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Anxiety Disorder
General Anxiety GAD is diagnosed if:
• You’ve worried chronically
on more days than not about
a variety of everyday or
future events for at
least six months.
• Chronic worrying
interferes with daily
living and leads
to avoidance of
situations (e.g. miss
work or school) or
causes significant
02:15 mental distress.
• You experience a very difficult struggle to regain
control, relax, or manage anxiety and worry.
• Worry and the
accompanying anxiety
can make it difficult
to sleep or relax.
In addition to
excessive worry, GAD
can be characterized
Relationships, health, money, deadlines, world by physical ailments
affairs—you name it. We all have plenty to worry like muscle tension,
about. But people who have generalized anxiety fatigue, irritability,
disorder, or GAD (aka the “worry” disorder), gastrointestinal
experience excessive and unrelenting worry that symptoms, and
goes on almost every day. headaches.

People with GAD worry a disproportionate

amount about realistic concerns. They don’t
know how to stop the worry cycle, which they feel
is beyond their control, and it interferes with daily
living. They often jump to the worst-case scenario,
anticipate the potential bad things that can
happen, and spend a lot of time worrying about
or ruminating on the future. They feel a need to
plan for all possible outcomes and have difficulty
turning off the worry or letting it go.

People with GAD worry

a disproportionate amount
about realistic concerns.

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The symptoms outlined below can interfere with
daily living and cause significant mental distress. Normal anxiety crosses into
disordered anxiety, however, when
the anxiety is:

Signs and Symptoms • Higher than the situation calls for.

• Excessive, overwhelming, or
GAD is diagnosed if you have worried seemingly uncontrollable.
excessively about a variety of topics or
• Persists despite reassurances that
everyday problems or future events more
everything is ok.
days than not for at least six months. In
addition to worry, you must experience • Interferes with daily activities or
three or more of these symptoms that cause negatively impacts quality of life.
clinically significant distress:

• Restlessness or feeling keyed up

or on edge “Is it normal anxiety or GAD?”
• Being easily fatigued
• Difficulty concentrating or
mind going blank Normal Anxiety GAD
• Irritability Muscle aches or Restlessness,
• Muscle tension tiredness related muscle tension,
• Sleep disturbance (difficulty to overexertion and fatigue that
falling or staying asleep or restless, at the gym, a persist for six
unsatisfying sleep) stressful day at months or more
work, or sitting not related to a
too long at the specific physical
computer. or emotional
Worry about a
Normal Anxiety v. work deadline, Constant and
GAD school exam, or chronic worry
upcoming medical that disrupts
Anxiety is a natural part of appointment. social activities
life. It is our body’s built in and interferes
threat detection system, Difficulty relaxing, with work, school,
designed to alert us to sleeping, or family, and
potential dangers so concentrating relationships.
we can stay safe or when faced with
prepare for important an illness, job loss, Irritability, sleep
events. It is normal or relationship disturbance,
to worry occasionally, difficulties. or difficulty
particularly in the face concentrating on
These examples more days than
of stressful events or
of normal anxiety not for at least six
are short-term. months.

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Causes GAD and Other Disorders
Although the precise cause of GAD is unknown, People with GAD often experience symptoms of
scientific studies show that a combination of other anxiety disorders such as panic disorder,
biological, genetic, cognitive, and environmental agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, selective
factors (stress, negative life events) plays a role mutism, separation anxiety, and specific phobias.
in GAD. Even the stress of positive events, such Frequently, individuals with GAD develop
as buying a new house, starting or looking for a symptoms of depression as well.
new job, school transitions, or getting married, can
trigger symptoms in those who are predisposed to Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and
this disorder. posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are closely
related to anxiety disorders; anxiety is one of the
symptoms. Some people may experience either of
these disorders along with depression and other
related disorders at the same time.

Each disorder has specific symptoms.

For more details, visit the ADAA website

A number of treatment options are scientifically
proven to be effective. There is no single “right”
treatment for GAD. Some treatments work better
for some people, and sometimes a combination of
treatments is most helpful.

