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Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301


Extended holding period and yeast hydrolysate in pre‑release diet

increase abundance of mature sterile Queensland fruit fly males
in the field
Md. Jamil Hossain Biswas1 · Bishwo Mainali1 · Jess R. Inskeep1,2 · Sushil K. Gaire1 · Dominic Cross1,3 ·
Lloyd D. Stringer4,5 · Phillip W. Taylor1 · Polychronis Rempoulakis1,6

Received: 22 December 2020 / Revised: 15 April 2021 / Accepted: 19 May 2021 / Published online: 30 May 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly), Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), is a significant pest of horticultural crops in Australia. The sterile
insect technique (SIT) is currently employed to eradicate outbreaks in fruit fly free regions and may also be used to suppress
populations in endemic regions. For SIT to succeed, it is imperative that the released sterile males survive, disperse, attain
sexual maturity, and are sexually competitive against their wild rivals. Q-fly SIT programmes have conventionally held
adult flies for two to three days and have sometimes fed them only sugar before release, providing little time or nutrition for
development prior to release. We investigated whether a 5-d pre-release holding period and provision of yeast hydrolysate
(YH) together with sugar in the pre-release diet increase abundance of mature male Q-fly in the field. Indicating increased
survivorship and/or maturation, the combination of YH feeding and 5-d pre-release holding period resulted in 6–8 times
more recaptures of mature male flies in cuelure traps than was the case for flies released at 2 d with or without YH and for
flies released at 5 d without YH. Flies held for 5 d and fed YH were relatively more abundant than flies from other treatments
in traps close to the release point and were as abundant as other treatments in traps at the greatest assessed distances. These
findings strongly support a recommendation that sterile Q-flies be provided a pre-release diet of YH and sugar and be held
for 5-d post-eclosion before release.

Keywords Bactrocera tryoni · Q-fly · Sterile insect technique · Pre-release supplement · Sexual maturation

Key Messages

• Released sterile Q-flies held for 5 d and fed yeast hydro-

lysate (YH) were recaptured 6–8 times more than those
Communicated by Chris Cutler. held for 2 d with or without YH or for 5 d without YH.
• Higher recaptures indicate higher survival and/or sexual
* Md. Jamil Hossain Biswas maturation.
• Flies held for 5 d and fed YH tended to be captured close
Applied BioSciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, to the release point more than other treatments, but this
NSW 2109, Australia
was more than compensated by greater abundance.
Vector Control Branch, Hawaii Department of Health, • A 5-d pre-release holding period, with YH, is recom-
Kahului, HI 96732, USA
mended for operational Q-fly SIT programmes over the
The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia historical 2–3-d standard.
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd., • Releasing 5-d-old YH-fed adults increases number of
Lincoln 7608, New Zealand sexually mature flies in the field, improving opportuni-
Better Border Biosecurity, Lincoln, New Zealand ties for SIT success.
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries,
Ourimbah, NSW 2258, Australia

