Marube Proposal

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REG NO: SB62/PU/41365/20

Project proposal in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................6
BACKGROUND INFORMATION...........................................................................................6
PROBLEM STATEMENT.......................................................................................................6
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................7
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................8
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................9
3.1 DATA REQUIRED BY THE SMART OVERTAKING SYSTEM...............................................9
3.2 SYSTEM DESIGN...........................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................................................17
4.1 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................17
4.2 DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................19
5.1 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................19
5.2 RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................19
WORK PLAN………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20

I hereby declare and certify that this project proposal entitled ‘Smart vehicle Overtaking system
with Arduino, Ultrasonic sensor, GSM and a database’ is my original work and has not been
presented before in the award of degree or any other similar titles in any institution.
SIGN: ………………………
DATE: …………………….

This is to certify that the above-entitled proposal is a work carried out by MARTHA MARUBE
in partial fulfillment award of degree in BSC. Telecommunication and IT under School of Pure
And Applied Science.
Supervisor name: ENG. SAMSON UNG’AE
SIGN: ………………………
DATE: ……………………..

I would like to thank the almighty God for giving me wisdom, good health and strength to come
up to this level of my education. My special appreciation goes to my supervisor Mr. Samson
Ung’ae for the professional guidance and advice throughout the period I have been doing this
project. I also extend my sincere gratitude to my family for the support they have given me, both
financially and morally.

There is clear evidence that investment in intelligent transportation system technologies brings
major social and economic benefits. Technological advances in the area of automatic systems in
particular are becoming vital for the reduction of road deaths. I will describe our approach to
automation of one the riskiest autonomous maneuvers involving vehicles overtaking.
The approach is based on the calculation of the oncoming vehicles speed and also the calculation
of the distances of preceding vehicles and their lengths which helps to give the driver proper
advice on whether or not it is safe to overtake. It also advices the driver on what speed to move
with, once they decide to overtake. To this end, a lot of research has been done to improve on the
decision making process for drivers during overtaking. Most of these systems have produced
quite encouraging results. However, some inaccuracies were detected e.g. in determining the
speed of the oncoming vehicle and thus it has become hard to implement the technology. This
project looks at how to improve the accuracy of the overtaking system by installing the sensors
on all vehicles on the road and using a Bluetooth module for communication purposes between
two cars (one being overtaken and the one overtaking).
In this project, I have used an ultrasonic sensor to help measure the distance between cars and
also determine the speed of oncoming cars. The ultrasonic sensor can emit high frequency sound
waves that bounce off nearby cars and return to the sensor. By measuring the time it takes for the
sound waves to return, the sensor can determine the distance between the vehicles and also the
speed of the oncoming cars. A Bluetooth module is used to communicate between the car in
front and the car that wants to overtake. The car that is at the front uses two ultrasonic sensors to
determine the distance of the car that is ahead of it and the speed of the oncoming car. An
Arduino microcontroller in the car is used to analyse the data collected by the sensors and
therefore determine the speed required by the overtaking car to overtake. Once the speed is
determined, the information is sent to the overtaking car through a Bluetooth module. This now
helps the driver to know what speed to use while overtaking.

Safety and efficiency are two ultimate goals pursued by intelligent transportation systems. In
order to prevent accidents caused by human errors and improve traffic efficiency, advanced
driving assistance systems (ADAS) have been proposed and developed in the field of
autonomous driving for more than a decade.
As one of the most challenging driving scenarios, overtaking accounts for a large proportion of
traffic accidents could lead to serious consequences. According to the investigation, about 4-10%
of all traffic accidents occur during overtaking. Therefore, a reliable automated overtaking
system (AOS) is indispensable to avoid overtaking accidents.
The development of advanced driver assistance systems to aid in driving related tasks has a key
role to play in the automotive field. Assistance systems to prevent accidents or to make driving
safer which alert the driver of imminent risks through visual or audible signals have been
included in commercial cars in recent years.
When it comes to overtaking maneuvers like a lane change, reactions of OVs are pivotal for the
decision making of AOS. To describe these reactions, social preferences have been increasingly
considered in ADAS by various research, where the general way is to classify drivers into
several categories according to their driving aggressiveness. Two types were proposed for
drivers, including annoying and cautious drivers. Three styles were assumed, i.e. aggressive,
normal and cautious. However, these classifications are subjective without a data basis. These
classifications, however, influenced how the driver made the decision to overtake.
The major problems that the system looks into solving include:
I. The risks of traditional overtaking maneuvers can be hazardous and inefficient, as drivers must
visually assess the traffic in adjacent lanes and judge the speed of other vehicles.
ii. The issue of Blind spots which make it difficult for drivers to see vehicles in adjacent lanes,
increasing the risk of accidents during lane changes.
iii. The challenge of misjudging the speed of other vehicles during overtaking maneuvers which
increase the risk of accidents.
iv. Inefficient overtaking maneuvers which lead to congestion and delays on roads, particularly
during peak traffic periods.

