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Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

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Research paper

Achieving affordable zero carbon housing design through an

integrated approach

Hong Xian Li , Yan Li, Meng Du
School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University, Locked Bag 20001, Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: CO2 emissions from building operations have increased to their highest level, moving away from the
Received 1 September 2022 Paris Agreement goal of below 2 ◦ C. Zero carbon housing (ZCH) has been identified as a viable solution
Received in revised form 8 March 2023 to realise carbon neutrality. However, ZCHs are barely recognised by the mainstream market due to
Accepted 5 April 2023
the misconception of high up-front cost. This research aims to identify affordable solutions for ZCH
Available online 17 April 2023
by synergising building design, mechanical services, and renewable energy, and to balance capital
Keywords: cost and environmental benefits. An integrated framework of energy simulation, sensitivity analysis,
Zero carbon housing and multi-objective optimisation is employed to achieve the goals. A representative house design is
Integrated design selected to demonstrate the proposed methodology, and a national energy rating scheme in Australia,
Capital cost NatHERS, is used for validation. The optimisation identified eight optimal solutions, resulting in a CO2
Indoor thermal comfort emission reduction between 1.894 tCO2 to 2.259 tCO2 with increased indoor comfort of 1.3%–2.6%.
NatHERS This research also finds that given the policy incentives, the actual incremental cost is marginal after
the government rebate. This research addresses the major barriers of the high up-front cost associated
with ZCH through an integrated approach. The research facilitates the paradigm shift in the mainstream
market, promoting the development and market expansion of ZCH.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction A ZCH is generally defined as a residential unit achieving net-

zero annual carbon emissions during occupancy (Commonwealth
CO2 emissions from building operations increased to their of Australia, 2020b), and it is realised through the integration
highest level of around 10 GtCO2 , or 28% of total energy-related of energy-efficient housing design and on-site renewable energy
CO2 emissions globally in 2019, which moved away from the systems (e.g., solar photovoltaics (PV)). However, ZCHs are barely
Paris Agreement goal of keeping the global mean temperature recognised by the mainstream market. One of the major barriers
rise to well below 2 ◦ C (UNEP, 2020). The detrimental impacts is the widely established misconception of the high up-front cost
of global climate change have been revealed in recent decades, associated with constructing high-performance buildings (Low
and significant effort has been dedicated to reducing the green- Carbon Living CRC, 2019). Pan and Pan (2020) examined the
house effect worldwide. Within this context, various approaches knowledge, attitude, and practice towards zero carbon build-
ings, and revealed that explicit ZCB knowledge played an impor-
have been investigated in the building sector to improve en-
tant role in creating a knowledge-induced attitude that favours
ergy performance and minimise greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
changes in practice leading to zero carbon developments.
World Green Building Council (2021) advocates that all buildings,
While the short-term factor of the capital cost involved in the
including commercial and residential buildings, to be net zero
construction stage forms an important dimension for the success-
carbon in operation by 2050. However, the market penetration of
ful implementation of a ZCH design scheme, the design objectives
zero-carbon buildings remains low, constituting much less than concerned in the delivery of ZCH are generally concentrated on
1% of existing buildings on the global scale (Laski and Burrows, the long-term benefits, such as minimising the environmental
2018). footprint of building operation (i.e., energy use and CO2 emis-
In the effort of promoting high-performance residential build- sions) and improving indoor comfort for building occupants. It
ings, zero carbon housing (ZCH) has been identified as a viable has been proposed that ZCH would be made affordable through
solution to realise carbon neutrality for the living environment. an integrated approach (Low Carbon Living CRC, 2019). However,
little quantitative evidence has been provided to facilitate the
∗ Corresponding author. paradigm shift in the mainstream market, hindering the develop-
E-mail addresses: (H.X. Li), ment of business models for the market expansion of ZCH (Wells
(Y. Li), (M. Du). et al., 2018).
2352-4847/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