292 Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301

Introduction development (Gilchrist and Meats 2012). Laboratory and

field cage studies have found that sexual development and
The sterile insect technique (SIT) involves mass produc- mating competitiveness of male Q-fly can be sustained by
tion and release of large numbers of reproductively sterile providing yeast hydrolysate (YH) as a protein source con-
insects to suppress reproduction in pest populations and is tinuously for 24 or 48 h (Weldon et al. 2008; Pérez-Staples
widely used to control major tephritid fruit fly pests (Kni- et al. 2007, 2009; Reynolds et al. 2014). Yeast hydrolysate
pling 1955, 1959; Krafsur 1998; Enkerlin 2005; Shelly and is an important component of adult diet for mass-reared
McInnis 2015). There are many aspects of SIT operations, fruit flies, providing a rich source of amino acids, carbohy-
such as quality of larval or adult diets, holding conditions, drates, sterols, vitamins, and minerals (Barry et al. 2007;
and handling that can affect key quality measures such as Chang 2009). There is also evidence that pre-release YH
body mass, emergence, survival, flight ability, and mat- feeding can improve post-release performance of sterile
ing ability (Shelly and Kennelly 2003; Dyck et al. 2005; Q-fly in open field settings. In releases carried out when
Chang et al. 2006). In many fruit fly SIT programmes, flies were 2—3 days post-eclosion, Reynolds et al. (2014)
pupae are produced and irradiated at a mass-rearing facil- found that cuelure traps recaptured more flies from a group
ity and are then delivered to a rear-out facility in proximity that was provided sugar and YH as a pre-release diet than
to the release area, where the adults emerge and are held from a group that had been provided only sugar. Because
at high density until release (Pereira et al. 2021). The pre- only sexually mature males are attracted to cuelure traps
release holding period may be kept short for logistical rea- (Weldon et al. 2008), the findings of Reynolds et al. (2014)
sons such as the cost of material and labour and to avoid reflect effects of YH on survivorship and/or maturation.
the need for larger infrastructure to handle overlapping Regardless of how the effect is derived, the results still
cohorts, as well as to reduce mortality of the flies that can indicate more sexually mature sterile males in the field.
arise from stress when kept at high density. On the other Laboratory, field cage, and open field studies are quite
hand, releasing insects before they reach sexual matura- consistent in supporting the provision of YH to Q-flies
tion can lead to reduced performance in the field (McInnis released in SIT programmes at 2–3 days of age. In one cau-
et al. 1996; Lance et al. 2000; Lux et al. 2002). In SIT, it tionary exception, pre-release provisioning with YH has
is imperative that the quality and number of mature sterile been found to render Q-flies more vulnerable to starvation
males are maintained at high levels in order to out-number if they are unable to acquire sufficient further nutrition after
and out-compete wild males to impede reproduction of release (Taylor et al. 2013a). This is likely because providing
wild females (Shelly et al. 2007). Decisions of how long YH in the diet places the flies on a developmental trajectory
to hold sterile males before release are hence driven by the that imposes high nutritional demands and exposes them
competing demands of logistics, holding costs, pre-release to risk of starvation if they are insufficiently advanced in
mortality, and post-release performance. development when food shortages are encountered. Perhaps
The Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly) Bactrocera tryoni higher survivorship might be achieved if flies are held for
(Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is Australia’s most eco- longer and released when in a more mature state (Kaspi and
nomically damaging fruit fly pest of horticulture, caus- Yuval 2000; Yuval et al. 2002, 2007; Maor et al. 2004).
ing more than $300 M/yr in losses (Hancock et al. 2000; Pre-release holding period in fruit fly SIT varies amongst
Dominiak et al. 2003a; Clarke et al. 2011; Hort Innovation programmes and species, such as a minimum of 4 d for
2016). The success of SIT for Q-fly control depends on Ceratitis capitata, 5 to 7 d for Anastrepha ludens and 5 d
the abundance, distribution, and performance of sexually for A. obliqua and Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Enkerlin 2007;
mature males in the field (Meats and Edgerton 2008). In Shelly et al. 2007; McInnis et al. 2007, 2013). Meats et al.
SIT programmes, Q-flies have typically been held for two (2003) considered effects of pre-release period and condi-
to three days before release and in some cases have only tions in Q-fly SIT and reported very poor recapture rates
been provided sugar and water for sustenance (Dominiak of flies that were released after a week of access to sugar
et al. 2003a; Meats et al. 2006; Weldon and Meats 2007; and YH compared with flies released as teneral adults that
Reynolds et al. 2014). Adult Q-flies require adequate nutri- had access only to sugar. However, the authors concede that
tion, particularly a protein source, in order to complete poor recapture rates could have reflected stressful pre-release
sexual development (Vijaysegaran et al. 2002; Prabhu conditions that reduced the quality of released mature flies.
et al. 2008; Weldon et al. 2008; Pérez-Staples et al. 2009, Despite weaknesses in Meats et al. (2003), the consensus
2011; Weldon and Taylor 2011; Fanson and Taylor 2012). view has been that a 2–3-day pre-release holding is preferred
As a result, flies released in SIT programmes without pre- over longer pre-release holding periods for Q-fly, and there
release access to a protein source need to acquire protein has been no subsequent investigation. In the present study,
as well as other nutrients in the field to sustain sexual we revisit the question of pre-release holding period for
Q-fly SIT and also consider the effects of diet. Sterile Q-flies

Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301 293

were released at two or five days of age after receiving a a rate of 2 g of dye per L of pupae (Meats and Edgerton
pre-release diet of sugar only (YH-deprived) or sugar plus 2008; Akter et al. 2020) according to pre-release holding
YH (YH-fed), and the field abundance and flight distance of period and pre-release diet treatment. Dye colour alternated
mature males were compared using cuelure traps. We also among treatments between releases to ensure that any dye
consider the potential influence of weather and landscape effects were dispersed across treatments rather than incur-
features on the spatial distribution of the flies based on the ring systematic bias. Approximately 60 mL of marked pupae
proportion of Q-flies released and recaptured. from each treatment group (~2400 pupae) was transferred
to an open 90-mm-diameter Petri dish and then placed in
separate fine mesh cages (47.5 × 47.5 × 47.5 cm, Megaview
Materials and methods BugDorm-4F4545).

