Club Organization Documents - Ver0

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• Club Information:

• Name of the club

• Date of formation
• Contact information (address, phone number, email)
• Organizational Structure:
• Articles of Incorporation
• Bylaws of the club
• Names and titles of officers and board members
• Purpose and Activities:
• Detailed description of the club's purpose and activities
• Explanation of how these activities promote social or recreational interaction
among members
• Membership Criteria:
• Criteria for membership
• Any limitations on membership (e.g., age restrictions)
• Financial Information:
• Sources of income (e.g., membership fees, donations)
• Budget for current and future operations
• Financial statements (if available)
• Ownership and Use of Assets:
• Description of club assets and their use
• Explanation of how club assets are used exclusively for social or recreational
• Conflict of Interest Policy:
• Statement of any conflict of interest policy adopted by the club
• Procedures for disclosing and handling conflicts of interest among officers and
board members
• Public Accessibility:
• Explanation of how the club's facilities and activities are accessible to members
and, if applicable, the general public
• Other Supporting Documents:
• Any additional documents or information that support the club's eligibility for
501(c)7 status

Club Information

Organizational Structure

Articles of Incorporation - ATTACHED

Bylaws of the Club - ATTACHED
List of officers and board members with their name and titles - ATTACHED
Purpose and activities

The club's primary objective is to facilitate recreational fitness activities for its members
while fostering a strong sense of community spirit.

Comprising approximately 25 members, our club is dedicated to promoting recreational

badminton as a means of leisure and exercise outside of professional commitments.
However, our enthusiasm has been tempered by the scarcity of badminton facilities
within our locality, presenting significant obstacles to our members' enjoyment of the
sport and their pursuit of physical well-being and camaraderie.

Currently, the club does not possess its own physical badminton court facility. To address
this challenge, we are committed to sourcing suitable infrastructure within our
community, such as basketball gyms in fitness clubs, gymnasiums in public schools, and
various pickleball facilities. In many instances, the club will provide its own equipment
and resources to establish playable court systems in these rented facilities, ensuring
accessibility for all members.

Recognizing the magnitude of the endeavor, the board of directors is actively involved in
these efforts, contributing their time and expertise to ensure the success of our shared

Membership Criteria:

At present, the club is exclusively accepting adult members aged 20 and above. This
restriction is necessitated by the insurance coverage procured for the club, as well as to
mitigate potential legal responsibilities and liabilities.

Looking ahead, there is a proactive anticipation that the club's resources may become
accessible to players in the 6-20 age group. However, this expansion will only occur
following comprehensive assessment and adherence to all requisite paperwork and safety
protocols mandated by law.

Furthermore, the club is committed to ensuring that any future inclusion of younger
members is accompanied by appropriate supervision and safety measures to safeguard
their well-being and uphold the club's standards of excellence in recreational activities.

Financial Information

The club's financial operations will be sustained through the collection of annual or
monthly dues from its members. These dues will serve to cover a range of expenses
including, but not limited to, the procurement of equipment (fixed costs), rental of
facilities (operating costs), compensation for club officers' time and transportation, and
shipping costs associated with the acquisition of essential resources and merchandise for
the club's activities.

The annual budget for the club is set at $45,000, calculated based on the following

1. Court Rental Cost: $5.50 per hour per person

2. Playing Time: 3 days a week with 2-hour sessions
3. Weekly Cost per Person: $33
4. Monthly Cost per Person: $143
5. Membership Fee: $150, allocated to cover other fixed and operating costs
6. Annual Membership Fee: $1,800 per club member
7. Total Annual Budget: $45,000

It is anticipated that this annual budget will remain consistent for at least the next two
years. This stability provides a foundation for effective financial planning and resource
allocation to ensure the continued sustainability and growth of the club's operations.

Ownership and Use of Assets

The club currently possesses the following assets for its utilization:

1. Net System with Poles and Weight Bases designed for deployment across four
distinct courts.
2. Marking System tailored for floor application, specifically intended for gym
facilities available for rent.
3. Measuring devices utilized to ensure precise adherence to regulation size
4. Reserve Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks.
5. Assorted hardware items essential for the setup process.

