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Jonh Fendrick S.

BSIT 2.2 D

Topic: Social Media Usage and Well-being

Goal: To understand the relationship between social media usage habits and
individuals' well-being.

Sample Population: Adults aged 16 and above.

Methods of Data Collection: Online surveys

Five Survey Questions:

1.How many hours per day, on average, do you spend using digital devices such
as smartphones, tablets, and computers?
2.What activities do you primarily engage in during your screen time?
3.Have you ever experienced negative effects such as eye strain, headaches, or
sleep disturbances due to excessive screen time?
4.How often do you consciously take breaks or set limits on your screen time to
prioritize your well-being?
5. Do you use any strategies or tools to manage your screen time and promote
digital well-being?
Jonh Fendrick S. Evangelista
BSIT 2.2 D

Differentiate SQL and No SQL

SQL is like a filing cabinet with neatly labeled folders and papers inside. You have to decide exactly
how many folders you need and what labels they should have before you start putting papers in. It's
good for when you have a clear idea of how your data should be organized and want to make sure
everything stays organized.

NoSQL is more like a big pile of papers on your desk. You can add papers or rearrange them however
you want without worrying too much about organization. It's great for when you have a lot of
different types of papers coming in all the time and you need to be able to change things around

In a SQL system, if you want to find something, you use a specific method (like alphabetical order) to
look it up. In a NoSQL system, you might use different methods depending on what you're looking for,
and there's no one right way to do it.

SQL is good for things like keeping track of money or inventory, where you need to be really careful
that everything is correct and nothing gets lost. NoSQL is good for things like social media or online
shopping, where there's a lot of data coming in all the time and you need to be able to handle it
quickly and easily.
Jonh Fendrick S. Evangelista
BSIT 2.2 D


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