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Create and Implement

Requirements ISO / FSMS-
Riyadh, Alyarmouk


Create project management plan for create and
001 CEO Aug 1, 2023 Yasser Abdelbaset
implement ISO/ FSMS 22000:2028

BY Yasser Abdelbaset TITLE QA& Food Safety Manager DATE Aug 1, 2023

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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 PROJECT SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 DELIVERABLES .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) ............................................................................ 5

1.4 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 6

1.5 SCHEDULE BASELINE .............................................................................................................. 7

1.6 MILESTONE LIST........................................................................................................................ 8

1.7 CHANGE MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................. 8

1.8 PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................ 9

2. COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................... 10

3. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................................................................... 11

4. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................................................. 12

4.1 PROJECT STAFF LIST .............................................................................................................. 13

4.2 RESOURCE REQUIREMENT CALENDAR ............................................................................ 14

5. SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT PLAN .................................................................................................... 15

6. QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ....................................................................................................... 16

7. RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................ 17

7.1 RISK LOG ................................................................................................................................... 18

8. COST BASELINE .................................................................................................................................... 19

9. QUALITY BASELINE ............................................................................................................................ 19

10. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 20

11. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES........................................................................................................ 21

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018

Use the project charter to summarize the purpose of the project. Detail goals and objectives.

The purpose of this project is to create and implement a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) in
accordance with the requirements of the ISO 22000:2018 standard across our YASSER Company. The
goal is to systematically manage all aspects of food safety, ensuring that our products are safe for
consumption and meet the highest international standards.

The project's primary objectives are:

Development and Implementation of FSMS: Develop a comprehensive FSMS that aligns with ISO
22000:2018 requirements and implement it across the organization. This includes establishing food
safety policies, setting objectives that align with these policies, planning and implementing processes,
and validating control measures.

Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training to all relevant staff members on the FSMS
and ISO 22000:2018 requirements. This will ensure that all employees understand their roles and
responsibilities in maintaining food safety and are competent to carry out those roles.

Continuous Improvement: Establish mechanisms for continuous improvement of the FSMS. This
includes monitoring and measurement of processes, internal audits, management review, and taking
corrective actions as needed.

Certification: Achieve ISO 22000:2018 certification by successfully passing an audit conducted by a

recognized certification body. This will provide external validation of our commitment to food safety.

In fulfilling these objectives, we aim to enhance our operational efficiency, improve customer
satisfaction, comply with regulatory requirements, and strengthen our market positioning. The successful
completion of this project will mark a significant milestone in our commitment to food safety and
quality, reinforcing our reputation as a trusted provider in the food industry.

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018


Refer to the project charter to define the project scope, or link to the scope of work document. Defining
the limits of scope will aid focus and prevent scope creep. If you are a vendor or contractor, refer to the
statement of work.

• All kitchens and restaurants that are operated by the YASSER company.
• Development of a Food Safety Management System compliant with ISO 22000 standards.
• Training of all staff at all restaurant and kitchen chain locations regarding ISO 22000
standards, based on food safety management system.
• Regular audits to ensure compliance with ISO 22000 across all locations.
• Obtaining ISO 22000 certification for all restaurant and kitchen chain locations.
• Developing and implementing procedures and SOP’s for (operation restaurants and kitchen
process, HR process, MCR SOP, Marketing SOP, Supply chain SOP, maintenance
Procedures, continuous improvement and maintenance of the ISO 22000 standard SOP’s,
Procedures and HACCP system.


Specify the deliverables or outcomes for the project.

• A documented Food Safety Management System compliant with ISO 22000 requirements,
such as FSMS Procedures, Food Safety Management System Procedures:
1. Quality manual File
2. Prerequisites Program Systems (PRP's)
3. PRP's Procedures
4. Forms and Records Template File
5. HACCP Plan and Manual
6. Checklist and Internal Audit System
7. Non-conforming System
8. Meeting Management Review File
9. Training File with PPT File
• Training programs for staff at all levels on ISO 22000 standards and procedures.
• Regular audit reports demonstrating compliance with ISO 22000.
• ISO 22000 certification for all restaurant and kitchen chain locations.