The realisation of ZCH relies on the design strategies applied

for energy conservation, recovery, and generation. Energy con-
servation strategies generally involve passive design and building
envelope specification. There is a series of passive design strate-
gies that can facilitate the delivery of high-performance buildings
without incurring additional construction cost (Low Carbon Living
CRC, 2019). Building orientation, window-to-wall ratio (WWR),
and building insulation are concerned as passive design prin-
ciples (Morrissey et al., 2011; Allam et al., 2020). In Victoria,
Australia, properly insulated houses were found to save up to 45%
of energy bills (Sustainability Victoria, 2021a,b). These passive
design measures can effectively reduce the energy use for ZCH
operations. Along with the passive design measures, the inte-
gration of high-efficiency mechanical service systems, including
Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning (HVAC) devices and
domestic hot water (DHW) units, is also a critical factor for Fig. 1. Comfort ranges for 0.5 clothing level in summer and 1.0 clothing level
the ZCH design. By using energy-efficient technologies, such as in winter (Luo, 2020).
heat pump technologies, the energy performance of ZCHs can be
significantly improved (Li et al., 2017). As energy use is inevitable
for building operations, energy supply from on-site renewable developed by the U.S. Department of Energy as an independent
energy sources is an essential part of a ZCH design scheme. Solar building simulation engine.
photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines are frequently adopted as Building simulation has also been combined with optimisation
domestic energy production systems. In Australia, solar PV is the to assist building designers in the search for optimal design
most popular clean energy technology in the residential sector, solutions (Ascione et al., 2019). Wu et al. (2017) proposed an opti-
with around 29% of homes having rooftop solar PV installed misation model for building energy systems in typical residential
by March 2021 (Department of Industry, Science, Energy and buildings in the Swiss village of Zernez, where the optimisation
Resources, 2021). model was integrated into the dynamic energy simulation in
Another design objective is to address the comfort degree EnergyPlus to explore individual retrofit scenarios. In particular,
for optimal building design. The indoor thermal conditions of a evolutionary optimisation algorithms, such as Genetic Algorithm
building are specified by thermal comfort standards, such as the (GA), are capable of handling a larger number of parameters
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning efficiently, and have the advantage of being less sensitive to the
Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard-55 (ASHRAE, 2019), the Interna- problem characteristics (Alajmi and Wright, 2014). Furthermore,
tional Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard-7730 (ISO, there are several multi-objective optimisation techniques that en-
2005), the European standard EN15251 (BS/EN, 2007), and the hance the traditional GAs, such as Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE, 2006). Algorithm II (NSGA-II), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm,
According to ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 (ASHRAE, 2019), comfort Micro Genetic Algorithm, and Pareto-archived Evolution Strategy
hours mainly involve two factors, namely operative temperature (Yusoff et al., 2011). Research also shows that NSGA-II has been
and zone humidity ratio. (1) Operative temperature Top can be regarded as a fast and elitist multi-objective method providing a
formulated as Top = γ · Trad + (1 − γ ) · Ta , in which Trad and Ta good trade-off between a well-converged and a well-distributed
denote the mean radiant temperature for the thermal zone and solution (Costa-Carrapiço et al., 2020; Martínez et al., 2020).
the mean zone air temperature, respectively, and a typical value The successful synergy of the passive design scheme with
for γ is 0.5 (Littlewood et al., 2017). (2) The humidity ratio is the mechanical services and on-site renewable technology offers the
mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air contained in the zone potential to cut back the financial implication of ZCH develop-
(kg water/kg air) (ASHRAE, 2019). Based on the above-mentioned ment. However, only part design parameters of the three mea-
indices, comfort hours are used to measure the total time within sures were considered for optimisation in the reviewed literature.
the comfort ranges, where the 0.5 clothing level can be used for For example, Amani and Kiaee (2020) maximised energy saving
summer, and the 1.0 clothing level can be used for winter, as and minimised the environmental impact, with twelve typical
shown in Fig. 1. Coordinates of the bounding points for comfort insulation materials with different thicknesses and a four-layer
are also listed in this figure. insulation system developed and applied to a case study. Ansah
In order to estimate the performance of various design sce- et al. (2022) considered WWR, building orientation, and envelope
narios, energy simulation has been implemented as an effective construction to optimise building design. Ascione et al. (2019)
approach. Energy simulation can be employed to evaluate the considered temperature setpoint, the thermo-physical properties
performance of energy-efficient design strategies with various of envelope components, window types, and building orientation,
design scenarios (Ceballos-Fuentealba et al., 2019). For example, a to optimise energy use and related cost. However, the tempera-
simulation-based method was employed by Capeluto and Ochoa ture setpoint is a parameter of building operation, rather than a
(2014) to identify and rank energy-efficient retrofitting solutions design parameter. Therefore, this paper analyses the synergy of
in 13 urban centres in Europe. Based on the energy simulation of a the three design measures of building design, mechanical services
high-rise office building, Raji et al. (2016) conducted a sensitivity selection, and on-site renewable technology, and considers the
analysis to improve the performance of the building envelope. impacts of temperature setpoint in the sensitivity analysis.
Several building simulation tools, such as TRNSYS, ESP-r, Ener- Based on the identified research gap, this research aims to
gyPlus, and DesignBuilder, are commonly used to estimate the address the synergy of three design measures for ZCH, includ-
energy demand of buildings (Hong et al., 2018). In particular, ing building design strategies, mechanical services selection, and
DesignBuilder is capable of investigating detailed energy use and on-site renewable technology. To explore cost-effective design
providing a user-friendly graphical interface for comparison (Li solutions for ZCH, while maximising indoor comfort, a compre-
et al., 2020). DesignBuilder is often chosen as it is an interactive hensive optimisation model is established by minimising capital
tool with EnergyPlus used as the simulation engine, which is cost and minimising discomfort hours based on ASHRAE 55 with
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Table 1
Categories of design variables.
Energy-efficient building design Mechanical devices On-site renewable energy
Passive design strategies Building envelope
Opaque elements Fenestration component
• Building orientation • External wall • Glazing • HVAC • Solar PV
• Window-wall ratio (WWR) • Ground floor • Window frame • DHW
• Roof-ceiling assembly