Quality control of dyed sterile flies
Q-fly were obtained as eggs from a colony that was reared
on a gel-based larval diet (Moadeli et al. 2017) in con- Fly quality for each release was assessed using a flight abil-
trolled environment conditions (25 ± 0.5 °C, 65 ± 5% RH) ity test (25 ± 0.5 °C with 65 ± 5% RH) following standard
at Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia. procedures (Collins et al. 2008; FAO/IAEA/USDA 2014;
The adult Q-fly colony was fed a 3:1 mixture of sugar and Moadeli et al. 2017). Three replicates were carried out for
YH (MP Biomedicals, Aurora, OH, USA) in a mesh cage each treatment for each release. One hundred pupae were
(40 × 40 × 110 cm). Tap water was continuously available placed in 5.5-cm plastic Petri dish lids which were then cen-
through a soaked sponge. Three parental generations from tred on 90-mm Petri dishes that were lined with black filter
the laboratory colony were used to collect eggs to conduct paper. The Petri dishes containing pupae were transferred to
five release-recapture experiments; G23 for the first and sec- mesh cage (32.5 × 32.5 × 32.5 cm, BugDorm 43030F, Meg-
ond field release; G24 for the third and fourth release; and aview Science, Taichung, Taiwan). A black acrylic ‘flight
G25 for the fifth release. To collect eggs, we placed three tube’ (10-cm tall and 8.3 cm inner diameter with 3-mm-thick
oviposition devices inside the colony cages from 9 am to walls) was placed over the Petri dish. The inner surface of
4 pm. Oviposition devices consisted of white 250-mL plastic the flight tube was coated with a thin layer of unscented
bottles with numerous puncture holes and containing ~ 2 mL talcum powder to avoid the flies escaping from the flight
of water to generate high humidity to keep the eggs moist. tubes by walking. A second ‘fly-back tube’, also coated
The eggs were collected from the inner surface of the ovi- with talcum powder, was positioned ~ 5 cm from the flight
position devices by rinsing with fresh tap water. Using a tube. The fly-back tube enables estimation of the number of
pipette, the collected eggs were then seeded (~3500 eggs) flies that escaped from the flight tube and later returned and
onto gel larval diet (150 mL) in a plastic tray for rearing fol- died inside. Each mesh cage with prepared tubes and pupae
lowing a standard protocol (Moadeli et al. 2017). When the was positioned beneath 20-W fluorescent tubes, generating
larvae reached the third instar, we placed the plastic tray con- ∼1250 lx at the top of the flight tubes and ∼900 lx at the
taining the developing larvae onto a 0.5-cm deep layer of fine base. No food and water were provided to the flies during
vermiculite (Ausperl, Orica Australia, Banksmeadow, NSW, flight ability assays. Flies that escaped from the flight tubes
Australia) inside a clear plastic bin (67.5 × 50 × 43 cm). The were collected from the mesh cages every second day. All
larvae exited the larval tray and landed in the vermiculite remaining flies and pupae were collected seven days after
where they pupated. Pupae were removed from vermicu- the first flies eclosed.
lite by using a fine mesh sieve and were transferred to 5-L The flies were categorized as (1) fliers (the number of flies
clear plastic cages (23 × 16 × 16 cm) that had a mesh-covered were collected from the mesh cage plus fly-back), (2) fully
opening (14 × 10 cm) for ventilation. The pupae were kept emerged (adults that entirely emerged from the puparium),
under standard conditions (25 ± 0.5 °C, 65 ± 5% RH). Two (3) not emerged (flies within an unopened puparium), (4)
days prior to eclosion, 300 mL of pupae (~12,000 pupae) partially emerged (adult body partially stuck in puparium),
for each treatment was placed in hypoxic conditions over- (5) fly-back (the number of flies inside the fly-back tube plus
night inside the sealed zip-lock plastic bag (230 × 320 mm, the same number of morphologically normal flies inside the
Shantou Zhiyuan Commodity Co. Ltd) and then irradiated at flight tube), (6) non-fliers (morphologically normal flies that
65 Gy using a C ­ o60 gamma irradiation source at Macquarie were collected from the flight tube minus the number of flies
University (dose rate 9 Gy/min). The irradiated pupae were inside the fly-back tube), and (7) deformed (fully emerged
marked using four fluorescent dyes—stellar green 8, astral flies with morphological abnormalities, such as twisted or
pink 1, comet blue 60, and lunar yellow 27 (Swada, 7 Stan- deformed wings). The following parameters were calculated
ley Street, Stalybridge, Cheshire, SK15 1SS, England)—at to assess the quality of flies released in the field:

