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By: Castillo, Krissia Pauline C.

My name is Krissia Pauline Castillo, a 1st

year college student taking up Bachelor of Science
in Architecture at Saint Louis University. My friends call
me Siopao or Pau, and my family calls me Shanang or
Chaka. I am 18 years old and was born on July 29, 2003. I
currently live with my parents and our 6 dogs. I also have an older
brother who is a soldier that is why he does not live with us.

During my free time, I have hobbies like playing mobile games,

watching movies and series, playing badminton, dancing, cooking,
reading, and making arts, which probably explains why I took up
Architecture as my course. Some of the things that I want to try next
are playing instruments, baking, learning self-defense, and doing
ballet. I am also an adventurous person as I grew up in a family who
loves travelling and I also ought to travel more with my family not just
in the Philippines but also in other countries soon. We love going to
beaches, mountains, resorts, water parks, amusement parks, and any
place that we would like to go.
i n my
in me
d J o G od!
As someone who loves to travel, with this Creative Journey, I also feel
e an w ith
like travelling, not physically but spiritually.
Com ney
jo ur
General Introduction:

The Sacred Scripture as

Stories of Faith
The first lesson that

Faith we had for this subject in

this semester, we had a
discussion about Faith. One great
example of Faith story is a story about the
Drowning Man. Long story short, the Drowning
Man was the only survivor of a shipwrecked boat, who asked for
God to save him. There were two boats who did came for his help
but he declined it, telling them that he's waiting for God to save him
himself. Little did he know, God already was about to save him, not
just once, but twice. In this story, I have learned that sometimes,
people are too focused on the problem to the point that we do not
notice the things that are happening around us. There are times
when we seek for help but because we are too distraught, we
forget that faith does not work not just simply about praying to
God, but about trusting him with our open minds and hearts that
we follow his will and accept the truth even though sometimes we
do not understand it.

We also discussed about the different characteristics of faith: 1.

Total and Absolute, 2. Trinitarian, 3. Loving, Maturing, and
Missionary, 4. Informed and Communitarian, and 5. Inculturated.
Moreover, we discussed the three essential dimensions of faith. The
first one is Believing. Believing is an essential factor of faith
because believing is the start of having faith. If you believe, you can
proceed to Doing an action. This means that since you believe, you
have to work on making it an active work because Faith in God is a
long-term thing that we need. Lastly, we need
to entrust and worship God that even through
the lowest point in our lives, we will have an
unwavering faith and trust Him with his plans.

These are the lessons I have learned from

the first topic.
Module 1:

Introduction to the
Sacred Scripture
The second lesson for this subject
is about the Sacred Scriptures. The
Holy Bible is one great sacred text of
Christianity. It is divided into two
parts: the old testament and new
testament. The Old Testament recounts
the tale of the world's creation, the
Israelites' departure, and God's Ten Commandments to
Moses. The New Testament, on the other hand, concentrates
more on Jesus' life and teachings, as well as the Christian
church. The bible contains stories that give us vital lessons
that we should apply in our everyday lives. It teaches us how to
treat other people, strengthen our faith, deal with our fears, obey the will of
God, and so forth. It also has more purpose for humankind as it tells us who we
are and who God is. But who was the one who wanted to convey us these
messages? Where did they acquire these stories? The stories in the bible were
written by different authors but these authors were like pens that we use as an
instrument to write. The one who really wanted to deliver us the messages in the
stories are God, Himself. He only guided the authors so that the stories would be
delivered clearly for us. But these stories require great understanding
and comprehension for us to interpret it.
B ook that gives
These are the lessons I have acquired I nspiring lessons for a
from this topic.
B etter visions in our
L ives and a guide for
E verlasting love and peace
Module 2, Lesson 1:

The first lesson for the second module is about Abraham's call and
covenant and Moses' call and covenant. Abraham, then called Abram, is a

75 year old man who has a wife named Sarai. The Lord told Abram to
obey his orders and promised that in exchange for great name, and great
land, great nation, and great blessings. Abram trusted the Lord and he
followed his
orders, and in return, he was blessed and
even though he is an old man, he was
blessed by a child. He was then called
Abraham, which means the Father of the people,
as a result of his faith to the Lord. Moses' call and
covenant has taken place a thousand years after
Abraham's. He was also ordered by the Lord to
lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to the
Promised Land. Moses trusted God and carried out

Moses his mission.

From these stories, I have learned about entrusting

the Lord as he has his own plans with us. We must
obey his will and orders as he has greater plans for all of us.
Module 2, Lesson 2:

The second lesson from module 2 is about two
prophets that have different personality and approach
in life. The first one is Jeremiah. Jeremiah was tasked by the
Lord with a great mission in spite of him still being young.
Despite his young age, he accepted the Lord's mission to
announce that the country of Judah will endure famine,
foreign conquest, pillage, and captivity in a new place. He
managed to do his mission with the guidance of God.