a constraint of zero or negative operational CO2 emission. In mechanical devices for HVAC systems and DHW heating also sig-
order to balance the short-term factor of capital cost and the nificantly affects the overall energy performance of ZCH design.
long-term benefits of environmental performance, capital cost, Energy sources of the equipment, such as electricity and gas,
operational CO2 emissions, and indoor thermal comfort are used and the equipment efficiency are the main parameters related
as the metrics to evaluate the ZCH design. This research will also to the environmental performance of ZCH design. For the on-
separate building design variables from operational parameters, site renewable energy, solar PV systems with different capacities
such as heating/cooling temperature setpoints, for which sen- are evaluated for ZCH design in this research. Table 1 presents a
sitivity analysis is conducted. To identify optimal solutions for summary of the design variables discussed in this session.
ZCH design, multi-objective optimisation is employed coupled
with Pareto front analysis. This research addresses the major 2.2. Optimal design modelling
barriers and the widely established misconception of the high up-
front cost associated with the development of ZCH. The research In order to balance the short-term factor of capital cost and the
framework and identified solutions facilitate the paradigm shift in long-term benefits of environmental performance, capital cost,
the mainstream market, promoting the development and market operational CO2 emissions, and indoor thermal comfort are used
expansion of ZCH. as the metrics to evaluate the ZCH design, while synergising
building design, mechanical services selection, and on-site renew-
2. Research methodology able technology. The research objectives, design variables, and
constraints are formulated as Eqs. (1) to (14). The optimisation
This research utilises an integrated research framework to objectives include: (1) minimising capital cost, and (2) minimis-
achieve the research objectives. The systematic integration of ing discomfort hours based on ASHRAE 55. The optimal design
building design, mechanical device selection, and on-site renew- solutions are not necessarily straight carbon neutral; thus, zero
able energy systems is incorporated into energy simulation to or negative operational CO2 emission is specified as a constraint.
evaluate the performance of ZCH design. To identify optimal
solutions that promote ZCHs, an integrated simulation and multi-
objective optimisation approach coupled with Pareto front anal- Minimise CC (ORT , FHT , WHT , RHT , WWR, GZT , DHW , SHC , SPV )
ysis are conducted in this research. While holistic variables of (1)
building design, mechanical device selection, and on-site renew-
able energy systems are evaluated for ZCH design, operational
Maximise CF (ORT , FHT , WHT , RHT , WWR, GZT , DHW , SHC , SPV )
parameters such as heating/cooling temperature setpoints are
considered in the sensitivity analysis afterwards. Based on build- (2)
ing performance simulation, a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
Subject to:
Algorithm II is employed to identify the cost-effective design of
ZCHs while maximise indoor thermal comfort. A representative CO2op ≤ 0 (3)
house design provided by the Australian Government is selected
as a case study to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The ORT ∈ (ORT1 , ORT2 , . . . , ORTO ) (4)
research framework is illustrated in Fig. 2.
GF ∈ (GF1 , GF2 , . . . , GFP ) (5)
2.1. Design variables evaluated for ZCH design
EW ∈ (EW1 , EW2 , . . . , EWQ ) (6)
Systematic integration of building design, mechanical device
RCA ∈ (RCA1 , RCA2 , . . . , RCAR ) (7)
selection, and on-site renewable energy systems is evaluated
for ZCH design in this research. Literature review indicates that SEC ∈ (SEC1 , SEC , . . . , SECS ) (8)
design parameters of building orientation, WWR, and building WWR ∈ (WWR1 , WWR2 , . . . , WWRL ) (9)
envelope, have significant impacts on the energy conservation
capacity of a house. Therefore, the design parameters of build- GZT ∈ (GZT1 , GZT2 , . . . , GZTM ) (10)
ing orientation, WWR, and building envelope, including exter- WF ∈ (WF1 , WF2 , . . . , WFN ) (11)
nal wall, ground floor, roof–ceiling assembly, window glazing
AC ∈ (AC1 , AC2 , . . . , ACi ) (12)
and framing, are evaluated in this research. The design param-
eter selection also aligns with the thermal requisition of the DHW ∈ (DHW1 , DHW2 , . . . , DHWJ ) (13)
Australia National Construction Code (NCC) (Australian Building
SPV ∈ (SPV1 , SPV2 , . . . , SPK ) (14)
Codes Board, 2019). Moreover, the reference to the YourHome
Design (Commonwealth of Australia, 2019), which is an envi- CC , and CF are construction cost, comfort degree, respectively.
ronmentally sustainable housing design guide provided by the CO2op is the CO2 emissions incurred by building operation.
Australian Government, also endorses the design parameter se- ORT : building main orientation options, ORT ∈ (ORT1 , ORT2 ,
lection in this research. Referring to NCC, the infiltration rate . . . , ORTO ), such as north (0◦ ), east (90◦ ), south (180◦ ), and west
for the building envelope is set as 0.6 ac/hr. The selection of (270◦ ).
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 2. Research framework.

GF : ground floor design options, GF ∈ (GF1 , GF2 , . . . , GFP ), R- GZ : glazing type options, GZ ∈ (GZ1 , GZ2 , . . . , GZM ), such as
value depends on selection of the material assembly for ground single glazing, double glazing and double glazing with argon-
floor. filled, clear glazing, glazing with low-emissivity coating, glazing
EW : external wall design options, EW ∈ (EW1 , EW2 , . . . , with reflective tint, and so on.
EWQ ), R-value depends on selection of the material assembly for WF : window frame options, WF ∈ (WF1 , WF2 , . . . , WFN ),
external wall. including aluminium with no thermal break, aluminium with
RCA: roof-ceiling assembly options for areas with cathedral thermal break, wooden, painted wooden and uPVC
ceiling, RCA ∈ (RCA1 , RCA2 , . . . , RCAR ), R-value depends on selec- AC : air-conditioning device options, AC ∈ (AC1 , AC2 , . . . , ACi ),
tion of the material composition for the roof-ceiling assembly. coefficient of performance (CoP) related to space heating and
SEC : semi-exposed ceiling options for areas with roof-attic energy efficiency ratio (EER) related to space cooling depends on
space above, SEC ∈ (SEC1 , SEC , . . . , SECS ), R-value depends on se- selection of air-conditioner type.
lection of the material composition for the roof-ceiling assembly. DHW : domestic hot water system options, DHW ∈ (DHW1 ,
WWR: window-to-wall ratio options, WWR ∈ (WWR1 , WWR2 , DHW2 , . . . , DHWJ ), including electrical DHW, gas DHW, and heat
. . . , WWRL ). pump hot water system, and solar hot water system.
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

