Evelyn P Homework DIGGING For The PAST

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by Nora Shawki

When I was in third grade, I watched a video that recreated the

discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb. I remember Howard
Carter peering through a narrow hole in the tomb with a candle.
A workman asked what he could see: "Wonderful things!"
Carter said. From that moment, I knew what I wanted to do with
my life.
Today, I'm lucky to work as an archeologist. I study the lives
of people who lived in Egypt's Nile Delta. It's exciting work.
Sometimes you find something that was buried three thousand
years ago. Holding a piece of history is an amazing feeling.
So I decided what I wanted to be at the age of nine, and I made
it happen. Seems easy, right? Not quite! The road wasn't easy. I
did my studies at university, then a PhD, But along the way, I was
told many things: I was too young, I wasn't qualified, I should
get married and have kids. I also needed money, so I applied
for six grants. The first five replies I got said no. Six months later,
the last reply came: This time it was yes. Finally, I could start my
own excavation.

For anyone thinking about a career, I would say: Never give

up. If you want to do something, keep trying. If people tell you
no, use that it will push you. At the beginning, it hurts. But
the next no hurts a little less. It makes you stronger and actually
helps you.
Second, focus on your goals. And I stress yours. You don't have
to follow other people. If they say something has never been
done, make it happen. You may be the first to do it! There are
always challenges, but you overcome them in the end.

寻找过去的踪迹 由 Nora Shawki 编写


. Discovery - 发现
. Tomb - 墓穴
. Workman - 工人
. Archeologist - 考古学家
. Nile Delta - 尼罗河三角洲
. Buried - 埋藏
. History - 历史
. Qualify - 使具备资格
. PhD - 博士学位
. Grants - 资助金
. Excavation - 挖掘
. Career - 职业
. Overcome - 克服

Vocabulary Matching:
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Write
the letter of the definition next to the corresponding word.
A) Excavation B) Qualification C) Determination D) Overcome E)
. The process of carefully uncovering and studying historical sites.
. A person who studies human history and prehistory through the
excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts.
. The ability to do something because you have the necessary skills,
knowledge, or experience.
. The act of defeating or successfully dealing with a problem or
. The quality of having a firm purpose and strong will.

Grammar Fill-in-the-Blanks:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs provided in
. Nora ____________ (watch) a video about King Tutankhamun's tomb
when she was in third grade.
. Howard Carter ____________ (peer) through a narrow hole in the
tomb with a candle.
. A workman asked Carter what he ____________ (see), and he replied,
"Wonderful things!"
. Nora ____________ (decide) at the age of nine what she wanted to be.
. She ____________ (study) the lives of people in Egypt's Nile Delta as
an archeologist.
. Sometimes, she ____________ (find) things that ____________ (bury)
thousands of years ago.
. Holding a piece of history ____________ (be) an amazing feeling for
. Nora ____________ (do) her studies at university and earned a PhD.

Comprehension Questions:
Answer the following questions based on the text:
. What inspired Nora Shawki to become an archeologist?
. What does Nora study as an archeologist?
. Why did Nora face challenges on her path to becoming an
. How did Nora eventually start her own excavation?
. What advice does Nora give to those considering a career?

Critical Thinking:
. How do you think Nora's determination played a role in her success
as an archeologist?
. Can you think of a situation in your own life where you had to
overcome obstacles to achieve a goal?
. Why do you think Nora emphasizes the importance of focusing on
personal goals rather than following what others say?
. What are some qualities that make a person successful in their
chosen career?
. How can facing rejection and challenges ultimately lead to personal
growth and strength?

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