5 6
6 5
7 4 e. In which section of the ride does the cable car
8 3 move the slowest? What is the average velocity of
that section? In section [1 / 2 / 3 / 4], and the aver-
age velocity is ........... km/min, that is, .......... km/h.

f. Place the following statements describing the

motion represented in the graph in order of oc-
The cable car starts from the initial position
and travels 15 km in 15 minutes.
The cable car returns to its initial position and
takes 30 minutes to travel 30 km.
The cable car takes 30 minutes to travel the
next 15 km.
The cable car is at rest for 45 minutes, 30 km
away from the initial position. 41
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Time (s) Position (cm)
Velocity 0 ..........
1 ..........
16. Velocity from Graphs 2 ..........
Study this position-time graph. 3 ..........
4 ..........
5 ..........
28 6 ..........
Position-Time Graph

Position (m)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)

a. Calculate the average velocity of the object in

motion in the following time intervals:
Write your answers correct to one decimal place, if b. The position-time graph of this motion is not a
necessary. straight line: some segments on the graph have
slopes different from one another.
Between 0 and 2 s: .......... m/s
Between 2 and 3 s: .......... m/s What does this tell you?
Between 3 and 5 s: .......... m/s That the marble’s instantaneous velocity [isn’t /
is] constant.
Between 5 and 8 s: .......... m/s

b. Calculate the average velocity of the object in c. Calculate the average velocity of the marble dur-
motion throughout its overall motion. ing each of the following time intervals:
Write your answers correct to one decimal place, if Between 0 s and 1 s: .......... cm/s
necessary. Between 3 s and 4 s: .......... cm/s
.......... m/s
Between 1 s and 2 s: .......... cm/s
17. Analysis of a Simple Motion
Carefully watch the motion of a marble in this Between 4 s and 5 s: .......... cm/s
experimental video of the digital version. Between 2 and 3 s: .......... cm/s
a. Open the graph editor in the digital version and Between 5 s and 6 s: .......... m/s
complete the table with the values for the position
of the marble at every second. Next, draw the cor- d. What’s the marble’s average velocity?
responding position-time graph. Express the result correct to two decimal places.
The average velocity is .......... cm/s.
04.00 s
e. What distance would the marble cover if it was
moving at that velocity for 20 s?
Express the result as a whole number.
A distance of .......... cm.

18. Problems in the Dining Car c. One hour after having started its journey, the
The kitchen crew on a train traveling between train passes again by the first stop, 60 km from the
two distant cities have just realized that they for- point of departure.
got to load the ingredients to cook today’s menu
For the train to arrive on time, how long will it take
when at the first stop. The only solution they
it to travel the remaining distance?
think of is to go back to the train station.
Express your result correct to one decimal place, if
a. Which of these graphs do you think describes
this train’s motion?
Graph [A / B / C]. It will take the train ........ hours and ......... minutes.

d. What should the train’s average velocity be

through that section in order to reach its destina-
Graph A
tion on time?
Express your result correct to one decimal place, if
Position (km)

At ......... km/h

Acceleration and Velocity-Time Graphs

19. Speed for Hunting

Time (h)
When a cheetah spots its prey, it is capable of run-
ning with an acceleration of 10 m/s2.
Graph B a. Calculate the cheetah’s velocity 1.5 s after it started
to run with a constant acceleration.
Write your result correct to one decimal place, if nec-
Position (km)

.......... m/s

b. Give this velocity in kilometers per hour.

Write your result correct to one decimal place, if
Time (h) necessary.
.......... km/h
Graph C
20. Acceleration Record
On June 2016, a team of students at ETH Zurich
and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and
Position (km)

Arts broke the world record for acceleration by an

electric car. The vehicle, named Grimsel, acceler-
ated from 0 to 100 km/h in 1.5 seconds.
a. Using conversion factors, express the vehicle’s fi-
nal velocity (100 km/h) in meters per second.
Time (h) Write your answer correct to one decimal place.
b. The train usually covers this distance of 1,200 km .......... m/s
in 8 hours and 36 minutes.
b. What is the average acceleration during these
What’s the train’s average velocity? 1.5 seconds?
Express your result correct to one decimal place, if Write your answer correct to one decimal place.
.......... m/s2
........ km/h 43
21. Acceleration in the Amusement Park
In a free fall ride, the fearless passengers reach a 720
velocity of 19.95 m/s 2.1 s after being dropped. 640
a. Calculate the passengers’ acceleration in this time 560
interval. 480

