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Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: ENGLISH Teacher Intern: Ramos, Kharissa Khyra D.

Cooperating Teacher: Dinah S. Galande
Grade Level: Date: April 27,2022
VI-SPED Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Topic: Length of Period: 1 hour
Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences
Using Coordinating Conjunctions

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will able

 Use the subordinating conjunctions and , or, but and so correctly;

 Write sentences using subordinating conjunctions and , or, but and so ; and
 Appreciate the importance of obeying the parents.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Coordinating Conjunctions
Joy in Learning English, page 166-167
MELC p. 188 EN6G-Ig-4.4.1
1. Laptop
2. Google Meet
3. Power Point Presentation
4. Paper and Ballpen
5. Class Point

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings Good morning Ma’am.

“Good morning class”

We are good Ma’am.

“How are you today?”

It is nice to hear that you are all doing well.

2. Prayer Akhyrra will lead the prayer.

Before we start with our lesson for today let us seek

God’s presence and guidance through a prayer to be
lead by Akhyrra. At this moment let us feel the
presence of our Almighty God.

3.Checking of Attendance:
The pupils will enter the code in the
Let us find out who are present today. Kindly class.point and encircle their feeling for
accomplish later the link for our attendance that I the day.
have sent in our group chat.

At this moment I want to find out how you are

feeling today. Please enter the code in our class.point
and encircle the emoticon/s of your feeling today.

4.Virtual Class Management

In order for us to have a smooth flow of our
online class for today let us first be reminded of our
virtual etiquette. Will you please read it Cassandra.

1. Be ready and be on time

2. Keep your video on and look into the camera.
3. Mute your microphone until it is your turn to
speak, to avoid necessary noise.
4. Use the “chat box” if there is something you want
to say.
5. Lastly, focus, pay attention, listen and be
participative. An independent clause is a group of
words that contains a subject and verb
and expresses a complete thought .It
can stand alone.
B. Review A dependent clause is a group of words
that contains a subject and verb but
“Before we move on to our lesson for today, let us have a short does not express a complete thought. It
review.” cannot stand alone as a
complete sentence because it does not
What is an independent clause? express a complete thought.

How about a dependent clause ?

Home of Dr.Jose Rizal in Calamba,

C. Motivation:
Let us have a short game. It is called “Is that your
Home” You have to identify who lived/ living in that Dr.Jose P.Rizal lived in that home.
place or home. Let us now begin.
Dr.Jose P.Rizal is our National Hero.
1. It is located in Calamba, Laguna

Malacañang Palace is the official

residence and principal workplace of
the president of the Philippines.

Malacañang Palace
Who lived in this home?
Malacañang Palace is the official
Who is Dr.Jose P.Rizal? residence/home and principal
workplace of the president of the

Where it is located ?


The Mansion serves as the official

residence of the Philippine President in
Baguio City

What is this place ?

Who is residing in the Malacañang Palace?

It is the residence of the Philippine

President in Baguio City .

Baguio City
They are all homes.

The pupils will send picture of their



The pupils will read the short story.

What is this place ?

Who is residing in this place?

Where can you find this home?

What is common with all the pictures?

Do you love your home? Why?

Using our class.point I want you to send me picture of your home.

Have you experienced to be left alone in your home? How

did you feel ?

Today we are going to read a story about a girl left alone in their
home .Read it silently and carefully so that you can answer the questions

Home Alone

By Ma. Melanie L. Padohinog

Melisa is a wise and an intelligent child. She knows the difference

between good and bad. In school or at home, she shows how witty she is.
One night, she was left alone at home.

“Melisa, your Mom and I will attend a church meeting. Take care of
yourself. We already locked all the doors and windows for your safety.
Remember never to open the door when someone knocks or you will be
in trouble, okay? We will be coming home late for the meeting will take
long,” said his Dad.

“Okay, Dad. Take care, Dad. Take care, Mom. I’ll just wait for you to
come home,” answered Melisa.

She was enjoying watching TV when she heard a knock at the door. She
hurriedly went to open the door and see who was in there when she
remembered her parents’ reminder, “Never open the door when someone
knocks or you will be in trouble”. She was feeling uneasy so, she
immediately called her parents over the phone and told them that
someone was at the door.

“Just calm down. I’ll call your Uncle Rey to peek out of his window and
see who is knocking at our door,” her Dad said. Uncle Rey is her Dad’s
brother who lives just beside their house.

“Thank you, Dad,” Melisa said calmly.

“Melisa! Melisa! It’s Uncle Rey. Will you please open the door?” Melisa
heard her Uncle Rey calling for her. 1. Melisa
When Melisa opened the door, Uncle Rey was standing there together 2. She acts positively
with a man the same age as her Dad. in times of danger
3. When she called her
father that someone
“Come in, Uncle. Come in, Sir. Good evening,” Melisa said politely. is at the door.
“Good evening, Melisa, and thank you. Melisa, I want you to meet your
4. Yes, to secure my
Uncle Anthony, our cousin from Manila. He came directly from the safety.
airport. He does not know anyone nor other relatives to spend the night
with other than us. That is why he is here at this hour,” Uncle Rey said.

“I’m sorry, Melisa, for scaring you. You are a smart child and I admire
you for acting responsibly to situations like this. I know that your parents
taught you well,” said Uncle Anthony.

“I’m sorry, too, Uncle, for not opening our door to you and thank you for
understanding,” Melisa said shyly.

“Come, Uncle Rey and Uncle Anthony. Have a seat first. I’ll just get
something for you to eat. I’m sure Dad will be very happy to see you,”
Melisa added.

Uncle Rey and Uncle Anthony chatted while waiting for Melisa’s parents
to come home.

Comprehension Check-up:

1. Who is the main character in the story?

2. Why do you think Melisa is smart?
3. What part of the story tells that she is wise
and intelligent?
4. If you were Melisa, would you do the same? Why? Why not?
Is it important to obey our parents? Give some instances when you
obey your parents.
IV. Lesson Proper
Discussion of the Lesson:

Let us analyze the following sentences taken from

our story.

a. Melisa is a wise and intelligent child.

What is the underlined word ? The underlined word is and.

She is also intelligent.

What is the other good quality of Melissa besides being
We use and to add ideas.
When do we use and

Use ”and” if you want to mean “in addition

Here are another examples:

Will you read it Amirah.

Eating candies and chewing gums are not

allowed during class hours. eating candies and chewing gums.

What are not allowed during class hours ?

I want some chocolates and ice cream. some chocolates and ice cream.

In this sentence what do you want ?

Use and in a sentence.

b. Remember not to open the door when someone We should not open the door.
knocks or you will be in trouble.

What should we remember when someone knocks the You will be in trouble.

What do you think will happen when someone open

the door ?

We can eat chicken or pork for dinner.

I have here another sentence. Alie please read it.
chicken or pork
We can eat chicken or pork for dinner.

What are the choices of food that we can eat for

The underlined word is or.
We use or to show choices or options.

What is the underlined word?

When do we use or ?

Here are another examples. Brianna kindly read it.

chocolate or coffee
I will drink chocolate or coffee later.

What are your choices of drinks?

soap or detergent
I use soap or detergent for laundry.

What can be used for laundry?

Use or in a sentence

c. She was feeling uneasy, so she immediately called She was feeling uneasy.
her parents over the phone.
She immediately called her parents over the phone.
What was her feeling ?
The underlined word is so.
What is the result of her feeling uneasy?
We use so to show result.

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