Green Bim

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Green BIM in sustainable construction of

new buildings in Egypt

1.1.Methodology to model a 6D BIM building.
Application of the theoretical Framework
The first step to constructing a framework for contractors to follow is testing its applicability,
thus the initial theoretical framework which was obtained from the results of the previous chaper,
the literature review, in order to be a baseline methodology to be further researched in order to
finally produce a framework that can be implemented in the field, the anticipated conceptual
framework is expected to yet to be modified was that shown in figure (15):

Using AutoCad 2022 Using Revit 2020 Using Revit 2020, Using Revit 2020, Revit and Autodesk
• Archtiectural • Design Autodesk Naviswork and Autodesk Naviswork Insight
Design Plans Architectural Primavera P6, Microsoft and excel • Energy analysis
Excel • Determine Rates of
• Structural Design Model
Plan • Design Structural • Set Schedule on Material Costs
Model Primavera P6 • Integrate costs
• Merge Models to • Export primavera using Excel
Make 1 Model schedule to excel worksheets and
• Export all 3D models import to
• Integrate schedule using Naviswork
Naviswork to Revit

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework Followed.

According to the theoretical framework (Figure 15), 2D architectural and structural design
drawings of a building, a fitness center located in Swan Lake, New Cairo were acquired to be
used as a case study to test the framework being developed. The step following the obtaining of
the case study documents was to model the designs into a 3D model, this was done using
Autodesk Revit.
1.4.2. 2D to 3D
The 2D designs were imported into Revit, then the unique components to the building were
created with required dimensions to generate the model, the dimensions used were obtained from
the documents acquired containing all data required for the actual construction process to
commence. This was done to match the model to the exact specifications of the building
expected to be constructed in real life to get accurate energy analysis results and similar costs
and quantities. The completed 3D structural model, Architectural model, and a combination of
both the structural and architectural models are shown below in Figures 16, 17, 18 respectively.
Finally, the completion of such models enables the designers to detect clashes between the
different models in order to redesign and solve such clashes prior to commencing with the

construction process, thus decreasing reworking and delays associated with it. In addition to
other advantages of such feature, such as decreasing the overall costs due to less clashes
occurring in the real-life model being built whereas they are determined prior to starting with the
construction of the building. Such clashes could be determined using Autodesk Navisworks,
whereas the already generated models are opened, then the “Clash Detective” feature is selected,
a window demonstrating all the models inputted pops up, the window is shown in the screenshot
Figure 19, select the models required to detect the clashes between them. Then set the rules to
the test by choosing what exactly is considered a clash to be detected, this step is shown in
Figure 20. After completing the above steps are completed, the user should run the test. The
output of the described process is shown in the screenshot called Figure 21. The clashes between
the components that are detected can either be resolved, accepted or changed, this is decided by
the design team members.

Figure 2 3D Structural Model (by author)

Figure 3 3D Architectural Model (by author)

Figure 4 3D Combined Model (by author)

Figure 5 Selecting the Models to detect clashes between (screenshot by author)

Figure 6 deciding Detection rules (Screenshots by author)

Figure 7 detection results (screenshot by author)

1.4.3. 5D to 6D
The remaining step was to assess the sustainability potentials of the building, this was done using
Autodesk Revit and the Autodesk Revit Plugin, Autodesk Insight 360 which uses additional
Revit plugins to perform several analyses, them being, solar analysis, the newly introduced
carbon analysis feature, energy analysis and lighting analysis.
The combined model including both structural and architectural models was then located in its
decided location to ensure analysis is accurate. It was then analyzed using the energy
optimization tab in Autodesk Revit and the results were generated using Autodesk Insight and
displayed. The utility rates were adjusted to match that of Egypt.
The location adjustment that was done in Revit is shown in Figure 27. This previous described
and demonstrated step was done in order to obtain accurate analysis which include specific
features of the model which had to be edited into its energy settings. The editing process to do so
is clearly demonstrated in the screenshots, Figures 28 and 29, the advanced energy settings
(figure 29) are accessed through the energy settings (figure 28).

Figure 8 adjusting model location.

Figure 10 Energy settings (by author) Figure 9 Advanced Energy settings (by

Moving on to the system energy analysis and light analysis are shown in figures 30 and 31
respectively. However, since the carbon analysis is a newly introduced feature, it needed a newer
version of Autodesk Revit, Revit 2023.1 was used to obtain the carbon analysis results shown in
Figure 34, and to obtain the results the carbon analysis tab feature was used, this is shown in the
screenshot figure 32. The process of obtaining lighting analysis and the inputs required are
shown in figure 30. The changing of utility rates done on Autodesk Insight is shown in figure 33.

Figure 12 Building Energy Analysis. Figure 11 Lighting Analysis (by author)

Figure 13 Carbon Analysis (by Author)

To obtain accurate results, more inputs were given, them being the utility costs in Egypt, such as
the electricity costs and fuel costs, these prices were edited in the Insight cloud as demonstrated
in the screenshot called Figure 33.

Figure 14 Insight Settings screenshot (taken by author)

The results generated from the analysis presented thorough the suage of Insight were then
accessed through Autodesk Green Building studio (GBS) for forever analysis. Autodesk GBS
presented a number of analysis however there were inputs that were required. To begin with the
energy and carbon analysis obtained from the Revit analysis described previously was presented
in brief, however the newly added feature of carbon analysis through using Insight tech preview
were used to obtain results that are considered more accurate and realistic. The initial results of
using Autodesk GBS only are shown below in the screenshot called Figure 34, and the carbon
analysis results obtained using Insight tech preview are shown in the screenshot called Figure 35.

Figure 15 Energy and Carbon Results using Autodesk GBS (screenshot taken by Author)

Figure 16 Embodied Carbon analysis results using Insight tech preview (screenshot taken by author)

What is more, the Autodesk GBS also calculated water usage rates however required some
inputs, them being the water costs in Egypt, Sewer costs, number of utilities requiring water
usage such as urinals, toilets, sinks, showers, dishwashers and cloth washers, this was to obtain
exact and accurate results. The inputted data and results generated are shown below in the
screenshot called Figure 36.

Figure 17 Water Usage analysis using Autodesk GBS (Screenshot by Author)

An important feature available in Autodesk GBS is that it provides a complete Photovoltaic

analysis with all PV calculations including Annual energy of th building, PV area needed, annual
PV energy production, potential cost savings per year and the payback period, thus providing its
users with complete analysis of PV cells an dtheir impact if they were to be installed. However,
the costs of the PV panels and their type were manually edited. The results and inputs are shown
in the screenshot named Figure 37 below.

Figure 18 PV analysis using Autodesk GBS (Screenshot taken by author)

Another tab that was available that is yet to be tested is the LEED Daylight tab, however the
results included are shown in Figure 38.

Figure 19 LEED Daylight Autodesk GBS (Screenshot taken by author)

10 overview
The Framework produced is shown below in Figure 39 and the assigned tasks that are included
within the framework are shown in Figure 40. The framework produced was inspired by
frameworks published by a number of professionals them being (O'Keeffe S. E., 2013),
(Girginkaya, Maqsood, & Maqsood, 2020).

Figure 20 Conceptual Framework produced (by author).


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