Speed (km/h)
Give your result correct to one decimal place. 400
.......... m/s2
b. What will the passengers’ velocity be 2.3 seconds 160
after being dropped if acceleration remains con- 80
stant? 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
Give your result correct to two decimal places. Time (min)
.......... m/s

c. At a given instant during the fall, the maximum a. What do the horizontal segments on the graph
velocity is 30 m/s. From this instant, an acceleration represent?
of –13.5 m/s2 acts on the passengers until the ride
comes to a stop. q Stages of the flight when the plane’s velocity
remains constant.
How long does it take the passengers to stop?
Stages of the flight when the plane is at rest.
Write the result correct to two decimal places.
q Stages of the flight when the plane’s constant
.......... s acceleration is different from zero.
22. Braking b. What do the rising and falling lines on the graph
a. A driver going down a road brakes the car to a represent?
Stages of the flight when the plane is at rest.
Which instantaneous speed is greater: the initial
speed or final speed? q Stages of the flight when the plane has a spe-
cific constant acceleration different from zero.
The initial speed.
Stages of the flight when the plane’s velocity
The final speed.
remains constant.
They are the same.
c. Complete the following text:
b. Suppose the speed of the car was 24 m/s and it
took 2 seconds to come to a stop. When the plane’s velocity increases, accelera-
tion is [positive / nega­tive] and the slope on
Calculate the change in speed and the acceleration the graph is [positive / negative]. In contrast,
of the car. when the plane’s velocity decreases, accelera-
Use the negative sign “–” if the final speed is lower tion is [positive / negative] and the slope on
than initial speed. the graph is [positive / negative].

Change in speed: .......... m/s d. Express the plane’s velocity 15 minutes and
Acceleration: .......... m/s2 45 minutes into the flight, in meters per second.
Give your results correct to two decimal places.
23. Air Travel
This graph shows the changes in an airplane’s Speed at 15th minute: .......... m/s
velocity during its 2.5 h flight. Carefully study the Speed at 45th minute: ......... m/s
graph and answer the following questions:

e. What is the plane’s acceleration during this time
Give your result correct to three decimal places.  

.......... m/s2

Acceleration Vector
Image A. Image B.
24. Vector Quantities
Watch the video in the digital version and answer
the following questions:
 
a. Which statements are true for the section in  
which the marble climbs up the inclined plane?
Acceleration is in the same direction as the
Velocity points in the opposite direction to the Image C. Image D.
d. Which of the images depicts the descent of the
Acceleration is in the opposite direction to the marble down the inclined plane?
Image [A / B / C / D]
Velocity points in the same direction as the
motion. e. Complete the following text.
Velocity and acceleration are both in the same
As the marble slows down, the acceleration and
velocity vectors point in [opposite directions /
the same direction]. In contrast, as it accelerates,
the acceleration and velocity vectors point in
[opposite directions / the same direction].

Uniform Linear Motion (ULM)

25. A Cyclist in ULM

A cyclist rides along a straight line at a constant
velocity of 9 m/s. You start the stopwatch, right as
b. Which statements are true for the section where the cyclist rides past a point you have taken as the
the marble goes down the inclined plane? origin for your frame of reference.

Velocity and acceleration are both in the same a. What are the parameters of the equation of mo-
direction. tion?
Velocity points in the same direction as the Give your answer as a whole number.
motion. The parameters are:
Acceleration points in the same direction as the x0 = ..........
motion. t0 = ..........
Velocity points in the opposite direction to the v = ..........
b. Which of these expressions would you use to
Acceleration is in opposite direction to the know the cyclist’s position relative to time if he is
motion. in ULM?
c. Which of the following images depicts the ascent x − x0
q v=
of the marble up the inclined plane? (t − t0)
Image [A / B / C / D] x − x0
q t= + t0
x = x0 + v · (t − t0) 45
c. Recall that the cyclist is in ULM and complete the 27. 100-Meter Dash
table with the cyclist’s locations at the following in- An athlete in the 100-meter dash accelerates dur-
stants in time. ing the first few meters and reaches her highest
Write your answers correct to one decimal place, if velocity after 2.5 seconds, exactly after having
necessary. covered 18 meters. After this point, the athlete
covers the rest of the race in ULM at a velocity of
Time (s) Position (m)
about 10.2 m/s.

