Useful Expressions With Days, Dates...... Unit 5 GR 7

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Useful expressions with days of the week

French English

mardi dernier last Tuesday

jeudi prochain next Thursday

le vendredi on Fridays

pas ce samedi, mais celui d’après not this Saturday but the one after next

du lundi au vendredi from Monday to Friday

mercredi matin on Wednesday morning

mercredi après-midi on Wednesday afternoon

mercredi soir on Wednesday evening

Practice with days of the week

Have a look at Théo’s timetable in French.

Days Subjects

lundi l’histoire, le dessin, la musique

mardi les maths, le français, la géographie

mercredi la chimie, l’informatique, les maths

jeudi l’informatique, le français, le sport

vendredi l’anglais, la physique, la biologie

Below, Théo has tried to re-write his timetable in English. He made a few mistakes, so take a
look and answer the questions:

Days Subjects

Monday History, Art, Music

Tuesday History, French, Geography

Wednesday Physics, Computer Science, Maths

Thursday Computer Science, French, Music

Friday English, PE, Biology

Months of the year, much like days of the week, are always written in lower case. Below are
some examples to help you use them in sentences.

 Je suis né(e) le 13 avril 1999.

 Mon anniversaire est au mois d’août.
 En décembre, toute ma famille se réunit pour Noël.
 On ne travaille pas en France le 14 juillet : c’est une fête nationale.

Useful expressions with months

French English

en mars dernier last March

en août prochain next August

ce mois-ci this month

le mois prochain next month

au mois de juin in (the month of) June

de février à mai from February to May

French English

le 30 octobre (on) the 30th of October/on October 30th

le samedi 12 avril (on) Saturday the 12th of April

du mercredi 15 septembre... from Wednesday the 15th of September...

début mai at the beginning of May

fin mai at the end of May

Note: This expression means that even though April feels

au mois d’avril, ne te découvre
warmer than March, you shouldn't walk around without
pas d’un fil, mais au mois de
something warm because you might catch a cold, but in May,
mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît !
do as you please

poisson d’avril ! April fool’s day!

Dates in French - Practice exercise

Translate these dates into French and then reveal the answer to check your translation:

1. Wednesday, 13th June 20

2. Thursday, 12th March 1968

3. Sunday, 30th September 2004.

4. Friday, 31st December 2010.

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