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OPINION Enteral nutrition in septic shock: a call for a
paradigm shift
Jayshil J. Patel a, Juan Carlos Lopez-Delgado b, Christian Stoppe c,d
and Stephen A. McClave e

Purpose of review
The purpose of this review is to identify contemporary evidence evaluating enteral nutrition in patients with
septic shock, outline risk factors for enteral feeding intolerance (EFI), describe the conundrum of initiating
enteral nutrition in patients with septic shock, appraise current EFI definitions, and identify bedside monitors
for guiding enteral nutrition therapy.
Recent findings
The NUTRIREA-2 and NUTRIREA-3 trial results have better informed the dose of enteral nutrition in critically
ill patients with circulatory shock. In both trials, patients with predominant septic shock randomized to
receive early standard-dose nutrition had more gastrointestinal complications. Compared to other
contemporary RCTs that included patients with circulatory shock, patients in the NUTRIREA-2 and
NUTRIREA-3 trials had higher bowel ischemia rates, were sicker, and received full-dose enteral nutrition
while receiving high baseline dose of vasopressor. These findings suggest severity of illness, vasopressor
dose, and enteral nutrition dose impact outcomes.
The provision of early enteral nutrition preserves gut barrier functions; however, these benefits are
counterbalanced by potential complications of introducing luminal nutrients into a hypo-perfused gut,
including bowel ischemia. Findings from the NUTRIREA2 and NUTRIREA-3 trials substantiate a ‘less is
more’ enteral nutrition dose strategy during the early acute phase of critical illness. In the absence of
bedside tools to guide the initiation and advancement of enteral nutrition in patients with septic shock, the
benefit of introducing enteral nutrition on preserving gut barrier function must be weighed against the risk
of harm by considering dose of vasopressor, dose of enteral nutrition, and severity of illness.
circulatory shock, critical care, early acute phase of critical care, enteral nutrition, ICU, sepsis, septic shock

INTRODUCTION recent large multicenter randomized controlled tri-

Septic shock is characterized by circulatory, cellular, als (RCTs) have shed light on the role, timing, and
and metabolic abnormalities related to dysregulated dose of early enteral nutrition in mechanically ven-
immune and inflammatory responses from patho- tilated patients with septic shock, an encompassing
gen-associated molecular proteins and is clinically
recognized by hypotension necessitating vasoactive
support in a patient with an infection [1]. Many a
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Medical College of
patients with septic shock undergo mechanical ven- Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, bMedical Intensive Care Unit,
tilation, which necessitates artificial nutrition. The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, cUniversity Hospital,
W€ urzburg, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency
hypotensive period represents the early acute phase
and Pain Medicine, W€ urzburg, dDepartment of Cardiac Anesthesiology
of critical illness, which is hallmarked by height- and Intensive Care Medicine, Charit e Berlin, Berlin, Germany and
ened inflammation, catabolism, and proteolysis, e
Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology,
but also represents a window of opportunity to and Nutrition, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
bathe the intestinal mucosa. Correspondence to Jayshil J. Patel, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin,
For patients in septic shock, efforts to find the Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. E-mail:
optimal timing, route, and dose of enteral nutrition Curr Opin Crit Care 2024, 30:165–171
are frustrating and often misdirected. Even though DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000001134

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Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Gastrointestinal system

