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Facial masculinity predicts men’s actual and perceived aggressiveness

Neil R. Caton1,5, Amy Zhao1, David M. G. Lewis2,3,

and Barnaby J. W. Dixson1,4

School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
College of Science, Health, Engineering, and Education, Murdoch University, Australia.
Centre for Healthy Ageing, Health Futures Institute, Murdoch University, Australia.
School of Health and Behavioural Sciences, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Word count: 4,808 words



Status obtained via dominance is a phylogenetically ancient feature of human social systems.

Yet empirical evidence that men’s secondary sexual traits reliably predict success in intra-

sexual contests has been hard to demonstrate. The present work provides the first test of

whether masculine craniofacial structures in men predicts aggressiveness in contest

competition and whether people accurately assess such aggressiveness from masculine facial

cues. After placing 32,447 facial landmarks on the facial stimuli of 457 male fighters,

multivariate geometric morphometric analyses extracted 142 distinct facial metrics and

revealed that men with better developed masculine facial traits (e.g., large jaw, large

browridge, deep-set eyes) attempted more strikes and successfully struck their opponents,

including targeting the face. When rating the facial stimuli of these male fighters, participants

(N = 500) used men’s masculine facial traits to accurately predict these same components of

aggressiveness, including targeting the face. These findings remained robust after accounting

for the fighter’s age, total fights, weight division, height, fight duration, and their opponent’s

striking frequency. Our findings provide the first evidence that humans accurately forecast

men’s agonistic behavior from variation in facial morphology, suggesting perceptual systems

have evolved to perceive physical formidability among contemporaries and competitors.


Significance statement

Masculine facial features in men are linked to numerous social outcomes, including greater

wealth, career progression, lifetime reproductive success, and success in politics, business,

and romantic partner choice. A prominent theoretical explanation for these links is that such

facial features signal men’s potential to dominate rivals in contest competition, where male

social rank is maintained through intimidation, coercion, and physical aggression. Yet

empirical evidence that men’s secondary sexual traits reliably predict success in intra-sexual

contests has been hard to demonstrate. The present work provides the first test of whether

men’s craniofacial features predicts fighting ability in contest competition and that human

psychology can forecast these behaviors by observing men’s faces; men with masculine facial

features more frequently struck their rivals, including in the face, and by attending to men’s

faces, human possessed the ability to accurately predict the frequency with which men struck

their rivals, including in the face.


Facial masculinity predicts men’s actual and perceived aggressiveness

Hierarchy and the pursuit of status defines human social systems cross-culturally. An

individual’s position within their social system impacts key fitness indicators including

access to resources, influential social partners, and mates (Cheng et al., 2013; von Rueden &

Jaeggi, 2016). Social dominance and prestige are distinct paths through which social status is

achieved (Henrich & Gil-White, 2001). Social rank obtained via prestige may be unique to

humans, attributed to individuals high in agreeableness and self-esteem who rise through the

ranks by attaining the respect of their peers via perceived competence (Durkee et al., 2020).

In contrast, social rank attained via dominance is phylogenetically ancient, defining

social systems in mammals (Clutton-Brock, 2017) including nonhuman primates (Grueter et

al., 2015). Under dominance-based competition, male social rank is maintained through

intimidation, coercion, and physical aggression (Maner, 2017), generating contest-based

competition, and favouring the evolution of elaborate weaponry (e.g., tusks, horns, and

claws) that signal fighting ability (McCullough et al., 2014) and ornaments (e.g., fleshy

appendages, capes of hair and coloration) that signal social dominance (Dixson et al., 2005;

Grueter et al., 2015). Success in agonistic contests is associated with male survival and

reproductive success (Rico-Guevara & Hurme, 2019; Wong, & Candolin, 2005).

Assessing social and physical dominance also underpins human peer assessments

within hierarchical structures (Todorov et al., 2015), particularly under contest competition

(Puts, 2016). Even in the absence of prior social interactions, people consistently assign facial

dominance and trustworthiness to the faces of anonymous people (Oosterhof & Todorov,

2006) with strong concordance cross-culturally (Jones et al., 2021). These judgments occur in

a tenth of a second (Willis & Todorov, 2006) and inform preferences for political candidates,

choices of romantic partners, and death sentences in criminal trials (Todorov et al., 2008;

2015). Perceived facial dominance predicts preferences for political leaders during periods of

violent conflict for their ability to respond aggressively (Lausten & Petersen, 2015, 2017),

Military leaders are judged as looking more dominant than business or political leaders

(Mazur et al., 1984), with facial dominance among military cadets predicting higher rank

later in their career (Mazur et al., 1984; Mazur & Mueller, 1996) and mating success (Mazur

et al., 1994). The pursuit of status via dominance among men is positively associated with

reproductive success across small-scale societies, irrespective of subsistence mode (von

Rueden & Jaeggi, 2016).

