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Project Report


Course Instructor:





Organization visiting Date:

4 – June - 2021

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First of all we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our teacher "MISS
SAMEEN FATIMA" whose valuable guidance makes us easier to shape the present work
as its show. We are also grateful that she provides this learning opportunities a part of
our studies. We are also thankful to the Learning & Development Specialist of “Selimpex
International” for granting his kind approval to visit. During the visit he was very helpful
& facilitate to complete this report. This provides us an opportunity to learn & explore
about Management System.

Our meeting done in Selimpex International with:

❖ Mr. Noshad (System Development Manager)

❖ Mr Syed Wahid Ali (HR Manager)
❖ Mr. Amin Pasha (Production Manager)
❖ Mr. M. Sheraz Khan (Admin officer / Incharge)

Mr. Noshad System Development Manager guided me about Selimpex International

system. Mr. Syed Wahid Human Resource Manager (HRM) and Admin office guided me
about hiring process, labour’s law, lunch break time, salaries / wages, and other process.
Mr. Amin Pasha Production Manager guided me about Selimpex International production
processes, departments and other information’s.

It was great experience to be there

Prior to this meeting, I had also sent a visiting request letter to:
❖ Surfactant Chemical Company,
❖ Hino Pak Motors Pvt. Ltd.,
❖ Journal Tyres,
❖ Naveena Group of Companies,
❖ dynamic marketing concept.
They did not allow me due to COVID-19, but in this strive, I get these organization
HR Managers contact numbers, it can help me, when I’m finding a job.

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Visiting Organization Name:


Organization Logo

Organization letter head:

Meeting Picture:

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Table of Content

S.No# Titles
1 Introduction:
2 Vision:
3 Mission:
4 Core Values:
• Line planning
• Long term Planning
• Short term Planning
• Standing Planning
• Contingency Planning
Decision Making & Duties:
• Top level Management
• Middle level Management
• Lower level Management
• Departmentalization
• Organogram/Organizational Chart
7 • Hierarchy
• Centralization
• Internal Environment
• Procedure
• Leadership Style
• Teamwork
• Motivation & Appreciation
• Performance Indicator
• Hiring process
• Labour’s Law
10 Problem faces:
11 Conclusion & Recommendation:
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Selimpex International is a single owned sole proprietor owner organization and
Selimpex International was established in 2007. This unit of Selimpex International is
unit 2, Unit 1 is at Clifton. This organization is garment manufacturing industry.
Selimpex International manufactures garments by taking orders from international
countries. The organization has 580 employee in which incl udes Managers, In-charges,
Supervisors, Labours. The organization has 20 Departments in which four departments
have sub departments, Cutting and stitching departments have three sub departments,
and finishing and packing have four sub departments. They have 13 managers to
manage organization professionally, They have 25 in-charges in organization to helping
managers department wise , They have 12 Supervisors in organization to supervision in
every step of manufacturing department wise.

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➢ They work hard to be a international leader in fashion and fashion outwear,
giving power to innovation and design to fulfill totally customer expectations.

➢ They work hard to be a caring and skilfully

organized organization for our customers
and employees.
➢ To be a organization at global standards
which is the most trustable and
manufactures the best quality of Garments
in the Garment manufacturing Industries in
Pakistan and in the world.
➢ To make models in the field with its skilfully
and expert team, its unique infrastructure and innovated machineries, and to be
one of the contemporary organizations that are give example as reference in its
➢ To be a global brand which is esteem to the environment and human, agreeable
with the automations, which is achieving power to set international level in
production and increasing the competitiveness of our country at the global

➢ Their Mission is to give the best value
products and services to international
➢ Developing a difference through our
branding to stay toward of fashion trends,
market changes and cutting edge
➢ Making better the quality of life of our
customers and employees.
➢ To be a the first to explorer in its field by putting
input in people and technology and by making quality products at low cost.
➢ To make sure the complete level of customer satisfaction ..

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Our values and beliefs require that we:

Their goal to be carry out minimum percentage of defective product in

Cutting, Sewing, and Finishing. Hundred percent packing and trims- accessories
attachment accuracy.


To be known of their assuring, to take the Line-Plan in time order to provide

the best service in the account of replying to all the presumptions, and needs of
internal and external customers in the sector of service by being client focused.

To be transform machines into innovations to make different style and design
products, and to be innovative infrastructure.


To be create difference through their service and branding and reach to no#
1 position in competition with garment industries.


Deliver competitive, outstanding service to our customers.


Treat every employee with respect, and plan for how to continuously
perform our service goals.


To be trustable and respectable by standing at the back of the guarantees

and working ethically and legally.


Treat each employee fairly. Selimpex International does not tolerate

discrimination of any kind and encourages all supervisors to involve employees in
problem solving creativity.