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Discuss how the work breakdown structure will be used to complete the project, and link to the WBS
document and WBS dictionary, which details the work packages or tasks for the project.

This WBS is a high-level overview and can be expanded to include more specific tasks and subtasks.
For example, under "FSMS Development", you might include specific tasks for developing each part
of the FSMS (such as a hazard analysis plan, a control measure plan, a verification plan, etc.).
Similarly, under "Training and Education", you might include tasks for developing different training
modules, scheduling, and conducting training sessions and evaluating training effectiveness.


1. FSMS Development
1.1 Define food safety policy
1.2 Identify food safety hazards and assess risks
1.3 Establish objectives and processes to deliver results
1.4 Develop validation, verification, and improvement processes
1.5 Create documentation and record system.

2. FSMS Create Procedure

3. FSMS Create PRP’s
4. FSMS Create Food Safety Plan
5. FSMS HACCP Manual
6. Training and Education

2.1 Develop training program on FSMS and ISO 22000:2018 requirements

2.2 Conduct training sessions for staff members at all levels
2.3 Evaluate training effectiveness and update program as needed.

7. Implementation of FSMS
3.1 Implement FSMS SOP and procedures in all kitchens and restaurants
3.2 Monitor and measure the effectiveness of FSMS
3.3 Adjust and improve processes as necessary

8. Continuous Improvement
4.1 Develop a system for continuous monitoring and improvement
4.2 Conduct regular internal audits
4.3 Implement corrective actions based on audit results
4.4 Conduct management reviews and make necessary adjustments.
9. Certification
5.1 Prepare for certification audit
5.2 Successfully complete an audit by a recognized certification body
5.3 Obtain ISO 22000:2018 certification for all locations.

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018


Describe how stakeholders were identified and how they will impact and be impacted by the project. If
you use a stakeholder analysis matrix, attach it here.

Identifying and understanding the stakeholders is crucial for the success of the project. Stakeholders,
in this context, are individuals or groups who have an interest in the project, are affected by the
project, or can influence its outcome. Below is a basic analysis of the key stakeholders for the Food
Safety Management System (FSMS) implementation project:

1. Management Team: The management team of YASSER Company has a vested interest in
the success of this project as it directly affects the company's reputation, customer
satisfaction, and regulatory compliance. They are responsible for providing resources and
strategic direction for the project.

2. Employees: All employees, especially those in the kitchens and restaurants, will be directly
affected by the implementation of the FSMS. They will need to be trained on the new system
and will be responsible for adhering to the new policies and procedures.

3. Customers: As the end consumers of the products, customers have a high interest in food
safety. While they do not have direct involvement in the project, the main goal of
implementing FSMS and achieving ISO 22000:2018 certification is to ensure customer
confidence and satisfaction.

4. Regulatory Bodies: Entities such as the local health department and food safety inspectors
are external stakeholders who will verify the company's compliance with food safety
regulations. Achieving ISO 22000:2018 certification will show these bodies that the company
is committed to maintaining high food safety standards.

5. ISO Certification Body: This external organization will conduct the audit for ISO
22000:2018 certification. Their role is crucial in validating the company's adherence to the
ISO standard.

6. Suppliers: Suppliers are a key part of the company's operations. They need to be aware of the
company's food safety policies to ensure the raw materials supplied meet the required safety

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Provide schedule baseline so that you can gauge progress.

