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The Second Assignment

Nama : Rusmala Dewi Putri S.

NIM : 856603877
Nama/Kode Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris/PDGK4304
Program Studi : PGSD
Tutor : Nurhidaya,M.Pd


Attention for this picture! Then, Answer the following questions. (Perhatikan gambar
dibawah ini, Kemudian jawablah pertanyaan)

1. Who are Sela's parents?

Answer : sela’s parents is Mr.Dian and Mrs. Dian
2. Who are Mr.Abdul’s children?
Answer : children Mr.Abdul’s is Mrs. Astri and Mr.Dian
3. Who are Ninda's cousin?
Answer : Ninda’s cousin is Hugo
4. Who is Sela's aunt?
Answer : Sela’s aunt is Mrs.Astri
5. Who is Ninda's grandfather?
Answer : Ninda grandfather is Mr.Abdul

(Score: 25)

II. Think and share. Write your answer about these questions. Share your ideas
completely. (Jawablah pertanyaan ini. Tuliskan jawaban mu dengan lengkap).
1. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
Answer : they are six people in my family. They are my father, my mother, two
blings and sister in law.
2. what does family mean to you? give your opinion!
Answer : the definition of family in my opinion is the place where I have to go home
and where I complain. family for me is a "support system" when I don't know where
to go. the family that remained even though it continued to disappoint them. they are
also the ones who always listen and support my dreams
3. Do you think family is important? Give your reason!
Answer : Family in my opinion is very important, because family for me is a support
system when I'm down

(Score: 30)

III. Review. Analyze the sentences below. Then, you have to write what kind of
tenses is it. (Analisa kalimat dibawah ini. Kemudian tulislah nama tenses untuk
setiap kalimat)
1. I listen to the music everyday
Answer : present continious tense
2. He is talking with his teacher about the exam.
Answer : present continious tense
3. Jenifer sent a letter to her pen pale yesterday
Answer : present continious tense
4. They have finished the TOEFL test
Answer : present perfect tense
5. Bob has not been coming to class since this morning.
Answer : present perfect continious tense


IV. Writing Skill. Write a short dialogue based on this situation. (Tulislah dialogue
sederhana berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan).
1. You want to know your friend’s birthday. Then you ask her about the date and the
month of her birthday. (Score: 10)
Answer :
Doni : Hi, Dewi!
Dewi : Hi, Don
Doni: When were you born, dew?
Dewi: I was born on 21th September 2003. What about you?
Doni: We are born in the same month. I was born on 8 th september , but in the year of
Dewi: Maybe we can celebrate our birthday together this year.
Doni: Sure, that will be nice. (Tentu, pasti akan menyenangkan)

2. You and your friend are talking about the weather today. (Score:10)
Answer :
Lina: Hey, Rissa. What’s the weather like today?
Rissa: It’s sunny. But it’s really cold.
Lina: Yeah, I don’t like this weather either. I hate being cold.
Rissa: Me too. I can’t wait for summer to get here.
Lina: Yeah, me too. I hate winter. It’s too cold.
Rissa: I know. I can’t wait for it to be over.
Lina: Me too. I’m so sick of this cold weather.


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