Facial Masculinity

Some of the most salient facial characteristics used to evaluate social attributes are

those that show the largest differences between the sexes (Todorov, 2017). Human faces are

sexually dimorphic, wherein men have, on average, larger jaws, brow ridges, midfaces,

deeper set eyes, and thinner lips than women (Whitehouse et al., 2015). These morphological

features, collectively termed facial masculinity, develop under the organizational effects of

androgens in utero (Whitehouse et al., 2015), are elaborated upon during pubertal surges of

androgens (Marečková et al., 2011), and are fully developed by early adulthood

(Roosenboom et al., 2018).

Dominance is assigned to masculine male faces in under a tenth of a second (Albert et

al., 2021) and may augment men’s bargaining power during male-male conflicts (Sell et al.,

2009; Třebický et al., 2013; Zilioli et al., 2014). Facially masculine men are more likely to be

elected as team members for aggressive sports (i.e., boxing vs chess) due to perceived

aggressiveness (Hehman et al., 2015), political leaders (Todorov et al., 2005), business

leaders (Wang et al., 2019), and have greater financial success as CEOs (Wong et al., 2011).

These judgments may reflect a kernel of truth, as facially masculine men report higher

behavioural dominance, assertiveness, and aggressiveness (Mefodeva et al., 2020; Geniole et

al., 2015), which is positively associated with body size, height, and muscularity (Fink et al.,

2007; Holzleitner & Perrett, 2016; Windhager et al., 2011). Mating success is also higher

among men with more masculine faces and bodies under conditions of male-male

competition (Hill et al., 2013; Kordsmeyer et al., 2018), including among soldiers fighting

during wars (Loehr & O’Hara, 2013). Thus, facial masculinity may reflect men’s dominance

in same-sex competition for status within hierarchical social structures.

Hand-to-Hand Combat

If men’s facial masculinity accurately communicates formidability, then facially

masculine men should perform better in physical contests than less facially masculine men.

Darwin (1872) first proposed that human psychology (i.e., rage) had been shaped by the act

of “striking or fighting with an enemy.” Hand-to-hand combat is an ancient feature of human

conflict resolution, reflected by a four million year-long co-evolutionary arms race between

hominin skull morphology and the upper body and fists (Carrier & Morgan, 2014; Caton &

Dixson, 2021; Caton & Lewis, 2021a; Caton & Lewis, 2021b; Morgan & Carrier, 2013).

Striking an opponent with fists occurs globally (Morgan & Carrier, 2013), including among

hunter-gatherers (e.g., Yanomamö of Brazil and Venezuela; Chagnon, 1968), in the

archaeological record (Lorentz & Casa, 2020; Scott & Buckley, 2014), in humanity’s earliest

written sources (e.g., Exodus 21:18; Ezekiel 6:11; Matthew 26:67), and exceeds the

frequency of weapon-based combat in modern cultures (Carrier & Morgan, 2014). The head

is the most frequent target of strikes (Fenton et al., 2003; Hånell & Rostami, 2021), with 46-

67% of fight in modern US samples being associated facial fractures (Carrier & Morgan,

2014). Head strikes cause severe damage to respiratory, nervous, and musculoskeletal

systems, resulting in fractures, loss of consciousness, and even death (Fenton et al., 2003;

Flynn et al., 2016). Despite Darwin’s (1872) 150-year-old claim that human psychology has

been shaped by the human capacity to specifically strike their adversaries, no research has

tested this hypothesis.


In contemporary societies, sporting competitions provide a means to test how

agonistic exchanges translate into status acquisition (Lombardo, 2012), with recent studies

using data from professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters competing in the Ultimate

Fighting Championships (UFC). The UFC is the largest promotional company for MMA

competitions and includes the most elite fighters in the world. Fights occur between two

individuals who compete using boxing, grappling, kickboxing, and wrestling. Contests are

‘no-holds barred’ and victory is awarded through submission, knockouts, or judge decisions,

with winners collecting large payments recently estimated at $500,000 for a single bout

payout (Schild & Zettler, 2021). UFC fighters with more masculine faces have the most

victories (Třebický et al., 2015; Zilioli et al., 2014) and are judged as most aggressive

(Třebický et al., 2013). Naïve participants also accurately selected winners from UFC bouts

and, in turn, judged winners as looking the most masculine, strongest, and aggressive (Little

et al., 2015).

Yet empirical evidence that men’s secondary sexual traits reliably predict success in

intra-sexual contests has been hard to demonstrate (Caton et al., 2022; Lane & Briffa, 2021;

Sell, 2021). Previous research has used single-metric methods that do not adjust for

allometric growth (i.e., facial width-to-height ratio; Zilioli et al., 2014)1 or has only found

associations between craniofacial structure and win percentage in a limited sample of 33

heavyweight fighters (Třebický et al., 2013) which is an openweight category without weight

restrictions (Sell, 2021) and failed to replicate in a recent pre-registered replication (Caton et

al., 2022). Furthermore, no research has examined facial masculinity in the context of

perceived and actual agonistic behaviour (e.g., striking with fists) in contest competition.

The present work provides the first test of whether masculine craniofacial structures

in men predicts agonistic behaviour in contest competition and whether people accurately

assess such agonistic behaviour from masculine facial cues, after accounting for allometry.

Here, we focussed on striking behaviour as the prime agonistic behaviour of humans (Carrier

& Morgan, 2014; Morgan & Carrier, 2013), allowing the present work to provide the first

evidence for Darwin’s (1872) 150-year-old claim that human psychology has been shaped by

the act of “striking or fighting with an enemy.”

