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Calantina, Rhea S.

1. How do you define cyber/digital literacy and cybersecurity?

Digital/Cyber literacy is an individual’s ability to access both information and methods of

communication through technological tools such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and
desktops PC. Whereas, Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and
programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing,
changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users via
ransomware; or interrupting normal business processes.

2. What do you mean by cyber citizenship? Elaborate.

Being a cyber-citizen means taking on the responsibility of using the internet safely and
respectfully. You can do many things to be a good person online. You can be active and
help make the digital world a better place for everyone.

3. What are netiquette and the process of safe use of digital media? Give examples.

Netiquette, or Internet etiquette, is an ideal pattern of behavior for Internet users,

guidelines about what is acceptable in an online medium for personal and professional
use. The rules of netiquette apply to web users of any age—just like manners. It is thus
the practice of exercising polite and considerate behavior in online contexts, such as
Internet discussion boards and personal email.

4. What are the common computer threats and how can these be fixed?

Common computer threats include viruses, malware, phishing attacks, ransomware, and
identity theft. Here are some ways to address these threats: Install and Update Antivirus
Software: Antivirus software helps detect and remove viruses and malware from your

5. What is meant by cyberbullying and cybercrimes? Discuss.

Cyberbullying takes place when a teen or younger child uses a computing device to
threaten, humiliate, or otherwise harass a peer. It may occur over a laptop, smartphone or
tablet, and live within platforms such as text messages, emails, social media, online
forums and chat rooms. Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a
computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by
cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money.

6. How can you practice the processes of Internet exploration, source citation, research and
data-gathering protocols and website evaluation?
To practice the processes of Internet exploration, source citation, research and data
gathering protocols and website evaluation. We need to have strategies in exploring
internet and have a strategy. And in when getting data, put proper citation and source
acknowledgement. And in research and data collection protocols, avoid plagiarism
because it can bring you in trouble. Lastly in website evaluation, we need to open the site,
skim read, look for the answer to your question, consider the credibility of the author or
website, consider the purpose of the site and look for the date.

7. How can cyber/digital literacy be integrated with the teaching-learning process?

We can use social media for learning and collaborating because today’s students are
already active on social media, and in many cases they may already be more adept at
using it than their teachers. So the focus shouldn’t be on introducing students to the ins
and outs of social media, but on demonstrating how it can be used in an educational

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