Ingles Preguntas

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1. What is your full name?

R= Sherlys Anyelis Pino

2. Where are you from?
A= I am from Panamá from the province of Darién.
3. How old are you?
A= I am 19 years old.
4. What languages do you speak besides English?
A= At the moment I only speak Spanish.
5. Do you currently live in Panama City or off campus?
A= I live in Panama Este, Las Garzas, Paso Blanco
6. Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
A= I have four siblings, three boys and one girl.
7. What are your hobbies or interests outside of studying?
A= In my free time I like to watch television series.
8. Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, where did you go?
A= I have not had the opportunity to travel outside the country.
9. Are you studying at the university level? If so, what career? and because?
A= If I am studying at the university, I am studying Primary Education.
Being primary school teachers would be an opportunity to contribute significantly to the
development of future generations, to be able to positively influence the lives of
children, help them
10. What is your favorite subject in school?
A= At school I liked the subject of family and development.
11. Do you have pets? If so, what type?
A= I have two dogs named Chester and Toby.
12. Do you participate in any extracurricular activities or clubs?
A= Not at the moment.
13. What is your favorite book or movie?
A= My favorite movie is The Magic of any given day.
14. What do you hope to achieve with your degree in Primary Education?
A= With my degree in Primary Education, I hope to be able to positively influence the
lives of children, helping them developtheir academic and emotional potential. I want to
be a dedicated
teacher who inspires students to learn, grow, and achieve their goals.
15. Do you have any part-time work or volunteer experience?
A= I don't have a job and I don't have volunteering experience either.
16. Who is your emergency contact person? Please provide your name and phone
R= Arelis Pino (Mother) Telephone number: +507 6365-0454

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