SPV : solar photovoltaic (PV) system capacity options, SPV ∈ 3. Case study
(SPV1 , SPV2 , . . . , SPVK )
A well-established house design developed by the Australian
Government was selected as the case study model (Common-
2.3. Optimisation with NSGA-II wealth of Australia, 2019). The performance of the initial design
is below the ZCH criteria. By implementing the proposed frame-
To identify the optimal ZCH design scenarios that can min- work, the house design is evaluated with various design options
imise the construction cost and maximise the indoor comfort si- of building design (i.e., building orientation, WWR, building enve-
multaneously, multiple-objective optimisation enabled by NSGA- lope assemblies), HVAC and domestic hot water (DHW) systems,
II is applied to simulate and evaluate the energy performance and on-site renewable energy production systems (solar PV), to
identify optimal design scenarios as ZCH.
of the design alternatives generated with the variants of the
The optimisation is conducted using DesignBuilder coupled
design variables. With the baseline model and design variables
with a multi-objective optimisation algorithm in this study.
established, design scenarios with various configurations of the
Specifically, DesignBuilder (V7) coupled with NSGA-II based opti-
design options can be generated, and simulation can be per- misation is utilised for energy simulation in this research, with
formed to estimate the energy consumed for building operation JEA selected as the optimisation engine, which can effectively
and the energy produced on-site for each design variant. Under assist in the constraint handling issue remained in traditional
this premise, a multi-objective optimisation approach enabled by NSGA-II based optimisation process, and thus can identify the
NSGA-II is applied to investigate the trade-off between the con- optimal design solutions with less computational time (Zhang
struction cost and the indoor comfort with the diversified design and Jankovic, 2017). With the validated simulation engine of
scenarios populated, and the cost-optimal ZCH design scenarios EnergyPlus used in DesignBuilder, this research also conducts
are identified through the automatic Pareto front analysis. additional verification based on the Nationwide House Energy
With NSGA-II, the calculations of the construction cost and Rating Scheme (NatHERS). NatHERS in Australia is used to evalu-
comfort level mentioned above are automatically performed. The ate the thermal energy load performance of houses. Compliance
trade-off between these two design objectives is investigated with NatHERS is required through the National Construction Code
simultaneously to obtain the Pareto front, which corresponds requirements. Based on a simulation of the building design, a star
rating of the predicted heating and cooling loads is calculated.
to a set of optimal design solutions. Once the NSGA-II is ex-
The star rating scale goes from 0 (worst) to 10 (best, the mini-
ecuted, multiple generations of design scenarios are produced
mal requirement for mechanical heating and cooling) (Berry and
with different configurations of the design variables. The first Marker, 2015).
generation is a population (a set of design scenarios) initialised The case study is a detached single-family house, chosen from
by the combination of the design options arbitrarily selected from YourHome Design, which is a national guide promoted by the
the option pool of each design variable. Each design scenario is Australian government for the design and construction of af-
then simulated and evaluated against the optimisation objectives fordable, environmentally sustainable housing projects. It offers
and the constraint defined. Euclidean distances between solutions a series of energy-efficient house design schemes developed by
are used to rank and select preferred solutions to help create a the joint effort of experienced architects and accredited energy
diverse solution set and avoid crowding. Feasible design scenarios assessors (see Fig. 3).
are selected based on their fitness values and constraints, and the The selected design scheme is the Banksia House prototype,
optimal design solutions among the population of the existing which is a north-facing single-storey house with a south-facing
generation are identified with Pareto front analysis. According to sloping roof that can offer up to 200 sqm of space for solar panel
multiple performance measures in NSGA-II (Thakkar et al., 2022), installation. This house has a floor area of 156 sqm, around 91%
of which is considered air-conditioned space. As illustrated in
non-dominated solutions are regarded as better design plans. A
the house layout (Fig. 4), there is one open-plan area combin-
feasible design scenario is considered to dominate another feasi-
ing a kitchen with living & dining space, two bathrooms, three
ble design scenario when none of both design objectives is better
bedrooms, and one home office space. Bedroom 1 and the living–
than the other with respect to two objectives. Within the group dining area have a cathedral ceiling, while the rest of the internal
of optimal design scenarios, a new population is generated by space is covered by a flat ceiling with a roof attic space above.
the mutation and crossover of design variables. Mutation aims to For the simulation model, the activity for each zone was defined
mutate design variables of the new design scenarios. Crossover is based on its designated function. The YourHome Design has in-
used to exchange the genes of parents, namely, design variables. cluded prescriptive details for the building envelope assemblies,
The new population is then added to the pool of the design which are specified to suit the needs of different climates. For
scenarios engendered in the previous generation for the iteration this study, the referenced house is to be located in Melbourne
of the simulation and optimisation process to locate a new set of (Victoria, Australia, latitude 37.81◦ S, longitude 144.96◦ E), which
optimal design scenarios. To avoid unnecessary iterations, a con- is dominated by the mild temperate climate and categorised as
vergence criterion of 5 generations is implemented, which means Climate Zone 6 in the NCC. The ambient temperature of the house
the optimisation will be automatically stopped if no new optimal location is illustrated for each month in Fig. 5.
design solution is discovered within the recent five generations. The design specifications of the house include: (1) 85 mm
thick concrete slab on 300 mm waffle pods for the ground floor,
On top of the generations defined for convergence, a maximum of
with a total R-value of 2.75 m2 K/W; (2) external wall assem-
100 generations is set to terminate this automated process to save
bled with lightweight cladding on reverse brick veneer, R2.5 batt
excessive computational time. The outputs of the optimisation
insulation, high-performance anti-glare wall wrap, and 10 mm
process include: (1) a diagram plotted with the Pareto front plasterboard, resulting in an overall R-value of 3.4 m2 K/W; (3)
analysis results of the design scenarios generated throughout metal sheet roofing on battens with R1.3 reflective foil lam-
the automatic process to demonstrate the trade-off relationship inate, plus 10 mm plasterboard on timber framing with R4.1
between the construction cost and the comfort degree; (2) a table batt insulation for the roof–ceiling assembly, which results in
of the optimal design solutions with the configurational details a total R-value of 5.76 m2 K/W. In contrast, the minimum en-
for each design variable listed. ergy efficiency required by NCC includes a minimum R-value of
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 3. Case study house.