With the above in mind, the current study uses data from 457 MMA fighters

competing in the UFC to test whether masculine facial shape is positively associated with

male overall strikes, landed and unsuccessful strikes towards an adversary (Hypothesis 1).

We also hypothesized that masculine facial shape would be positively associated with more

strikes delivered by fighters on their opponents head (Hypothesis 2). Next, we hypothesized

that naïve raters would draw on masculine facial features when assessing fighters capacity for

aggression (Hypothesis 3). Finally, raters should accurately attribute men’s facial

masculinity to the frequency of overall strikes, landed strikes, unsuccessful strikes, and

strikes on the head (Hypothesis 4).

UFC Fighters
In line with previous research on human contest competition (Aung et al., 2021;

Dixson et al., 2018; Little et al., 2015; Třebický et al., 2013; Třebický et al., 2015; Zilioli et

al., 2014), data were collected from the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC;

Data from the UFC has proved paramount to human contest competition, which requires very

large sample sizes to detect effects, should they exist (Richardson & Gilman, 2019). Our

dataset contained a total of 274,374 overall strikes, 120,259 landed strikes, 154,115

unsuccessful strikes, and 78,917 strikes landed to an opponent’s head. All lifetime fight

statistics and fighter photographs (which have been beneficial in this line of research because

fighters have approximately neutral facial expressions; Třebický et al., 2013) were collected

from for all 715 fighters.


As part of a larger project (masked citation for blinded peer review), which was a pre-

registered direct replication of Třebický et al. (2013) that aimed to replicate the association

between facial shape and fighting success (i.e., total wins divided by total fights), we

excluded fighters whose head was slightly tilted, whose hair had obstructed their face, whose

beards were deemed to be too large such that they would obstruct landmarking procedures,

and female fighters. This larger project (masked citation for blinded peer review) excluded

these participants to be precisely in line with the methodology of Třebický et al. (2013) who

removed these sub-sets of participants. After removing these participants, our final sample

consisted of the 457 fighters chosen as part of this pre-registered direct replication (masked

citation for blinded peer review).

Demographic data regarding the fighter’s age (M = 30.82; SD = 4.65), height (inches;

M = 70,88; SD = 4.65), weight (lbs; M = 172.39, SD = 36.02), and weight class (flyweight: N

= 24; bantamweight: N = 60; featherweight: N = 56; lightweight: N = 76; welterweight: N =

87; middleweight: N = 47; light heavyweight: N = 57; heavyweight: N = 50) were used as

covariates. Further, information on the fighters’ total fights (M = 20.00; SD =10.24), average

fight duration (seconds; M = 629.15; SD = 189.57), and percentage of strikes landed to their

opponent’s head (M = 63.90; SD = 15.45) were covariates, the latter of which was entered as

a covariate to rule out the possibility that facial shape is associated with certain fighting styles

that prioritise head-based strikes.

We also entered the average amount of significant strikes that fighters’ opponents had

successfully inflicted on them (per minute; M = 3.70, SD = 2.15) to examine whether our

findings are explained by reactive rather than proactive aggression (Wrangham, 2018). As

our main predictor variables, we entered variables pertaining to fighters’ significant overall

(attempted) strikes (M = 672.49; SD = 654.90), significant landed strikes (M = 294.75; SD =

280.47), significant unsuccessful strikes (M = 377.73; SD = 385.46), and significant strikes


landed to their opponent’s head (M = 192.01; SD = 185.47). Detailed definitions are included

in James et al. (2017).


As part of the pre-registered direct replication for our larger project (masked citation

for blinded peer review), 500 US-based MTurk workers (287 males, 212 females, one

“other”; Mage = 38.59, SDage = 11.56) participated in the current study. Each worker provided

informed consent. All workers held a 95% approval rating for the completion of at least 100

studies (Peer et al., 2014) and were compensated with $1.00 USD for the 5-minute study

(ethics approval: masked; project number: 2021/HE001045). Each rater rated a subset of the

facial photographs on perceived aggressiveness. Specifically, 50 photographs were randomly

sampled and presented in random order for each rater, who rated the perceived

aggressiveness of each photo on a 7-point scale (1 = not aggressive at all, 7 = very

aggressive). Raters’ judgments of aggressiveness showed strong reliability (intraclass

correlation: .86). Consistent with prior research (Třebický et al., 2013), men and women did

not differ in their judgments of the man’s aggressiveness; thus, male and female judgments

were collapsed.

GMM analyses were conducted to examine the facial traits associated with actual and

perceived aggressiveness. Seven independent research assistants performed facial

landmarking procedures on the entire original dataset of 715 faces (i.e., 102 faces per

research assistant) for use in other projects, but we used landmarking data for the final

selection of 457 photographs for the present study. Research assistants conducted the facial

landmarking procedures in the tpsDig2 software (version 2.31) using 35 landmarks (i.e.,

anatomically homologous points that represent the same position in distinct stimuli) and 36

semi-landmarks (i.e., which represent the curves and outlines situated between two separate

landmarks; see Figure S1 in the ESM for the landmarking order). This means that 32,447

landmarks were placed on 457 facial stimuli. Landmark and semi-landmarks positions were

informed by Třebický et al. (2013).

