Reflections On The Field Study Areas Observed

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Indeed, teaching is one of the most difficult and noble professions.

And when it
comes to opportunity to grow personally and professionally, I think student teachers
are almost at the peak, because most of us are attending webinars, conferences,
development programs, mentorship, counseling, trainings, and other new practices
that are very essential and helpful, not only inside the classroom but in all aspects of
life. Thus, here are the details that I summarized during my first two months of
deployment; if I put myself in the place of LES teachers, then these are the things that
I would do similarly. First, I will greet my students with a warm, welcoming remark.
Second, I will remind them about the classroom’s rules. Third, I will establish a catchy
icebreaker. Fourth, I will integrate technology-based teaching aids. Fifth, with the same
topic to be taught, I will do something similar to their way of presenting. Lastly, before
the start of the new discussion, I will review the previous lessons so that students'
attention and engagement will increase.
On the other hand, if I were to teach the same lesson to the same group of
students, I would proceed differently. I will start by emphasizing the values of
integration so that students will not only comprehend the subject but also see its
significance in their everyday lives. Second, there will be a small change throughout
the evaluation where it would be preferable if they employed their comprehension and
analysis as a strategy rather than concentrating on their knowledge and mastery
abilities. Third, because every one of my students has a unique learning style and
multiple intelligences to take into account, I will try to be more considerate of their
sentiments. Last but not least, I'll incorporate another exercise with varying degrees of
challenge, excitement, and fun.

On the other hand, when I was in grade school, I dreamed of being part of the
PSU-LES family, although I’m not a fast learner and not as smart as my other
classmates. But now, because of my short attention span and hearing impairment, I've
changed my mind. Given the fact that PSU-LES is located in a place where intermittent
noise and distraction are everywhere, it simply indicates that I am not suitable for this
kind of school environment. Furthermore, I would say that PSU-LES faculties are the
best, and they treat each other like family, and the school itself is free from any
discrimination or bias; rather, it is the home of superstars, geniuses, talented, and
benevolent people.
Thus, my definition of a school campus that fosters learning is one that is free
from outside distractions, gender-neutral, free from bullying, maintains cleanliness,
offers support to one another, fosters a welcoming environment for both students and
parents, has approachable and accommodating staff, is safe from any type of risk, and
lastly, is a campus that adds value to the community.
And for me, a conducive classroom is one that, among other things, has
adequate lighting and ventilation to make sure that every learner is at ease while they
are doing their work. second, unhindered by any kind of outside or internal
disturbance. Third, it has all the tools and supplies necessary to support or assist the
students. Fourth, there are learning areas that the students can use when they have
spare time or when they work on their assignments given by their teachers. Fifth, a
clean atmosphere that will foster an active learning environment Sixth, a risk-free
classroom that ensures safety inside the classroom.
The best way to complete the aforementioned duties, on the other hand, is
through careful and detailed planning. I can optimize the task without any worries or
issues if I plan ahead. And to make sure that my classroom is ready for my dearest
students, I will also want parental and financial aid during PTA meetings, as I will not
be able to do it on my own. In addition, I'll get in touch with my colleague to plan and
build the ideal setup for a classroom that promotes learning. Thus, I think I will be able
to realize my goal of creating a classroom that encourages a positive learning
environment through these.
And of course, after finishing the sessions, I can say that I learned a lot about
how to build a supportive environment for learning that will support an effective
teaching and learning process in the classroom. To get into the details, I've learned
that as a teacher, I must always take into account not only the environment but also
the history, hobbies, and learning preferences of my potential students. However, I
must continuously keep in mind that each of my students is an individual with their
own special talents, cultural backgrounds, requirements, attention spans, and levels
of intelligence. Therefore, in order to address all of these variations, I must make sure
that my themes, strategies, methods, and tactics are all in line.

Moreover, I still vividly remember being one of the pupils in elementary school
who was regarded as a low achiever who had significant difficulties with math. Further,
my math teacher took into account my favored multiple intelligences and provided me
homework every free period. as well as suggesting to my mother that I receive
additional instruction at home. Similar to this, my teacher generally puts me with
students who are doing well in order to provide me with a peer teacher and to
encourage me to finish my assignments and activities. On the other hand, our teacher
assigns extra chores and projects to my classmates who perform significantly better
than the rest of the class in order to keep them occupied throughout class discussions
and group activities. It also enables me to improve my mathematics skills and abilities,
which I attribute to my teacher's efficacy and competence in helping me overcome my
obstacles and providing scaffolding over the years.

Lastly, in the context of packet four, I realized that every single one of my
classmates had agreed to innovate the curriculum I had selected after asking and
conversing with them about it for a while. In this regard, the reasoning I perceive
behind their stances is that one curriculum cannot afford to address numerous
challenges and issues at once, given the current situation and particulars. However, I
might say the same thing if I put my own feet in their shoes. This is so that our
curriculum may be tailored to each learner's needs and interests by being established
at a specific time and place. Our current curriculum may have been impacted during
the past few years, prompting impending innovation. Similar to this, I've found that
improving the sample curriculum innovation I previously stated is the ideal option
because it allows us to talk about its numerous shortcomings and problems without
jeopardizing the learning and safety of our precious students. In order to enhance and
complete all of the holes in our educational system, therefore, PowerPoint
presentation development is crucial.

Additionally, I learned how to properly ensure the validity of tests, quizzes, and
even exams after completing the exercises and learning analysis in this portion of
Learning Packet No. 5. While a teacher or a pre-service teacher like me can ensure
the validity of the test items we're developing and that they are the right amount of
difficulty for the kids by using a table of specifications, smart criteria, and Bloom's
taxonomy, it won't be either too hard or too easy for them to respond. Going deeper
into my personal experience with responding to exams or quizzes that I find
excessively difficult; I can assert that I have dealt with this type of issue. However, with
the proper amount of difficulty to measure their total learning, I recall having to take a
quiz and an exam in elementary school, both of which I felt were pretty challenging.
Furthermore, this experience was made feasible by the fact that our lecturer for that
particular topic was a provincial meet coach. As a result, he was left with nothing to do
but finish duties and journals for about a month. There are numerous test items that
we are unfamiliar with because he has not explained them to us during our
assessment. Additionally, he atones for it by providing a correction assessment and
another round of in-depth conversation. The incident also caused me to doubt my
abilities throughout our exam. I accused and blamed myself for not studying diligently
enough to be familiar with and able to respond to those questions. On the other hand,
I will take the following precautionary measures going forward to ensure that my future
pupils don't experience a similar incident: First, I will fully dedicate myself to teaching.
To make sure I recall the range of subjects we've covered, I'll primarily arrange the
tests and activities I've given them. Finally, in order to make sure that my quizzes and
exams are all valid and that my prior experience doesn't recur, I'll make sure to use a
table of specifications, smart criteria, and Bloom's taxonomy.

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