Talk to your
primary care
provider about
the various
options on
the next page.
Ask for an
Effects explanation
for why a
When worrying goes on for most days, possibly
particular type
all day, generalized anxiety disorder can disrupt
of treatment is
social activities and interfere with work, school,
family, relationships, and your general sense of
when to Most people who
well-being. GAD is also a risk factor for depression;
consider other seek treatment for
these two disorders frequently occur together.
available options, and GAD see significant
People experiencing GAD often feel that chronic what you must do to improvement and
anxiety has an impact on their relationships with fully participate in your enjoy a better
spouses and significant others and many state that recovery. quality of life.
GAD has a negative effect on their friendships.

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Some evidence-based treatments include Acceptance and Commitment
psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle
Therapy (ACT)
practices. Success of treatment varies; you may
respond to treatment after a few months, while Related to CBT, ACT focuses on learning how to
others may need longer. Treatment may be keep unwanted or negative thoughts or feelings
complicated for those with more than one anxiety from controlling or affecting you so you can focus
disorder or those suffering from co-occurring on being present, behaving in effective ways, and
conditions such as depression or diabetes. This is doing the things that truly matter to you.
why treatment must be tailored to each person.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and
Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness is being able to pay
attention to the present moment
without judging it. It is a powerful
skill for combatting worry and
is often helpful for reducing
anxiety, stress, and depression.

Integrative medicine
combines conventional
and complimentary
alternative medicine
(CAM) treatments
and has shown
evidence of
Psychotherapy effectiveness
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well- and safety.
established, highly effective, short-term yet
lasting treatment that involves learning skills to
help change problematic thinking and behavior
patterns. CBT teaches you how to control your
worry, decrease the impact of anxiety on your life, Medications
and learn new responses to stressful events. While
CBT is not a cure for GAD, many people experience Medications called selective serotonin
noticeable improvement within 12 to 16 weeks. reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin
and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
Relaxation training and (SNRIs) have proven to be effective in the
breathing techniques, treatment of GAD, and they are often
meditation, yoga, and used along with psychological therapies.
exercise may also Also called antidepressants,
become part of your these prescribed
treatment plan. medications should be
taken under the supervision
of a licensed medical health

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GAD in Children and Teens
Lifestyle Factors That Can Help
Anxiety is a normal part of childhood. Every child
Whether you have normal anxiety, and teen goes through phases and will be anxious
GAD, or another anxiety disorder, these some of the time, and like adults, they can suffer
strategies will help you cope: from anxiety disorders.
• Talk to someone: spouse, significant Children with
other, friend, child, or doctor. anxiety disorders
• Start a mindfulness practice: You can experience fear Taking your child to a
use apps like Headspace or Calm. You can and worry that primary care physician
YouTube or Google “Mindful meditation,” persist despite or therapist for anxiety is
or you can simply focus on paying helpful efforts as important as visiting
attention to what you are doing in the of parents the doctor for an ear
moment. and teachers. infection or broken arm.
• Exercise regularly: Go for a walk, jog, do Starting school,
yoga, dance, or just get moving! moving, the loss of a
• Keep a daily journal: parent or grandparent,
Become aware of what being away from their parents,
triggers your anxiety and other stressful events can trigger the onset of
and how you an anxiety disorder. However, an anxiety disorder
respond when you does not necessarily stem from a major event.
feel anxious. Every parent wants to help their child feel less
• Eat a balanced anxious. The best way to help an anxious child
diet, focusing on is by encouraging them to cope rather than
minimally processed avoid. Be supportive! Acknowledge the child’s fear
foods when possible. and express acceptance. Don’t accommodate!
Avoid caffeine, which Accommodation is when parents change their
can trigger anxiety behavior because their child is anxious. Helping a
symptoms. child avoid the things they fear helps in the short-
• Give yourself time for term but maintains anxiety over time.
adequate sleep: Try for
8 hours a night.
• Limit screen time (and stop at least
one hour before bed).