Here's a high-level schedule baseline for FSMS project:

1. FSMS Development (August 2023)
1.1 Define food safety policy (August 1-7)
1.2 Identify food safety hazards and assess risks (August 8-14)
1.3 Establish objectives and processes (August 15-21)
1.4 Develop validation, verification, and improvement processes (August 22-28)
1.5 Create documentation and record system (August 29-31)

2. Training and Education (September 2023)

2.1 Develop training program on FSMS and ISO 22000:2018 requirements (September 1-7)
2.2 Conduct training sessions for staff members at all levels (September 8-24)
2.3 Evaluate training effectiveness and update program as needed (September 25-30)

3. Implementation of FSMS (October 2023)

3.1 Implement FSMS in all kitchens and restaurants (October 1-10)
3.2 Monitor and measure the effectiveness of FSMS (October 11-20)
3.3 Adjust and improve processes as necessary (October 21-31)

4. Continuous Improvement (November 2023)

4.1 Develop a system for continuous monitoring and improvement (November 1-7)
4.2 Conduct regular internal audits (November 8-14)
4.3 Implement corrective actions based on audit results (November 15-21)
4.4 Conduct management reviews and make necessary adjustments (November 22-30)

5. Certification (December 2023 - February 2024)

5.1 Prepare for certification audit (December 1-31)
5.2 Successfully complete an audit by a recognized certification body (January 1-31)
5.3 Obtain ISO 22000:2018 certification for all locations (February 1-28)

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018


Summarize the major milestones. Then, list each milestone and its date. Describe how to update any
changes to the schedule and milestones and how to communicate those changes.
Milestone 1 Completion of FSMS Development August 31, 2023
September 30,
Milestone 2 Completion of Training and Education
Full Implementation of FSMS in Kitchens and October 31,
Milestone 3
Restaurants 2023
Establishment of Continuous Improvement November 30,
Milestone 4
System 2023
Preparation for ISO 22000:2018 Certification December 31,
Milestone 5
Audit 2023
January 31,
Milestone 6 Successful Completion of Certification Audit
February 28,
Milestone 7 Obtainment of ISO 22000:2018 Certification


Describe the change control process or link to a separate document. Describe who can submit changes,
who approves changes, and how changes are communicated and tracked. If your organization has a
standing process or a change control board, refer to any existing documentation.

A Change Management Plan guides how changes to the project will be managed and controlled. It is
crucial to ensure that changes are beneficial, consistent, and approved in order to prevent scope creep
and to keep the project on track.

For our FSMS implementation project, we will follow a structured change control process.

Change Submission: Anyone involved in the project can submit a change request, including team
members, stakeholders, suppliers, or even customers. Requests should be in writing and should
include a detailed description of the change, the reasons for the change, the potential impacts on the
project, and any other relevant information.

Change Evaluation: Once a change request is received, it will be reviewed by the project manager
to assess its validity and potential impact on the project. This includes assessing the impact on the
project's scope, schedule, cost, and quality.

Change Approval: If the change is deemed to be substantial and impactful, it will be escalated to the
top management for review. which consists of key stakeholders, will decide whether to approve,
reject, or defer the change based on its potential benefits and drawbacks.

Change Implementation: If a change is approved, the project manager will update the project plan,
schedule, and other relevant documentation. The project team will then implement the change.

Change Tracking and Communication: All changes, regardless of whether they are approved or
rejected, will be tracked in a change log. This log will include information on the change request, the

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018

decision made, and any actions taken. Changes will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders
through regular project updates.

While this process is intended to be comprehensive, it is also designed to be flexible. The nature of
changes can vary significantly, and as such, the process may need to be adapted depending on the
specifics of the change being considered.

Please note that this project will adhere to the organization's standard change management policies
and procedures, where applicable. If there are any conflicts between the project's Change
Management Plan and the organization's policies, the organization's policies will take precedence.


Detail who has the authority to manage project scope, how scope will be measured, and who will approve
the final project.

The project scope management plan is a critical part of our project to implement ISO/FSMS
22000:2018. It outlines how the project's scope will be defined, validated, and controlled.

Scope Management Authority: The Project Manager, who is responsible for overseeing the
implementation of ISO/FSMS 22000:2018, has the authority to manage the project scope. This
includes ensuring that all work completed aligns with the project's aim to meet the ISO/FSMS
22000:2018 standards.

Scope Measurement: The project scope will be measured based on the requirements outlined by
ISO/FSMS 22000:2018. This includes developing an FSMS, training staff, implementing the FSMS,
continuous improvement and obtaining certification. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the
ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 requirements will serve as the key reference points for scope measurement.