A Smart overtaking system is a valuable investment in transportation infrastructure due to the
numerous benefits it can provide. The system can enhance road safety by providing drivers with
critical information about traffic in adjacent lanes, such as vehicle speed and distance, to help
prevent accidents. By reducing the time needed for drivers to assess traffic during overtaking
maneuvers, the system can also increase the efficiency of such maneuvers, reducing congestion
and making the roads safer and more accessible for all road users. Moreover, the reduction in
fuel consumption and emissions, resulting from improved traffic flow, can contribute to a cleaner
and more sustainable transportation system.
Smart overtaking systems can also offer significant benefits to drivers. Overtaking maneuvers
can be stressful and challenging, particularly in heavy traffic, and adverse weather conditions.
Smart overtaking systems can provide additional support and assistance during lane changes,
which can increase driver confidence and reduce stress levels. This can lead to improved driver
satisfaction and retention, which can be particularly important for commercial drivers and
companies that rely on a reliable transportation system. Overall, the numerous benefits of a
Smart overtaking system make it a worthwhile investment that can help to create safer, more
efficient, and sustainable transportation infrastructure.
The main objective of this project is to reduce the number of accidents and deaths caused by
reckless overtaking.
i) Increase the safety of overtaking maneuvers by providing drivers with additional information
about the traffic in adjacent lanes, such as the speed and distance of other vehicles.
ii) Reduce the risk of accidents caused by blind spots or misjudging the speed of other vehicles
during overtaking maneuvers.
iii) Improve the efficiency of overtaking manoeuvres by reducing the time required for drivers to
visually assess the traffic in adjacent lanes.
iv) Reduce the need for manual driver input during overtaking manoeuvres by providing
automated lane change functionality when it is safe to do so.

The Smart overtaking system is an innovative solution aimed at improving road safety. Research
has shown that driver behaviour is a major factor in road accidents, especially on highways
where high speeds and fast lane changes increase the risk of accidents. The use of ultrasonic
sensors to detect traffic in adjacent lanes can provide drivers with real-time information about
road conditions, allowing them to make safer and more informed decisions when overtaking.
Several studies have reported on the potential benefits of using ultrasonic sensors in traffic
management systems, including improved traffic flow, and enhanced road safety. One of the key
challenges in developing the Smart overtaking system is to ensure its effectiveness and reliability
under different driving conditions. Several studies have reported on the limitations of ultrasonic
sensors in detecting objects in certain weather conditions, such as fog or heavy rain. To address
this issue, some researchers have proposed the use of complementary sensors, such as radar or
lidar, to improve the accuracy and reliability of the system. Other studies have focused on
developing machine learning algorithms to process the sensor data and provide more accurate
and timely alerts to drivers.
Another important consideration in the development of the Smart overtaking system is the
integration with existing transportation infrastructure and communication systems. Several
studies have reported on the potential benefits of using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle- to-
infrastructure (V2I) communication technologies to improve road safety and reduce congestion.
The Smart overtaking system can be integrated with these communication systems to provide
drivers with real-time information about road conditions and enable them to make safer and more
informed decisions when overtaking. Several studies have reported on the potential benefits of
V2V and V2I communication technologies, including reduced fuel consumption, improved
traffic flow, and enhanced road safety.

With the increased number of accidents caused during miscalculated overtaking, this project
describes how it is possible to adopt a smart overtaking system used by drivers when taking the
decision to overtake.


The following data is required to be collected by the sensors in order to make informed decisions
when overtaking:

i)Length of the car to be overtaken.

The length of the car to be overtaken is an important parameter to consider in the smart
overtaking system. It directly affects the time required to complete an overtaking manoeuvre and
the safety of the driver and passengers.
If the car to be overtaken is too long, it may require more time and distance to complete the
overtaking manoeuvre, which can increase the risk of collisions and accidents. On the other
hand, if the car is too short, it may be easier to overtake, but the driver may underestimate the
time and distance required, leading to unsafe overtaking manoeuvres.
This length is predefined and is saved in the vehicles system since it does not change from time
to time. The length of the car is transferred to the overtaking car through a Bluetooth module.

ii) Distance between the car to be overtaken and the oncoming car
The distance between the car to be overtaken and the oncoming car is a critical parameter in the
smart overtaking system. It determines the safety and feasibility of the overtaking manoeuvre.
If the distance is too short, attempting to overtake can be extremely dangerous, and the system
should prevent such manoeuvres. Conversely, if the distance is too long, it may be safer to
attempt the overtaking manoeuvre, but it may also lead to unnecessary delays and reduced
Therefore, the smart overtaking system needs to accurately measure and analyze the distance
between the car to be overtaken and the oncoming car, taking into account various factors such
as their relative speed, acceleration, and deceleration. This can be achieved using various sensors
and algorithms, enabling the system to determine the optimal timing and path for the overtaking

iii) Speed of the oncoming car

The speed of the oncoming car is a crucial factor to consider in the smart overtaking system. It
directly affects the feasibility and safety of the overtaking manoeuvre. If the oncoming car is
traveling at a high speed, it may not be safe to attempt an overtaking manoeuvre, as it will
require more time and distance to complete the manoeuvre. In such cases, the smart overtaking
system should prevent the driver from attempting the overtaking.
Conversely, if the oncoming car is traveling at a lower speed, the overtaking manoeuvre may be
safer and feasible, and the smart overtaking system can assist the driver in executing the
manoeuvre more efficiently.