New treatments—medications and

therapies—for anxiety and anxiety-
related disorders are being researched
and tested all the time. Check for updated information.

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Common Signs of GAD in
Anxiety looks different in different children.
Some common signs of GAD can include:
• Frequent repeated questions, especially
ones that start with “What if?”
• Frequent complaints of headaches
and stomachaches
• Irritability
• Meltdowns or tantrums
• Difficulty sleeping or distress at bedtime

Finding the Right Mental Health Provider

Many kinds of health care professionals are
trained to diagnose and treat anxiety disorders:
• Physicians: including psychiatrists, internists,
OB-GYNs, and family practice
• Psychologists
• Social workers Ask about a
• Behavioral health provider’s training
specialists and credentials
before beginning
• Marriage and family
• Nurses and nurse
Helping Anxious Children • Physician assistants

GAD in children and teens is highly treatable. The Clergy and school counselors may also be
same treatment options available for adults have able to help.
been shown to be effective for youth as well.
Other Places to Find a Treatment Provider
In addition, parents can help their children with
GAD by adopting a supportive stance. A supportive • Health insurance provider
stance is one that: • Psychiatry department at a local medical school
• Acknowledges and validates the child’s fear • University psychology department
and anxiety: • Local hospital mental health clinics or staff
» While encouraging them to be brave, psychiatrists
resilient, and cope adaptively • State or local mental health agency
» Without accommodating the anxiety • Counseling services on a local college campus
(meaning don’t change family plans
because of the anxiety)
12 13
ADAA Can Help
Consider the following questions
ADAA serves as a comprehensive resource for
and issues when deciding on a
education about the causes, symptoms, and
mental health professional and
treatments of anxiety, depression, and co-
type of treatment.
occurring disorders. We are here to help you find
Training and credentials. Consider the answers and make the best decisions for your
training of the professional and inquire health care so you can move forward with your life.
about experience or expertise with the
Visit to:
disorder. If the professional is licensed in
your state or a preferred provider for your • Search our Find Your • Learn about clinical
health insurer, make sure they have the Therapist directory trial, or support
appropriate training and experience. • Sign up for Triumph, groups (virtual and
ADAA’s free monthly in your area)
Family involvement. Find out the role e-newsletter • Join ADAA’s free
family members play in treatment. Make English or Spanish
• Learn more about
sure you understand how loved ones are speaking peer to
GAD, other anxiety
involved. peer online support
disorders, depression,
and related conditions, communities
Type and format of treatment. Make
sure you understand the course of including treatment • Read personal stories
treatment, including length, procedures, options (and contribute your
frequency and duration of the sessions, • Read blogs and listen own!) from individuals
and expected length of time any to informative free who have triumphed
medication will be necessary. webinars, podcast over anxiety and
episodes, and videos depression
Cost and insurance. Know your health • Review questions to
• Read self-help books
insurance coverage for mental health and ask your mental
by ADAA professional
ask if your insurance is accepted. Find out if health provider
the fee schedule is on a sliding scale based
on income.

Comfort and confidence. It is important

to feel comfortable with a mental health
professional. Having confidence in the “That’s why I wanted to share my
person is essential for establishing a story with ADAA, because I feel
positive working relationship. that when people are battling
things, sometimes other people’s
Communication. Ask how the mental stories and journeys will give them
health professional will communicate with the willpower and drive to keep
your family doctor. going. ADAA’s website has
helped me to continue to be
strong, and when I feel that I am
starting to spiral downward, I find the power
to pick myself back up and keep going!”
Visit to find qualified – APRIL DAVIS
mental health professionals using the
Personal Story of Triumph
Find Your Therapist directory.

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About ADAA
The Anxiety and Depression Association
of America (ADAA) works to prevent,
treat, and one day cure anxiety
disorders and depression.

ADAA is an international nonprofit

organization dedicated to the prevention,
treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression,
OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders
through the alignment of science,
treatment, and education.

For information visit or contact:

8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 412

Silver Spring, MD 20910

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