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By Erlangga Tirtamadani (X-E1/12)

First off all, What is Graffiti? According to, both singular and plural
graffito in Italianis writing or a drawing made on a wall or other surface, usually as a form of
artistic expression, without permission and in public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written
words to elaborate wall paintings, and has been around since ancient times, with examples
dating back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Roman empire. Which mean, this art is
made by an ancient people from Rome, Greek and Egypt.
Graffiti is controversial in some big countries, marking or painting property without
permission is considered by property owners and civil authorities to be vandalism and vandalis.
Grafitti usually had a implied message in it. Like graffiti above, that graffiti In my opinion is
beautifull because there is art inside. The message its is so clear, teling us to not use any drugs,
because drugs is destructible for our body, even our future. I think that graffiti no beatify nor
exacerbate. because the painter only conveys the message and the contents of the graffiti are
very deep

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