Scope Verification and Approval: The Change Control Board (CCB), which includes key
stakeholders, will approve any changes to the project scope. Changes must be reviewed and approved
through the established change management process (see section 1.7, Change Management Plan).

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A communication plan defines who needs information and updates on the project, what information they need, how frequently those people must
be updated, and how they will be updated. A communication management plan is often used in tandem with a stakeholder list. Outline the plan
here or link to a separate document.

Discuss project
Project Meetings progress, issues, and Weekly Meeting minutes Project Manager
Detailed project updates Every 2
Project Reports Email Project status report Project Manager
and changes weeks
High-level project
Executive Updates updates, risks, and Monthly Executive update report Project Manager
major changes
Information about
Training schedule and
Training Communications upcoming training As needed Email/Intranet Training Coordinator
sessions and materials
Information related to
Supplier Communications product changes and As needed Email/Phone Supplier update report Supply Chain Manager
Communication related
Audit schedule and Quality Assurance
Audit Communications to audit schedules and As needed Email/Official letters
documentation Manager
required documentation

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Procurement management can include all resources equipment and supplies. Also, detail whether goods or
services will be purchased or rented.

1. Human Resources:

Key roles include:

• Project Manager: Responsible for overseeing the project, making key decisions, and coordinating
with stakeholders.
• ISO/FSMS Advisor: An external consultant contracted to provide expert advice, create an initial
assessment report, and assist in developing the FSMS in compliance with ISO 22000:2018
• Training Coordinator: Responsible for organizing and conducting training sessions for
• Quality Assurance Manager: Ensures compliance with ISO 22000:2018 standards and prepares
for the certification audit.

2. Non-Human Resources:

The non-human resources required for this project include:

Þ ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 Standard: The organization needs to purchase the latest version of the
ISO 22000:2018 standard. This will serve as the main guideline for developing the FSMS.
Þ FSMS and HACCP Training Materials: These include training materials for FSMS and HACCP
levels 2, 3, and 4. They could be developed in-house or purchased from a reputable provider.
Þ ISO Training Material: Training materials specific to ISO 22000:2018 will also need to be
Þ Audit and Certification Services: The organization will need to contract with an ISO-accredited
body to conduct the certification audit.

3. Resource Procurement:

- Purchasing: The ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 standard and training materials will be purchased
following the organization's purchasing policies. The Project Manager will work with the
procurement department to ensure these resources are acquired in a timely manner.
- Contracting: Contracts will be established with an ISO consultation office for advisory services
and with an ISO-accredited body for audit and certification services. These contracts will be
managed by the Project Manager, in consultation with the legal and procurement teams.

4. Resource Allocation and Management:

Resources will be allocated based on the project schedule and individual task requirements. The Project
Manager will monitor resource usage throughout the project to ensure effective utilization and to prevent
any resource conflicts.

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Project Plan/ Create and Implement Requirements ISO / FSMS-22000:2018


Detail how you will determine staffing needs for the project. Describe necessary skill sets, salary or hourly
rates, and any training requirements, if applicable. When positions are filled, include names, titles, and
contact information.

Human Resources:

Key roles include:

• Project Manager: Responsible for overseeing the project, making key decisions, and coordinating
with stakeholders.
• ISO/FSMS Advisor: An external consultant contracted to provide expert advice, create an initial
assessment report, and assist in developing the FSMS in compliance with ISO 22000:2018
• Training Coordinator: Responsible for organizing and conducting training sessions for
• Quality Assurance Manager: Ensures compliance with ISO 22000:2018 standards and prepares
for the certification audit.

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Yasser Abdelbaset QA &FS Manager

xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx

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A resource calendar details key resources for the project. It describes what resources will be needed when and for how long. Note that not
all resources will necessarily be required for the duration. Complete this calendar or link to an external document.

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Explain methods for developing the schedule and what tools will be used to record and post the schedule and
any changes.