Next, we used the Geomorph package in R to import and analyse the landmark data

(R code available on the OSF). Semi-landmarks were specified using the define.sliders

function, and then a generalised Procrustes analysis (GPA) was performed on all coordinates.

GPA standardises the rotation, translation, and scaling between stimuli, the latter of which

algebraically removes the influence of allometry (Třebický et al., 2013). A principal

components analysis (PCA) was then performed on the resulting facial shape coordinates

using the gm.prcomp function, which is used to ensure multivariate normality (Třebický et

al., 2013). This resulted in 142 distinct principal components – therefore, 142 distinct facial

metrics, which stands in stark contrast to previous research on facial width-to-height ratio,

which is a single facial metric – to be used in the following multivariate analyses.

In line with prior research (Třebický et al., 2013), all principal components (hereon

referred to as “facial shape”) were retained for use in our Procrustes ANOVAs with 9,999

iterations, performed using the procD.lm function. Thin-plate spline deformation grids in

tpsRegr (version 1.45) were then conducted to observe the results of the shape data, which

were magnified three times for visibility purposes (Třebický et al., 2013). Composite

visualisations created in tpsSuper (version 2.05) accompanied these deformation grids as a

pictorial aid to ease interpretability.

Multiple regression analyses were then conducted to observe whether participants

could directly track the frequency with which men would strike their adversaries, especially

in their adversary’s face. Analyses progressively included all aforementioned covariates, with

total fights and body size (because participants’ morphology perceptions could be influenced

by allometry, especially as normal regression analyses do not adjust for allometry) being

included as initial control variables. Regression analyses were also complemented by

equivalent multi-level models1. Multi-level model results, which exhibited the same results,

are reported in the ESM because all multi-level models resulted in a singular fit. R code and

datasets are available on the Open Science Framework (masked link for PsyArXiv upload).


Hypothesis 1: Masculine facial shape predicts the frequency of strike-based aggression

Significant Overall Strikes. There was a significant relationship between significant overall

strikes and facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 3.90, p = .01, R2 = .01. This

association remained robust after progressively including height, age, fight duration, and the

frequency with which the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight (ESM). This association

also did not differ across weight classes, but held across all fighters (ESM). Thin-plate spline

deformation grids revealed the significant shape changes associated with the frequency with

which men struck their adversaries overall. Deviations from the mean facial configuration

associated with overall strikes included dilations and contractions of the grid around the eyes,

nose, lips, and the lower and upper mandible (Figure 1). Men who more frequently struck

their adversary, successfully and unsuccessfully, had deep-set eyes, a larger jaw, a square

chin, puckered lips, and a wider nose.


Figure 1. Male Fighters with More Masculine Craniofacial Structure Deliver More Strikes to
Opponents than Less Facially Masculine Fighters. Thin-plate spline deformation grids
(tpsRegr) and composite visualisations (tpsSuper) for the association between men’s facial
shape and overall strikes attempted. High and low visualisations represent the upper and
lower bounds of the distribution, magnified three times for visibility purposes.

Significant Landed Strikes. There was a significant relationship between significant landed

strikes and facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 3.27, p = .02, R2 = .01. This

association remained robust after progressively including height, age, fight duration, and the

frequency with which the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight, which allowed us to

rule out multiple alternative explanations (ESM). This association held for all fighters,

regardless of body size, as there was no difference in this association across weight classes

(ESM). Thin-plate spline deformation grids revealed the significant shape changes associated

with the frequency with which men successfully landed strikes on their adversary. Deviations

from the mean facial configuration associated with landed strikes included dilations and

contractions of the grid around the eyes, nose, lips, and the lower and upper mandible (Figure

2). Men who more frequently successfully struck their adversary had deep-set eyes, a larger

jaw, a square chin, puckered lips, and a wider nose.


Figure 2. Men with a Masculine Facial Shape More Frequently Land Strikes on their
Adversary. Thin-plate spline deformation grids (tpsRegr) and composite visualisations
(tpsSuper) for the association between men’s facial shape and landed strikes (i.e.,
successfully enacted aggression). High and low visualisations represent the upper and lower
bounds of the distribution, magnified three times for visibility purposes.

Significant Unsuccessful Strikes. There was a significant relationship between significant

unsuccessful strikes and facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 4.10, p = .01, R2

= .01. This association remained robust after progressively including height, age, fight

duration, and the frequency with which the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight (ESM).

This association also did not differ across weight classes, but held across all fighters (ESM).

Thin-plate spline deformation grids revealed the significant shape changes associated with

the frequency with which men unsuccessfully landed strikes on their adversary (i.e.,

aggressive intent). Similar to the above, deviations from the mean facial configuration

associated with landed strikes included dilations and contractions of the grid around the eyes,

nose, lips, and the lower and upper mandible (Figure 3). Men who more frequently

unsuccessfully struck their adversary had deep-set eyes, a larger jaw, a square chin, puckered

lips, and a wider nose.


