MSCS - Grade 9 - Revision Document

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SA3 Revision Notes

The Federal Ministries in the Cabinet and their main responsibilities
Sample Questions

1. What are the main features and activities of the five federal authorities in the UAE?

2. How do federal and local authorities work together to govern different emirates?

3. Based on the articles, what do you think are the aims of the UAE constitution?

4. How does the constitution aim to reinforce and consolidate the values of the UAE

across the world?

5. Why does the National Council include members from all the emirates?

6. What are the benefits that new ministries bring to a government?

7. How can governments reflect the current concerns of their citizens?

8. What activities could someone do to demonstrate civic engagement?

9. Why is volunteering important for the younger generation?

10. Take an example of any group involved in civic engagement. What have they done to

promote civic engagement? Who benefits from their actions?

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