The Schedule Management Plan outlines the process and tools for developing, tracking, and managing
the project schedule for implementing the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 Food Safety Management System

Schedule Development:
The project schedule will be developed using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), taking into
consideration the phases and requirements of ISO 22000:2018 implementation:
• Task Identification: Based on the WBS, project tasks will be identified. This will include tasks
such as acquiring the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 standard, contracting with the ISO consultation
office and ISO-accredited body, developing or procuring the necessary training materials, and
conducting training.
• Task Sequencing: Tasks will be sequenced based on their dependencies and the requirements of
the ISO 22000:2018 standard. For example, the procurement of the ISO standard and contracting
with the consultation office must occur before the assessment report can be created.
• Duration Estimation: The duration of each task will be estimated based on the resources
allocated, the complexity of the task, and the requirements of the ISO 22000:2018 standard.

Schedule Tools:
A variety of tools will be used to manage the project schedule:
• Project Management Software: Software like Microsoft Project, Asana, or Trello will be used
to develop, track, and update the project schedule. These tools facilitate collaboration, allow for
easy tracking of task status, and provide visual representations of the project timeline.
• Gantt Chart: A Gantt chart will be developed using the project management software. This will
provide a visual representation of the project schedule, showing when each task is scheduled to
start and end, the duration of each task, and the dependencies between tasks.
• Change Log: A change log will be maintained to record any changes to the schedule, including
what the change was, why it was made, and the impact on the project schedule.

Schedule Control:
The project schedule will be continuously monitored and controlled throughout the project:
• Regular Reviews: The project schedule will be reviewed regularly, typically at project team
meetings. If tasks are falling behind schedule, the team will identify why this is happening and
develop a plan to get back on track.
• Change Management: If changes to the schedule are necessary, they will undergo a change
management process. This will include evaluating the impact of the change, gaining the
necessary approvals, and updating the project schedule and change log.

This Schedule Management Plan is designed to ensure that the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 project stays on
track and that any deviations from the schedule are promptly addressed. The plan will be reviewed and
updated as needed throughout the project.

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Describe the processes that will ensure the quality of deliverables. Define the quality standards, continuous
improvement processes, quality governance, metrics, and reporting frequency and methods.

The Quality Management Plan outlines the approach towards ensuring the quality of all deliverables and
processes in line with the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 project requirements.

Quality Standards:
The primary quality standard for this project is ISO 22000:2018. All deliverables, including the Food
Safety Management System (FSMS), training materials, and processes, will need to adhere to the
requirements outlined in this standard.

Continuous Improvement Processes:

Continuous improvement is a key part of ISO 22000:2018. The project will incorporate a Plan-Do-
Check-Act (PDCA) process to drive continuous improvement:
• Plan: Identify improvement opportunities and plan for change.
• Do: Implement the change on a small scale.
• Check: Measure the results and analyze whether the change has led to an improvement.
• Act: If the change was successful, implement it on a wider scale and continuously assess your

Quality Governance:
Quality governance will be implemented through the following mechanisms:
• Quality Assurance: The Project Manager and Quality Assurance Manager will be responsible
for ensuring that all project deliverables meet the quality standards set out in ISO 22000:2018.
• Quality Audits: Regular internal audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with ISO
22000:2018 and to identify areas for improvement. The results of these audits will be shared with
the project team and key stakeholders.

Quality Metrics:
Quality metrics will be used to measure the effectiveness of the FSMS and the project's adherence to ISO
22000:2018. These metrics could include:
• Compliance rate with ISO 22000:2018: This measures the extent to which the organization's
FSMS complies with the ISO 22000:2018 standard.
• Number of non-compliance issues identified in audits: This measures the number of instances
where the organization's FSMS does not comply with ISO 22000:2018.
• Employee training completion rate: This measures the percentage of employees who have
completed the necessary ISO/FSMS and HACCP training.