On the other hand, the story of Jonah is a different one compared to Jeremiah. When the Lord reached out to Jonah for
his mission, he declined and ran away, thinking that he could avoid the Lord. But he was greatly tested when he was
thrown in the middle of the ocean and was eaten by a whale. For the second time, the Lord told him to do his mission: go
to Nineveh and announce the message. Finally, he accepted the mission and did it accordingly. This
story of Jonah is actually my favorite story out of all as it is completely different, and even Jonah
himself is different among al the prophets.

These stories taught me that no

matter what your reasons are to
avoid or decline the Lord's plan, you
have no say as his plans are for the

best. The only thing we have to do is

to accept it and obey the Lord's will.
Module 2, Lesson 3:

We have now reached the last lesson
for Module 2 and in this topic, we had a
discussion about the story of Job. Job is
a very wealthy and blessed man.
He also has a family and they all
have good health. Even with the for-
tunes that he has received, his
relationship with God is unwavering.
With that, he was praised by God,
however, Satan felt envy so he asked
God that he would test Job. He
removed everything from Job: his
wealth, family, animals, property, and his
body was in great pain because of
sores. Not only that but he was also
accused by his friends of sins. It
continued for 7 days, and even with
these happenings, instead of blaming
the Lord, he still looks up to Him. With
that, God rewarded him with much
more blessings and happiness than what
Job taught me that with patience and trust in the Lord, in spite of the
we had before.
hardships and pain that we experience, we can conquer it all. There
are reasons why we experience these but at the end of the day, the
Lord has his own plans and he knows that his plans will cause greater
things than what we had before.
Module 3, Lesson 1:

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

and a Woman of Faith
Mary The first lesson for the third module is about Mother Mary.

A mother is one of the greatest and unique gifts that God

has given us. Ever since we were born, they have sacrificed
a lot for our own sake. They give up their body, time, food,
hobbies, happiness, and more, just for us to be well taken
care of. A mother's love is unmatched as their love is
unconditional and selfless. Aside from biological mothers,
adoptive mothers, and anyone who has been a mother to
us, we also have a spiritual mother who is the greatest role
model for all mothers. Her name is Mary, the mother of
Jesus. Mother Mary is a mother full of faith and courage.
Before she became a Mother, she was visited by angel
Gabriel and invited her to conceive Jesus. Due to her
strong faith in God, she gave her approval to God's
invitation. And when Jesus was born, she also manifested
her faithfulness to him until his death. She is indeed the
woman of faith and women, and even men, should look up
to her and have her as a role model.
Module 3, Lesson 2:

John the Baptist, The

Forerunner of Jesus

"He must increase, I must decrease," said by John the Baptist. This is one of his statements that shows about John's
unique traits and personalities. For me, there are two significant values of John the Baptist that he manifested.
These are his commitment and humility. John the Baptist is clearly committed to the Lord and his purpose in life--
to preach repentance and prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah. His commitment inspired me to be
committed with my studies in order for me to focus on learning and making the requirements needed in every
subject I take. The second value that I can’t ignore about him is his humility. John the Baptist is a humble man that
even when others think that he’s the Messiah, he didn’t take credit of it, instead, he’s very vocal with the truth that
he isn’t him. He always says that the Messiah will come and he is only there to prepare the people for the coming of
the Messiah and when the Messiah comes, He will also baptize the people not with water, but with the Holy Spirit
and fire. Just like him, I want to be a humble person to have more self-control and healthy physical and mental well-
being which I really need so I can successfully finish this semester without being physically and mentally exhausted.
Module 3, Lesson 3:

Jesus’ Event in His Public

Jesus' events in his life includes, teaching,
healing, table fellowship. His teachings
were done through parables which gives
life lessons for people. His healings were
often aimed towards sinners and
outcasts, and his table fellowships
represent his whole mission. Another
event from his life was his passion and
death. Jesus knew his mission from his
Father which is to do His will, which then
resulted to his death. Lastly, after his
death, he was resurrected. His
resurrection proved his teachings. He
also fulfilled the prophesies of the Old
Testament about having a savior who
freed us from our sins.

Jesus' life events are important for us to

know as it tells us about our savior's
doings, mission, and sacrifices.
Module 4, Lesson 1:

The Early Christian

h ri s tian
Early C Fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy

m un ity
Spirit descended from heaven. The Holy Spirit baptized
the apostles and other disciples of the Lord. The
Pentecost experience is a very important happening
for us, Christians, as it marks the beginning of the
establishment of churches. The Holy Spirit gives life to
the church and it's mission to the world. From the early
church's experiences, the Pentecost event contributed
to deepen community life and service as people were
able to execute activities they had never done before,
such as conversing in different languages and
mending ailing members.

