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Handout Bahasa Inggris

Materi Recount Text


A recount text is a type of text that retells past events, experiences, or stories in chronological order.
It aims to inform or entertain readers by providing details of what happened, where it happened,
when it happened, who was involved, and why it happened. Recount texts often use past tense verbs
and temporal conjunctions to maintain the sequence of events.


To recount past experiences or events.

To entertain readers with a narrative.

To inform readers about specific occurrences.

To reflect on personal experiences or observations.

To provide details and information in a chronological order.

Structure of Recount Text:

Orientation: Introduces the background information of the event or experience. It answers the
questions: Who? What? When? Where?

Series of Events: Presents a chronological sequence of events or experiences in detail.

Re-orientation (optional): Reflects on the experience or event, or provides a conclusion.

Example of Recount Text:

Title: A Memorable Camping Trip


Last summer, my friends and I decided to go on a camping trip to the nearby national park. We had
been planning this adventure for weeks, and excitement filled the air as we packed our bags and set
off early in the morning.

Series of Events:

We arrived at the park and quickly set up our tents near a serene lake. After settling in, we embarked
on a hike through the lush forest trails, marvelling at the beauty of nature around us. As the sun
began to set, we gathered around a crackling campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories
late into the night. The next day, we woke up to the sound of birds chirping and decided to explore
the nearby waterfall. The cascading water and scenic views left us in awe, and we spent the day
swimming and picnicking by the water's edge. Reluctantly, we packed up our campsite the following
morning, but the memories of our unforgettable camping trip will stay with us forever.


Looking back, our camping trip was not just an adventure but also a bonding experience that
strengthened our friendship. It taught us the importance of disconnecting from the hustle and bustle
of daily life and reconnecting with nature and each other.
Please answer these questions based on the material above in your exercise book!

Silahkan jawab pertanyaan dibawah ini berdasarkan materi diatas, dan dibuat dibuku latihan ( Buat
teks dan pertanyaannya ya)

1. What was the main purpose of the camping trip?

a) To explore a nearby town

b) To study wildlife in the national park

c) To strengthen friendship and enjoy nature

d) To conduct research on forest trails

e) To participate in a photography contest

2. Where did the group set up their tents?

a) Near a bustling city

b) By a roaring waterfall

c) Near a serene lake

d) In a dense forest

e) On a mountain summit

3. What activity did the group engage in as the sun began to set?

a) Swimming in the lake

b) Climbing the nearby mountain

c) Gathering around a campfire

d) Exploring the forest trails

e) Fishing in the river

4. What impressed the group during their exploration of the national park?

a) The abundance of urban amenities

b) The variety of shopping options

c) The beauty of nature and wildlife

d) The availability of fast-food restaurants

e) The convenience of transportation

5. What lesson did the camping trip teach the group?

a) The importance of staying indoors

b) The significance of city life

c) The value of disconnecting from daily life and reconnecting with nature

d) The benefits of using technology in outdoor activities

e) The necessity of avoiding outdoor adventuresSample Questions (with five options):

6. What is the main purpose of a recount text?

a) To persuade readers

b) To inform or entertain readers about past events

c) To provide instructions

d) To describe fictional events

e) To analyze data

7. Which of the following is NOT typically included in the structure of a recount text?

a) Orientation

b) Evaluation

c) Series of events

d) Re-orientation

e) Conclusion

8. Which tense is commonly used in recount texts?

a) Present tense

b) Future tense

c) Past tense

d) Imperative tense

e) Conditional tense

9. What does the orientation part of a recount text usually provide?

a) A summary of the events

b) The climax of the story

c) Background information about the event or experience

d) Solutions to problems

e) Predictions about the future

10. What is the purpose of the re-orientation section in a recount text?

a) To introduce the main characters

b) To conclude the story

c) To evaluate the events or experiences

d) To provide additional details

e) To introduce new conflicts

Good Luck

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