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Oxaliplatin: a review in
the era of molecularly
targeted therapy
T. Alcindor md* and N. Beauger phd mba

ABSTRACT molecularly targeted anticancer therapy with con-

ventional cytotoxic chemotherapy. Such combina-
Objective tions can come about only through rational design
of clinical trials, taking into account the pharmacol-
To review preclinical and clinical data for oxaliplatin in ogy and clinical development of the drugs involved.
the current context of molecularly targeted therapy. It is therefore worthwhile revisiting classical chemo-
therapy agents, because this renewed knowledge
Methods of Study Selection could provide a foundation for future trials.
Oxaliplatin is the newest platinum derivative in
We searched the PubMed and PubChem databases by standard chemotherapy. Here, we review oxaliplatin
combining the search terms “oxaliplatin” or “platinum” from the pharmacologic and drug development per-
or both, with “clinical trials,” “pharmacokinetics,” spectives, and we comment on possible associations
and “pharmacodynamics.” of this drug with molecularly targeted therapy.

Data Extraction and Synthesis 2. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES

Oxaliplatin has a complicated pharmacokinetic
profile, with activity against digestive cancers in Oxaliplatin differs from cisplatin in that the amine
particular. It has several mechanisms of action, but groups of cisplatin are replaced by diaminocyclo-
cancer cells can develop resistance. Real or potential hexane (dach). The molecular weight of oxaliplatin
synergism has been observed when oxaliplatin is is 397.3. It is slightly soluble in water, less so in
combined with other cytotoxic agents or molecularly methanol, and almost insoluble in ethanol and
targeted agents. Peripheral neuropathy is a prominent acetone 1. Its full chemical name, oxalato(trans-
toxic effect. l-1,2-diaminocyclohexane)platinum, refers to the
presence of an oxalate “leaving group” and the
Conclusions dach carrier ligand, which are responsible, at least
in part, for its unique properties 2,3. For example,
Oxaliplatin lends itself to further clinical research in unlike cisplatin, oxaliplatin in plasma rapidly un-
combination with molecularly targeted therapy. dergoes non-enzymatic transformation into reactive
compounds because of displacement of the oxalate
KEY WORDS group, a process that complicates its pharmacoki-
netic profile. Most of the compounds appear to be
Oxaliplatin, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, mecha- pharmacologically inactive, but dichloro(dach)
nism of action platinum complexes enter the cell, where they have
cytotoxic properties.
The advent of molecularly targeted anticancer ther-
apy could cause a certain lack of interest in the de- Various mechanisms of action are ascribed to oxalip-
velopment of novel conventional cytotoxic drugs. latin. Like other platinum-based compounds, oxalip-
However, molecularly targeted agents have not shown latin exerts its cytotoxic effect mostly through dna
any curative properties when administered as mono- damage. Apoptosis of cancer cells can be caused by
therapy. In that regard, there is hope in combining formation of dna lesions, arrest of dna synthesis,

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1 Copyright © 2011 Multimed Inc.

inhibition of rna synthesis, and triggering of immu- dna synthesis than does the cis-diamine carrier li-
nologic reactions. Oxaliplatin also exhibits synergism gand of cisplatin 2.
with other cytotoxic drugs, but the underlying mech-
anisms of those effects are less well understood. 3.2 Arrest of DNA Synthesis