Figure 3. Men with Masculine Facial Shape Exhibit Greater Aggressive Intent Towards an
Adversary. Thin-plate spline deformation grids (tpsRegr) and composite visualisations
(tpsSuper) for the association between men’s facial shape and unsuccessful strikes (i.e.,
aggressive intent, independent of actual aggression). High and low visualisations represent
the upper and lower bounds of the distribution, magnified three times for visibility purposes.
Hypothesis 2: Masculine facial shape predicts strike-based aggression to an adversary’s

head. There was a significant relationship between the fighter’s frequency of significant

strikes to their opponent’s head and the fighter’s facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1,

408) = 2.57, p = .047, R2 = .01. Again, this association remained robust after progressively

including height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighter’s opponent

struck them in the fight (ESM). There was no difference across weight classes (ESM). Men’s

craniofacial morphology is an indicator of a man’s ability to strike their adversary in their

craniofacial morphology. Thin-plate spline deformation grids revealed the significant shape

changes associated with the frequency with which men landed strikes to their adversary’s

head. Deviations from the mean facial configuration associated with landed strikes included

dilations and contractions of the grid around the eyes, nose, lips, and the lower and upper

mandible (Figure 4). Men who more frequently struck their adversary in their head had deep-

set eyes, a larger jaw, a square chin, puckered lips, and a wider nose.

Figure 4. Men with a Masculine Facial Shape Land More Strikes on their Adversary’s Head.
Thin-plate spline deformation grids (tpsRegr) and composite visualisations (tpsSuper) for the
association between men’s facial shape and the frequency of strikes to an adversary’s head.
High and low visualisations represent the upper and lower bounds of the distribution,
magnified three times for visibility purposes.

Hypothesis 3: Masculine facial shape predicts perceived aggressiveness. There was a

significant relationship between perceived aggressiveness and facial shape, F(1, 455) = 7.07,

p < .001, R2 = .02. This association remained robust after controlling for total fights, weight,

height, and fighters’ age (ESM). Thin-plate spline deformation grids revealed the significant

shape changes associated with perceptions of men’s aggressiveness. Like the facial shape

associated with actual aggression (Hypothesis 1 and 2), deviations from the mean facial

configuration associated with perceived aggression included dilations and contractions of the

grid around the eyes, nose, lips, the lower and upper mandible, as well as down-pressed

brows (Figure 5). Men perceived as more aggressive had deep-set eyes, a larger jaw, a square

chin, puckered lips, and a wider nose, suggesting facial masculinity is an honest indicator of

men’s capacity for aggression, and human perceptions of men’s aggressiveness use men’s

non-allometric facial cues to predict men’s actual combat aggressiveness. Next, we show that

human perceptions of men’s aggressiveness can directly track the frequency with which a

man will strike their adversary.

Figure 5. Men with a Masculine Facial Shape Are Perceived as More Aggressive. Thin-plate
spline deformation grids (tpsRegr) and composite visualisations (tpsSuper) for the association

between men’s facial shape and perceived aggressiveness. High and low visualisations
represent the upper and lower bounds of the distribution of the observed range.

Hypothesis 4: Perceptions of aggressiveness can directly forecast within-fight aggression

using men’s facial masculinity.

People can detect the frequency that masculine-faced men strike their adversary.

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the frequency of

the fighter’s overall strikes, as our measure of overall aggression, even after controlling for

total fights and weight, β = .10, t(404) = 2.40, p = .02. This association remained robust after

progressively including height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’

opponents landed strikes on them (ESM) and when using equivalent multi-level models


People can detect the frequency that masculine-faced men successfully strike an adversary.

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the frequency of

the fighter’s landed strikes, as our measure of successfully enacted aggression, even after

controlling for total fights and weight, β = .09, t(404) = 2.18, p = .03. This association

remained robust after progressively including height, age, fight duration, and the frequency

with which the fighters’ opponents landed strikes on them (ESM) and when using equivalent

multi-level models (ESM).

People can detect masculine-faced men’s aggressive intent. Participants’ perceptions of the

fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the frequency of the fighter’s unsuccessful

strikes, as our measure of aggressive intent, even after controlling for total fights and weight,

β = .10, t(404) = 2.46, p = .01. This association remained robust after progressively including

height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents landed

strikes on them (ESM) and when using equivalent multi-level models (ESM).

People can detect the frequency that masculine-faced men strike an adversary’s head.

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the frequency of

the fighter’s landed strikes to their opponent’s head, even after controlling for total fights and

weight, β = .09, t(407) = 2.28, p = .02. This association remained robust after progressively

including height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents

landed strikes on them (ESM) and when using equivalent multi-level models (ESM). Human

aggressiveness perceptions utilise men’s craniofacial morphology to forecast their capacity

for real-world aggression against adversaries, especially their aggressive capacity to strike

their adversary in their craniofacial morphology.