0 0 a. What’s the average velocity over the first 18

1 ..........
meters of the race?
2.5 .......... Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
4 .......... .......... m/s
5 ..........
b. What are the athlete’s initial position, initial
instant in time, and velocity in ULM?
26. ULM and Velocity Units
A group of friends are modeling the motion of Replace these parameters with their values in the
a drone using the equation of motion for ULM. equation x = x0 + v · ( t – t0 ), using SI units and
They take measurements of the positions and correct to one decimal place.
times in meters and seconds, respectively, but x = .......... + .......... · (t – ...........)
the drone’s transmitter displays a velocity of 18
kilometers per hour. Answer these questions based on the previous
a. Express the drone’s velocity in meters per second.
c. What distance has the athlete covered 4 sec-
Write your answer correct to one decimal place. onds after the start of the race?
18 kilometers per hour corresponds to Give your result correct to one decimal place.
......... meters per second.
The athlete has traveled ......... meters.
b. Based on their measurements, the drone traveled d. What will be the athlete’s time at the finish line?
10 meters in 3 seconds.
Give your result correct to one decimal place.
Do you think it is possible for the drone to be in uni-
form linear motion at a velocity of 18 km/h? .......... seconds.
o, the drone would have traveled a shorter
displacement at that velocity. Interpreting ULM

qYes, the distance measured is compatible 28. What Motion is Represented in the Graph?
with ULM at that velocity. a. Indicate whether each of the graphs on the next
o, the drone would have traveled a greater
qN page corresponds to an object in ULM or not.
displacement at that velocity.
Graph A: [yes / no] Graph B: [yes / no]
c. How long would it take the drone in ULM at Graph C: [yes / no] Graph D: [yes / no]
18 km/h to travel a distance of 210 meters?
b. Indicate whether the object represented in each
Give your answer correct to one decimal place, if of those graphs moves with a negative ve­locity or
necessary. not.
.......... seconds
Graph A: [yes / no] Graph B: [yes / no]
Graph C: [yes / no] Graph D: [yes / no]


24 20 4 20

18 15 3 15
Position (km)

Position (km)

Position (km)

Position (km)
12 10 2 10

6 5 1 5

0 0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5
Time (h) Time (h) Time (h) Time (h)

Graph A. Graph B. Graph C. Graph D.

29. Snail Race

We use four snails in a race. The winner will be a. What’s the sign of the velocity of snail 4?
the one that covers the longest distance from q I
t’s positive, since velocity is always positive.
the start in 30 seconds. The initial position of our

q It’s negative, as it moves toward decreasing
one-dimensional reference frame is defined as
the start line, and we consider the points forward
to have positive coordinates. b. What final position will the snail occupy if it re-
mains in ULM right until the end of the race?
Right after the race has started, snail 4 moves
backwards, covering 0.4 cm per second. In position x = ......... cm.

30. Position-Time Graph for ULM

A remote-controlled vehicle moves in a straight
line at 3 meters per second. Consider its position to
be zero when the stopwatch is started.
In the digital version, access the graph editor, com-
plete the equation of motion and, then, fill in the
data table for position and time. Lastly, draw the
corresponding position-time graph.

x = .......... + .......... · t

Time (s) Position (m)

0 .........
1 .........
2 .........
3 .........
4 .........

