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Biopharmaceutics and

course code(PT809)
Lecture 4
Dr/Aliaa Ismail Adly
Lecturer of Pharmaceutics
Calculation of
elimination rate constant(k)
based on urinary excretion data

 To use the urine data , a fraction of drug must be
excreted unchanged at least 20%.
 Urine data is a mirror image of plasma data
especially for drugs which are excreted
unchanged in urine.
Assuming renal clearance is constant, Du/t is
proportional to plasma drug conc.

Plotting Du/t versus t* is like plotting Cp versus

 The measured urinary excretion rate reflects
the average plasma concentration during the
collection interval.
1-Urinary excretion rate

 In this method the excretion rate of the
drug is assumed to be first order.
d Du / dt = ke DB
where, DB=Amount of drug in the body
Du = Amount of drug excreted in
the urine
ke= excretion rate constant
 Because DB= DB0e –kt,
then dDu / dt = keDB0e -kt
The logarithmic form of this equation yields;

dDu kt 
log dtlog ke DB 

dt 2.303
K= the total elimination rate constant
Ke= the renal excretion rate constant
DB= the initial amount of drug in the body
Du = the amount of drug excreted unchanged in
t* = the mid point time
Difference between t and t*
 t is the time interval for
collection of urine sample.

 t* is the midpoint of collection

Why t* ?
 Because the drug urinary excretion rate
(dDu/dt) cannot be determined
experimentally at any given instant.
 In practice, urine is collected over a
specified time interval, and the urine
specimen is analyzed for drug.
 An average urinary excretion rate is then
calculated for that collection period.
 The average dDu/dt is then plotted against
the average time (t*).

Plotting on a Semilog Paper
Plot dDu/dt versus midpoint time (t*)

int erc

Slope= - k/2.303
dDu / dt

mid point time (t*)

• Note that the slope is a function of the
elimination rate constant k and not of the
urinary excretion rate constant ke.

• In case of rapid iv injection
DB = the dose ,
therefore if DB is known the renal excretion
rate constant can be obtained as
Ke= intercept / Dose
• Because both k and ke can be calculated by
this method, the non renal Knr constant for any
route of elimination other than renal excretion
can be calculated as
Knr =K-Ke

A single IV dose of an antibiotic was given
to a 50-kg woman at a dose level of 20
mg/kg. Urine and blood samples were
removed periodically and assayed for
parent drug. The following data were

Time Du (mg) Du/t Du/t t* (hr)
0.25 160 160/0.25 640 0.125

0.5 140 140/0.25 560 0.375

1.0 200 200/0.5 400 0.750

2.0 250 250/1 250 1.50

4.0 188 188/2 94 3.0

6.0 46 46/2 23 5.0

• A similar graph of the Cp values versus t
should yield a curve with a slope having
the same value as that derived from the
previous curve.
• Note that this method uses the time of
plasma sample collection, not the midpoint
of collection.

2-Sigma-Minus Method
 Also called the Amount of Drug Remaining
to be Excreted Method (ARM).
 It is an alternative method for the calculation
of k from urinary excretion data.
Sigma-Minus Method

Du - Du = Du e-kt

log (Du - Du) = log Du - kt /2.303

•Du is the cumulative amount of drug that is

ultimately excreted unchanged in urine.
•Du is the cumulative amount of drug excreted
unchanged in urine after time (t).
•(Du - Du) is the amount of drug remaining to
be excreted after time(t).
Time Money Cumulative Money
(t) Spending money Remaining
at time (t) spending at time(t)
at time (t)

1 40 40 60

2 30 70 30

3 20 90 10

4 10 100 0

Use these data to calculate k
Time Du Du Du - Du
(hr) (mg) (cumulative)
0.25 160 160 984-160=824
0.5 140 300 984-300=684
1.0 200 500 984-500=484
2.0 250 750 984-750=234
4.0 188 938 984-938=46
6.0 46 984 984-984= 0
Sigma-Minus Plot
On a semilog paper:
D u

Du- Du

Slope= -k/2.303

Unchanged in urine (fe):

Du = (ke/k )( absorbed Dose)

calculation of ke
from Sigma-Minus Plot
On a semilog paper:
Du∞ = (fe * dose)
D u

Du- Du = (ke*dose)/k

Slope= -k/2.303

Sigma-Minus Method versus
plasma data method

NOTE: compare

Cp= Cpo e-kt

Du - Du = Du e-kt

Comparison of the Rate and
the Sigma-Minus Methods
• The sigma-minus method requires knowing the Du∞
and even a single missed urine collection will
invalidate the entire study.
• This method also requires the collection of urine
until urinary drug excretion is complete;
prematurely ending the study early will invalidate
the study.
• Any sample error in the assessment of Du∞
introduces an error in curve fitting.

Problems in Obtaining Valid
Urinary Excretion Data

Certain factors can make it difficult to obtain
valid urinary excretion data. Some of these
factors are as follows:
1- A significant fraction of the unchanged
drug must be excreted in the urine (at least

2- The assay technique must be specific for

the unchanged drug and must not include
interference due to drug metabolites that
have similar chemical structures.

3- Frequent sampling is necessary for a

good curve description. 28
4- Urine samples should be collected
periodically until almost the entire drug is
excreted. In practice, approximately seven
elimination half-lives are needed for 99% of
the drug to be eliminated.

5-Variations in urinary pH and volume may

cause significant variation in urinary
excretion rates.

6-Subjects should be carefully instructed as

to the necessity of giving a complete urine
specimen (i.e, completely emptying the
bladder). 29

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