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Molecular dynamics simulation of graphene growth on Ni(100) facet by chemical vapor

R. Rasuli, Kh. Mostafavi, and J. Davoodi

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 024311 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4862164

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Molecular dynamics simulation of graphene growth on Ni(100) facet

by chemical vapor deposition
R. Rasuli,a) Kh. Mostafavi, and J. Davoodi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

(Received 4 October 2013; accepted 31 December 2013; published online 14 January 2014)
We present a molecular dynamics simulation of chemical vapor deposition of graphene. Single
layer graphene growth on a Ni (100) facet was studied at different substrate temperatures, C flow
rates, and C flow energies. Results show that a single layer graphene film grows through a
combined deposition mechanism on a Ni substrate, rather than by surface segregation. These
simulations suggest that high quality graphene deposition is theoretically possible on Ni (100) facet
C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. []
under high flux energy. V

I. INTRODUCTION directions, is transformed into (100) direction.9 However,

these studies focus on the thermodynamic stability of struc-
Unique properties of graphene introduce it as a most
tures on the (111) facet and have not presented dynamics of
promising candidate for applications in nanotechnology.1,2 It
the growth process on Ni (100) facet.
has potential application in nano-electronics and nano-
In this study, we investigate the effect of C flow energy,
devices.3–5 To realize these potential applications, one needs
substrate temperature, and C flow rate as three important pa-
to produce high-quality graphene in large quantity.
rameters in CVD graphene growth. According to the trans-
So far, several methods have been reported to synthe-
formation of (110) and (111) directions to (100) direction
size graphene. Mechanical exfoliation,6 chemical methods,7
[9], we have selected Ni (100) facet to study the graphene
and transition metal-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition
growth instead of the more stable Ni (111) facet. Results
(CVD)8,9 are commonly use in graphene production.
show that high C mobility significantly improves graphene
Presently, CVD is the most promising and low-cost
quality. In addition, formation of a single layer graphene
approach to synthesize graphene in large-area as well as
film occurs through a combined deposition mechanism on a
high-quality.5 Understanding of CVD growth mechanism at
Ni substrate, rather than by surface segregation.
the atomic level is useful for controlling and improving
quality of produced graphene. However, experimental tech- II. METHODS
niques are presently unable to give details of graphene
growth at the atomic scale. MD simulations were performed using LAMMPS code
Graphene growth in the large-scale has been subject of by the Verlet algorithm16 with a time step of 0.20 fs.
theoretical researches to understand the details of nucleation Temperature of system was controlled by a Berendsen ther-
and growth of graphene. Loginova et al. have reported that mostat with a damping constant of 100 fs.17 A four-layer slab
adhesion of C clusters to the graphene edge is main process in model of Ni (100) surface including 256 Ni atoms was
CVD growth of graphene.10 Chen et al. have predicted that applied to represent the catalyst surface. We take on a 20 Å
nucleation of graphene is dependent on the type of transition thick vacuum along the z-axis and periodic boundary condi-
metal substrate.11 Gao et al. have studied graphene nucleation tions along the other directions. To mimic the semi-infinite
on terrace of metal substrate and near the step edge.8 Cheng surface, we fix atoms in the bottom layer of the slab. C atoms
et al. have reported a homogeneous nucleation process for were randomly deposited on the Ni (100) surface at different
graphene growth.12 Amara et al.13 revealed that defect healing substrate temperatures, C flow rates, and C flow energies. We
occurs when metal substrate is applied for graphene growth.14 have applied Airbao, Embedded atom model, and Lenard-
Theses studies have explored graphene growth in the static Jones potentials between C-C, Ni-Ni, and Ni-C atoms, respec-
condition. According to the fact that graphene growth is a ki- tively. Parameter values of Lenard-Jones potential were set to
netic and nonequilibrium process, it is instructive to study the 0.0486 eV and 3.0665 Å for epsilon and sigma, respectively.18
process dynamically on the Ni (100) facet.
Molecular dynamics (MD) is a powerful method to III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
study dynamic process at the atomic scale. So far, there is In CVD method, metal catalyst is placed in a mixed
some theoretical work focused on the dynamics of graphene flow of hydrocarbons usually methane and other gases, e.g.,
growth on the Ni (111) facet.15 Chae et al. reported that after hydrogen. In this method, graphene growth occurs by C
graphene synthesis on poly-crystalline Ni substrates, the atom addition on the previous structure. During graphene
most abundant (110) direction, as well as (100) and (111) growth, C precursor on the catalyst surface dissociates to C
atom and its concentration is raised gradually. To explore
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: the effect of substrate temperature on the nucleation of gra- Tel.: 98-241-515-2522. Fax: 98-241-2283203. phene, we considered the concentrations with 72 and 144 C