3.1 DNA Lesions Experiments looking at the mechanism of syner-

gism between oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil (5fu)
At intracellular physiological concentrations have uncovered a direct inhibitory effect of oxali-
of HCO 3 – a nd H 2 PO 4 – , a nd af t e r a qu at ion , platin on thymidylate synthase, preventing the in-
dichloro(dach)platinum compounds, once formed in corporation of thymidine in nucleic acid synthesis 9.
plasma, enter the cell nucleus, where, with a pecu- This antimetabolite-like effect results in arrest of
liar tropism for GC-rich sites, they bind a nitrogen the mitotic process. Because oxaliplatin is usually
atom (N7) of guanine, forming dna monoadducts, combined with 5fu, itself a thymidylate synthase
then diadducts 4. Although the effect of oxaliplatin inhibitor, it is unclear whether this mechanism of
is mostly on genomic dna, adducts are also formed action of oxaliplatin plays an important role in vivo
in nucleosomes. of its own.
Oxaliplatin can induce 3 types of crosslinks:
3.3 Inhibition of Messenger RNA Synthesis
• dna intra-strand crosslinks
• dna inter-strand crosslinks Inhibition of dna replication is not always sufficient
• dna–protein crosslinks to cause cell death. Inhibition of transcription at the
initiation and elongation phases also plays a key role.
Intra-strand crosslinks seem to be the predomi- Three main mechanisms of transcription inhibition
nant mechanism of action in the induction of dna are postulated for oxaliplatin 10:
lesions, with binding of two Gs 4, or less frequently,
a G–A base pair. • Binding of transcription factors: At the initia-
Inter-strand crosslinks are believed to signifi- tion stage, platinum–dna adducts can serve as
cantly contribute to the cytotoxicity of cisplatin 5, binding sites for transcription factors, especially
but seem less important in the mechanism of ac- when those factors have a strong chemical af-
tion of oxaliplatin. A study by Woynarowski et al. finity for platinum. Thus, natural binding of the
confirms both their presence at a low rate and their transcription factors to their promoter sites is
lethal properties 6. prevented.
As to dna–protein crosslinks, despite their de- • Inhibition of rna polymerases: This inhibition
naturating effect on enzymes and other important is established for cisplatin, but is presumably also
intracellular proteins, most studies have not proven true of oxaliplatin. The bases of platinum–dna
that they cause cell death 5. adducts are not able to enter the active site of an
Monoadducts are devoid of significant cyto- enzyme such as pol ii.
toxic action. Lethal dna biadducts inhibit both • Role of nucleosomal dna adducts: These ad-
dna replication and transcription, causing apopto- ducts have the potential to block access by the
sis after cell cycle arrest 7 unless nucleotide exci- rna polymerase to the dna template.
sion repair has occurred. Formation of these dna
adducts is greater and more rapid with cisplatin 3.4 Immunologic Mechanisms
than with oxaliplatin. Yet, oxaliplatin is, overall,
more cytotoxic than cisplatin. The therapeutic ef- It has recently been discovered that oxaliplatin can
fects of oxaliplatin therefore clearly do not depend cause the immunogenic death of colon cancer cells
only on the alkylating–intercalating effects of the in murine and human cell lines 11. After exposure to
platinum moiety 7. oxaliplatin, colon cancer cells emit several immu-
The apoptotic pathway of colon cancer cells after nogenic signals on their surface before undergoing
exposure to oxaliplatin involves caspase 3 activation, apoptosis. These signals trigger the production of
translocation of Bax in the mitochondria, and release interferon γ by T cells and also interact with the toll-
of cytochrome C in the cytosol 8. like receptor 4 of dendritic cells, the whole process
Some aspects of the dna lesions are relatively resulting in a sort of tumour vaccine. A particu-
specific to oxaliplatin. For example, the conforma- larly convincing argument of the importance of this
tion of oxaliplatin adducts, as compared with those mechanism is that humans carrying a mutant allele
of cisplatin or carboplatin adducts, makes binding of the TLR4 gene resulting in loss of function were
with the mismatch repair (mmr) protein complex found to experience a lesser benefit from oxalipla-
more difficult, presumably resulting in greater irre- tin chemotherapy in the metastatic setting, with a
versibility of the lesions. In addition, the bulky dach statistically significant shorter progression-free and
compound is postulated to more effectively prevent overall survival.