294 Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301

(1) Emergence rate: percentage of fully emerged adults flies were classified as either wild, with absence of any of
calculated, as (N pupae – [N not emerged + N partially the dye colours, or sterile with one of the colours used for
emerged]/N pupae) × 100. dyeing based on the treatment groups.
(2) Percentage of fliers: percentage of fully emerged flies
that can fly, calculated as (N pupae – [N not emerged + N Effect of landscape on dispersal
partially emerged + N deformed + N non-f liers]/N
pupae) × 100. Since the experimental location contained different habitats
such as forest, grassland, kiwi, and citrus orchards, effect
Release site and trapping network of those landscape features on the dispersal of Q-flies was
estimated based on the number of flies recaptured by the
The field study was performed at the experimental field sta- traps at different habitats.
tion (~ 200 ha) of New South Wales (NSW) Department
of Primary Industries at Somersby (~ 70 km North of Syd- Statistical analysis
ney, 33°22′10.7"S 151°18′12.4"E), NSW, Australia. This
site contained diverse habitats and landscape features (e.g. Data for flight ability quality control assays were subjected
orchards, abandoned orchards, open fields, bush, ponds). We to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using GLM procedure
established a coaxial network of traps around the centre of in SAS. Effect of fluorescent dyes on emergence and flight
the field, containing 12 cuelure-baited traps (BioTrap V2 X, ability of the flies over the five releases was considered as
containing 2 g of cuelure, an attractant specific to mature a fixed effect. Sex ratio of the flies over the releases was
males, plus Malathion as a toxicant) (BioTrap Australia Pty analysed by running PROC FREQ to perform Chi-square
Ltd). The effective sampling area for cuelure traps has been test. For other analyses, data that did not meet the normal-
estimated at 1.5 hectares (Kean 2015), so we positioned ity assumption (from D’Agostino and Pearson test) or equal
traps to avoid overlapping effective sampling area. We esti- variance assumption (from Bartlett’s test), were square root
mated that a maximum distance of 370 m was adequate to transformed prior to analyses (Zar 1996). Total seasonal
provide information for the movement of the flies in the recapture of the YH-deprived and YH-fed Q-flies held either
landscape, as per Meats and Edgerton (2008). We used the for 2 or 5 d was analysed by one-way ANOVA using GLM
circular arrangement to recapture flies from all cardinal procedure in SAS. For each treatment, the mean number
points around the centre of release in order to gain insights of sterile flies recaptured in the 12 cuelure traps for every
about the distance and orientation of dispersal. release was considered to analyse their field prevalence by
repeated-measures ANOVA using GLM procedure in SAS
Release and recapture with the assumption that the errors have a Gaussian distribu-
tion over the five releases which were considered as fixed
Twenty fine mesh cages (47.5 × 47.5 × 47.5 cm, Megaview effects. Tukey’s HSD test was used as a post hoc analysis to
BugDorm-4F4545) were prepared to rear the adult Q-flies separate means (SAS Institute Inc., 2000).
for release. Ten cages were assigned to the flies held for We performed linear regression in Microsoft Excel
two days and ten cages to the flies held for five days. Out using trap distance as the continuous predictor variable and
of the ten cages for each pre-release holding period, five trap catch as the response variable to analyse the relation-
cages were YH-fed and five were YH-deprived. All cages ship between total number of flies recaptured over the five
were kept in a controlled environment room at Mac- releases and distance from the release point. The regres-
quarie University (25 ± 0.5 °C, 65 ± 5% RH and 11:1:11:1 sion slopes (between treatments) were then compared (Zar
light:dusk:dark:dawn photoperiod). 2010). Means ± SE are presented. The figures for fly dis-
The effect of holding period and pre-release diet on abun- tribution among all treatments were generated in Origin V
dance and dispersal of Q-fly was assessed by five replicate 2019 (9.60) software.
release-recapture trials between October 2017 and January
2018. Over the five releases, ~ 24,000 flies per treatment
were released from their maintenance cages at a central Results
release point. Recapture of flies was performed three, seven,
ten, and 14 days after each release. Trapped flies were col- Flight ability
lected using 1-mL plastic vials labelled with the date of col-
lection and trap number. The recaptured flies were stored at We did not find any differences between the fluorescent dyes
− 20 °C until examining the colour of dye in the ptilinum in either emergence rate (F3,8 = 1.72, P = 0.239) or percent-
under a dissecting microscope (Leica S6E, Germany) using age of fliers (F3,8 = 1.05, P = 0.423). The overall emergence
an ultraviolet (UV) LED light source in a dark room. The rate over the release period was 83.52 ± 0.04 (SE) %, and

Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301 295

percentage of fliers was 70.20 ± 0.06 (SE) %. There were recaptured YH-fed flies held for 5 d was higher than for
significant differences among the releases in emergence rate all other groups, although the extent of this difference var-
(F4,32 = 15.59, P < 0.0001), but not in percentage of fliers ied across the releases. For example, the YH-fed flies held
(F4,32 = 0.19, P = 0.1661). for 5 d were recaptured approximately 16, 8, 20, 6, and 4
times more than the YH-deprived flies held for 2d in the five
Field abundance releases, respectively. On average, the number of recaptured
YH-fed flies held for 5 d was ~ 8.0-fold more than for YH-
There was no difference in the sex ratio of the flies by release deprived flies held for 2 d (Fig. 1).
(χ2 = 2.49, df = 4, P < 0.649), and overall, the sex ratio was
49.98 male: 50.02 female. Over the release period, total
recaptures were higher for flies that were YH-fed and held Flight distance
for 5d (10.20%) than for flies that were YH-deprived and
held for 5d (2.46%), YH-fed and held for 2 d (2.16%), and The relationship between recapture of male Q-flies and
YH-deprived and held for 2 d (1.25%). Repeated-measures flight distance was significant for all treatments (5 d
ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between release YH-deprived: F 1,10 = 24.73, R 2 = 0.71, P = 0.0006; 5 d
and pre-release diet in number of flies recaptured (between- YH-fed: F 1,10 = 29.86, R 2 = 0.75, P = 0.0003; 2 d YH-
subject effect: Diet F3,44 = 9.10, P < 0.0001, within-sub- deprived: F1,10 = 16.85, R2 = 0.63, P = 0.0021; 2 d YH-
ject effect: Release F4,176 = 20.75, P < 0.0001, Interaction fed: F1,10 = 22.66, R2 = 0.69, P = 0.0007). For all treatment
F12,176 = 2.19, P = 0.0231). For each release, the number of groups, recapture rates decreased as the trap distance from
the release point increased. However, there was a significant
difference in the slope coefficient between the treatments
(t = 2.2064, df = 21, P = 0.0386). The differences in slope
coefficients arise from a much steeper decline in the recap-
ture rate of YH-fed flies held for 5 days with distance from
the release point, which is driven mainly by a far greater
recapture rate of this treatment group in traps close to the
release point (Fig. 2).

The temporal and spatial distribution of sterile


The spatial distribution and fly catch over time in the experi-
mental field are represented in heatmaps (Fig. 3). Most of the
Fig. 1  Number of male Q-flies recaptured in the 12 cuelure traps flies that were held for 5 d (YH-fed and YH-derived) were
(mean ± SE) over the five releases separated as YH-fed and YH-
recaptured in the same area, just north of the release point
deprived flies that had been held for 2 or 5 d prior to release. Col-
umns with the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey test (Fig. 3A, B). The same trend was found for the flies that had
α = 0.05) been held for 2 d (YH-fed and YH-derived) (Fig. 3C, D).