dose of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with

KEY POINTS circulatory shock during the first week of critical
 Septic shock impairs gut barrier functions and
The multicenter NUTRIREA-2 trial randomized
represents the early acute phase of critical illness and
presents an opportunity to introduce enteral nutrition, more than 4000 mechanically ventilated patients in
which has been shown to preserve gut circulatory shock, with two-third in septic shock, to
barrier functions. receive early full-dose enteral nutrition or early
parenteral nutrition during the first week of critical
 The NUTRIREA-2 and NUTRIREA-3 trials showed
illness to evaluate the primary outcome of 28-day
introducing standard dose enteral nutrition in
mechanically ventilated patients with predominant mortality [3]. The study found no between-group
septic shock receiving high-dose vasopressor is harmful, differences in 28-day mortality. Of concern, patients
and trial results suggest a ‘less is more’ enteral who received early full-dose enteral nutrition, com-
nutrition strategy. pared to early parenteral nutrition, had significantly
more vomiting (34 vs. 24%, P  0.0001), diarrhea (36
 Accurate clinical and biochemical markers identifying
and predicting gastrointestinal dysfunction are not vs. 33%, P ¼ 0.007), and clinically relevant bowel
available, and instead, two distinct levels of ischemia (2 vs. <1%, P ¼ 0.007) [3].
gastrointestinal dysfunction, low and high-risk signs, More recently, the multicenter NUTRIREA-3
may better correlate to outcomes trial randomized more than 3000 mechanically ven-
tilated patients with majority septic shock to
 Assessment of enteral nutrition initiation and titration in
mechanically ventilated patients with septic shock restricted calorie feeding (6 kcal/kg/day) or standard
should consider dose of vasopressor, dose of enteral calorie feeding (25 kcal/kg/day) to evaluate the pri-
nutrition to initiate, and severity of illness bearing in mary outcome of 90-day mortality [4 ]. More than
mind low-risk signs and symptoms carry more 75% of patients received enteral nutrition. The trial
importance and may become a high-risk sign in found no between-group differences on 90-day mor-
patients receiving high-dose vasopressor and/or has a tality but the restricted calorie group, compared to
greater severity of illness.
standard-dose, had a trend towards improved time
to weaning from vasopressor [hazard ratio 1.07; 95%
confidence interval (CI) 0.99–1.15, P ¼ 0.054] and
regimen may never be established because ICU improved ICU mortality (32.7 vs. 29.5%, P ¼ 0.051)

patients are heterogeneous and have different nutri- [4 ]. However, and as found in NUTRIREA-2,
tion requirements, tolerance, and varying levels of patients who received early standard feeding, com-
disease severity. Rather than seek a single enteral pared to restricted feeding, had cumulatively higher
nutrition strategy for all ICU populations, each rates of vomiting (25.5 vs. 20.2%, P < 0.001), diar-
individual patient should be assessed for the chance rhea (33.3 vs. 28.9%, P ¼ 0.004), and bowel ischemia
(1.8 vs. 0.9%, P ¼ 0.030) [4 ].

of benefit, risk for complications, and the degree to

which feeding will be tolerated. The NUTRIREA-3 trial also found patients who
The purpose of this review will be to identify received early standard-dose feeding, compared to
contemporary evidence evaluating the dose of early restricted feeding, had more nongut-related compli-
enteral nutrition in patients with septic shock, out- cations, including hypophosphatemia (61.3 vs.
line recent evidence evaluating risk factors for 53.5%, P < 0.001), hyperglycemia (daily glucose
enteral feeding intolerance (EFI), describe the value of 13.6 vs. 11.6 mmol/l, P < 0.001), and fluid
conundrum of initiating enteral nutrition in overload with increased time to wean mechanical
ventilation (6 vs. 5 days, P ¼ 0.007) [4 ,9 ].
&& &

patients with septic shock, and appraise current

definitions of EFI and bedside monitors for guiding NUTRIREA-2 and NUTRIREA-3 trials are the larg-
nutrition therapy. est RCTs evaluating the route and dose of nutrition,
respectively, in critically ill patients with predom-
inant septic shock during the early acute phase of
CONTEMPORARY EVIDENCE EVALUATING critical illness. The findings of these studies do not
NUTRITION IN CIRCULATORY SHOCK suggest that restricted feeding is superior to standard
The 2019 European Society of Parenteral and Enteral full-dose feeding, but rather, early full-dose feeding
Nutrition Critical Care Nutrition guideline indicates in patients with circulatory shock is harmful. The
that ‘in patients with septic shock receiving vaso- bowel ischemia rate in patients receiving early full-
pressors or inotropes, no evidence-based answer can dose enteral nutrition in the NUTRIREA-2 and
be proposed as no interventional studies have been NUTRIREA-3 trials was significantly higher than
reported to date’ [2]. Since, the NUTRIREA-2 and reported in previous studies. The bowel ischemia
NUTRIREA-3 trials have better informed the role and rate is 0.3% among contemporary retrospective and