To be Build a team that do it job with consistently performance and do their

best in every step to manufacturing.

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Order Information Sheet To plan the order time, it is first necessary to

make a line plan as the maximum time and production delivery date. There
planning to on time shipments, once your slots plans for a garments run and
delivery deadline for each task in the process you must Fixture Strick follow this
procedure to know your plan is being followed correctly If the cutting room falls
behind in It’s production schedule, for example swing and finishing Lines must
wait, leading Possible heap and missed deadline for shipment to avoid Lost time
in the production, you must provide daily over side of each step and keep the
rest of the line updated they any holder so plan can be modify to collect and


They also do long term planning when the rate of any raw material is
falling and is expected to rise in the future, for example; the Thread rate are
falling and expecting to rise in future, so then they buy in large quantity to make


In Selimpex International they do short term planning for daily activities

and work load, they plan who has to give overtime, How many workers are
needed to finish the rest of the work.


They make a standing plan to strictly following organization disciplines

such as target completing attendance, limited lunch & Namaz Break.

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They allow to use contingency plan, they issued some petty cash on
emergency conditions without approval of Top Manager, for example; when
Generator fuel runs out.



➢ They make decisions about policies, objectives and define goal of organization.
➢ They Set up organization structure and form a organization's core ethics.
➢ They Lead Middle level management.
➢ They Appoint middle level management in organization.
➢ They Take strategic decisions and give direction in a critical condition.
➢ They Take the decision about employees increment, staff promotion in
➢ They Follow up organization profits / loss and give decision any types of financial
➢ They also Follow up organization productivity and quality performance.


➢ They Lead low level management / operational employees.
➢ They Appoint lower level management staff.
➢ They set the production target and take management for production.
➢ They Implement organization goals, strategy, and policies.
➢ They Implement all kinds of customer requirement.
➢ They Responsible for organization profit, losses, and performance.
➢ They can contact with every level of management.
➢ They Supervise every Worker, of which department that appointed to supervise.
➢ They Solve every problem of employees of organization.
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➢ They don’t allow to do decision making in Selimpex International.
➢ complete the production target on time and with accuracy.
➢ They must be Follow orderer SOP.
➢ They are in Reporting of Middle level management.

They organize their organization with Departmentalization, they have 20
departments in which includes:
I. Accounts Department,
II. Administration Department,
III. Computer Department,
IV. Merchandising Department,
V. PPC Department,
VI. Production Department,
VII. Quality Department,
VIII. Export / logistic Department,
IX. RND/Pattern Department,
X. Sample department,
XI. Cutting Department,
XII. Stitching Department,
XIII. Print and Embroidery Department,
XIV. Finishing Department,
XV. Grey Department,
XVI. Packing Department,
XVII. Main Store Department
XVIII. Store Department,
XIX. Housekeeping Department,
XX. Maintenance Department,


The Hierarchy is started from top to lower level, where General Manager
(GM) at Top level management and workers & operators a not lower level. They
have huge hierarchy to ready and deliver orders on time and stay in the garment
export market with competitors.

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Selimpex International is a Centralized Organization and centralization
benefits is clear chain of command because every person within the organization
knows who to report to. Employees know who to report whenever they have
concerns about the organization. With this might focus on the fulfilment of its vision
with ease. There are clear lines of communication and the Manager might
communicate the organization’s vision to employees and guide them toward the
achievement of the vision. Decisions are created by a small group of members and
then guided to the lower level managers. The involvement of only a few members
creates the decision-making process more efficient since they might discuss the
details of decision in single meeting. The decisions are then guided to the lower
levels of the organization for implementation. If lower level managers are involved
in the decision making process, the process will take long time. That will make the
implementation process lengthy and complicated because some managers might
object to the decisions if their input is declined. The systematize procedures and
stronger supervision in organization result in improved quality of work. There are
supervisors in every department who ensure that the outputs are consistent and of
high quality. The use of innovated equipment reduces wastage from manual work
and also helps guarantee highs quality work. Systemized of work also reduces the
reproduction of tasks that might result in high labour costs.
Internal environment effects on organization. In this Organization they follow
strong culture for the success in planning of organization. For the success in
planning of organization strong culture is most important because in strong culture
managers can communicated to workers & guide them for extra performance. But
rules and regulation is very important in this organization specially in time. If any
employee come late at least 1hour so we deduct salary. He said when employee
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follow timing so every work is done on time and employee aware from these rule
and regulation. In dynamic marketing concept they organized meetings with
managers in which they are discussing about feature goals and how to achieve that
This organization have huge numbers of skilfully and expert managers to
manage the organization skilfully they set every manage with the approach of “Right
person for the Right job” as you see in organogram

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“Organization has Procedure, They must be follow.”
Receiving is a key part of the order
management process. Warehouse without clear
credential of product received experience problems
when the business needs evidence of a shipment
shortage or qualify issue.
To confirm the order from consumer first give
sample. To make sampling they plan about resources
which they need like material, manpower machine
fabric for making sample process. Merchandiser calls
the supplier after taking the order and arranges for
each raw material. They have a contract with the
supplier. In Garment manufacturing Industries
Merchant Manager play important role, In the garment
industry, Merchant manager is in a way a Marketing
Sampling department makes all type of sample
that require to be submitted to the consumer.
Samples department conveying problems related to
order to the production department.