Fig. 2  The relationship between

total number of flies recaptured
over the five releases and flight
distance for each of the pre-
release treatment groups. For
each treatment group a linear
regression was plotted with trap
distance as the continuous pre-
dictor variable and number of
flies recaptured as the response

296 Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301

Fig. 3  The mean proportion of

YH-fed Q-flies held for 5 days
(A), YH-deprived Q-flies held
for 5 days (B), YH-fed Q-flies
held for 2 days (C), and YH-
deprived Q-flies held for 2 days
(D) that were recaptured 0–3,
4–7, 8–10, and 11–14 days
after release (colouring based
on proportion catch over all
traps). The smoother the colours
through space the more equal
the proportions. The warmer the
colour the greater the propor-
tion of flies caught in that time
period. Black x indicates cue-
lure trap position; the red cross
indicates the central release
point. The numbers on Eastings
(X-axis) and Northings (Y-axis)
are spatial measurements in
metres instead of degrees as in
latitude and longitude measure-

Effects of landscape on dispersal the release point, and habitat (Fig. 4). The charts illustrate
that recapture rates were highest in traps close to the release
To display the number of recaptured Q-flies a spider chart point, with YH-fed flies held for 5-d dominating abundance.
was plotted according to treatment group, trap distance from Regardless of the feeding regime and holding period, the

Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301 297

Fig. 3  (continued)

released Q-flies appeared to aggregate in the citrus orchard Discussion

more than in other habitats.
The present study demonstrates a substantial positive
effect of longer pre-release holding period and the provi-
sion of YH on the abundance of sexually mature sterile
male Q-flies in the field. The recapture rate of the YH-
fed Q-flies held for 5 d was eight times more than that of

298 Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301

ratio of sterile to wild flies. This can greatly reduce preva-

lence of mating between sterile males and wild females and
hence reduces the efficacy of SIT. One common response
to low abundance of sterile males in the field is to increase
release rates to maintain the minimum required overflood-
ing ratio. However, by simply extending the pre-release
holding period by several days and providing the flies with
YH, substantial improvements may be made in the effective
overflooding ratio for a given number of released flies. By
extending the pre-release holding period and providing YH
the number of mature sterile flies can be at least quadrupled
without any increase in production or release costs, and this
increased performance of SIT will easily mitigate any addi-
tional expenses incurred in the rear-out centres.
Fig. 4  Spider chart displaying spatial distribution of YH-fed and YH- Field studies of Q-fly have reported recapture rates to
deprived sterile male Q-flies held for either 2 or 5 d before release be affected by a wide diversity of factors (Dominiak et al.
depicted by trap distance and habitat 2003a, b, 2011; Weldon and Meats 2007; Worsley et al.
2008; Reynolds and Orchard 2015). The maximum trap
the YH-deprived flies held for 2 d and at least four times distance in this study was 370 m from the release point,
greater than other treatments. Several previous studies and Q-flies were found to disperse up to that distance. In
have demonstrated the effectiveness of YH in sustaining the field, we also observed that the sterile flies were recap-
sexual maturation in Q-flies (Meats et al. 2004; Prabhu tured in higher numbers in traps that were associated with
et al. 2008; Pérez-Staples et al. 2009, 2011; Weldon and host plants than in the traps that were in non-host habitats.
Taylor 2011; Collins et al. 2014). Recapture rates of It is likely that released Q-flies that entered host habitats,
released sterile Q-flies tend to be variable and low (Meats by attraction or by chance, tended to remain in those habi-
et al. 2003, 2006), with this likely reflecting poor survival tats because of the availability of shelter, food, and other
as well as poor rates of sexual maturation due to failure resources. Increased and long-distance travel of Q-fly has
of the flies to secure essential nutrients in the field (Reyn- been linked to favourable habitats; flies tend to accumulate in
olds et al. 2012). We report here an overall recapture rate resource-rich habitat and avoid or move away from resource
of more than 10% for flies that were held for five days poor habitats such as areas with limited food, water, and
and provided YH. The dominance of YH-fed Q-flies held shelter (Fletcher 1973, 1974; Dalby-Ball and Meats 2000;
for 5 d in the recapture data likely reflects earlier sexual Edge et al. 2001; Meats and Edgerton 2008; see review from
maturity of these flies and increased rates of survival until Dominiak 2012). Meats (1996) suggested 400 m as an effec-
sexual maturity and beyond. Sterile Q-flies commonly start tive spacing interval for static release points based on the
mating at about six days after eclosion, peaking about ten known dispersal characteristics of Q-fly and predicted that
days after eclosion (Pérez-Staples et al. 2007). a release programme at one-km intervals would be ineffec-
Once adult flies are released into nature, they require tive owing to incomplete coverage. In accord with previous
nutrients including carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, studies of Meats (1998), we found a decrease in the propor-
and minerals for sustenance (Fletcher 1987; Drew and Yuval tion of Q-flies recaptured with increased trap distance from
2000; for a review see Taylor et al. 2013b). Bacteria and point of release (see Gavriel et al. (2012) for similar findings
fungi are the key components of adult fruit fly diet (Hen- in medfly).
drichs et al. 1993), including Q-fly (Drew et al. 1983; Drew While we conducted static releases from a single point,
and Lloyd 1987; Majumder et al. 2019, 2020). Like some this is not the case in many operational releases in which the
other fruit flies (Hendrichs et al. 1993; Manrakhan and Lux flies are released from an aircraft (‘aerial release’) or from
2006), both wild and domesticated Q-flies feed on bat guano, a moving vehicle (‘roving ground release’) (Dominiak et al.
bird faeces, and pollen in the laboratory, but these dietary 2000; Reynolds and Orchard 2015). By increasing the ini-
components have not been found to be sufficient to sustain tial dispersion of flies through the release zone, both aerial
sexual maturation of Q-fly (Weldon and Taylor 2011). releases and roving ground releases are expected to be much
Flies held for 2–3 days before release are still far from less vulnerable to factors affecting dispersal of released ster-
mature and are susceptible to predators and adverse weather ile flies than is the case for static ground releases. While
conditions through the maturation phase. As a consequence, there was a tendency for YH-fed flies that were held for
few sterile males released at such young age may attain sex- 5 days to be recaptured closer to the release point than was
ual maturity, resulting in a lower than required overflooding the case for other treatments, the vastly greater numbers of