166 Volume 30  Number 2  April 2024

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Enteral nutrition in septic shock Patel et al.

prospective observational and RCTs that included shock based on NE dose, Ohbe et al. [10] found an
critically ill patients in circulatory shock receiving associated mortality benefit of early enteral nutrition
enteral nutrition [5]. Of the comparable contempo- in critically ill patients who received low [odds ratio
rary RCTs, TARGET randomized more than 3900 (OR) 0.84, 95% CI 0.77–0.93) with <0.1 mg/kg/min]
critically ill patients, nearly two-third who were in and medium dose (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68–0.86 with
circulatory shock, to receive energy-dense or routine 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/min) norepinephrine, but not in those
nutrition during the first week of critical illness [6]. who received high dose (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.81–1.14
Patients in both groups commenced enteral nutri- with >0.3 mg/kg/min) norepinephrine [10]. The early
tion within 15 h of ICU admission and within 1 h of enteral nutrition dose was not reported. In a retro-
randomization and received more calories than spective study of 319 patients receiving enteral nutri-
patients in NUTRIREA-3; however, bowel ischemia tion with (highest norepinephrine dose of 0.16 mg/
was observed in 27 of 1515 (1.8%) who received kg/min) and without vasopressor, Sabino et al. [11]
standard-dose nutrition in NUTRIREA-3, compared found no differences between rates of bowel ischemia
to two of 3957 patients (0.05%) in both groups in or emesis between groups, and in the four reported
TARGET [6,7]. Similarly, the CALORIES trial cases of mesenteric ischemia, two occurred in
randomized critically ill patients, more than 80% patients not receiving vasopressor. In an observatio-
in circulatory shock, to receive early enteral nutri- nal study, Wang et al. [12] separated 66 patients with
tion or early parenteral nutrition during the first circulatory shock receiving enteral nutrition, more
week of critical illness. There was one patient than 80% with septic shock, to those who developed
(0.08%) suspected of having bowel ischemia in EFI and no EFI, and identified a mean NE equivalent
the 1197 patients randomized to early enteral nutri- dose of 0.2 mg/kg/min predicted EFI with a sensitivity
tion [mean 15.5 kcal/kg/day (7.3)] (Table 1) [8]. of 88%. Qi et al. [13] recently found patients with
septic shock who tolerated enteral nutrition had a
lower norepinephrine dose [0.23 (0.07) vs. 0.28
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEVERITY (0.10) mg/kg/min, P ¼ 0.049].
OF ILLNESS, VASOPRESSOR, AND DOSE Third, full feeding by enteral nutrition, at an
OF DELIVERED ENTERAL NUTRITION WITH amount close to meeting protein/calorie require-
OUTCOMES ments, may explain the higher rates of EFI and
The severity of illness, vasopressor dose, and the nonocclusive bowel ischemia (NOBI). In a nested
early full delivery of protein and calories to meet cohort observational analysis of the EFFORT trial,
requirements by enteral nutrition may explain the mechanically ventilated patients with mostly septic
rate of gastrointestinal complications, and particu- shock (receiving norepinephrine equivalent dose of
larly, the high bowel ischemia rate in NUTRIREA-2 0.3 mg/kg/min) who had received early enteral nutri-
and NUTRIREA-3 [16]. First, patients in NUTRIREA-2 tion at a dose of 13.5 kcal/kg/day had associated
and NUTRIREA-3 represented a sick cohort of improvement in ICU-free days, vasopressor-free
patients. The mean baseline Sequential Organ days, and duration of mechanical ventilation [14].
Failure Assessment (SOFA) score for patients in In a pilot RCT comparing early trophic rate enteral
both groups of NUTRIREA-2 was 11 (3), while nutrition to ‘no EN’ in mechanically ventilated
the median baseline SOFA score was 10 (IQR 8–13) patients with septic shock, patients in the early
in both groups of NUTRIREA-3. In a prospective multi- enteral nutrition arm were receiving a median nor-
center observational study, Flordelis-Lasierra epinephrine dose of 0.08 mg/kg/min (IQR 0.05–
found the SOFA score was associated with enteral 0.25). There were more gastrointestinal complica-
nutrition related complications [17]. The 90-day mor- tions reported in the ‘no EN’ group, compared to
tality exceeded 40% in all patients in NUTRIREA-2 and early enteral nutrition, and no report of bowel
NUTRIREA-3. As a comparison, the mortality rate in ischemia [15–17].
CALORIES and TARGET was under 40% [6,8].
Second, patients in NUTRIREA-2 and NUTRIREA-
3 received a baseline norepinephrine dose of at least THE CONUNDRUM OF INTRODUCING
0.5 mg/kg/min, which was higher than any of the LUMINAL NUTRIENTS IN SEPTIC SHOCK
other contemporary studies addressing use of enteral Within an intact gut, biochemical, physical, and
nutrition in shock. Evidence suggests enteral nutri- immunological barriers defend against intraluminal
tion in patients receiving lower norepinephrine doses pathogens and preserve gut-derived anti-inflamma-
is associated with improved clinical outcomes while tory responses. Septic shock related activation of
enteral nutrition with higher doses may promote EFI immune and inflammatory pathways incites a cyto-
and gastrointestinal dysfunction. In the largest obser- kine storm [1]. Cytokines such as tumor-necrosis
vational study that stratified patients with circulatory factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and