Reporting Frequency and Methods:

Quality reports will be generated on a regular basis (e.g., monthly or quarterly) to provide an update on
the quality metrics and any issues or improvements identified. These reports will be shared with the
project team and key stakeholders.
The Quality Management Plan is designed to ensure that the project deliverables meet the quality
standards set out in ISO 22000:2018, and that a culture of continuous improvement is fostered within the
organization. This plan will be reviewed and updated as needed throughout the project.

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Briefly describe how you plan to identify, analyze, and prioritize project risks. Also, describe the methods
used for tracking risks. Describe contingency plans.

The Risk Management Plan outlines the processes for identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, tracking, and
responding to project risks in the implementation of the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 Food Safety
Management System (FSMS).

Risk Identification:
Risk identification will be a continuous process throughout the project. The project team will use a
variety of methods to identify potential risks, including brainstorming sessions, historical data analysis,
and consultation with experts. Risks could include things like delays in procuring the ISO 22000:2018
standard, resistance to change within the organization, or issues with the ISO-accredited body.

Risk Analysis and Prioritization:

Once risks have been identified, they will be analyzed to determine their potential impact on the project
and their likelihood of occurrence. This analysis will be used to prioritize risks, with high-impact, high-
likelihood risks receiving the most attention.

Risk Tracking:
All identified risks will be recorded in a risk register. The risk register will include details about each
risk, including its description, its potential impact on the project, its likelihood of occurrence, and the
planned response strategy. The risk register will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Risk Response Planning:

For each identified risk, a response strategy will be developed. This could involve avoiding the risk,
mitigating the risk, transferring the risk, or accepting the risk. For example, the risk of delays in
procuring the ISO 22000:2018 standard could be mitigated by starting the procurement process early in
the project.

Contingency Planning:
Contingency plans will be developed for high-impact, high-likelihood risks. These plans will outline the
steps that will be taken if the risk event occurs. For example, if there is a risk that the ISO-accredited
body is not available when needed for the audit, a contingency plan could involve identifying and
reaching out to alternate ISO-accredited bodies.

Risk Management in Line with ISO 22000:2018:

ISO 22000:2018 emphasizes the importance of risk-based thinking. The project will therefore
incorporate risk management not just at the project management level, but also at the operational level in
the development and implementation of the FSMS.

The Risk Management Plan is designed to ensure that potential threats to the successful implementation
of the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 project are identified, analyzed, and addressed in a timely and effective
manner. This plan will be reviewed and updated as needed throughout the project.

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Link to an external risk log or attach a log as an appendix.

The risk log (also known as a risk register) provides a structured way to record and manage project
risks. Here is an example of a risk log for the ISO/FSMS 22000:2018 project:

Risk Risk Mitigation Contingency

Risk Description Likelihood Impact
ID Level Strategy Plan

Delays in Start the

procuring the procurement
R1 Medium High High alternate sources
ISO 22000:2018 process early in
for the standard
standard the project

Implement a
Resistance to management
training and
R2 change within High Medium High process and
the organization engage
to address

Have a list of
Issues with the with the ISO-
alternate ISO-
R3 ISO-accredited Low High Medium accredited body
body and monitor

resource Adjust project
resources for
R4 Medium High High planning and scope or
regular timeline

Seek expert
Non-compliance Regular internal
advice and
with ISO audits and
R5 Low High Medium implement
22000:2018 training for
requirements employees

This risk log provides a comprehensive overview of the potential risks facing the ISO/FSMS
22000:2018 project, along with strategies for mitigating these risks and contingency plans in case the
risks materialize. The risk log will be a living document, updated throughout the project as new risks
emerge and existing risks are managed.

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Detail the cost baseline for the project. This information provides the basis for tracking, reporting, and managing costs. Complete this table or
link to an external document.

Define the quality baseline for the project, which includes any tolerances or standards. Complete this table or link to an external document.

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Attach or link to separate plan documents or other reference documents. Optional.

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Yasser Abdelbaset QA&FS Manager

Name and Title

Signature Date
Yasser Abdelbaset


Name and Title

Signature Date


Project Sponsor Name and Title

Project Sponsor Signature Date

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