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Online Journal of Education Research Conceptions about Language Syllabus and

Textbook Based Instructions: TEFL Graduate Students in Focus

Article · October 2013


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Birhanu Simegn
Bahir Dar University


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ISSN 2277-0860; Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 66-71; October, 2013.
Online Journal of Education Research
©2013 Online Research Journals

Research Paper

Available Online at

Conceptions about Language Syllabus and

Textbook Based Instructions: TEFL Graduate
Students in Focus
Birhanu Simegn Chanie (PhD, Asst professor)
Bahir Dar University, Bahir dar, Ethiopia. E-mail:; Tel.: 913313446

Received 13 May, 2013 Accepted 30 October, 2013

Having a well-developed understanding of language syllabus and teaching materials are proven to be
one of the qualities of experts who developed an effective second/foreign language education program.
Designing English language teaching program in our contexts also requires us to have a thorough
understanding of the language syllabus and the roles of teaching materials in the teaching and learning
process. This qualitative study sought to see how student teachers, in teaching English as a foreign
language in MA programs, conceptualize English language syllabus and to assess how they respond to
the use of textbook in classroom teaching. Twelve-second year MA summer students were grouped into
four (three in each group), and they discussed the nature of language syllabus and the role of using
textbooks in actual English language teaching classroom teaching for one hour. The report of each
focus group discussion shows a similar level of conception about language syllabus, indicating a little
understanding of the basic elements of English language syllabus. The student teachers also
suggested inconsistent and unclear positions on the use or importance of using textbooks in the actual
classroom teaching. Hence, the student teachers did not seem to have a well-established conception of
English language syllabus and a firm stand for using textbooks in the actual teaching and learning
process. More exposure on the nature of language syllabus and material development may be needed
for enabling them to design and adapt language syllabi and teaching materials for English language

Key words: English syllabus, instructional materials and textbook based, EFL, teaching.


Background of the Study

The idea of syllabus and curriculum development has a Recently, however, there seems to have a common
long history that shares the historical development of understanding of both terms, curriculum and syllabus.
education itself. In the discussion of education, the terms The word curriculum has been defined as the overall
‘curriculum and syllabus’ have considerable ambiguity contents and aims to be taught and realized in a given
and conceptual overlapping. Stern [1], for example, school or institution White [2] syllabus, on the other hand,
referred the word ‘curriculum’, in American educational has been considered as contents of a particular course or
context, to the contents of courses or subjects offered in subject matter. Curriculum, in a broader sense, is
a certain institution or college, whereas these same referred to the mission, purpose, design, and
courses or contents were referred to as ‘syllabus’ in implementation of an education program, while syllabus
British education system. That is, similar elements of is understood as a specification and sequencing of
educational domain have been named differently in courses and course contents [3]. Syllabus is, thus, part of
different countries like America and Britain. a given curriculum and plays a major role in realizing the
Chanie 67