With that being said, the Holy Spirit's

presence must not be ignored. Moreover,
we do not just journey along with the Lord,
but we also journey with the Holy Spirit in
our ups and, especially, in our downs.
Module 4, Lesson 2:

The Christian Community

Christian Community
Just like in the early Christian Community, the Christian
Community today still aims to open the path to Jesus Christ and
His healing presence. We still learn, worship, and pray to God.
Even then, praying is a way to connect with the Lord and, as
Christians today, we still pray to the Lord as a way of
communication. However, negative things from the past are still
existing today. From the first century to the present, there has
always been conflict and disagreement in the church. However,
in spite of our differences, we must treat every person that we
encounter respect and kindness. With the absence of kindness
and compassion toward others, we are unable
to recognize our own limitations,
frailty, and vulnerability, and as a result,
we may fall. That is why even with the new
generations and their differences, the Christian
community still strives to improve and share the
word of the Lord.
Artwork 1:
Module 1

Module 1 is the first module that we had tackled for this semester. This is also my first religion subject that I have taken up
that is why, in my first religion subject, in my first year in college, this first module is like the artwork that I have painted- a
sunrise. Most of us think that sunrise represents new beginning, and I do too. In this new beginning, we had talked about
faith as well as the sacred scripture- absolutely a perfect topic for a beginner. I have learned that faith is an essential thing
that we need in our lives because having faith means having assurance and trust, and a sacred scripture, like the bible, is also
very important as we can learn and interpret about the different stories and lessons that the Lord wants to convey to us.
Artwork 2:
Module 2

In module 2, we tackled about the stories of Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah, Jonah, and Job. One great similarity that
they all have is that all of them experienced great hardships in their life, especially along the journey that they had for their
missions. I know we all also experience hardships in our lives and so I can say that I can relate with what they experienced.
The artwork presented above is a drawing of Prophet Jonah on a boat with huge waves coming towards their direction. I
have decided to draw one of the events that happened to Prophet Jonah as it can clearly deliver my message. What I want
to convey in this artwork is that the problems that we encounter in life are like waves that comes towards our direction, it
may be a small wave or even a huge wave. But we must stay put and not waver on the boat, because once we get wavered,
we would fall, just like when we encounter problems, sometimes we lose hope and gets distracted which results to us not
knowing how to solve it. But if we make our boat bigger and we stay focused, we will never fall. How do I say so? Because
if we strengthen our faith in God we will have an open mind and heart in everything that is happening around us.
Artwork 3:
Module 3

In Module 3, we learned about the stories of Mary, John the Baptist, and Jesus' event in His public ministry. Mother Mary is a
woman who is an epitome of faith, John the Baptist greatly displays humility and commitment, and Jesus clearly shows his passion
and dedication. These are what I have noticed the most in the lessons of module 3 that is why I have drawn a drawing of myself
looking at my reflection in the mirror. Mother Mary, John the Baptist, and Jesus are true to themselves as they have greatly
shown their virtues and personality in this module and with that being said, I also want to be like them who shows to people who
they truly are. Here in my drawing, I am the girl who is looking at the reflection of my real self and what I really want to do in life.
Artwork 4:
Module 4

Module 4 discussed about the Christian Community then and now. It talks about the origin of churches, missions, and religious
practices. However, just like before, today, we are also experiencing negative things such as conflict and disagreement in
churches. But, as for me, I feel like we should do an action to stop these so that in the future, there would never be any conflicts,
especially when we talk about religion. We must know how to apply good virtues and respect others since in the first place, the
mission of the church is to unite people and spread the word of God. In my artwork, it shows my reflection about my journey
about the Christian Community. People are seen united as they put the puzzle pieces altogether, which forms the world. This
means that through a peaceful Christian Community, we can achieve peace and understanding, in spite of differences.
CFE 101 is a very important subject that
every student must learn from. CFE 101
teaches us about religion: the Lord,
CFE 101
Prophets, virtues, life lessons, and
many more. It also teaches us about
respect for other people, no matter
what their beliefs, race, social status,
religion, tradition, and culture.
As for me, the things I have learned
from CFE 101 this semester really
help me in my everyday life. From
every stories that was shared to us,
it equates to life lessons that I
apply everyday and even in the
future. I surely know that having
known of these stories made my
faith in the Lord stronger than ever.
Moreover, every week that we do
religious involvement, I feel like I am
becoming more open with what I feel
and think about.

I expect that for the next semester, the

religion subject would also provide me
more life lessons just like in this subject!
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