31. Equations from Graphs

On the next page, study the graphs and complete Graph A: x = .......... [+ / –] .......... · t
the equation of motion that corresponds to each Graph B: x = .......... [+ / –] .......... · t
of them.
Graph C: x = .......... [+ / –] .......... · t
Consider in all cases t0 = 0 and that therefore the Graph D: x = .......... [+ / –] .......... · t
equation is expressed this way: x = x0 + v · t. 47

60 15
32 10
8 45 10
Position (km)

Position (km)

Position (km)

Position (km)
6 5
16 30
8 15 0
0 0 0 -5
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 0 1.5 3 4.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (h) Time (h) Time (h) Time (h)

Graph A. Graph B. Graph C. Graph D.

32. Inferring the Equation of Motion a. Solve the system of equations and select the cor-
In uniform linear motion, the change of position rect expressions to calculate the velocity.
(Δx) is linearly related to the time elapsed (Δt).
That’s why knowing the position of the moving q v = t1 − t2
x1 − x2
object in two instants in time is enough to work
out the equation of the motion. q v = 2 − x1
t2 − t1
With this information in mind, and assuming that t −t
q v= 2 1
t0 = 0, it is possible to infer the initial position of the x1 − x2
object (x0) and the velocity (v) algebraically. x −x
q v= 1 2
t1 − t2
x1 is the position of the object at instant t1 and x2 is
its position at instant t2. Knowing that both cases b. Complete the equation of motion for an object
comply with the equation of motion for ULM, the in ULM knowing its position was 32 m after 5 s
following equations can be expressed as: and 92 m 15 s after starting to move.
Consider t0 = 0 and that quantities are expressed in
x1 = x0 + v · t1 SI units.
x2 = x0 + v · t2 x = .......... + .......... · t

These two equations are a system of equations 33. What’s the Equation?
with two unknowns, x0 and v. Solving this system A horse galloping down the straight of a racetrack
of equations will give us the variables needed to at a constant velocity goes past the 5 meter posi-
form the equation of motion. tion 3 seconds after starting the stopwatch, and
past the 40 meter position after 6.5 seconds.
a. What’s the horse’s velocity in meters per second?
(t2, x 2)
b. What was the horse’s position when t = 0 seconds?

c. Here’s the equation of motion for this movement:

x = x0 + v · (t – t0).
x2 − x 1
Position, x

Indicate which of the following equations correctly

(t1, x 1)
describe the horse’s motion.

t2 − t 1 x = 40 + 5 · (t – 6.5) x = 5 + 10 · t

x = –25 + 10 · t x = 5 + 10 · (t – 3)

d. What’s the horse’s position when t = 4 s?

Time, t
It’s in position x = .......... m
Position held by a moving object at two different
instants in time on a position-time graph.

ULM of Two Objects a. In the digital version, access the graph editor,
complete the table, and represent the motion of
34. Trains Colliding the two planes to try and graphically solve the exact
Due to a railroad switch error, the Paris-Berlin train time when the two planes meet in mid-air.
traveling a distance of 1,040 kilometers and the b. At what instant in time do the two planes meet?
opposite Berlin-Paris train, are both traveling at
They meet .......... s after the start of the maneuver.
120 km/h on the same rail track.
However, between kilometers 450 and 570 as
measured from Paris, the rail track divides in two,
allowing the two trains to safely travel past one Time (s) Position A Position B
(m) (m)
0 ........... ...........
a. If the Paris train’s initial position is 0 km, what’s the 5 ........... ...........
initial position of the Berlin train? 10 ........... ...........

b. What is the velocity of the two trains? 15 ........... ...........

20 ........... ...........
Use the sign to express the direction of the velocity
vector. Plane A Plane B
The Paris train travels at ......... km/h, while the Ber-
lin train travels at .......... km/h.

c. As measured from Paris, at what instant in time

and at what position will the trains pass one another,
if they have both left at the same exact time?
Give your results correct to one decimal place.
......... hours after starting their journeys, at
.......... kilometers from Paris.

d. Based on that, will the trains collide or cross?