curriculum of a particular education program. It attempts needs not only a well structured and organized syllabus
to define and interpret the philosophy of the curriculum but also enriched teaching and learning materials and
into detailed elements of teaching and learning [4]. resources that enable teachers and learners to translate
Curriculum and syllabus design has a significant place the syllabus into classroom activities and interactions for
in English Language Teaching (ELT). According to the attainment of intended objectives. Given the dynamic
Richards [5], several countries have a unit of language nature of ELT syllabus design, there is a direct link
curriculum development in ministries of education with a between language syllabus and teaching materials.
mandate of evaluating and designing national language Teaching materials and resources are basically prepared
curriculum. Language curriculum determines basic based on the given language syllabus that is used for a
principles of language, language teaching and language particular ELT program. As Nunan [7] notes, practical
learning; based on these principles the aims, objectives instructional processes of a language education program
and learning purposes as well as implementation begins with designing and preparing teaching materials to
programs are drawn. That is, language syllabus is be used for actual classroom instructions. The author
developed based on the philosophy of the language further indicates that the already defined goals and
curriculum where general and specific objectives, objectives as well as learning experiences in the syllabus
contents, learning experiences and evaluation are made tangible with the teaching materials. That is,
mechanisms of a course or courses can be developed. the teaching materials bring flesh to the bones of the
Based on the underlying assumptions of the nature of syllabus.
language and language teaching and learning, there are The importance of teaching materials for effective
various types of language syllabus. The earliest and most language teaching and learning does not seem to be
common type of language syllabus is the grammatical contentious. The pointing is selecting and adapting
syllabus. This type of syllabus is designed based on the materials appropriate to an ELT context. According to
assumption that language is a system of grammatical Masuhara [8], currently, the abundance of EFL/ESL
rules and mastering these grammar rules enables textbooks produced by various authors do seem to
learners to use the language in their communication. reduce the burden of teachers in writing their teaching
Inputs of the syllabus focus on various grammatical materials, the serious challenge is that the teachers must
elements. The other type of syllabus is the lexical adapt any commercially produced textbooks based on
syllabus. It is used widely in ELT, and vocabularies are the ELT context. Thus, teachers with limited skills and
assumed to determine learning a language. Thus, listed experiences of designing and adapting teaching materials
lexical items are organized to be taught and learnt. The will face problems of accommodating the actual teaching
skill-based syllabus is also another type of syllabus, and learning process with the given resources and
which has been used in many parts of the world. In this textbooks. Another rational behind the need for adapting
type of syllabus, the micro skills (pronunciation, grammar teaching materials is the technological advancement and
and vocabulary) and the macro skills (listening, reading, its effect on our textbooks and instructional pedagogy [9].
speaking and writing) of language are identified and For example, because of communication technology
organized. The functional notional syllabus is still another (e.g., internet), language learners could have more
type of syllabus that emphasizes on language functions access to various learning resources and they will have
(e.g., requesting, agreeing, suggesting and complaining), opportunities for practicing independent learning, and
and a list of language functions is taken as a syllabus. such situation could demand teachers for making their
Content-based syllabus, on the other hand, considers textbooks accommodate differences in instructional roles.
topics, themes, situation and other academic contents as Therefore, teachers’ role in developing and adapting
the basis for teaching and learning a language. The task- teaching materials becomes unabated despite the
based syllabus is relatively a recently used type of technical advancement of instructional materials and
syllabus that considers classroom processes as the main flexible pedagogical orientations. What matters is
determinant factors for learning a language, and a variety capacitating teachers to design and prepare teaching
of tasks and activities are listed for engaging learners in materials for their own learners. In doing so,
the classroom. Given these varieties of language syllabus understanding teachers’ capacity and perception of
discussed by different scholars, there are a few areas of developing and using language syllabus as well as
shared understanding on the nature of language syllabus. teaching materials could be another concern for those
That is, the language syllabus usually determines who aspire for establishing effective language education
learning objectives and learning contents in which program. Though there are no adequate research works
teachers, curriculum experts and students, in one way or on the views of ELT teachers about the language
the other, involve in the designing process [6]. syllabus and teaching materials, Kenyan teachers’ views
Generally, various types of syllabi have been used for on readymade teaching materials (textbooks) in their
effective implementation of language education program. classrooms were reported in 2003. The teachers reported
A well developed language education program, indeed, that textbooks could help learners have the framework of
68 Online J Edu Res

the course they take. They felt that teachers could also one, syllabus design and material writing. It focuses on
be benefited from using the prescribed textbooks as the providing students with basic principles of developing
teachers are saved from preparing and developing their language syllabus and teaching materials. Part two,
own materials within their busy schedule. However, the emphasizes to help students develop their capacity for
Kenyan teachers noted that the prescribed teaching designing and preparing syllabi and teaching materials.
materials do not seem to fit the ELT context unless the The course involves them in practical activities such as
textbooks are adapted. There seems to have a scanty of evaluation, preparation and development of syllabi and
information about how teachers in Ethiopia perceive the teaching materials.
ELT textbooks and the language syllabus, which
designed for use in secondary schools. Thus, this Instrument
assessment of teachers’ views on language syllabus and
on the use of textbooks in classrooms could fill such Data for this study were collected through focus group
information gap. discussions with twelve students of TEFL (Teaching
English as Foreign Language). Of the four sections (one
Objectives of the Study section has fourteen to fifteen students) this study
involved only one randomly selected section of students.
This study focused on understanding how EFL graduate The students have already taken the course, syllabus
students conceptualize language syllabus and how they design and material writing I as mentioned above. The
respond to the use of teaching materials (textbooks) in total number of student teachers was fifteen, but at the
their classroom teaching. The study specifically time of this study, three students were absent. Of the
addressed the student teachers’ perceptions of English twelve students, three were females. The participants
language syllabus and the use of textbook in their actual were also composed of students having three to twenty
classrooms. years of teaching experiences at elementary and
secondary schools.
The Research Questions
This study addressed the following questions:
The data collection was begun with grouping participants
1. How do EFL graduate students define a language (students) into four. Each group of three members was
syllabus? provided with four questions written on a piece of paper.
2. What roles of a language syllabus do they think to The questions required students to present and discuss
have in ELT? their conceptions and views on the nature of language
3. How do EFL graduate students rationalize the use of (English) syllabus as well as the use of prescribed
prescribed textbooks in EFL classrooms? textbook in ELT classrooms. Brief explanations were also
given to each question to help each participant
understand the discussion point. The students, then,
MATERIALS AND METHODS discussed the four questions for one hour and reported
their discussions on a piece of paper. Thematic analysis
The Study Site and Participants and presentation of core concepts were done on the
collected data before the organization of the report.
This study was conducted at Bahir Dar University. The
university has begun masters program in Teaching
English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and literature RESULTS
since 2007. Currently, there are about hundred students
in both programs, TEFL and literature. Majority of the The findings of this study were organized based on three
students were attending the TEFL program, as there are thematic areas: conceptions of language syllabus, roles
felt needs of qualified teachers at schools and higher of language syllabus and views of using the prescribed
institutions. textbooks in classrooms.
In addition to writing thesis, students in the TEFL
program are required to take courses such as English Conceptions of English Language Syllabus
language pedagogy, research methods in ELT and
syllabus design and material writing. The main purpose of The participants of each group do seem to have a similar
syllabus design and material writing course is to enable understanding of a language syllabus, and they reported
students to develop their own teaching materials based their conceptions of language syllabus as follows:
on the teaching and learning contexts they working in.
The students are taking this course in two parts. Part • guide for the teaching and learning of English
Chanie 69

