AQA Language Exam Paper 2

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Paper 2 - 002

Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes (80 Marks)

For this paper, you must have Source A – Fight Back by Julie Read and Source B – Overseer’s
Report on Conditions for the Sick in Huddersfield Workhouse.

Instructions and Information

• Answer all questions.
• Answer the questions in the spaces provided and do all rough work in this book.
• Do not use a dictionary.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for the entire paper is 80.
• Section A is marked out of 40 and Section B is marked out of 40.
• You must make your work as neat and clear as possible and consider the need for good
• Section A assesses reading.
• Section B assesses writing.
• You should spend about 15 minutes reading through the Source and all five of the questions
you have to answer.
• You should make sure you leave time to check your answers.

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

Section A: Reading
Answer all questions in this section.
Suggested Time: This section should take about 45 minutes.

Read source A again from line 1 to 20. Look at the list below and choose four statements
0 1
that are TRUE.
Shade the boxes of the statements you think are TRUE.
[4 marks]

A Read is always in excruciating pain.

B The writer feels that no-one can understand her pain.

C Read also feels isolated.

D Read feels no-one wants to help her.

E Read is upset that she won’t be able to travel for at least two years.

F Books and films were a comfort to Read.

G Food was important to Read.

H Read feels she can’t reach the world she knew.

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

You need to refer to both Source A and Source B for your answer to this question.
0 2
Looking at the sources, write a summary of the differences between health care in the
21st century and in the 19th century.
[8 marks]

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

You now need to refer only to Source B, ‘Overseer’s Report on Conditions for the Sick
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in Huddersfield Workhouse’.
How does the report use language to influence the authorities to take action?
[12 marks]

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

For this question, you will have to look at the whole of Source A as well as Source B.
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Compare attitudes towards illness in both texts.
[16 marks]

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

Section B: Writing
Suggested Time: This section should take about 1 hour.
Write in full sentences and plan your work carefully.
Make sure you leave time to check your work.

‘Everyone has the right to health care, whether they are rich or poor, and it should be
0 5
available free at the point of need in all countries worldwide. Therefore rich, western
countries should fund health care in poorer parts of the world.’
Write your response to this statement in the form of an article for a magazine of
your choice.
(24 marks for content and organisation,
16 marks for technical accuracy)
[40 marks]

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AQA Style Exam Paper 2 002

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