0021-8979/2014/115(2)/024311/4/$30.00 115, 024311-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC


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024311-2 Rasuli, Mostafavi, and Davoodi J. Appl. Phys. 115, 024311 (2014)

FIG. 1. Final configurations of the graphene layers grown on a Ni (100) surface for the various substrate temperatures with concentrations of 72 (a) and 144 C
atoms (b).

FIG. 2. (a) Dissolved C atoms (red

sphere) into Ni substrate, (b) equilib-
rium configuration at 250 K from both
top and side view, (c) surface segrega-
tion of dissolved C in the Ni (100) sur-
face at 1600 K from both top and side

atoms. To maintain the crystalline state of substrate during

the graphene growth sufficiently, low temperatures are
essential. The initial and final structures simulated in 100 ps
at 400–1400 K are presented in Figure 1. Results show that
increase in substrate temperature cause to formation of some
C rings on the substrate due to increase in C atoms diffusion
on the catalyst surface. At the temperature of 1200 K, for
both concentration 72 and 144 C atoms, some hexagonal is
formed. In the case of 144 C atoms, graphene nucleation is
improved while the obtained graphene has defect and dislo-
cation. This is in agreement with the previous reports.19
In a typical CVD graphene growth on Ni substrate, C
monomers readily dissolve into the subsurface. In this part,
we present simulation results of C surface segregation as a
final step in CVD growth of graphene. The barrier for an
adatom to diffuse from the surface to the subsurface is
0.6 eV,12 which is small enough to be overcome easily at
1000 K. C dimmers and trimmers are more stable on the sur- FIG. 3. Flow rate (R) effect versus various temperatures on the number of
face at 1000 K than subsurface. According to snapshots in hexagons at temperature ranged 500–6500 K.

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024311-3 Rasuli, Mostafavi, and Davoodi J. Appl. Phys. 115, 024311 (2014)

Figure 2, the surface Ni atoms between two C dimers or flow rate is corresponded to the required time for diffusion
trimers lift out of the substrate due to strong C Ni interac- and incorporation in graphene growth process. Figure 3
tion. This was observed in previous ab initio calculation that shows the number of 6-membered rings at various flow rate
justifies validity of the employed potential in this work.20 and temperatures. The process have been simulated in the
In CVD growth, flow rate of precursor also affect the flow rate range 0.05–0.5 ps 1 and temperature range
obtained graphene quality. The first step in the CVD growth 1000–6500 K. Results show that at the flow rate of 0.1 ps 1
of graphene is the decomposition of gas-phase C precursors and at the flow temperature range 4000–5000 K, the number
on the catalyst surface, which can be controlled by the ther- of 6-membered rings is maximized. This means that under
mochemistry. Here, we name the rate of C production as C such condition, C adatom have enough energy and time to
flow rate. The C ions diffuse on the catalyst surface or diffuse on the surface and find a stable location, which
across its interior. Afterward, nucleation of graphene is fol- leads to formation of 6-membered C rings. Figure 4 shows
lowed by the incorporation of C into the growing process. a snapshot of final structure of obtained graphene under dif-
At the initial stage of graphene growth, a dimmer acts as a ferent C flux energy. It is apparent that the energy of C flux
nucleation center and grows large by adding C atoms. C has a main role in high quality graphene production.

FIG. 4. Snapshot of final structure of

obtained graphene under different C
flux energy. Substrate temperature and
flow rate are 1200 K and 0.06 ps 1,

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024311-4 Rasuli, Mostafavi, and Davoodi J. Appl. Phys. 115, 024311 (2014)

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