These assets are instrumental in preparing a minimum of four courts, accommodating up

to sixteen players simultaneously. The club's efforts are focused on optimizing resource
usage, ensuring minimal breaks between games for members, thereby maximizing the
cost-effectiveness of asset utilization.

Conflict of Interest Policy

1. Purpose
The Conflict of Interest Policy is established to ensure that the activities, decisions, and
transactions of the club are conducted with integrity, impartiality, and in the best interests
of the club and its members. This policy aims to identify, disclose, and manage conflicts
of interest that may arise among the officers, directors, and members of the club.
2. Definition of Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when an individual's personal interests or relationships
interfere, or appear to interfere, with their ability to act in the best interests of the club.
Such conflicts may arise from financial interests, personal relationships, or other
affiliations that may impair objectivity or impartiality in decision-making.
3. Disclosure
All officers, directors, and members of the club are required to disclose any actual or
potential conflicts of interest promptly and fully to the Board of Directors. Disclosure
should include relevant details such as the nature of the conflict, the parties involved, and
any potential impact on club affairs.
4. Recusal
Individuals with a conflict of interest shall recuse themselves from participating in any
discussion, deliberation, or decision-making process related to the matter in which the
conflict exists. Recusal ensures that decisions are made impartially and without undue
influence from conflicted parties.
5. Review and Approval
The Board of Directors shall review all disclosed conflicts of interest to determine the
appropriate course of action. In cases where a conflict exists, the Board shall evaluate the
situation and take necessary steps to address the conflict in the best interests of the club.
6. Documentation
All disclosures, deliberations, and actions taken to address conflicts of interest shall be
documented and maintained in the club's records. Transparency and accountability are
essential in managing conflicts of interest effectively.
7. Annual Review
The Conflict of Interest Policy shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors to
ensure its effectiveness and relevance to the club's operations. Any necessary updates or
revisions shall be made to address emerging issues or changes in circumstances.
8. Compliance
Failure to comply with the Conflict of Interest Policy may result in disciplinary action,
including but not limited to removal from office, expulsion from membership, or legal
consequences as appropriate.
9. Confidentiality
All disclosures and deliberations regarding conflicts of interest shall be treated with the
utmost confidentiality to protect the privacy and reputations of individuals involved.
10. Adoption
This Conflict of Interest Policy shall be adopted by the Board of Directors and
communicated to all officers, directors, and members of the club. By accepting
membership or assuming office, individuals acknowledge their understanding of and
commitment to this policy.
Public Accessibility

At present, membership recruitment primarily relies on word-of-mouth referrals and

personal invitations extended by existing club members. This approach fosters a sense of
community and facilitates the integration of new members into the club's social fabric.

Looking ahead, the club recognizes the importance of expanding accessibility and
outreach to the broader public. Plans are underway to explore the implementation of
digital platforms, such as a dedicated web portal, mobile application, or Google Form, to
streamline the registration process and enable interested individuals to express their
interest in joining the club.

These digital initiatives aim to enhance accessibility, convenience, and inclusivity,

allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds and interests to discover and engage with
the club's offerings. By embracing technology, the club seeks to broaden its reach, attract
new members, and enrich the overall experience for existing and prospective participants.

As these digital solutions are developed and implemented, the club remains committed to
maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment, where individuals of all ages and
backgrounds can come together to enjoy recreational activities, foster friendships, and
contribute to the vibrant community spirit we cherish.

General Liability Insurance Policy

We are pleased to provide a copy of our club's General Liability Insurance Policy as an
attachment to our Form 1024 application for 501(c)(7) tax-exempt status. This insurance
policy is a vital component of our risk management strategy, providing protection against
claims of bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and other liabilities arising
from club activities.

The policy details coverage limits, exclusions, and other pertinent terms and conditions,
demonstrating our commitment to safeguarding the interests of our members, volunteers,
guests, and the community at large. By maintaining comprehensive general liability
insurance, we aim to ensure the financial security and stability of our club while
upholding the highest standards of safety and accountability.

We believe that transparent disclosure of our insurance coverage reinforces our

dedication to responsible governance, compliance with legal requirements, and protection
of all stakeholders involved in our club's operations. We are confident that this
attachment will provide the IRS with assurance of our commitment to prudent risk
management practices and adherence to regulatory standards.

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