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EXERCISE 1: 10 high level vocab

1. Infrastructure
Topic: Nowadays, rural people migrating to urban areas could lead to demands of
infrastructures in the cities.
Explain: To elaborate further, as more people flock to cities, there will be a surge in
demand of housing, transportation, healthcare and education.
Example: For example, urban areas began to out of order in term of infrastructure,
most of the buildings and facilities are being congested by cititzens.
2. Wages
Topic: Nowadays, people with higher wages could offer anything in the urban and
Explain: To elaborate further, moving to city result in higher wage and oftenly a
promotion if the individual work hard enough.
Example: For example, an person began their job as a office worker, when they
work hard enough their get their salary or wage as a reward to spend on their
3. Housing
Topic: Housing shortages has been a alarming situation in the urban areas.
Explain: To elaborate further, many cities are experiencing housing shortages, this
could led to homelessness and destitution.
Example: For example, many orphans and beggars are in the streets of Ho Chi
Minh city with poor conditions which could caused by housing shortages of urban
4. Cultural diversity
Topic: People migrating to urban cities could take a chance know as cultural
diversity, for years urban areas are known for their cultural diversity.
Explain: To elaborate further, with this opportunities this rise the cultural
enrichment and social interactions within the cities.
Example: For example, better social and cultural diversity could led to recreational
facilities, this included theaters, shopping centers, museums and entertainment
5. Congestion
Topic: Rural individuals migrating to urban areas could led a problem to
congestion, which is an daunting situation to look at.
Explain: To elaborate further, congestion in urban areas is an overcrowding issues
by people who migrated to cities, this could promoted traffic congestion.
Example: To exemplify, traffic congestion consequently caused traffic jams, air
pollution and transportation accidents. By reducing congestion, individuals will
lend to the peacefulness and natural beauty of rural areas.
6. Preserve
Topic: Moving to city centers could help preverse the natural beauty and resources
of rural areas.
Explain: To elaborate further, more availability could available in rural areas and
much more, the pollution problems could being solved by preserve the nature in
rural areas.
Example: To exemplify, rural areas have more of a natural ambience which makes
more and more individuals lean on migrating to the countryside.
7. Urbanization
Topic: The urbanization trend is increasing rapidly in many countries, it often leads
to environmental degradation.
Explain: To elaborate further, there are loss of agricultural land and natural
habitats, threatening ecological balance and sustainability.
Example: To exemplify, this phenomenon could took many loss to individuals that
are working in the urban.
8. Economic
Topic: Cities can offer great economic opportunities to job seekers,
Explain: To elaborate further, chance of getting a job is higher when individuals are
in urban areas, many people migrating to cities echanced the growth and job
Example: To exemplify, cititzens can get a high demand of jobs, they desire to get
a job that fit their best abilities at work.
9. Living standards
Topic: Migrating to metropolis could echance each individuals living standards
which make improvement in demands of high quality life in cities.
Explain: To elaborate further, individuals like citizens in a town could feel much
convenient and accessible to live in the urban.
Example: To exemplify, some houses or facilities could feature housing functions
10. Essential services
Topic: When in metropolis, individuals have all access to essential services such as
facilities, restaurant, supermarket, salon and much more.
Explain: To elaborate further, rural areas often lack these kinds of services which
urban areas can offer.
Example: To exemplify, an individual on the countryside decided to migrated to the
cities because they have more access to essential services, resources there.

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