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Chemistry F.Sc part;1

Test Session-2023(Test No.1)
Name: Class: 1st Year, Time: 1.Hrs, Date:
Q No. 1 2 3 Total
Marks 24

1.The diameter of an atom was determined by?

a)X-Rays b)Visible rays
c)Electron beam d)Optical microscope
2.Which one is a macromolecule?
a)Sand b)Diamond c)Silicon carbide d)All these
3.Which one is not a molecular ion?
a)N2+ b)CO+ c)NH4+ d)CH4+1
4.Oxygen has isotopes;
a)Two b)Three c)Five d)Eleven
5.Which mass is most certainin a.m.u?
a)C=12 b)O=15.99 c)H=1.008 d)Cl=35.5
6.Mass of electron is 1.67×--------;
a)10-27Kg b)10-24g c)10-21mg d)All these
Q:2 Attempt the following short questions.(6x2=12)
i)Give contributions of Berzillius in chemistry.
ii)Why a clear and accurate image of an atom cannot be obtained by optical microscope?
iii)Differentiate between micro and macromolecule.
iv)Why isotopes have same chemical but different physical properties?
v)What are molecular ions and how they are generated?
vi)Define Atomicity and monoisotopic elements.
vii)Difference between Relative atomic mass and relative abundance.
Q;3 Attempt the following long questions.(4x1=4)
a)Write a note on Molecule.

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