q The trains will cross (the meeting point is in
a position where the tracks have divided in
q The trains will collide (the meeting point is
in a position where there’s only one track
operating). c. What was the planes’ displacement up until the
moment when they meet?
35. Exchange in Mid-Flight
As part of military maneuvers, some soldiers of Plane A‘s displacement was .......... m, and B‘s,
a Special Forces Unit must jump from plane A to .......... m.
plane B in mid-flight. The difficulty of the opera-
tion lies in knowing exactly when the two planes 36. The Sandwich
will meet. A forgetful student leaves for school at 7:40 a.m.
The school is located exactly one kilometer in a
When the operation starts (when t = 0 s), the end straight line from her home. As usual, she walks at
plane, B, is ahead of A, in position 400 m, and mov- a velocity of 4.8 km/h.
ing at 60 m/s. At that instant in time, plane A leaves
from position 0 m at a velocity of 100 m/s. 49
a. Use conversion factors and express her velocity in Velocity Equation
meters per minute.
Give your result correct to one decimal place. 37. Safety Stop Switch
In an industrial warehouse, the boxes on a con-
She walks at .......... meters per minute. veyor belt move at a specific velocity. Suddenly,
someone activates the safety stop switch. The
b. How long will it take her to make it to school?
device applies an acceleration of –11 m/s2 to the
Give your result correct to one decimal place. belt, and it comes to a stop 0.9 seconds after that.
It will take her .......... minutes to make it to a. What was the initial velocity of the boxes, ex-
school. pressed in meters per second?
c. Five minutes after she has left home, her dad no- Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
tices she has left her breakfast behind.
b. If, with the same initial velocity, the magnitude
How fast does her dad need to walk, at a mini- of acceleration was half as large as above, how long
mum, to be able to catch up with her before she would it have taken to stop, expressed in seconds?
arrives to the school?
Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
Give your result correct to one decimal place.
He will have to move at ......... meters per minute. 38. Reading Graphs
These three graphs correspond to objects in uni-
d. Which of the graphs in the gallery correctly rep- formly acceleration motions.
resents the moment when the father catches up
Identify initial velocity v0 and acceleration (a) con-
with his daughter right when she arrives to school?
sidering that time t0 = 0.
qGraph A qGraph B
Graph C q 
Graph D Graph A represents a motion with initial veloc-
ity v0 = .......... and acceleration a = ..........
1 km 1 km Graph B represents a motion with initial velocity
Graph A Graph B
v0 = .......... and acceleration a = ..........


Graph C represents a motion with initial veloc-

ity v0 = .......... and acceleration a = ..........

0 0
0 Time 0 Time
1 km 1 km
Graph C Graph D


v (m/s)


0 0 Graph A.
0 Time 0 Time
0 1 2 3 4 5
Daughter Dad t (s)
e. The father actually rode his bike to bring the
sandwich to his daughter, at a constant velocity of
400 meters per minute. 1
v (m/s)

Build a system of equations with the equations of

motion for the father and daughter—remember
that in one case t0 ≠ 0—and indicate how far from Graph B.
home they will meet. -1
0 2 4 6 8 10
Write your answer correct to one decimal place. t (s)

They will meet .......... meters from home.

15 8

v (m/s) 10

v (m/s)
Graph C. Graph C.
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t (s) t (s)

39. Back and Forth

When the velocity and acceleration vectors have Position Equation
opposite directions, at some point the velocity
vector reverses the direction of motion. Indicate 40. Inclined Plane
the exact instant in time when the moving objects In a kinematics lab, uniformly accelerated motion
in the following graphs reverse their direction. is studied through a simple experiment: a ball roll-
ing down an inclined plane.
The motion in graph A has [zero / positive /
negative] acceleration and its direction [doesn’t Knowing how much the plane is titled, the accel-
change / changes when t = 0 s / changes when eration of the rolling ball is calculated at 4.5 m/s2.
t = 2 s / changes when t = 4 s / changes when This way, we can predict the position held by the
t = 6 s / changes when t = 8 s / changes when ball at any instant.
t = 10 s]
Considering that the ball’s initial position is 0 m
The motion in graph B has [zero / positive / and that it starts from rest (v0 = 0), calculate the
negative] acceleration and its direction [doesn’t position it will occupy at the following instants in
change / changes when t = 0 s / changes when time:
t = 1 s / changes when t = 3 s / changes when
t = 4 s / changes when t = 5 s / changes when Give your answers correct to two decimal places,
t = 2 s] if necessary.
The motion in graph C has [zero / positive / When t = 0 s, x = ........ m
negative] acceleration and its direction [doesn’t
When t = 0.5 s, x = ........ m
change / changes when t = 0 s / changes when
t = 2 s / changes when t = 4 s / changes when When t = 1 s, x = ........ m
t = 6 s / changes when t = 8 s / changes when When t = 2 s, x = ........ m
t = 10 s]
41. Figuring Out the Position-Time Graph
4 This is the position-time graph of an object in
v (m/s)

