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Name: Class: 2nd Year, Time: 80Min, Date:

Q No. 1 2 3 Total
Marks 36
state of hybridization of C-atom in methane is;
a)sp3 b)sp2 c)sp d)dsp2
2.In t-Butyl alcohol,the tertiary carbon is bonded to-------H-atoms;
a)One b)Two c)Three d)No
3.Which set of hybrid orbitals has triangular planar shape;
a)sp3 b)sp2 c)sp d)dsp2
4.Which one is alcohol;
5.Which heteroatom is in pyridine;
a)Nitrogen b)Sulphur c)Oxygen d)NH
6.Grignard reagent is very reactive due to;
a)C-Mg bond polarity b)Presence of halogen
c)Mg-atom d)None
7.For which mechanism the first step involved is the same;
a)SN1 and SN2 b)E1 and E2 c)SN1 and E1 d)SN2 and E2
8.Which alkyl halides are more reactive;
a)R-F b)R-Br c)R-Cl d)R-I
9.SN2 reaction follows-----------order kinetics;
a)First b)Second c)Third d)None
10.Rate of E1 reaction depends upon;
a)Concentration of base b)Conc. of Alkyl halide
c)Conc. of base and alkyl halides d)All
Q;2 Attempt the following short questions.
i.Why there is no free rotation in a double bond?
ii.1-Butene does not exhibit cis-trans isomerism but 2-Butene does.Why?
iii.Define Reforming with one example.
iv.Differentiate between homocyclic and heterocyclic compounds with one example each.
v.What are tertiary alkyl halides?Give one example.
vi.Why there is 50% inversion and 50% retention of configuration in SN1?
vii.What is best method to prepare alkyl halides?
viii.Why Grignard reagent is much reactive than other reagents?
ix.Differentiate between Electrophile and Nucleophile.
Q;3 Attempt the Following long question.
a)Write a brief note on SN2 mechanism.
b)Explain structure of methane according to hybridization.

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