Social status acquired via dominance occurs across mammals, including humans, and

favours physical and behavioral traits that enhance intimidation, coercion and physical

aggression (Maner, 2017). While previous research has reported that masculine facial

morphology in men (e.g., large jaw, large nose, deep-set eyes) is positively associated with

physical strength and self-reported aggressiveness, no studies have demonstrated that facially

masculine men express greater aggression and fighting ability in physical encounters – that is,

those behavioral traits that enhance intimidation, coercion, and physical aggression in contest

competition. Here, we show that mixed-martial-arts (MMA) fighters competing in the

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) with more pronounced masculine facial traits

delivered more strikes during bouts (Hypotheses 1), especially towards the head

(Hypotheses 2). If masculine facial cues reflect the capacity to inflict injury, evolution

should favour perceptual abilities to accurately perceive aggression from such facial features

(Sell, 2012). We found that participants rated men with masculine faces as more aggressive

(Hypothesis 3), which also predicted the number of attempted strikes, successful strikes,

notably those on opponents’ head (Hypothesis 4). These findings represent the first evidence

that masculine facial structure is an honest signal of men’s formidability within contest


In addition to communicating threat in its neutral state, masculine facial features also

overlap with the muscular movements employed when generating angry facial expressions

(e.g., wider nose, puckered lips), enhancing the efficacy of their display (Craig et al., 2019;

Dixson et al., 2021), perceptions of men’s strength (Sell et al., 2014), and the credibility of

threats (Reed et al., 2014). We demonstrate that men with more pronounced masculine

craniofacial features are both more physically formidable and are perceived as looking more

aggressive than men with less masculine faces. Given the overlap between with the muscular

movements involved in performing angry facial expressions and craniofacial masculinity, it is

possible that facial masculinity is positively associated with generating more threatening

facial displays of anger. Future research extending our findings to incorporate facial emotions

in concert with craniofacial structure would be worthwhile to illustrate whether agonistic

displays also represent honest signals of formidability (Sell et al., 2014).

The findings we present also support the functional significance of face perception

(Todorov et al., 2015), with implications for social judgments across numerous domains,

including elections, criminal sentencing, and romantic partner choice (Oosterhof & Todorov,

2008; Willis & Todorov, 2006). For example, structural facial cues are associated with

striking-based aggression, fists are the most commonly used physical attribute in

interpersonal violence (Carrier & Morgan, 2014), punch-related assault charges are common

in the criminal justice system (Flynn et al., 2016), and men with masculine faces are

stereotyped as criminals (Funk et al., 2017). Thus, future research could examine the extent to

which masculine structural facial cues bias the perceptions of jurors, judges, and probation,

parole, and police officers (e.g., juror decision-making, shooter bias paradigm) for individuals

facing assault-related charges. Such research is important for developing appropriate


interventions for face-related biases, as recent interventions among jurors were unsuccessful

(Jaeger et al., 2020). If there are associations between facial shape and criminality and violent

behavior, then this could also serve as a theoretical foundation for hypothesized associations

between facial shape and other areas related to engaging in criminal behavior, such as

suicidal ideation and mental health and related areas (Ross et al., 2019; Ross et al., 2020;

Ross et al., 2020) and cost-inflicting mate retention behaviors and dark communication styles

(e.g., Caton & Horan, 2019; Caton & Horan, 2020) not due to direct associations per se but

the shared covariance between facial shape and antisocial dispositions more generally.


Drawing on evidence from nonhuman animals, sexual selection via male-male contest

competition is argued to have shaped the evolution of aggressive displays, secondary sexual

traits and fighting styles in men (Puts, 2016). Our study provides the first evidence that facial

masculinity in men is an honest signal of men’s aggressive capacity and intent within same-

sex contests. Further, naïve raters used these masculine craniofacial indicators when judging

men’s formidability and aggressiveness. These data suggest that sexual dimorphism in facial

morphology and perceptual systems for assessing and forecasting men’s aggressiveness

conform to predictions generated from evolutionary theory.

[1] Multivariate geometric morphometric analyses are incompatible with multi-level
modelling; thus, previous research has not used multi-level modelling for multivariate
geometric morphometric analyses (Třebický et al., 2013).


N. R. C. designed the study, recruited participants, collected data, conducted and interpreted

data analyses, and drafted the manuscript. A. Z. performed the multi-level modelling, and D.

M. G. L. and B. J. W. D. provided critical revisions.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Data Availability Statement

All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are provided on the Open Science

Framework (masked link for PsyArXiv upload).

Funding Statement

The authors acknowledge that they received no funding in support for this research.


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Supplemental Material


Figure S1

Facial Landmarking Order

Note. Image presented to research assistants depicting the facial landmarking order, as

borrowed from Kleisner et al. (2010) and created in tpsDig2. Landmarks positions were

further elucidated using Microsoft Paint. For the purpose of instructing research assistants,

the fighter’s face is zoomed into for better landmark visibility.