0 7.5
Graph A. 5
x (m)

0 2 4 6 8 10
t (s)
5 0 1.5 3 4.5 6
t (s)
v (m/s)

Study the graph and complete the following state-
Graph B.
-10 At initial time t = 0 s, the moving object is in
0 1 2 3 4 5 position x0 = [−2.4 / −1.2 / 0 / 1.2 / 2.4] m.
t (s) 51
At time t = [0 / 1.4 / 3 / 4.2 / 5.5 / 6.1] s, the a. Write the equations of position of both the car
object passes by position x0 = 0 m. and motorcycle according to
During the first .......... seconds, the object travels 1
x = x0 + v0 · t + · a · t2
with [positive / negative] velocity. After that, it 2
travels with [positive / negative] velocity. 1
Car: x = .......... + .......... · t + .......... · t 2
At time t = ......... s, the object changes its direc- 1
Motorcycle: x = .......... + .......... · t + ..........· t 2
tion. 2
The acceleration of this motion is [positive /
b. At what precise instant in time will the two con-
tenders cross the finish line?
42. Take-Off Runway Use the respective equations of position replacing x
A new passenger plane model is being validated. by the value of their positions on the finish line: 100
To know the airports it can fly to and from, we meters. Give your answers correct to one decimal
need to know the minimum length needed for place.
take-off. Like other passenger planes, the veloc-
The car crosses the finish line after .......... seconds,
ity required for take-off is around 75 meters per
whereas the motorcycle crosses the finish line
second at a minimum.
after ......... seconds.
a. Complete the equations of motion knowing that
Who won the race?
during take-off, the plane has a constant accelera-
tion of 1.5 m/s2. [The motorcycle / The car] won the race.
Enter the values for x0 (in m), v0 (in m/s) and a 44. Stopping Distance
(in m/s2). Consider that t0 = 0. When on the road, it is important to keep a safe
Equation of velocity: v = .......... + .......... · t distance from the vehicle in front of us moving
in the same direction. If that car suddenly brakes,
Equation of position:
the stopping distance should allow us to brake
x = .......... + .......... · t + 1 .......... · t 2 in time and avoid a collision.
b. Use one of the previous equations to calculate Stopping distance consists of two components:
how much time the plane needs to reach its take-off 1. 
Reaction distance: the distance you travel
velocity. during the reaction time. It’s the time it takes
The plane takes .......... seconds to reach its mini- you to apply the brake pedal once the car
mum take-off velocity. ahead of you has braked.

c. So, what is the minimum length required for a 2. 

Braking distance: the distance you travel dur-
runway to allow this plane to safely take off? ing the braking time, that is, the time elapsed
between when you step on the brakes and the
The take-off runway must at least be .......... meters. car comes to a stop.
43. Car vs. Motorcycle Challenge Let’s calculate the minimum stopping distance for
A car and a motorcycle are challenged in a two different velocities: 60 km/h and 120 km/h.
100 m race. The motorcycle can accelerate up to
10 m/s2, whereas the car’s acceleration can only First, express the two velocities in meters per second.
be 5 m/s2. 60 km/h are ........... m/s.
That’s why the biker is so confident she’s going 120 km/h are ........... m/s.
to beat the car that she gives the car an advan-
Reaction Time and Distance
tage: the stopwatch will only start once the car
The reaction time or perception time is how
is 12 meters ahead of the start line. When the car
long the driver takes to apply a safety measure—
reaches that distance, its velocity will be 4 m/s.
in this case, move the foot from accelerator to
At that exact instant in time, the motorcycle will
brake pedal.
start the race from rest and from the start line or
position 0.