They Assisting the merchant in arranging Bills

of materials for the sample They calculating fabric

Cutting is not all about capacity cutting it start
as per the planning series. Cutting plant process:
The production plan is receive from the
production manager order detail from merchandiser
and shade band chart from department.
Once the cutting incharges has approve for the
patron direction and tightness and conception it is
further approved by the production manager for
efficiency. For cutting production they do print
embroidery before Sewing.

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Swing plan depends on per hour production measurements, working
hours , efficiency order quantity machine type and product difficulties the
first day is to set line layout second day they will get output production will
be less than average.
For example: For a great deal 5000 piece do Sewing first day
production 300 second day 700 third day 1000 third day 1150 fourth day
1150 fifth day 6 day the rest 700 and layout of next lot so your average per
day 833. After check the production
When it is coming to the wash process generally a minimum of 3 days
keep after the sewing finished date for the wipe plant. In the garment
industry everything never going to happen as per planning may take two days
more than the planned date. So pressure going to ruin on washing and
finishing. A production planner has to follow up washing backlog with
washing factories. What product urgent. What washout delay is allowable if
garments manufacturer doesn’t have own washing plant , they have to give
sub contract in another factory. In this case communication with a washing
plan, washing follow up is very much necessary for production planner.
The finishing process is very complex of fancy style casual style are
comparatively easier then fancy style. Based on the buyer product quality
standard and the number of finishing process finishing the production plan
can be done. If they have many stock remaining in finishing. They have to
check which delivery is compact. Finishing is done on priority base and
warhead date status.
Final quality inspection is complete when product packing already
done. If a final inspection fail and the buyer ask to recheck the whole quantity
they will fail in trouble if they do not have time in hand to ship the products.
So its really necessary to keep one week in advance when they do
production planning.

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As there is departmentalization in this company, That’s why Their every
department leader follow department wise leadership style because Of their
department wise different duty nature.
Administration stuff, Quality Manager and Production Manager follow
Transformation Leadership Style & Transactional Leadership Style. Transformational
leadership has been chosen by management due to its innovative as well as
productive and supportive nature. Transactional leadership is founded on the
traditional, bureaucratic authority and legitimacy where followers receive certain
valued outcomes when they perform according to the leader’s wishes. The
connection is based on a sequence of exchanges or implicit understanding between
leader and follower, clarifying role expectations and task oriented goals.

b) Team work:
Teamwork is a group strive where all working of one garment are done by
a small group of multi-skilled operators where advantages of division of labour
and special machinery and infrastructure are preferable utilized. Team members
are enable to take decisions them self, self-check and are not allowed to make
any defective pieces. In case of any defective piece produced, team members
them self have to talk about and resolve the problem.

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Their Administration Department are very supportive with workers. If any
worker complete extra targeted work so organization give him a bonus and extra
pay for his motivation. They have built an Incentive System in the organization. If a
worker does more than his target, he gives incentive for his motivation.
Bonuses or incentive payments based upon performance of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). To give an incentive based solely upon achieving a production
target of number of garments is very easy but counterproductive create the desire
to workers to ensure that output levels are met without any concern for cost-
effectiveness. Areas of responsibility for individuals are measured against Key
Performance Indicators, it is possible to give a bonus for performance that is clear
and easy to understand. A well constructed formula allow for drops in achievement
due to varying frequencies of style change.
Maslow gives us a number of levels of motivation, the need for appreciation
and self development can be covered in a well conducted judgement and we will
consider here the key motivation tool: Money!
They check performance of workers on monthly basis, and appreciate on
good performance.

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They make keep performance indicator for this. They weekly calculate
delivery output to packing at appointed time and dates. They calculate daily
department average operator performance target, line efficiency and operator
off standard targets. They calculate daily percentage of reworks against output .
With measurable performance, it is a easy task to give feedback on a daily,
weekly and ongoing basis as part of the management system. During the
performance indicates, individuals not only receive feedback but also be judged
against the list, with importance on the skills necessary to perform those tasks
in which they have underperformed. Training and development plan be
formulated and this becomes the key outcome that form a major part of any
performance management system. All managers competent in guiding and
mentoring subordinates and these skills add up fundamental role of the manager
as a leader.

