Vocabulary Granny 4

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Actions and Expressions

1 Can You Match These Words to Their Definitions?

1 squeeze a towards the inside

2 head b feeling a strong need or desire

3 tell sb off c to ask for something in a serious and emotional way

4 spectacular d to press something firmly between two surfaces

5 set up e to move in a particular direction

6 shuffle f to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely

7 lean over g to prepare or arrange something

8 smear (stain) h right away or immediately

9 glance at i to spread a substance thinly over a surface

10 instantly j to pull something forcefully

11 spit k to cry out or speak suddenly and loudly

12 plead l to forcefully expel saliva from your mouth

13 exclaim m to bend forward at the waist

14 desperate n very impressive or amazing

15 inward o to say sth critical straight in the person´s eyes

16 rush p to look briefly or quickly at something

17 feature q to move quickly and with great speed

18 yank r a characteristic

2 Let's Discuss These Interesting Questions!

1 Have you ever helped to set up a special event for your family? Tell your partner details.
2 What do you usually tell your family members off about?

3 What spectacular program/movie have you seen recently?

4 Do you tend to rush or hurry when spending time with your family? Why?

5 When was the last time you exclaimed? Why?

6 Why would you ever yanked something away from your brother/sister?

7 What features make a class trip enjoyable for you?

8 How do you react when someone desperately needs help in your family?

9 Do you often lean over to see what your partner is writing in their tests?

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