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Organization structure

Description of the management roles, responsibilities and reporting lines in the programme

Content checklist Responsibilities

 Create a programme organization chart Approve Producer Reviewer
showing organizational structure r

 Describe responsibilities of people on the Producer Reviewer Approver Sponsoring group

sponsoring group and programme board
 What are the role descriptions/terms of
reference for people in the programme’s
management team?
 What are the responsibilities of the business
change management organization?
Created Defining a programme
 What are the responsibilities of organizational
governance authorities, e.g. risk, compliance,

 What are the terms of reference for the Implemented Managing the tranche start
sponsoring group programme board and other
bodies supporting the programme?

 Who is responsible for assurance in the

programme? Reviewed & Managing the tranche end/
updated Closing a programme
 How will team’s professional development and
performance be managed?

Hints and tips

Role descriptions should always be tailored to suit
the requirements of the organization(s) involved and
the context and environment of the specific

Defined roles, clear accountabilities, and

management structures and reporting
arrangements are all critical to programme success.

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