This time is never less than 0.75 seconds. When the vehicle travels at 120 km/h, its
velocity is [more than twice / twice / less than
Considering this piece of data, what is the mini-
twice / half ] the velocity of the vehicle trave-
mum distance traveled—reaction distance—by
ling at 60 km/h. However, both the braking
the vehicle before it starts to brake?
distance and stopping distance at 120 km/h
Give your result correct to one decimal place. are [more than twice / twice / less than twice
Traveling at 60 km/h, the distance traveled dur- / half ] the braking and stopping distances at
ing the reaction time is at least ............ meters. 60 km/h.

Traveling at 120 km/h, the distance traveled dur- Free Fall

ing the reaction time is at least ............ meters.
45. An Accident at the Construction Site
Braking Time and Distance During the construction of a building, a worker
Once the driver steps on the brake, the vehicle accidentally drops a brick from the ninth floor,
travels a specific distance until it comes to a located at a height of 30 meters. A passerby is
full stop. Although the car’s deceleration varies standing directly under it, and the construction
depending on the driver’s physical state, road con- manager is aware of what’s happening and quickly
ditions, and characteristics of the car, let’s assume shouts at him to move out of the way.
that it is approximately 9 m/s2.
a. What’s the brick’s initial position? What will the
a. Considering this, how long does the vehicle take brick’s position be once it hits the ground?
to stop once the brake is applied?
Its initial position is x0 = .......... m, and its final
Give your answer correct to one decimal place. position will be ......... m.
At 60 km/h, the vehicle takes ............ seconds to b. The passerby is quick to react, but it still takes
stop. him a total of 2 seconds to move away since the
At 120 km/h, the vehicle takes ............ seconds to brick began to fall. Will he be lucky enough to
stop. move out of the way in time?

b. Therefore, what are the braking distances? Air friction is neglected in this situation. Also, recall
that gravity’s acceleration is g = 9.81 m/s2.
Give your answer as a whole number.
[Yes, he will / No, he won’t] move out of the
At 60 km/h, the braking distance is ............ way in time, because the brick takes ......... sec-
meters. onds to reach the ground.
At 120 km/h, the braking distance is ............
meters. 46. Feather vs. Apple Challenge
Suppose you drop a feather and an apple at the
Stopping Distance exact same time and from the same height.
a. After having calculated the reaction distance and a. Which of the two objects will hit the ground first?
braking distance, calculate the stopping distances Why?
for the two velocities.
b. Watch the video in the digital version. Does it
Give your answers as whole numbers. match your prediction? How can you justify what
At 60 km/h, the minimum stopping distance is occurs in the video?
............ meters.
At 120 km/h, the minimum stopping distance
is ............ meters.

b. Notice how the braking distance and stopping

distance increase with the vehicle’s traveling velocity
and complete the following text. 53
c. Can we say that the motions of the feather and Consider g = 10 m/s2.
apple are free-fall motions?
v = .......... − .......... · t
Reason out your answer. 1 2
x = .......... + .......... · t + ·t
d. Let’s repeat the experiment, but this time the ob-
jects are placed inside 2 containers. b. In the digital version, use the graph editor to
complete the table and graphically represent the
Watch the video in the digital version. How can you
passenger’s velocity on the ride relative to time.
explain what happens?
Write your answers in the table and correct to one
decimal place.

Time (s) Speed (m/s)

0 .........
0.2 .........
0.5 .........
0.8 .........
1 .........
1.2 .........
1.5 .........
We can only talk about free fall when the motion 1.8 .........
has zero air resistance. 2 .........
If there’s air friction, the acceleration no longer
matches the acceleration due to gravity. In fact, the
motion itself is no longer uniformly accelerated.
However, some objects fall in a more free fall fashion
than others. This is so because the air friction on
an object largely depends on the object’s shape.
For example, the shape of a feather calls for a
greater air resistance, whereas an apple is much
more aerodynamic.
When placing the feather and the apple in two
plastic containers, the air friction will be highly
similar (and much different from the feather’s fric-
tion outside it), so they will both fall with similar
accelerations and close to the acceleration due to