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1

3.5 Mechanism of Action in Oxaliplatin-Based 4. TOXICITY PROFILE

Oxaliplatin causes adverse reactions that narrow its
Because single-agent oxaliplatin has low activity in therapeutic index. The target organs are mainly the
many tumours, it is often combined with other che- hematopoietic system, the peripheral nerves, and the
motherapeutic agents, 5fu being the most common. gastrointestinal (gi) system.
The exact mechanism of synergism between 5fu
and oxaliplatin is complex, but experimental obser- 4.1 The Hematopoietic System
vations suggest that oxaliplatin can downregulate or
inhibit dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, slowing Oxaliplatin is moderately myelotoxic, more so than
the catabolism of 5fu 9. cisplatin. The severity of myelotoxicity is proportion-
Oxaliplatin has been combined with other cy- al to the dose, typically 85–135 mg/m2 intravenously.
totoxic therapeutic agents with varying degrees of Grades 3 and 4 neutropenia are common, but with
success. The mechanism of action of these combina- only a 4% incidence of neutropenic fever 19. Anemia
tions is less well documented and beyond the scope and thrombocytopenia are usually not severe.
of this article. Like many other cytotoxic drugs, oxaliplatin
Relatively few data document the potential for presumably affects progenitor cells in the bone
synergism of oxaliplatin-based combinations with marrow. It also enters peripheral blood cells: dna
molecularly targeted therapy. In vitro experiments adducts are present in leukocytes after oxaliplatin
show enhanced cytotoxicity to cisplatin in cells administration 20. Whether this action contributes to
pretreated with rapamycin, after suppression of dna hematologic toxicity is uncertain, but the number of
repair mechanisms by the latter agent 12. Combina- platinum–dna adducts in the blood cells of patients
tions of oxaliplatin with inhibitors of the mamma- treated with cisplatin correlates with the degree of
lian target of rapamycin should be evaluated in the leucopenia and thrombocytopenia 21.
clinical setting. Other, less frequent, mechanisms of hematologic
toxicity have been described. For instance, hyper-
3.6 Resistance to Oxaliplatin sensitivity reactions after repeated infusions of ox-
aliplatin can cause hemolytic anemia and secondary
Despite initial sensitivity to oxaliplatin, most can- immune thrombocytopenia 22. In addition, rare cases
cer cells will eventually develop resistance. Many of secondary acute leukemia have also been reported,
mechanisms of resistance have been described or as with other alkylating agents 23.
hypothesized because of similarity between oxalip-
latin and cisplatin 13,14. The intracellular fate of the 4.2 The Peripheral Nerves
drug can be affected by decreased uptake (resulting
in lower intracellular concentration) or inactivation Peripheral neuropathy is extremely common in
by structural or spatial changes (conjugation with oxaliplatin-treated subjects. It exists in an acute and
glutathione or sequestration with metallothionein). a chronic form, believed to result from distinct, but
However, the most important mechanisms seem to overlapping, pathophysiologic mechanisms.
be related to dna repair: mmr, or nucleotide excision Acute peripheral neuropathy is characterized by
repair (ner). Cells that overexpress ercc1, an excision paresthesia, dysethesia, or allodynia affecting the
repair enzyme, are resistant to oxaliplatin 15. extremities, the lips, and the oropharyngolaryngeal
The combination of oxaliplatin with other anti- area during or shortly after oxaliplatin infusion. It is
neoplastic drugs may prevent resistance—or even often triggered by exposure to cold. It usually sub-
reverse it. For instance, in vitro assays show that sides within a few hours or days 24. Experimental data
cetuximab reduces the expression of components of suggest that oxaliplatin affects voltage-gated sodium
ner pathways, used by the cell to remove platinum– channels in complex pathways involving calcium.
dna adducts 16. A potential area of research would Calcium itself is chelated by oxalate, a metabolite
be the combination of oxaliplatin with inhibitors of of oxaliplatin 25.
Aurora kinases and of poly–adenosine diphosphate Chronic oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropa-
ribose polymerase 17. thy results from cumulative exposure to the drug.
The incidence of grades 3 and 4 neuropathy is about
3.7 Drug Interactions 15% 26 in patients who have received a cumulative
dose of about 800 mg/m 2. It essentially involves
Recent data show that oxaliplatin has little to no ef- the extremities. Although described initially as a
fect on cytochrome P450, one of the main enzymes degenerative process of the axons, in which the pre-
involved in drug biotransformation 18. That finding viously mentioned sodium ion channels play a role,
suggests that, when necessary, oxaliplatin may be it is now thought as well to be a state secondary to
safe to use in co-administration with other commonly accumulation of platinum compounds in the dorsal
used drugs. root ganglia cells, causing atrophy and mitochondrial