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Gastrointestinal system

Table 1. Characteristics from contemporary randomized controlled trials that have enrolled patient in circulatory shock
(requiring vasopressor) and at least one arm of the trial evaluate early enteral nutrition

Trial n ¼ 2410 n ¼ 3O36 N ¼ 3957 n ¼ 2388

90-day EN: 45% low: 41.3% low: 25.7% EN: 39.1%
PN: 43% full: 42.8% high: 26.8% PN: 37.3%
28-day EN: 37% low: 33.2% low: 23% EN: 34.2%
PN: 35% full: 35.2% high: 22.9% PN: 33.1%
Patients in shock EN: 100% low 100% low: 62.7% EN: 84.6%
PN: 100% full 100% high: 63.1% PN: 80.9%
Patients in septic shock EN: 61% low: 58.7% low: 9.4% NR
PN: 64% full: 57.7% high: 9.1%
Vasopressor dose (median mg/kg/min) EN: 0.56 low: 0.5 NR NR
PN: 0.5 high: 0.5
Baseline severity of illness (mean or median) EN: SOFA of 11 EN: SOFA of 10 low: APACHE II of 22 EN: SOFA of 9.6
PN: SOFA of 11 PN: SOFA of 11 high: APACHE II of 22.1 PN: SOFA of 9.5
Calories delivered kcal/kg/day EN: 17.8 low: 7.2 low: 15.6 EN: 19.0
PN: 19.6 full: 22.0 high: 23.1 PN: 22.0
Protein delivered g/kg/day EN: 0.7 low: 0.4 low: 1.08 EN: 0.7
PN: 0.8 full: 1.0--1.3 high: 1.09 PN: 0.7
NOBN (bowel ischemia) EN: 1.6% low: 0.9% low 0.05% EN: 0.9%
PN: 0.4% full: 1.8% high 0.05% PN: 0.7%
Vomiting EN: 34% low: 20% low: 15.7% EN: 16.2%
PN: 24% full: 25% high: 18.9% PN: 8.4%
Diarrhea EN: 36% low: 29% low: 6% EN: 21%
PN: 33% full: 33% high: 7% PN: 16.2%
GI bleeding NR NR low: 0.05% EN: 0.7%
high: 0.15% PN: 0.3%

