1.4.1 GCSE Lesson Retrieval Practice (Assessments) - Security Solutions (OCR)

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CSUK Lesson Retrieval Practice – Question Sheet

Security Solutions (OCR)
1. What is Penetration Testing and why is it important? [2]

2. What is Network Forensics? [1]

3. What is a Network Policy? [1]

4. What is an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and provide an example of a typical rule covered by an
AUP? [2]

5. What is a Backup Policy and what might be covered by the policy? [2]

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6. What is a Disaster Recovery Policy and what might be covered by the policy? [2]

7. What is Anti-Virus Software? [1]

8. What is Anti-Spyware Software? [1]

9. What is a Firewall? [1]

10. What is Encryption? [1]

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