Journal of Pest Science (2022) 95:291–301 299

flies from this treatment group recaptured mean that sexually Declarations
mature males from this treatment were far more abundant
than for other treatments across the trapping grid. While Competing interest There was no conflict of interest regarding the
preparation and submission of this manuscript.
the tendency of YH-fed flies that were held for 5 days to
be trapped relatively more often close to the release point
Ethical approval All applicable international, national, and/or institu-
may indicate reduced dispersal tendency, this finding instead tional guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed.
likely reflects earlier maturation of this group such that they
are more often captured at early stages of dispersal when still
close to the release point.
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Conclusion rescent dyes, and impacts on emergence, quality and survival of
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of sexually mature sterile Q-fly males can be significantly Barry JD, Opp SB, Dragolovich J, Morse JG (2007) Effect of adult diet
on longevity of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephriti-
increased in SIT programmes by extending the pre-release
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days to five days and by providing the flies a pre-release and adult diets for the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, and
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Bactrocera Cucurbitae. J Insect Sci 9:23
responsive male Q-flies indicates increases in the number
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Author contributions flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). Aust J Entomol
Md Jamil Hossain Biswas (MJHB) conceived and designed Dominiak BC (2012) Review of dispersal, survival, and establishment
of Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) for quarantine pur-
the work, conducted the experiments, analysed the data, and poses. Ann Entomol Soc Am 105:434–446
wrote the manuscript. Bishwo Mainali (BM) and Polychro- Dominiak BC, McLeod LJ, Cagnacci M (2000) Review of suppression
nis Rempoulakis (PR) designed the work, conducted the program using three ground release methods of sterile Queensland
experiments, analysed the data. Jess R. Inskeep (JRI), Sushil fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) at Wagga Wagga, NSW, in
1996/97. Gen Appl Entomol 29:49–57
Gaire (SG), and Dominic Cross (DC) conducted the experi- Dominiak BC, McLeod LJ, Landon R (2003a) Further development
ments. Lloyd D. Stringer (LDS) analysed the data. Phillip of a low-cost release method for sterile Queensland fruit fly Bac-
W. Taylor (PWT) completed data curation. All authors con- trocera tryoni (Froggatt) in rural New South Wales. Aust J Exp
tributed to the revising of the manuscript. Agric 43:407–417
Dominiak BC, Westcott AE, Barchia IM (2003b) Release of sterile
Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Teph-
Acknowledgements Project Raising Q-fly Sterile Insect Technique ritidae), at Sydney, Australia. Aust J Exp Agric 43:519–528
to World Standard (HG14033) is funded by the Hort Frontiers Fruit Dominiak BC, Campbell AJ, Worsley P, Nicol HI (2011) Evaluation
Fly Fund, part of the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative of three ground release methods for sterile Queensland fruit fly
developed by Hort Innovation, with co-investment from Macquarie Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Crop Prot
University (NSW, Australia) and contributions from the Australian 30:1541–1545
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