Hypothesis 1: Masculine facial shape predicts the frequency of strike-based aggression

Significant Overall Strikes

There was a significant relationship between significant overall strikes and facial

shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 3.90, p = .01, R2 = .01. In addition to total

fights, this association remained robust after controlling for height, F(1, 404) = 3.38, p = .02,

R2 = .01. In addition to these variables, this association remained robust after controlling for

age, F(1, 403) = 3.55, p = .02, R2 = .01. This association again remained robust after

additionally controlling for fight duration, F(1, 402) = 2.81, p = .04, R2 = .01. Even further,

this association remained robust after additionally controlling for the frequency with which

the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight, F(1, 401) = 2.91, p = .03, R2 = .01, indicating

that facial shape is associated with proactive rather than reactive aggression. There was no

interaction between overall strikes and weight class on facial shape, F(1, 399) = 1.82, p = .11,

R2 = .004, indicating that the association between facial shape and overall strikes did not vary

across the weight classes.

Significant Landed Strikes

There was a significant relationship between significant landed strikes and facial

shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 3.27, p = .02, R2 = .01. In addition to total

fights, this association remained robust after controlling for height, F(1, 404) = 3.07, p = .03,

R2 = .01. In addition to these variables, this association remained robust after controlling for

age, F(1, 403) = 3.26, p = .02, R2 = .01. This association again remained robust after

additionally controlling for fight duration, F(1, 402) = 2.55, p = .046, R2 = .01. Even further,

this association remained robust after additionally controlling for the frequency with which

the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight, F(1, 401) = 2.66, p = .04, R2 = .01, indicating

that facial shape is associated with proactive rather than reactive aggression. There was no

interaction between landed strikes and weight class on facial shape, F(1, 399) = 1.22, p = .24,

R2 = .003, indicating that the association between facial shape and landed strikes did not vary

across the weight classes.

Significant Unsuccessful Strikes

There was a significant relationship between significant unsuccessful strikes and

facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1, 405) = 4.10, p = .01, R2 = .01. In addition to total

fights, this association remained robust after controlling for height, F(1, 404) = 3.36, p = .02,

R2 = .01. In addition to these variables, this association remained robust after controlling for

age, F(1, 403) = 3.50, p = .02, R2 = .01. This association again remained robust after

additionally controlling for fight duration, F(1, 402) = 2.80, p = .04, R2 = .01. Even further,

this association remained robust after additionally controlling for the frequency with which

the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight, F(1, 401) = 2.87, p = .04, R2 = .01, indicating

that facial shape is associated with proactive rather than reactive aggression. There was no

interaction between landed strikes and weight class on facial shape, F(1, 399) = 2.24, p = .07,

R2 = .01, indicating that the association between facial shape and unsuccessful strikes did not

vary across the weight classes.

Hypothesis 2: Masculine facial shape predicts strike-based aggression to an adversary’s


There was a significant relationship between the fighter’s frequency of significant

strikes to their opponent’s head and the fighter’s facial shape, controlling for total fights, F(1,

408) = 2.57, p = .047, R2 = .01. In addition to total fights, this association remained robust

after controlling for percentage of strikes to their opponent’s head, F(1, 407) = 3.21, p = .02,

R2 = .01, indicating that the association between facial shape and the frequency of strikes to

an opponent’s head is not due to certain fighting styles which prioritise head over other

bodily strikes. In addition to these variables, this association remained robust after controlling

for height, F(1, 406) = 3.07, p = .03, R2 = .01. This association again remained robust after

additionally controlling for age, F(1, 405) = 3.25, p = .02, R2 = .01. This association again

remained robust after additionally controlling for fight duration, F(1, 401) = 2.57, p = .048,

R2 = .01. Even further, this association remained robust after additionally controlling for the

frequency with which the fighter’s opponent struck them in the fight, F(1, 400) = 2.62, p

= .046, R2 = .01, indicating that facial shape is associated with proactive rather than reactive

aggression to an opponent’s head. There was no interaction between overall strikes and

weight class on facial shape, F(1, 398) = 1.15, p = .29, R2 = .003, indicating that the

association between facial shape and overall strikes did not vary across the weight classes.

Overall, facial shape is an indicator of a man’s strike-based aggression to one of their

adversary’s most vulnerable anatomical regions: their head.

Hypothesis 3: Masculine facial shape, which predicts real-world aggression, is

consequently perceived as aggressive

There was a significant relationship between perceived aggressiveness and facial

shape, F(1, 455) = 7.07, p < .001, R2 = .02. This remained robust after controlling for total

fights, F(1, 454) = 7.03, p < .001, R2 = .02. In addition to total fights, this association

remained robust after controlling for weight and height, F(1, 452) = 4.35, p = .002, R2 = .01.

In addition to these variables, this association remained robust after controlling for age, F(1,

451) = 4.31, p = .002, R2 = .01.

Hypothesis 4: Using a man’s masculine facial shape, human perceptions of

aggressiveness can directly forecast within-fight aggression

People can perceive the frequency that masculine-faced men strike their adversary

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s overall strikes, as our measure of overall aggression, even after

controlling for total fights and weight, β = .10, t(404) = 2.40, p = .02. This association

remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = .09, t(403) = 2.27, p = .02. This

association remained robust after additionally controlling for age, β = .08, t(402) = 2.06, p

= .04. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for fight duration, β

= .09, t(401) = 2.27, p = .02. There was a significant association between perceived

aggressiveness and significant strikes overall, even after controlling for total fights, weight,

height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents landed

strikes on them, β = .09, t(400) = 2.23, p = .03.