47. Vertical Launch c. In the digital version, use the graph editor or
On an amusement ride, a passenger is safely complete the table and graphically represent the
harnessed. In this slingshot-like ride, the passenger passenger’s position on the ride relative to time.
is propelled vertically at a velocity of 10 m/s. It
reaches a maximum height and drops in free fall Write your answers in the table correct to one deci-
back to its original position, which now is occupied mal place.
by a thick mattress. Time (s) Position (m)
A vertical launch can be described in the same 0 .........
0.2 .........
terms as a free fall, but with an initial velocity differ- .........
ent than zero. 0.8 .........
1 .........
a. Complete the equations of motion for the pas-
1.2 .........
senger on this ride. .........
1.8 .........
2 .........

b. What angle does the train travel in 10 seconds?
Give your result in degrees.
.......... degrees

c. How long does the train take to travel an angle of

90°, expressed in seconds?
Give your result correct to two decimal places, if
.......... seconds

d. Carefully observe the graphs you created and state Angular and Linear Quantities
whether the following statements are true or false:
50. A Swing Ride
The object moves with negative velocity up
A chair swing ride turns at an angular velocity of
until time t = 1 s. Right after that, its motion
2.2 rad/s. The carousel consists of inside and out-
changes direction.
side rows of chairs for riders.
When the object reaches its maximum height,
it has zero acceleration. a. What chairs undergo a greater linear velocity?
The object’s height peaks at time t = 1 s. Right [The outside chairs / The inside chairs / All the
after that, it begins to drop. chairs alike]
The object moves with positive velocity up until b. What chairs undergo a greater angular velocity?
time t = 1 s. Right after that, its motion changes
direction. [The outside chairs / The inside chairs / All the
chairs alike]
When the object is moving upwards, its accel-
eration vector points upwards, and when the c. The outside chairs describe a circular path with
object is moving down, its acceleration vector a radius of 6.4 m, whereas the path of the inside
points downwards. chairs is a circle with a radius of 2.4 m.
What is the linear velocity of each row of chairs?
Uniform Circular Motion (UCM)
Give your answers correct to one decimal place.
48. The Hands of a Clock Outside row of chairs: .......... m/s
The hands of a clock travel 360° at different velocities.
Inside row of chairs: .......... m/s
What is the angular velocity of the three hands?
d. What is the length of the circular path traveled
Give your answers correct to three decimal places, by the chairs in 20 seconds?
if necessary.
Give your answer correct to one decimal place.
Second hand: ........... °/s Minute hand: ........... °/s
Outside row of chairs: .......... m
Hour hand: ........... °/s
Inside row of chairs: .......... m
49. A Toy Train
A toy train running on batteries moves along a
circular path. It takes the train 30 seconds to com-
plete one lap.
a. What’s the train’s angular velocity?
Give your result in degrees per second.
.......... degrees per second 55
Velocity, Acceleration, and Turning Radius

51. Which Way Will It Go?

A marble is thrown around the inside base of a
dish. It therefore follows the shape of the dish,
engaged in a circular motion.
What will happen if we remove a section of
the dish? Which way will the marble go, in your
Watch the video in the digital version and answer c. Represent the velocity vectors on the points of its
the following questions. path shown in the image.

a. Observe the possible paths the marble can take.

Which one do you think is the right one?
Justify your answer. 52. Earth’s Normal Acceleration
During its movement, Earth travels along an
almost completely circular orbit at a velocity of
30,000 m/s. The distance from the Sun is about
150 million kilometers.
What is Earth’s normal acceleration?
Give your result in m/s2, correct to three decimal
Path A. Path B.
.......... m/s2

53. Altitude of the International Space Station

The International Space Station rotates the Earth
in a circular orbit at a velocity of 27,591 km/h and
at a normal acceleration of 8.67 m/s2 .
a. What is the orbit’s radius?
Path C. Path D.
Give your result in kilometers and as a whole
b. Watch the video in the digital version. Observe number.
the marble’s motion and compare it to your .......... km
predic­tion. How can you explain this outcome?
b. What is its altitude above sea level?
Remember that Earth’s radius is 6,371 km. Give
your result in kilometers and as a whole number.
.......... km



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Energy, Work, and Heat Forces and Motion


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