• contract between the teachers and learners the teaching and learning process.
• plan of action On the other hand, the students acknowledged the
• expression of language and learning language syllabus as a framework of selecting and
• consist of aim, general and specific objectives, content, designing teaching materials, as well as classroom
methodology and evaluation system implementation procedures. The students, in this sense,
• includes textbooks, teaching materials and teaching did seem to conceptualize the essential purposes of
methods language syllabi. In fact, the students did not explain how
• framework of teaching and learning syllabi help teachers select their teaching materials and
• learning outcomes, contents, classroom activities, the classroom procedures.
methodologies and instructional materials
Teachers’ Views on Using Prescribed Teaching
Generally, the students seemed to have considerable Materials (textbooks) in Classrooms
understanding of language syllabus. They considered a
syllabus as a comprehensive framework that defined the The students’ views on the use of textbook in EFL
purpose, learning experiences and evaluation classrooms are presented in the following way:
mechanisms of a language program. The students,
however, did not appear to see the differences between • Teachers must use the textbook for their classroom
the language syllabus and the teaching materials. For teaching because teachers would not have similar
example, one of the major aspects of a language syllabus capacity and language competence for developing their
they mentioned was inclusion of textbooks and teaching own activities.
materials. The teaching materials and textbooks are not • Teachers must use the textbook for maintaining the
part of any language syllabus. Material designers rather standard and uniformity of the teaching and learning
use the given language syllabus as a basis for preparing process because of the teachers’ limited capacity.
and writing textbooks and other resources of teaching. • In situations where teachers can develop their own
materials, they do not need to follow the prescribed
Roles of Language Syllabus textbook.
• Textbooks should be used because teachers do not
The participants seemed to acknowledge the significant have similar competence to prepare their own teaching
roles of developing language syllabus in language materials, and to enable students pass the national
education program. They thought that language syllabi examination.
could serve as: • Teachers should not stick to the textbook since there
are problems of activities that cannot address students’
• sources of material development (e.g., classroom tasks learning needs.
and activities) • Teachers should use the textbook to make their lessons
• bases of adapting the lesson uniform and this can minimize the problems of material
• indicator of direction preparation. The textbook is also the source of national
• guide for teaching and lesson planning examinations.
• means of identifying the learners capacity problems
• means of enriching the teaching materials (textbooks) Generally, the students’ response to using the textbook in
• guide for developing teaching materials their classroom teaching reflected two different
dimensions. On the hand one, they said teachers should
Concisely, the student teachers’ conception of what roles directly conduct classroom instructions based on the
a language syllabus has in language education program prescribed textbook as the student teachers felt the
appears to be acceptable and clear. However, there textbook could maintain uniformity among schools. On
seems to be some kind of ambiguity in the above listed the other, the students suggested teachers to modify the
roles. That is, the students did not seem to understand textbook in classroom instructions as the students
the essential functions of a syllabus in language teaching believed the prescribed textbook could not accommodate
program. For example, they considered the language students’ learning capacity and interest.
syllabus as a base for preparing lessons and identifying Therefore, the student teachers did not seem to have a
language proficiency of students. In fact, with diverse well-defined position on the direct implementation of
socio cultural and economic background of students, prescribed textbooks in schools. However, the students
nationally designed syllabi could not have accurate did seem to focus on maintaining the prescribed
presumption of students’ language learning capacity, and textbooks based classroom teaching because of three
in practical terms, the syllabi could not serve teachers as reasons: standardization of curriculum, administration of
bases of classroom lesson planning. This is rather the national examination, and difficulty of developing or
students’ misconception of the roles the syllabi used in modifying their own teaching materials.
70 Online J Edu Res

DISCUSSION textbooks for supplementing other materials.