Their Quality department check the quality of order in every line-plan

step. Quality management is the side of the all management function that
controls and applies the quality policy. Quality certainty covers all the process
within a company that gives to the production of quality products. The checkup
is carried out by Quality Manager of the current production and the result
record on control chart.

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b) Hiring process in Selimpex International:
HR manager Mr. Wahid said, they first of all check applicant National
Identity Card, They ask him about reference of person who tell them about
vacancy if that person who tell about vacancy they also consider of his
performance during hiring, and they check applicant experience on relevant
field, and they also make sure applicant don't have any disability, but they hired
disable persons in small percentage.

Their administration department strictly follow allow all Labour Law in
organization, and give all benefits to workers.
o The principle of the eight-hour day and 48-hour week, as maximum normal
working hours, Has been internationally established. The Government is of
the considered view that an atmosphere of Industrial peace and
understanding is the need of the hour.
o Pakistan’s Minimum Wage is the lowest amount a worker can be legally paid
for his work. Most countries have a nation-wide minimum wage that all
workers must be paid. Pakistan’s minimum wage is 15,000 Pakistani rupees
per month.
o In accordance with the provisions of law, rate of gratuity is “thirty (30) days
wages for every completed year of service or any period in excess of six
o If you work for more than 8 hours in a day or more than 48 hours in a week
(while working in a non-seasonal factory), you are eligible for this
extra/overtime pay.

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They face problem since in February 2019, There was massive fire in Selimpex
International, it was doused after nine long hours of efforts by the city’s fire brigade. The
factory, that produced garments, caught fire Tuesday night. Within minutes, the whole
building had been engulfed in flames. Following the tragedy, the organization relocated to a
rented location, but relocated the factory in January 2020 to its old location. Organization
face much loss from this incidence.


The Organization is manufacturing industry continues and generates the highest
local value of earning by using inputs such as dye, machine, stitching stuff and
accessory fibre production. This modern world production of garments need to be done
as quickly as possible at lowest cost. The Organization pay important roles for complete
their orders by leading controlling and
planning. The role of a merchandiser is to order sufficient to fulfil the demand
and keep the investment as low as possible. The main concern of the organization is
how much to order so that invention cost is the least. Clothing has never been more
available and inexpensive then it is today. The sharper and residential inhabitants like
don't have to go far acquire mass – produced garments from important , fast fashion
companies in a modern world the newest in high fashion trend are made accessible to
the average first world Consumer in a matter of weeks. It's a business replica that
attract to the masses, bringing rapid satisfaction to a society that expects nothing less
at this day in age when shopping is accessible at the Tap of a finger on a glass screen.
But behind the glass screen, The stylish display cases, The cheap , chic clothing, and the
like, is an industry that can’t be comfortable in a social or an environment manner.
The organization is one of the most polluting garments industries in the world.
Quickly producing garments in high volume to power this global organisation at the
lowest costs need out sourcing labours from developing countries, frequently times
where slack regulation allow for companies to get around quality control restrictions
concerning both materials and labour, thus labour are underpaid and maltreatment.
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This comfortable industry will only continue to grow as Long as consumers are ignorant
or continue to turn a blind eye to the environmental and societal impact it leaves on
the world.
For Higher Productivity need to be focused on these steps,
❖ Design innovation.
❖ Standardizing the design.
❖ Development of employee.
❖ The arrangement of training.
❖ Investing in a better plant.
❖ Improving the planning of work.
❖ Efficient worker selection.
❖ Improving the method of production.
❖ Improving morale.
❖ Rewarding success.
❖ Improving attendance level.
❖ Reducing labour turn over.
❖ Effective communication.
❖ Measuring performance.
As in this report we identified the Pakistan’s garment industry therefore we have
to seriously analyse these strengths and weakness so as to make the garment industry
more competent among its rivals. We also identified opportunities and threats that are
present today so we can capitalize on the opportunities that are available in the market
and can make plans to reduce the impact of threats. During our research we identified
the some areas where we actually got to compute that's we'd like to plan and to
implement it accordingly, Although much work has to be done by Government of
Pakistan but it also the responsibility of the entrepreneurs to cooperate and foresee the
challenges and opportunities ahead. Pakistan garment and apparel industry can always
win the race because it isn't too late to safeguard and grow this vital and promising
sector of our economy. Pakistan garment industry is currently facing several challenges.
There is a need for the organization to improve the quality of its products. There is al so
the necessity for greater value addition in its products. It is necessary that the
organization undertake an up gradation in the technology used.

Thanks for Reading.

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