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​ Health and Physiology:

● Avoid breathing in concrete.

● Ensure cotton products are 100% cotton.
● Discusses the meaning of life in terms of reproduction and protection.
● DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a metabolite of testosterone.
● Testosterone is anabolic.
● DHT is crucial for masculine traits and hair growth.
● Symptoms of low testosterone include erectile dysfunction and muscle loss.
● Common effects of high testosterone include deeper voice and increased hair
● Manage cholesterol levels for testosterone production.
● Saturated and trans fats should be avoided.

​ Relationship and Communication Tips:
● Approach relationships with positivity and emotional control.
● Long-distance relationships have a low success rate.
● Communication strategies for building attraction and maintaining interest.
● Don't delay in making plans; be direct and relaxed.
● Females are attracted to emotional connection and positive praise.
● Patience and deep conversations are essential in relationships.
● Share responsibilities and maintain positivity in relationships.
● Empathize and avoid criticizing teammates in any setting.
● Recognize achievements and share wins with teammates.
● Understand and manage parental relationships with care and emotional
● Use strategies to improve relationships with parents, including acknowledging
fears and using positive reinforcement.

​ Masculinity and Social Dynamics:
● Embrace masculinity while avoiding toxic behaviors.
● Lead by example and remain emotionally stoic.
● Focus on problem-solving rather than criticizing.
● Foster positive and respectful interactions with others.
● Recognize and prioritize personal and relationship goals.
● Develop confidence and assertiveness while maintaining respect for others.
● Understand social dynamics, including attraction and communication.
● Prioritize health and fitness for physical and mental well-being.

​ Dating and Social Interaction:
● Approach dating with confidence and authenticity.
● Build excitement and attraction through engaging conversations.
● Understand and respond to cues from potential partners.
● Prioritize self-improvement and healthy boundaries in relationships.
● Communicate openly and respectfully with partners.
● Recognize and address challenges in dating and relationships.

​ Fitness and Nutrition:
● Focus on compound lifts for muscle growth and stability.
● Balance macronutrients for optimal performance and health.
● Understand the importance of rest and recovery in fitness.
● Avoid overconsumption of carbohydrates and prioritize protein intake.
● Consider individual dietary needs and preferences.

​ General Advice:
● Maintain a positive mindset and focus on personal growth.
● Embrace challenges and seek feedback for improvement.
● Prioritize emotional intelligence and communication skills.
● Foster healthy relationships and respect personal boundaries.
● Continuously strive for self-improvement in all aspects of life.

keys standards for women by Danish

1. has to be religious and traditional (not specific religion needed)
2. has to be submissive (obedient, does what she's told)
3. has to be respectful to his man (over everyone else) - the most important trait, you cannot
be respected as a man if your woman doesn't respect you

Slap sandwich

slap: giving bad news that hurts

sandwich: reward for whatever you want

Do cardio fat shit. zone 2 cardio 1-2 hours per week

Dont critize teammates focus on you game

Get experience with girl dont matter if there 6’s


Be friends with girls

Feminine girls are emotional creatures get used to it lol

Get sunlight in your eyes in the morning

-hey how are you spending your day?

reply : doing my hair ,studying, shopping

you: most exciting thing you can think of even if it's not true ( just got home from a rough
hockey game, covered in bruises i'm going to have a hot shower)

send pictures that are exiting (car, bike, sports) GOLD works well

being in no relationship is better then a toxic relationship

80% red pill 20% blue pill

my priority is me

her priority is me

let her do the talking (SHUT THE FUCK UP)

Websites: not affiliate lmao im not gay

BTW danish helped me help my dad lose 20 pounds and fix his blood pressure

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