Based on the results of the study, the teachers’ mere Conclusion and Recommendations
conception of a language syllabus and undefined position
for using textbook in classroom instructions could reflect Understanding the teachers’ conceptions of language
two major implications. Firstly, the students did not seem syllabus and roles of textbooks in ELT context was the
to have more access and exposure of the syllabus they primary objective of the study. The teachers reflected
had been using at their work place. Even, the graduate their views in the form of group discussion. Thus, based
course (syllabus design and material development part I) on their responses, two major conclusions are drawn.
they took previously did hardly expose them the major First, the teachers do not seem to a develop
tenets of language syllabus and materials design. understanding of what really involves in designing a
Nevertheless, on the contemporary conception of language syllabus and how it is going to be used in a
language syllabus, the most important element is learning particular language education program. That is, the
objectives; and if teachers have the capacity to design characterizations of language syllabus by the participant
their own strategies and evaluation mechanisms, mere teachers lack some form of clarity. For example, they
lists of learning objectives could be a meaningful syllabus considered language syllabus as a ‘contract between
of a language education program. That is, in order to teachers and students, framework of teaching and
achieve the required or stated objectives in the syllabus, learning, and guide for lesson planning’. The student
students and teachers could choose their own way out teachers do not seem to have a conception of language
based on the existing resources and materials. Then, the syllabus and its roles in the practical classroom teaching
teachers with a good grasp of language syllabus could and learning process. Secondly, the student teachers’
determine or select the instructional methodology and perception of textbook based or non-textbook based
learning experiences that they need to have for helping lessons seems to be ambiguous. On the one hand, they
students achieve the stated objectives. Therefore, tend to acknowledge the use of prescribed textbooks in
understanding the core component of the language teaching and learning process. On the other, the student
syllabus not only enables teachers to be flexible and teachers seem to suggest the importance of adapting the
effective in addressing contextual constraints of the textbook and supplementing it with other additional
teaching and learning process but also make the materials. Thus, they do not seem to have a firm stand on
teachers become more independent and active the use or non-use of textbooks in classroom teaching.
participant in the instructional process. Similarly, Base on the findings, the following recommendations
acknowledging the importance of conceptualizing a were forwarded:
syllabus, Ur [10] notes that teachers’ use or non-use of a
syllabus as a basis for materials development merely 1. The student teachers should invest much more time
depends on individual teacher’s personality and and effort in conceptualizing the essence of language
willingness to exert more effort. Generally, it seems syllabus and the basic rationales behind developing and
imperative to suggest that teachers could consider the implementing a syllabus based language education
existing syllabus for ensuring effective teaching and program.
learning process other than saving themselves from hard 2. The student teachers must try to contextualize the
working and tiredness. That is, the focus of making theoretical principles of syllabus and material
decisions on using or not using syllabi must be students’ development to their own day-to-day professional
effectiveness in handling their learning. Secondly, the practices or teaching. That is, having a sheer memory of
teachers tended to be not only less concerned about the theories about material design and preparation could not
effectiveness of textbook based instruction in students’ help them produce a workable curriculum for language
learning outcomes but also hardly know whether the education program.
textbook used instruction has an effect on students’ 3. The teachers’ awareness about material design and
success. In other words, the teachers seemed to be more development should go beyond understanding a mere
concerned with maintaining school routines that do not principle of selecting and producing teaching resources.
consider students’ success. The teachers’ concern could They need to have a good sense of criticality and
be finishing each unit of the textbook and reporting it to reasoning power for adapting the textbook according to
their immediate supervisor. This research finding seems their teaching contexts.
to confirm the findings of a case study [11] in Thailand
that showed diverse views of textbook-based teaching. Acknowledgement
Accordingly, some participants acknowledged the role of
textbook for facilitating English learning, and some others I am very much indebted to the graduate program
condemned using textbooks as they thought it was waste students who participated in the study, as well as to the
of time. Still a few participants partially recognized anonymous reviewers whose contributions helped in
Chanie 71

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