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A definition explains what a Terms means or kung ano ba ang ibigsabihin

ng isang salita. When you want your readers to know exactly how you are
using a certain term or unfamiliar words, you use definition to explain what
the meaning of that word, in able for the readers to understand the
unfamiliar words or concept na naka sulat doon sa for example sa story ana
ginawa mo.

 Example of this kung ang author gumamit ng deep words for the
example EXQUISITE the author need to use a definition in able for
the readers to understand the said word..

 The meaning of exquisite is describes something that is lovely,

beautiful, or excellent in tagalog KATANGI-TANGI sa Bisaya nindot, sa
Ilonggo gwapa, nami..

Ang Definitive writing is based purely only on facts and not relying on the
authors opinion or feelings and emotions hindi pwede na lagyan mo ng
opinion mo lang hindi man yan sya Reflective essay na lagyan mo ng mga
opinion mo at mga feelings mo, ang Dfinitive writing kasi is purely sya na
facts at pawang mga katotohanan lamang na mga informations for
example of this News writing you need to deliver the news purely based on
facts diba hindi pwede na kasinungalingan ang ibabalita mo although
meron mga bias news but interms of writing a News you need to relying
based on the facts..

"Attention-grabbing in introduction" is capturing the reader's interest or

drawing their attention right at the beginning of your essay or your book ,
meaning to say sa introduction palang kung gagawa ka ng essay dapat
maka grab na ng attention yung essay mo, so this is a method can capture
the interest of the readers to encourages them to continue reading your
Ano ba yung terminologies ang terminologies is refers to the technical
terms or descriptions commonly used in a particular field of profession like
sa science, Information technology or IT These are specialized terms or
vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to those who are not knowledgeable
about the context or field in which they are used.

For example, in medicine, there are terminologies such as "cardiovascular,"

"endocrine," or "neurological" that refer to various parts of the body or
systems of the body.

Field in teaching yung mga Lesson Plan, SF10, Form 137 so dapat kailangan
lagyan sya ng definion para mas ma intindihan ng mga readers mo kung
ano ang ibigsabihin ng mga yun, hindi na sulat ka lang nga sulat sang libro
or mga stories kag di maintihan sang reader mo kung ano meaning sato, so
madulaan gana ang reader mag basa sino gabasa wattpad di? Diba? Kung
ang stories damo words nga di ka familiar madulaan ka gana mag basa.

(Thesis) So kailangan kung mag sulat ka ng Essay dapat relate sa topic...

alangan sulat kalang and at the end not related sa topic, right? Do you

Sa Body in this part here na, dito mo na I define ang mga terminologies na
naka lagay sa introduction mo dito mo na discuss ang mga meaning ng
SF10, Form 137 at mga lesson objectives na present mo or nasulat mo sa

"Conclusion" is the final part of a piece of writing or speech where the

main points are summarized so here ilalagay sa conclusion the last part of
the text kung saan ilalagay ang main point mo, bali dito mo ilalagay ang
final thoughts or recommendations. It's where you tie together all the
information presented in the body of the text and offer closure or
resolution to the topic.

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