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1

dysfunction 27. It is irreversible in fewer than 5% half-lives being successively 0.28 hour, 16.3 hours,
of cases. Most of the time, peripheral neuropathy and 273 hours.
manifests itself as decreased distal sensations and One paper reported the pharmacokinetics of
proprioception. As with the acute form, involvement oxaliplatin itself rather than of platinum after oxali-
of motor fibres is rare. platin infusion 38. The half-life (t1/2) of oxaliplatin
An understanding of the mechanism of periph- is 14.1 minutes. Another half-life of 45 minutes is
eral neuropathy induced by oxaliplatin is crucial related to in vivo degradation in blood rather than to
for the prevention and treatment of this phenom- elimination. Also, “a significant correlation between
enon 28,29. Many drugs for that purpose (for example, the clearance and the in vivo degradation rate con-
xaliproden, gabapentin) have been unsuccessfully stants” was found, suggesting that there could be a
tested. However, despite a previous controversy, physiologic link between those two processes.
the results of a retrospective study 30 and of an in-
completely accrued randomized controlled trial 31 5.2 Impaired Kidney Function
indicate a benefit with infusions of calcium glu-
conate and magnesium sulphate before and after In a study examining the pharmacokinetics of oxalip-
oxaliplatin administration. The benefit consists of latin in the setting of renal function impairment 39, 34
a significant reduction in the incidence of chronic patients were stratified according to creatinine clear-
peripheral neuropathy symptoms secondary to ance and received oxaliplatin at various dose levels.
oxaliplatin. Although initially described, the im- The area under the curve (auc) increased with
provement of acute neurotoxicity by this interven- lower creatinine clearance, supporting the understand-
tion has not been confirmed. There is no evidence ing that the clearance of oxaliplatin occurs largely
to suggest a decrease in the anticancer effects of through renal mechanisms. However, no increased
oxaliplatin when calcium and magnesium infusions toxicity was observed, even with an increased auc
are administered. secondary to renal dysfunction.
An additional research question is whether oxali-
platin can safely be combined with anti-neoplastics 5.3 Impaired Liver Function
that have a different mechanism of neurotoxicity. Few
studies in that regard have been performed, but un- Similarly, 60 cancer patients with liver dysfunction
controlled trials suggest no increase in the incidence were stratified according to the results of liver function
of severe peripheral neuropathy when oxaliplatin is tests (total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase, and
associated with vinca alkaloids 32, taxanes 33, and alkaline phosphatase) or their status as liver transplant
proteasome inhibitors 34. recipients 40. They received oxaliplatin 60–130 mg/
m2 according to a dose-escalation protocol.
4.3 The GI System Unlike renal insufficiency, liver dysfunction
does not seem to affect oxaliplatin clearance and
The gi side effects attributed to oxaliplatin consist auc, except in the group with the most severe ab-
mainly of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea 35. Usually normalities. No increased side effects were seen in
mild to moderate in intensity, they are considered to the patients tested.
be nonspecific toxic effects of the drug on the rapidly
dividing cells of the gi tract. 5.4 Long-Term Retention of Oxaliplatin Derivatives

5. PHARMACOKINETICS Given that the 3rd half-life of oxaliplatin is in the

order of hundreds of hours, accumulation of the
5.1 Generalities drug in tissues may presumably be expected. In this
regard, a study examined long-term retention of
Oxaliplatin is often administered concomitantly platinum 8–75 months after treatment with cisplatin
with 5fu. Phase i trials have shown no alteration of and oxaliplatin 41.
oxaliplatin pharmacokinetics when 5fu is adminis- The results showed that the plasma concentra-
tered concomitantly 36. In addition, most papers do tion of platinum in individuals previously exposed to
not address the pharmacokinetics of oxaliplatin per oxaliplatin or cisplatin is larger by a factor of 30 than
se, but of the platinum content. In fact, shortly after that in unexposed controls. The metal is found in both
infusion, oxaliplatin forms many different platinum whole and ultrafilterable plasma. Risk factors for per-
compounds that bind to blood or cell proteins. These sistent high levels are decreased glomerular function
molecules are thought to be of no pharmacologic in- and high cumulative dose. The authors demonstrated
terest 37. Therefore, in most experiments, only the ul- that the platinum found is still reactive, capable of
trafilterable platinum component is measured, which forming platinum–dna adducts in vitro. Although the
complicates interpretation of the pharmacologic data. physiologic significance of this reactivity is unknown,
Platinum derived from oxaliplatin is described as the findings are of concern with regard to long-term
having a “tri-exponential” pattern of elimination, the toxic effects such as secondary malignancies.