People can perceive the frequency that masculine-faced men land strikes on an adversary

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s landed strikes, as our measure of successfully enacted aggression,

even after controlling for total fights and weight, β = .09, t(404) = 2.18, p = .03. This

association remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = .09, t(403) = 2.11, p

= .04. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for age and fight

duration, β = .08, t(401) = 2.09, p = .04. There was a significant association between

perceived aggressiveness and significant strikes landed, even after controlling for total fights,

weight, height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents

landed strikes on them, β = .08, t(400) = 2.04, p = .04.

People can perceive the frequency of masculine-faced men’s aggressive intent

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s unsuccessful strikes, as our measure of aggressive intent, even after

controlling for total fights and weight, β = .10, t(404) = 2.46, p = .01. This association

remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = .09, t(403) = 2.28, p = .02. This

association remained robust after additionally controlling for age, β = .09, t(402) = 2.10, p

= .04. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for fight duration, β

= .09, t(401) = 2.30, p = .02. There was a significant association between perceived

aggressiveness and significant unsuccessful strikes, even after controlling for total fights,

weight, height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents

landed strikes on them, β = .09, t(400) = 2.26, p = .02.

People can detect the frequency that masculine-faced men strike their adversary’s head

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s landed strikes to their opponent’s head, even after controlling for

total fights and weight, β = .09, t(407) = 2.28, p = .02. This association remained robust after

additionally controlling for the percentage of strikes to an opponent’s head, β = .09, t(406) =

2.16, p = .03. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β

= .09, t(405) = 2.13, p = .03. This association remained robust after additionally controlling

for age and fight duration, β = .08, t(400) = 2.10, p = .04. There was a significant association

between perceived aggressiveness and significant strikes to an opponent’s head, even after

controlling for total fights, percentage of strikes to an opponent’s head, weight, height, age,

fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents landed strikes on them,

β = .08, t(399) = 2.07, p = .04.

Multilevel Models

These present the same analyses as the multiple regression analyses presented in the

previous section, but now using multi-level models, with rater identification modelled into

the random intercept.

People can perceive the frequency that masculine-faced men strike their adversary

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s overall strikes, as our measure of overall aggression, even after

controlling for total fights and weight, β = 0.03, t(19745) = 5.79, p < .001. This association

remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = 0.03, t(19474) = 5.45, p <.001.

This association remained robust after additionally controlling for age, β = 0.03, t(19743) =

4.93, p <.001. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for fight

duration, β = 0.03, t(19742) = 5.44, p <.001. There was a significant association between

perceived aggressiveness and significant strikes overall, even after controlling for total fights,

weight, height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’ opponents

landed strikes on them, β = 0.03, t(19741) = 5.35, p <.001.

People can perceive the frequency that masculine-faced men land strikes on an adversary

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s landed strikes, as our measure of successfully enacted aggression,

even after controlling for total fights and weight, β = 0.03, t(19745) = 5.30, p < .001. This

association remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = 0.03, t(19744) =

5.12, p < .001. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for age, β =

0.03, t(19743) = 4.56, p <.001, and fight duration, β = 0.03, t(19742) = 5.05, p <.001. There

was a significant association between perceived aggressiveness and significant strikes landed,

even after controlling for total fights, weight, height, age, fight duration, and the frequency

with which the fighters’ opponents landed strikes on them, β = 0.03, t(19741) = 4.94, p <.001.

People can perceive the frequency of masculine-faced men’s aggressive intent

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s unsuccessful strikes, as our measure of aggressive intent, even after

controlling for total fights and weight, β = 0.03, t(19745) = 5.91, p < .001. This association

remained robust after additionally controlling for height, β = 0.03, t(19744) = 5.46, p < .001.

This association remained robust after additionally controlling for age, β = 0.03, t(19743) =

5.00, p <.001. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for fight

duration, β = 0.03, t(19742) = 5.49, p <.001. There was a significant association between

perceived aggressiveness and significant unsuccessful strikes, even after controlling for total

fights, weight, height, age, fight duration, and the frequency with which the fighters’

opponents landed strikes on them, β = 0.03, t(19741) = 5.41, p <.001.

People can detect the frequency that masculine-faced men strike their adversary’s head

Participants’ perceptions of the fighter’s aggressiveness positively predicted the

frequency of the fighter’s landed strikes to their opponent’s head, even after controlling for

total fights and weight, β = 0.03, t(19891) = 5.54, p < .001. This association remained robust

after additionally controlling for the percentage of strikes to an opponent’s head, β = 0.03,

t(19890) = 5.23, p < .001. This association remained robust after additionally controlling for

height, β = 0.03, t(19889) = 5.15, p < .001. This association remained robust after

additionally controlling for age, β = 0.03, t(19888) = 4.59, p <.001, and fight duration, β =

0.03, t(19740) = 5.06, p <.001. There was a significant association between perceived

aggressiveness and significant strikes to an opponent’s head, even after controlling for total

fights, percentage of strikes to an opponent’s head, weight, height, age, fight duration, and the

frequency with which the fighters’ opponents landed strikes on them, β = 0.03, t(19739) =

5.02, p <.001.

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