Fig. 4. House layout. Areas in pink are covered by flat ceiling with roof attic space on top.

1 m2 K/W for ground floor insulations, a minimum total R-value template. Solar PV systems are also added to the model to sim-
of 2.8 m2 K/W for external walls, and 5.1 for roof–ceiling systems. ulate the overall performance. Based on the design specifications
The overall window-to-wall ratio (WWR) is 27.5%, and the house and detailed modelling, the simulated total energy use of the
has double-glazed windows with aluminium frames. The detailed baseline model is 7.551 MWh (see Table 3), with the heating
specifications of the baseline house are listed in Table 2. The and cooling setpoint temperatures of 18 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C, respec-
initial design does not specify the HVAC, DHW, and renewable tively, referring to YourHome guidance. The simulation results
energy systems. In order to have a completed baseline model for also indicate that, given the project location in Melbourne, a
energy simulation, an air conditioning system with a heating CoP 3 kW north-facing solar PV system can produce 4.466 MWh of
of 4.47 and a cooling EER of 4.48 is chosen for the HVAC system, electricity. Thus, the energy used for the building operation can
and the DHW is an electric hot water system, along with a 3 kW be offset by 59% by using renewable energy, resulting in the net
PV system as the baseline.
annual energy use on site of 3.085 MWh.
According to the National Construction Code (NCC), a 6-star
The energy use breakdown of the baseline model is presented
NatHERS rating is required to comply with the minimum energy
in Fig. 6. Overall, spacing heating and cooling use 2.842 MWh
efficiency standards in Australia. With the energy-efficient design
energy, accounting for 38% of the overall energy use. More specifi-
scheme applied, this baseline house has reached above the NCC
energy efficiency requirements and can achieve a NatHERS rating cally, space heating alone uses 2.102 MWh of energy, accounting
of 7.1 stars. for 28% of the total household energy use. The energy required
for cooling is around 0.74 MWh, accounting for 10% of the total
4. Simulation and sensitivity analysis energy use. Lighting consumes 1.91 MWh each year, making up
the second largest proportion (25%) of the total household energy
4.1. Simulation demand. Interior equipment uses 1.744 MWh, accounting for 23%
of total energy use. The energy used by DHW and ventilation is
The initial design is modelled using DesignBuilder, and the 0.654 MWh and 0.408 MWh, accounting for 9% and 5% of the total
HVAC and DHW systems are modelled using the detailed HVAC household energy usage, respectively.
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 5. Ambient temperature of site location.

Table 2
Baseline building envelope specifications.
Ground floor Roof & Ceiling External wall Semi-exposed Internal Window
internal partitions
Assembly 85 mm concrete slab Roof Lightweight cladding 10 mm plasterboard 10 mm Air filled,
details with 300 mm waffle Metal sheet roofing on reverse brick on timber framing plasterboard double
pod on battens with R1.3 veneer with R2.5 batt with R2.5 batt on timber glazed, with
reflective foil insulation and insulation framing aluminium
laminate high-performance frame
anti-glare wall wrap,
Ceiling 10 mm plasterboard
10 mm plasterboard
on timber framing
with R4.1 batt
Baseline model Total Insulation Total Insulation Total Insulation Total Insulation
R-values R-value R-value R-value R-value R-value R-value R-value R-value
(m2 K/W) 2.75 0.63 5.76 4.1 3.39 2.5 – 2.5

The simulation result of the baseline model is validated by installing the 3 kW solar PV system, which is around AUD 18,453.
comparing it with the officially accredited energy performance The simulation results provide a baseline for the sensitivity anal-
level of the case study house. For the baseline model, the annual ysis of temperature setpoint and achieving optimal ZCH design as
sensible heating and cooling loads are estimated to be 1.898 MWh follows.
and 0.963 MWh, respectively, and the total annual latent load
is around 0.162 MWh, resulting in an average thermal energy
4.2. Sensitivity analysis
load of 77 MJ/m2 for the air-conditioned area on an annual basis.
According to the NatHERS star bands, houses in Melbourne with
an average thermal energy load of 68–83 MJ/m2 per annum for Given that the temperature setpoint is a parameter of building
the air-conditioned floor area fall within the rating scale between operation, rather than a design parameter, this paper considers
7 stars and 7.5 stars (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, the impacts of the temperature setpoint as a sensitivity analysis
2019). Thus, the baseline model has achieved a 7.1-star rating in this section. By conducting sensitivity analysis, the impacts
based on the NatHERS standard, which verifies the authoritatively of specific variables can be evaluated, and the results can also
recognised energy rating of the case study house. be visualised graphically. In this research, sensitivity analysis is
The simulation results also reveal that the total annual dis- designed to analyse the impact of changes in heating and cool-
comfort time for the baseline model is around 1430 h, equalling ing setpoint temperatures on the operational CO2 emissions and
16.3% of the year. That is to say, the baseline design developed discomfort hours of the building. The parameters of sensitivity
on the basis of the case study house can secure a comfortable analysis are listed in Table 4 below.
indoor environment for up to 83.7% of the time when evaluated As discussed in the previous section (Section 4.1), the opera-
by the ASHRAE standard. The estimated annual operational CO2 tional CO2 emissions and the discomfort hours achieved by the
emission is 1.87 tCO2 . The estimated capital investment for the baseline model are 1.87 tCO2 and 1430 h, respectively, at the
house construction is about AUD 490,250, including the cost of heating and cooling setpoint temperatures of 18 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C,
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 6. Energy use breakdown for baseline model.