EN, enteral nutrition; IQR, interquartile range; NR, not reported; PN, parenteral nutrition.

interleukin-6 (IL-6) promote breakdown of barrier and the ensuing pathophysiology contributes to
defenses [18,19]. multiple organ failure [21,22].
Gut microbiota establish symbiotic axes with The benefits from bathing the mucosa (with
other organs, including the brain (gut-brain axis), enteral nutrition) include supporting the popula-
the heart (gut-heart axis), and the liver (gut-liver tion of the commensal microbiome, maintaining
axis) [20]. Septic shock pathophysiology and inter- gut barrier defenses, and promoting a robust but
ventions (e.g., antibiotics) promote gut dysbiosis appropriate immune response. Failing to take
[20]. Gut dysbiosis disrupts crosstalk with other advantage of introducing enteral nutrition results
organs, suggesting the gut has a central role in in adverse consequences from not using the gut
downstream complications. Impaired gut barrier [18,19].
functions and dysbiosis have been shown to gener- On the contrary, introducing luminal nutrients
ate a gut-derived proinflammatory response [18,20]. into critically ill patients with septic shock (receiv-
Breakdown of gut barrier defenses allows increased ing vasopressor) increases the risk of EFI and gastro-
permeability, thinning of the mucus layer, and intestinal dysfunction. Klanovicz et al. [23] applied
accelerated apoptosis of the intestinal epithelium. the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine’s
Immune dysregulation presents as the Systemic acute gastrointestinal injury (AGI) criteria to 163
Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), the emer- mechanically ventilated patients with septic shock
gence of a virulent pathobiome is seen as ‘gut sepsis’, and found AGI was frequent during the first week of

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Enteral nutrition in septic shock Patel et al.

