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Wednesday,24 April 2024

To :

Human Resource Departemen

PT. Musashi Auto parts

Dear Sir/Madam

In connection with job vacancy information listed on Instagram social media, I saw that PT. Musashi auto
parts is currently opening vacancies to become employees at your company

Therefore, along with this letter, I would like to apply for this position.

Regarding experience, I had practical field work for 6 months at a Yamaha repair shop and an internship
at PT.Metalindo for 3 months. There, I managed to gain various work experiences, and was able to work
in a team.

I am the undersigned

● Name. : Aril Saputra

● place and date of birth : Kuningan,23 November 2005
● last education. : Vocational School PERTIWI KUNINGAN teknik sepeda motor
● Number phone. : 083156964407

Then, for consideration, I have attached several documents submitted for the vacancy.
1. CV
2. Photocopy of Last Diploma
3. Photocopy of Grade Transcript
4. Photocopy of ID card
5. Passport Photo 4A6

This is the application letter that I have written. I really hope that we can continue this recruitment
process. For your attention, sir/madam, I say many thanks.


Aril Saputra

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