Fig. 7. Sensitivity analysis between CO2 emissions and heating/cooling setpoint.

Table 3
Energy use breakdown of the baseline model.
Space heating & Cooling (MWh) Ventilation (MWh) DHW (MWh) Lighting (MWh) Interior equipment (MWh) Total end uses (MWh)
Heating Cooling
2.102 0.74 0.408 0.645 1.91 1.744 7.551
Total on-site renewable energy (from Solar PVs, 3 kW) (MWh) 4.466
Net site energy (MWh) 3.085

Table 4
Sensitivity analysis for temperature setpoint.
Variable type Min value Max value Step Target object Output KPI
Cooling setpoint temperature 19.00 26.00 1.00 Building
Operational CO2 emissions, Discomfort ASHRAE 55 (all clo)
Heating setpoint temperature 18.00 25.00 1.00 Building

respectively. Based on the parameters listed in Table 6, sensi- From the sensitivity analysis, it can be deduced that by in-
tivity analysis is conducted to analyse the impact of changes in creasing the heating setpoint temperature, there is a great reduc-
heating and cooling setpoint temperatures on the operational CO2 tion in discomfort hours. As an example, by increasing the heating
emissions and discomfort hours of the building. The results of setpoint temperature from the baseline model setpoint of 18 ◦ C
sensitivity analysis for operational CO2 emissions are illustrated to 21 ◦ C, the discomfort hours are almost halved from 1430 h
in Fig. 7, and the results of sensitivity analysis for discomfort to 785 h. However, the thermal comfort improvement is at the
hours, the sensitivity analysis, are shown in Fig. 8. expense of an increased CO2 emission, i.e., the increase from 18
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 8. Sensitivity analysis between thermal comfort and heating/cooling setpoint.

Table 5
Design options for building envelope assemblies.
Ground floor Roof & Ceiling External wall
Structure Design option R-value Structure Design option R-value Structure Design option R-value
(m2 K/W) (m2 K/W) (m2 K/W)
Total Insulation Total Insulation Total Insulation
2.29 2.0 5.76 4.1 Lightweight 3.39 2.5
2.79 2.5 Metal sheet roofing 6.76 5.1 cladding on 3.89 3.0
3.29 3.0 on battens with 7.76 6.1 reverse brick 4.39 3.5
85 mm 3.79 3.5 R1.3 reflective foil 8.76 7.1 veneer with 4.89 4.0
concrete slab 4.29 4.0 laminate for roof 9.76 8.1 batt insulation 5.39 4.5
on top of and 10 mm and high-
insulation NCC minimum R-value plasterboard on NCC minimum R-value NCC minimum R-value
in Zone 6 (m2 K/W) in Zone 6 (m2 K/W) performance in Zone 6 (m2 K/W)
timber framing with anti-glare wall
Total Insulation batt insulation for Total Insulation wrap, 10 mm Total Insulation
ceiling plasterboard
– 1 5.1 – 2.8 –
Glazing Frame
• Single-glazed clear • Double-glazed (Air-filled) clear • Double-glazed (Argon-filled) clear • Aluminium with no thermal break
• Single-glazed clear LoE clear • Double-glazed (Air-filled) LoE clear • Double-glazed (Argon-filled) LoE • Aluminium with thermal break
• Single-glazed clear reflective tint • Double-glazed (Air-filled) reflective clear • Wooden
tint • Double-glazed (Argon-filled) • Painted wooden
reflective tint • uPVC

C to 21 ◦ C for the heating setpoint resulting in the operational north-west (315◦ ). Regarding the WWR, the design options vary
CO2 emissions of around 2.581 tCO2 . within the range of 20% to 50%, with a 5% increase step, which
On the other hand, there is great benefit in increasing the was adopted based on the common practice found in building de-
cooling setpoint temperature from the baseline setpoint of 25 sign (Zhou et al., 2016). The design options of the building enve-

