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One of the primary natural forces that power our contemporary world is
electricity. It is a type of energy that arises from the presence of charged particles
(such as protons or electrons), either dynamically as a current or statically as an
accumulation of charge. Knowing the fundamentals of electricity is crucial for many
professions, including physics, engineering, and daily use in homes and businesses.

Determining the input current is the initial stage in the design of any power
supply. On top of that, AC is often the input voltage source for a power grid. Electric
charge periodically reverses direction in an electric current known as an alternating
current (AC). It is the type of electricity most frequently utilized in business and
household settings. Direct Current (DC), in which electric charge flows only in one
direction, differs from AC. Conducting electrical experiments necessitates careful
consideration of safety precautions and adherence to electrical codes, particularly
when working with AC (alternating current). A great way to learn about electrical
circuits and systems is by practical experience, which may be obtained by
experimenting with AC light wiring on a board which also includes the circuit
configuration in which the connections between the parts of a circuit must be
understood. Components are connected across common points in parallel circuits
and end-to-end in series circuits. To ensure that lights stay illuminated even in the
event of a failure, lighting systems frequently employ parallel circuits. Additionally,
the resistance of a conductor causes a voltage drop when current passes through it.
As this condition is referred to, the voltage drop can be important in circuits with low-
resistance conductors or long wire runs. Light bulbs, switches, and safety
considerations like grounding and circuit protection as the components in lighting a
circuit are also relevant concepts in understanding AC light wiring systems.

Understanding these concepts provides a foundation for developing,

assessing, and debugging AC light wiring systems. It also serves as the foundation
for interpreting the experiment's findings, which aids in deriving pertinent conclusions
about how the AC light circuit behaves in various scenarios.

The objectives of this project are as follows:

 To build a basic AC light circuit to comprehend the essential parts of lighting

 To obtain useful insights into electrical concepts like voltage drop, circuit
configuration, and the effect of individual components on the system's overall
performance by studying the circuit's behavior under various conditions and
 The project also aims to record and evaluate an experiment on AC
(alternating current) light wiring.
 The experiment also aims to shed light on the basic ideas of electrical circuits,
particularly those about AC-powered lighting systems. The behavior of a
simple AC light circuit, including the relationship between voltage and current
and the illumination of an incandescent lightbulb as a result, was investigated
in this experiment.


The following theories influenced the conduct of the experiment:

1. The light bulbs would illuminate when the circuit is set up completely.
2. It would be possible to see the voltage drop across the lightbulb,
demonstrating the effect of resistance.
3. The lighting system's behavior would be affected by circuit adjustments, such
as adding resistors or switching out the light bulbs.








SERIES-PARALLEL LOW (at the series)

CIRCUIT HIGH(at the parallel)

The table above shows the data observed on the bulb brightness. The
table indicates the level of brightness the bulb can give from low too high in
each circuit. This also shows whether the circuit can work if we remove certain
bulbs and if it affects the brightness that the bulb produces in an AC circuit.
In a series circuit, based on the data in the table above, the bulbs in a
series circuit have low light output meaning that the current flowing in series
will be divided into how many bulbs we have in a certain circuit, and it also
applies to the amount of voltage each bulb has. If we have 200 volts of energy
and we have 20 bulbs in a series circuit, the volts will be equally distributed to
each bulb (therefore, each bulb has 10 volts). Therefore, the number of bulbs
is inversely proportional to its brightness meaning increasing the number of
bulbs in a series circuit decreases the brightness of the bulbs. A series circuit
connects components (such as bulbs) end to end, and the same current passes
through each component. When a bulb is removed from a series circuit, the
brightness of the remaining bulbs might be significantly affected. This is what
1. In a series circuit, removing a bulb breaks the circuit. The current
path is cut off and the circuit becomes open. As a result, no
current flows through the circuit.
2. When the circuit is open, none of the bulbs in the series will get
power and will all turn-off. The removal of any component in a
series circuit breaks the circuit and disrupts the flow of current to
all components in the series.
3. There is no electrical energy reaching the bulbs unless current
flows through the circuit. As a result, when the circuit is open, the
bulbs generate no light.
In parallel circuits, based on the data above, the light bulbs produce a
high level of brightness which shows a big difference in the series circuit. Each
component (such as a bulb) in a parallel circuit is linked to the power source
independently in its branch. In a parallel circuit, unlike a series circuit, the
removal of one bulb does not impede the flow of electricity to the other lights.
When one bulb in a parallel circuit is removed, the brightness of the other
bulbs decreases as follows:
1. When a bulb is removed from a parallel circuit, the other bulbs
stay connected to the power supply and continue to receive the
same voltage. The remaining bulbs' brightness is unaffected, and
they continue to emit light as previously. This is because each
branch in a parallel circuit is independent, and the removal of one
branch does not affect the others.
2. Each branch in a parallel circuit receives the same voltage from
the power source. The voltage across the other bulbs is
unaffected by the removal of one bulb. Because the voltage across
each bulb remains constant, their brightness remains constant.
3. The current in the circuit is redistributed among the remaining
branches. The total current in the circuit reduces when one
branch (bulb) is removed, but the current through the remaining
branches remains constant. This is owing to the parallel
architecture of the circuit, which permits current to flow
independently through each branch.

In the series-parallel circuit, based on the data above, it produces both a

high level and a low level of brightness. However, the high level of brightness
only appears at the parallel part of the circuit while the lower level of
brightness is at the series part of the circuit. The brightness of the bulb can be
determined if it is in parallel or series, the result obtained in the parallel circuit
is similar to the parallel section of the circuit and it also applies to the series
section of the combination circuit where the result is similar to the series
circuit. Therefore, in a series-parallel circuit, some components (such as bulbs)
are linked in series, and those series combinations are connected in parallel to
each other. The overall behavior of the circuit will be determined by the
precise arrangement and how the bulbs are organized. When a bulb/s is/are
removed the outcome is as follows:
1. When a bulb is removed from a series section, the current flow
through that section is disrupted, and all bulbs in that series
section go out. Other parallel branches with bulbs, on the other
hand, will continue to work independently and their brightness
will not be altered.
2. If one bulb in a parallel section is removed, the other bulbs in that
parallel section will continue to run, and the overall brightness of
the circuit may not be severely reduced. Bulbs in other parallel
branches will also remain unaffected.
3. The effect on the circuit will be determined by the location of the
removed bulb. If it is in a series section, all of the lights in that part
will go out. If it's in a parallel part, the other bulbs in that area will
continue to light. Other components of the circuit may continue to
function normally if they are not directly affected by the removal.

To build a basic AC circuit, the following key points are needed: power source,
wiring, analysis, and safety. For a power source, you need an alternating current
(AC) power source, such as a generator or an outlet, to provide the electrical energy
for the circuit. Wiring refers to the usage of appropriate wiring to connect the
components in the circuit, ensuring that the connections are secure, and the wiring
can handle the current and voltage levels. Analysis is a way to analyze the circuit
using principles of AC circuit theory, such as impedance, phase angles, and
frequency response, to understand how the components interact and affect the
overall circuit behavior. Safety is to always consider safety measures, such as using
appropriate insulation, avoiding overloading the circuit, and following electrical codes
and standards to prevent hazards. By considering these key points, you can create a
functional and safe AC circuit for your specific application.
Clearly, the objectives were met during the conduct of the experiment. Learning the
proper splicing of wires, proper connection, and usage of appropriate materials are
very helpful in avoiding instances of short circuits and overloading. In future AC
circuit experiments, it would be beneficial to explore advanced topics related to the
experiment. Knowing how to do and how the experiment works has a great impact
on meeting the objectives.

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