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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab (2023-24)

DATE- 01/02/2024

1) Write a Python program to compute the GCD of two numbers.

2) Write a python program to that accepts length of three sides of a triangle as inputs. The
program should indicate whether or not the triangle is a right-angled triangle (use
Pythagorean theorem). 15. Create a NumPy array and apply methods such as append(),
insert(), pop(), remove(), index(), sort(), and reverse().
3) Write a program to copy array with assignment operator, shallow copy method and deep
copy method.
4) Write a program for math and cmath module functionality in your program. E.g.,
math.acos(), math.ceil(), math.exp(), math.gcd(), cmath.tan(x), cmath.log10(x),
5) Write a program to print a given number is Armstrong or not.
6) Write a program to create a calculator using function.

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