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1

6. CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OXALIPLATIN no strong evidence that any of the folfox variations
is superior to the others in terms of efficacy.
6.1 Early Studies The real value of oxaliplatin in metastatic col-
orectal cancer has been demonstrated in random-
The development of oxaliplatin was born of the need ized trials. For example, a phase iii study conducted
to find an alternative to cisplatin, an effective agent in by de Gramont 48 comparing 5fu –leucovorin with
various cancers, but substantially toxic. A recognized folfox4 in previously untreated metastatic colorec-
limitation of cisplatin was also its lack of activity tal cancer, showed a significant improvement in
against colorectal cancer, one of the most common response rate (50.7% vs. 22.3%) and progression-
human malignancies. free survival (9 months vs. 6.2 months) in favour of
The phase i studies evaluated activity and safety folfox. Similar results have been reported in trials
for a range of doses. Unlike the usual classical stud- in which capecitabine was substituted for 5fu and
ies, in which patient cohorts are given progressively leucovorin, forming the xelox or capox regimen 49.
higher doses of the studied drug, Mathé et al. used In addition, oxaliplatin in combination with fluoro-
a different design: Doses were escalated in each pyrimidines remains useful, even after progression
study patient until the maximally efficient dose on 5fu –irinotecan, another standard regimen for
range, defined as between 45 mg/m2 and 67 mg/ metastatic colorectal cancer 50.
m2 administered intravenously, was reached 42. An Given the effectiveness of oxaliplatin-based
absence of nephrotoxicity, setting oxaliplatin apart chemotherapy in advanced colorectal carcinoma,
from cisplatin, was observed. Hints of activity against there was obvious interest for studies in the adjuvant
lung cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, and hepatoma setting. In patients who have undergone surgery for
were noted. stage iii colon cancer, 5fu or capecitabine (compared
In a more conventional phase i trial 43, dose esca- with observation) significantly improves the cure
lation reached 200 mg/m2 delivered intravenously. At rate. Those results are furthered by the addition of
that dose level, the characteristic peripheral neuropa- oxaliplatin to the 5fu backbone. A recent publication
thy was recognized, leading to the recommendation, confirms that, as compared with 5fu, folfox improves
now accepted, that the maximum dose to be used overall survival in stage iii patients 51.
in clinic be 135 mg/m2 administered intravenously. Molecularly targeted cancer therapy is also added
Activity was also seen in various tumours, including to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy for the purpose of
some that had been pretreated with cisplatin. synergism. For now, the agents that are routinely used
Pharmacokinetic studies in that early period were in that context are monoclonal antibodies. Clinical
also conducted. Although synergism between oxalip- trials of bevacizumab, the antibody against vascular
latin and 5fu was rapidly recognized, relatively few endothelial growth factor, in combination with folfox
pharmacodynamic studies were performed, possibly or xelox for metastatic colorectal cancer have shown
because of an assumption that oxaliplatin and cispla- positive results in terms of response rate, progression-
tin shared the same mechanism of action. However, free survival, or overall survival, depending on the
interest in unmasking specific aspects of oxaliplatin particular clinical setting 52,53. Improved response
arose when it was discovered that oxaliplatin and rates and progression-free survival are seen when an
cisplatin are not cross-resistant. antibody (cetuximab or panitumumab) against the
epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr) is added to
6.2 Oxaliplatin in Colorectal Cancer folfox or xelox, although the benefit of those anti-
bodies is limited to patients harbouring an unmutated
The modest activity (10%) of single-agent oxaliplatin KRAS gene in their colorectal tumour 54,55.
in 5fu-refractory colorectal cancer was recognized Disappointingly, adding both bevacizumab and
early 44. This activity rate is about 20% in untreated an anti-egfr antibody to folfox or xelox is ineffec-
cases, according to a paper published in 1998 45. In tive and even deleterious 56. In addition, neither be-
both articles, the authors concluded that oxaliplatin vacizumab nor cetuximab improves overall survival
combinations should be explored to improve out- or disease-free survival when given in combination
comes. In fact, an uncontrolled study had already sug- with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in the adjuvant
gested synergy of 5fu and oxaliplatin, with reported setting 57,58. Overall, these results show how little is
response rates as high as 58% in a heterogeneous understood about the interaction of oxaliplatin with
cohort of untreated and previously treated colorectal antibodies, and how useful pharmacodynamic studies
cancer patients 46. would be in that regard.
The high activity of 5fu–leucovorin–oxaliplatin Even fewer data are available regarding poten-
in 5fu-refractory colorectal carcinoma was confirmed tial combinations of oxaliplatin with anti-angio-
in later trials, and the combination was given the acro- genic small molecules and multikinase inhibitors.
nym folfox 47. Several versions of this regimen have The occasional antagonistic effects encountered in
been developed (from folfox1 to folfox7) to improve some in vitro experiments 59 highlight the need for
5fu-related toxicity and patient convenience. There is careful research.

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1

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Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 1

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