C to 26 ◦ C, and simultaneously increasing the baseline heating lope assemblies are developed by combining the design guideline
setpoint temperature from 18 ◦ C to 22 ◦ C. These small changes provided by YourHome and the Australia National Construction
give a reduction in discomfort hours from 1430 h to only 385 h Code (NCC). The HVAC equipment selection has been sourced
which is an almost 300% decrease in the building’s operational from the information on the typical equipment types available
discomfort hours, with only a slight increase in annual CO2 levels in the existing market. Three versions of the air-conditioning
from 1.43 tCO2 to 2.654 tCO2 . system with varied CoP and EER values have been developed as
design options for the HVAC system. Four generic sets of DHW
systems supplied by different energy sources, i.e., natural gas,
5. Multi-objective optimisation
electricity, heat pump, and solar hot water, are specified. For
the on-site renewable energy, solar PV systems with 3–6 kW
To identify optimal design solutions, the design variables iden- capacities are evaluated as a means to offset the CO2 emission
tified in the methodology section are optimised to balance the caused by building operation for ZCH design in this research. The
short-term factor of capital cost and the long-term benefits of en- design variable options are summarised in Tables 5 and 6, with a
vironmental performance, capital cost, operational CO2 emissions, possible combination of 810,000 design scenarios. As explained
and indoor thermal comfort in this section. For the design options in the methodology section, zero or negative operational CO2
of building orientation, eight generic directions are considered emission is specified as the constraint. The heating and cooling
and are defined as north (0◦ ), north-east (45◦ ), east (90◦ ), south- setpoint temperatures are the same as the baseline model, i.e., 18
east (135◦ ), south (180◦ ), south-west (225◦ ), west (270◦ ), and ◦
C and 25 ◦ C, respectively, referring to YourHome guidance.
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Table 6
Design options for mechanical devices and on-site renewable energy systems.
HVAC systems DHW systems Solar PV systems
Equipment type Heating CoP Cooling EER Equipment type Water heater Equipment type System capacity
Air-con 1 4.47 4.48 DHW 1 Gas Solar PV 1 3 kW
Air-con 2 4.28 4.05 DHW 2 Electricity Solar PV 2 4 kW
Air-con 3 4.03 3.43 DHW 3 Air source heat pump Solar PV 3 5 kW
DHW 4 Solar hot water Solar PV 4 6 kW

Table 7 indoor temperature setpoint. (3) In realising ZCH design, the

Optimisation parameters. capital investment for house construction is increased from AUD
Count Percentage 490,250 for the baseline model to AUD 503,500–AUD 516,000
Total iteration 889 100% for the optimal design scenarios. This reveals a price gap of AUD
Optimal 8 1%
13,250–25,750 between the baseline and the ZCH design. Part of
Satisfied constraint 77 9%
Failed constraint 804 90% the incremental cost is caused by upgrading renewable energy
Generation 51 systems, including upgrading the solar PV system from 3 kW
Computational time 6 h 42 min to 5 kW and 6 kW systems and introducing a solar hot water
unit. However, in Victoria, rebates for the installation of solar
PVs and solar hot water systems have been offered by both the
state and the federal governments, which can reduce the up-front
NSGA-II based multi-objective optimisation is conducted to
investment for these solar systems by a significant proportion,
identify the optimal ZCH design scenarios. The NSGA-II based
i.e., up to 30% and 50% for installation of solar PV panels and solar
optimisation runs for 889 iterations and converges on 51 gen-
erations. All the iterations that are investigated during the op- hot water systems respectively (Solar Victoria, 2021).
timisation process are plotted in Fig. 9a by DesignBuilder, and Furthermore, Sustainability Victoria just announced a 7-Star
the iterations that can meet the CO2 emissions constraint are Homes program, after the Zero Net Carbon Homes (ZNC) pro-
plotted in Fig. 9b. In these figures, the red dots indicate the Pareto gram ended (Sustainability Victoria, 2021a,b). The 7-Star Homes
front, where the optimal design scenarios are identified. The grey program, targeted at builders and land developers, is made up
ones indicate the design solutions that satisfy the CO2 emissions of two streams. For Stream A, successful applicants can claim a
constraint, and the yellow ones represent design scenarios that $4000 rebate per home built (up to four homes), and homes must
fail the constraint. The blue dots refer to the latest generation of meet a minimum 7-star NatHERS rating with a whole-of-home
design alternatives engendered. assessment. Therefore, the price increment between the baseline
In Fig. 9a, among the 889 iterations of design alternatives model and the ZCH design solution is marginal. For instance,
evaluated, 90% fail to achieve the design constraint of zero or when the optimal design scenario with the lowest capital cost
negative operational carbon emissions (yellow dots). Design sce- (AUD 503,635) is considered, the estimated results indicate an
narios that achieve the ZCH criteria constitute 10% of the total additional cost for the ZCH is around AUD 13,385 and it is most
iterations, among which eight optimal design scenarios were likely incurred by the expanded size of the solar PV system
identified (red dots). The optimal design solutions make up 1% (5 kW) and the inclusion of solar hot water device. This extra
of the total iterations, as illustrated in Fig. 9b. From Table 8, it investment can be substantially cut back to less than AUD 10,000
can be observed that the operational CO2 emissions for these by taking advantage of incentive schemes made available under
design scenarios range between −0.39 tCO2 and −0.025 tCO2 per the government’s solar energy policies. This implies the cost
year, and the discomfort hours for the optimal design scenarios difference between the construction of a ZCH and an affordable
generally fall within a range between 1200 h to 1350 h. Hence, house design scheme in the existing Australian residential market
with the optimal design scenarios, the indoor environment can can be significantly reduced. And in the best scenario, this price
be maintained within the comfort zone for 85%–86.3% of the gap can be maintained within 2% of the capital investment for
time throughout the year. The construction costs for the optimal building construction.
design scenarios range between AUD 503,500 and AUD 516,000. Nevertheless, to motivate capital expenditure, financial incen-
The three optimal design scenarios with the lowest construc- tives can be addressed to stimulate the adoption of zero carbon
tional costs are all facing north (0◦ ) and have a 5 kW solar PV houses in order to overcome any additional capital costs. For ex-
system coupled with a solar hot water unit. The construction ample, as one of the most common forms of economic incentives,
costs, annual discomfort hours, and operational CO2 emission of financial subsidies can be used to support sustainable housing,
optimal design solutions identified with the Pareto front analysis including tiered incentives through efficiency labels, certification,
are presented in Table 7, along with the configuration of design interest rate discounts for homeowners, and equipment subsidies.
variables for each design scenario listed in Table 8. Overall, cost-effective ZCH is achievable by identifying the
optimal configuration of the design variables related to different
6. Discussions and conclusions aspects of the building design, and it would not compromise
the indoor comfort of the building occupants. This research aims
Comparing the results of the baseline model and the identified to balance the short-term factor of capital cost and the long-
optimal solutions, it is found that: (1) ZCH can be realised by term benefits of environmental performance, by synergising three
implementing the optimal design solutions. The optimal design design measures for ZCH, including building design strategies,
scenarios result in an annual operational CO2 emission between mechanical services selection, and on-site renewable technology,
−0.39 tCO2 and −0.025 tCO2 , while the baseline model generates with capital cost, operational CO2 emissions, and indoor thermal
an operational CO2 emission of 1.87 tCO2 . (2) Compared with comfort used as the metrics to evaluate the ZCH design. This
the baseline, the optimal design scenarios can also improve in- research also separates building design variables from operational
door comfort by 1.3%–2.6%, i.e., increasing indoor comfort hours parameters such as heating/cooling temperature setpoints, and
from 83.7% to the range between 84.6% and 86.3%. The overall sensitivity analysis is conducted for the operational parameters,
indoor comfort hours can be further improved by adjusting the including heating and cooling temperature setpoints.
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du
Table 8
Optimisation results.
Info Info Objective Objective Constraint Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable
Iteration Generation Total Discomfort CO2 Window Building Glazing type Window frame External wall Ground floor Pitched roof Semi- exposed HVAC template Solar PV
construction (All clothing) emissions to Wall % orientation type construction construction construction ceiling (Detailed HVAC)
cost (AUD) (h) (tCO2 ) (occ) construction
16 0 503 740 1289 −0.06 40 0 Sgl LoE (e2 = Wooden Reverse brick slab (R3.0) Pitched roof R6.1 VRF (heating CoP: 5 kW
.2) Clr 6 mm window frame R3.5 wt ceiling 4.28; cooling CoP
(R6.1) 4.05) & DHW
89 5 510 055 1210 −0.224 20 45 Sgl LoE (e2 = Painted Reverse brick slab (R4.0) Pitched roof R4.1 VRF (heating CoP: 6 kW
.2) Clr 6 mm Wooden R4.5 wt ceiling 4.03; cooling CoP
window frame (R7.1) 3.43) & DHW
104 6 515 751 1197 −0.39 50 315 Dbl LoE (e2 = UPVC window Reverse brick slab (R3.5) Pitched roof R7.1 VRF (heating CoP: 6 kW
.2) Clr frame R4.5 wt ceiling 4.28; cooling CoP
6 mm/13 mm (R7.1) 4.05) & DHW
Arg (Solar)