ICU admission. AGI risk/dysfunction was found in predict NOBI. Recently, Franzosi et al. [32] collected
87% and AGI failure in 12% and higher heart rate clinical parameters in 141 mechanically ventilated
and lower mean arterial pressure were identified in patients with septic shock who tolerated and did not
patients with AGI failure [23]. In an analysis of more tolerate nutrition therapy. At 12 h, mottling score
than 15 000 patients from an International Nutri- was a predictor of nutrition therapy failure [relative
tion Survey, Heyland et al. [24 ] found that sepsis is risk (RR) 1.28, 95% CI 1.09–1.50] and over 48 h,
associated with EFI (OR 1.34; 95% CI 1.17–1.54) and higher mottling score, higher serum lactate, and
the daily mortality hazard ratio increased by a factor higher norepinephrine dose were observed in
of 1.5 (95% CI 1.4–1.6; P < 0.0001) once EFI patients with nutrition intolerance, compared to
occurred. As observed in the NUTRIREA trials, NOBI those who tolerated nutrition therapy [32]. Mottled
is the gravest form of EFI [18]. NOBI is associated skin for predicting EFI in mechanically ventilated
with substantial morbidity and mortality and pre- patients with septic shock is compelling but war-
dicting it remains challenging [25]. rants further evaluation.
Low-risk signs and symptoms do not serve the
clinician as a straightforward ‘start/stop sign’ for
STRATIFYING ENTERAL FEEDING initiating enteral nutrition and clinicians should
INTOLERANCE utilize these signs as bedside monitors with caution
The gut has a range of functions, but the symptoms and in context with severity of illness. Diarrhea as a
of gastrointestinal dysfunction have been limited to general bedside monitor is problematic because it is
detecting dysmotility in the traditional form of related to EFI or bowel dysfunction in 20% of cases
hypoactive bowel sounds, abdominal distention, [25,28]. The cause of diarrhea in the ICU is often
nausea/vomiting, and cessation of passing gas and related to low volume incontinence, which may not
stool [25,26]. However, clinical issues related to EFI represent true diarrhea. The true cause of diarrhea in
are counterintuitive. While traditional signs of dys- the ICU is often linked to medications, reported in
motility occur in up to 85% of critically ill patients, over 60% of cases, and related to sorbitol, laxatives,
enteral nutrition is usually successful in over 90% enemas, or suppositories used in a bowel regimen, or
[27]. Over the past decade, there has been tremen- antifungal or antibiotic agents [29]. Clostridioides
dous effort to define EFI, but the counterintuitive difficile is a cause for diarrhea in 17% [29].
nature makes such a strategy difficult. Gastric residual volumes (GRVs) are a poor
It may be more important to designate two marker of any adverse event related to enteral nutri-
distinct levels of gastrointestinal dysfunction that tion, including nausea/vomiting, delayed gastric
correlate to outcomes. Low-risk gastrointestinal dys- emptying, regurgitation, aspiration, or pneumonia
function would be identified by bedside clinical [28]. Monitoring GRV does not protect against aspi-
monitors of reduced bowel sounds, constipation ration or regurgitation, and monitoring has consis-
and obstipation, abdominal distention, and nau- tently been an impediment to delivering enteral
sea/vomiting. High-risk gastrointestinal dysfunc- nutrition [7]. Definitions of gastrointestinal dys-
tion would be represented by increased intra- function and EFI are overly dependent on GRVs,
abdominal hypertension, abdominal compartment and efforts to resurrect the use of GRV to the list of
syndrome, and NOBI. Notably, the signs and symp- intolerance monitors should be avoided [7]. Gastro-
toms of low-risk gastrointestinal dysfunction may intestinal bleeding in the ICU is usually not related
become an indication of high-risk gastrointestinal to and often decreases with enteral nutrition, as it
dysfunction in patients with greater severity stimulates mucosal blood flow and reduces the risk
of illness. of stress gastritis [30]. Postrandomization occur-
rence of gastrointestinal bleeding was not reported
in the NUTRIREA-2 and NUTRIREA-3 trials and
BEDSIDE AND BIOCHEMICAL MONITORS reported in 4 of 3957 (0.1%) of patients in the
OF GASTROINTESTINAL FUNCTIONS FOR TARGET trial and eight of 1197 (0.7%) patients in
GUIDING NUTRITION THERAPY the enteral nutrition arm of the CALORIES trial
Accurate clinical and biochemical markers predict- (Table 1) [3,4 ,6,8].
ing EFI and gastrointestinal dysfunction are not Without context of severity of illness, presence or
available. A recent scoping review found a lack of absence of low-risk signs correlate poorly to true
a gold standard for monitoring gastrointestinal gastrointestinal motility and function. Their pres-
functions in critically ill patients [26]. In a recent ence may reflect clinical factors other than true gas-
systematic review assessing the accuracy of bio- trointestinal disease, such as co-interventions,
markers for NOBI, Reintam-Blaser et al. [31] found prolonged bed rest, or use of certain medications
18 biomarkers lacked sensitivity and specificity to including narcotics and sedatives [7,8]. Furthermore,

1070-5295 Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 169

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Gastrointestinal system

low-risk signs and symptoms may improve with Conflicts of interest

enteral nutrition initiation. Early provision of enteral Jayshil Patel has consulted or Baxter and has served on
nutrition may prevent the emergence of these signs an advisory board for Fresenius Kabi. Juan Carlos Lopez
and symptoms, minimizing the development of Delgado and Christian Stoppe have no conflicts of inter-
abdominal distension, ileus, and the likelihood for est. Stephen McClave has served as an education con-
cessation of passing stool and gas. Delays in initiating sultant for Nestle, Abbott, and Fresenius Kabi.
enteral nutrition may worsen these signs and symp-
toms [15]. Observing the patient response to the
‘challenge’ of initiating enteral nutrition may be REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
more useful to the clinician than the pretreatment READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
presence of these signs and symptoms. been highlighted as:
& of special interest
&& of outstanding interest

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Enteral nutrition in septic shock Patel et al.

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