179 10 509 488 1278 −0.195 30 0 Dbl LoE (e2 = Aluminium Reverse brick slab (R4.0) Pitched roof R4.1 VRF (heating CoP: 5 kW
.2) Clr window frame R3.0 wt ceiling 4.28; cooling CoP
6 mm/13 mm (with thermal (R6.1) 4.05) & DHW
Arg break) (Solar)
190 11 509 756 1256 −0.025 25 45 Sgl LoE (e2 = Aluminium Reverse brick slab (R2.5) Pitched roof R5.1 VRF (heating CoP: 6 kW
.2) Clr 6 mm window frame R3.0 wt ceiling 4.47; cooling CoP
(no break) (R5.1) 4.48) & DHW
207 12 503 635 1329 −0.085 25 0 Sgl LoE (e2 = Wooden Reverse brick slab (R2.0) Pitched roof R8.1 VRF (heating CoP: 5 kW
.2) Clr 6 mm window frame R2.5 wt ceiling 4.28; cooling CoP
(R7.1) 4.05) & DHW
371 22 515 668 1205 −0.268 50 315 Dbl LoE (e2 = Painted Reverse brick slab (R4.0) Pitched roof R7.1 VRF (heating CoP: 6 kW
.2) Clr Wooden R3.0 wt ceiling 4.47; cooling CoP
6 mm/13 mm window frame (R5.1) 4.48) & DHW
Arg (HP)
736 43 509 875 1234 −0.07 45 315 Sgl LoE (e2 = Aluminium Reverse brick slab (R3.5) Pitched roof R5.1 VRF (heating CoP: 6 kW
.2) Clr 6 mm window frame R2.5 wt ceiling 4.47; cooling CoP
(with thermal (R6.1) 4.48) & DHW
break) (HP)

Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

Fig. 9a. A Overall optimisation results. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 9b. Optimisation results meeting the constraint. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)

In order to identify optimal solutions for ZCH design, NSGA- EnegryPlus used as the simulation engine is chosen as the tool
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Australian Government is selected as a case study to demon- optimal solutions are identified for the case house, resulting
strate the proposed methodology. DesignBuilder with the verified in a CO2 emission reduction of 1.894 tCO2 to 2.259 tCO2 with
H.X. Li, Y. Li and M. Du Energy Reports 9 (2023) 4905–4918

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