iv)Length of the overtaking vehicle

The length of the overtaking vehicle is an important factor to consider in the smart overtaking
system for several reasons.
Firstly, a longer overtaking vehicle will require more time and distance to complete the
overtaking manoeuvre safely. This means that the system will need to account for this increased
distance and adjust the timing and speed of the overtaking vehicle accordingly.
Secondly, the length of the overtaking vehicle can also impact the stability of the vehicle during
the overtaking manoeuvre. A longer vehicle may be more prone to swerving or losing control
during the overtaking process, especially if the road conditions are poor or there are strong

Figure of a typical overtaking manoeuvre


Below are a few formulas used in the analysis of data collected:
i).Time to overtake = (length of the overtaking vehicle + length of the car to be overtaken) /
relative speed of the vehicles
ii) Distance required to overtake (time to overtake x speed of the overtaking vehicle) + buffer

iii) Buffer distance = (reaction time of the driver x speed of the overtaking vehicle) + (perception
time of the driver x speed of the oncoming
iv) Safe overtaking distance = distance required to overtake + length of the overtaking vehicle +
distance between the two cars.
In this project there are multiple sensors that are used to get the different values required for the
success of this project. The sensors used are discussed below:
i)Ultrasonic Sensor
An ultrasonic sensor is a type of sensor that uses sound waves with frequencies above the human
hearing range to detect and measure distances to objects. It works by emitting high frequency
sound waves, which travel through the air until they reach an object. Once the sound waves hit
an object, they bounce back to the sensor. By measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to
return, the sensor can calculate the distance to the object. Ultrasonic sensors are commonly used
in robotics, industrial automation, and automotive applications, such as parking assist systems
and collision avoidance systems. They are also used in medical imaging, where they can be used
to create images of internal organs and tissues. Overall, ultrasonic sensors are an important tool
for measuring distance and detecting objects in a wide range of applications.
In this project, the ultrasonic sensor is an important sensor since it is used to detect and measure
the distances between different vehicles involved when overtaking. It is also used to measure the
speed of the oncoming vehicle by comparing its distance between two intervals of time (in

Ultrasonic Sensor

ii) IR Sensor
An IR sensor is a type of electronic device that can detect and receive infrared signals. In the
context of remote operation, an IR sensor is typically used to receive signals from an IR remote
control, which is used to operate electronic devices. The IR sensor receives the modulated IR
signal from the remote control and then demodulates and decodes the signal to interpret the
command. The sensor is usually placed on the front of the electronic device to receive the signal
from the remote control, and it must have a clear li ne of sight to the remote in order to receive
the signal. IR sensors are widely used for remote operation because they are inexpensive,
reliable, and easy to use, and they are not affected by other electronic signals in the area.
In this project, the IR sensor is used to send the indication of the intent to overtake by the car that
wants to overtake. The driver presses a button that sends Infrared signals to the car at its front.
This signal is received and decoded by the IR sensor of the car at its front. The decoded signal
helps to indicate the intent to overtake and initiates the ultrasonic sensors of the car to start
taking readings.

IR Sensor
The working principal of my project is based on data collection by sensors and the analysis of
that data using appropriate calculations on that data. The collected data is analyzed by a software
program in the Arduino microprocessor. Eventually, feedback is given to the driver on what
speed to use to overtake the car.
The step by step working of this project is:
I .The driver that wants to overtake presses the overtake button on their dashboard. This action
sends IR signals to the car in front so as to indicate the intention to overtake. Also the Bluetooth
modules of the two vehicles connect.

ii. The IR signals sent are the n received by the IR sensor at the back of the car that is being
overtaken. This sensor decodes the signals and sends the decoded data to the Arduino
microcontroller in its system.
iii. Once the Arduino receives the signal of the intent to overtake, it triggers the ultrasonic
sensors to start collecting data to be used in the overtaking process.
iv. The ultrasonic sensor sends signals to the car in front of it so as to determine the distance it is
at. The ultrasonic sensor also sends signals to the oncoming car so as to determine the speed at
which it is approaching at.
v. The collected data is then analyzed in the Arduino microcontroller to give more refined
information to be used in the decision making process.
vi. This information, which includes the speed of the oncoming car, the distance of the car at the
front of the car being overtaken, the speed of the car being overtaken and the length of the car
being overtaken, is then sent back to the overtaking car through a Bluetooth module.
vii. This data is then analyzed in comparison to the speed and length of the overtaking car and
the speed required to overtake is determined and displayed to the driver.

Fig Flowchart of the proposed system.


i. Arduino Mega 2560
The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 processor. It is a
popular choice among hobbyists and professionals alike due to its versatility and capabilities.
With 54 digital input/output pins, 16 analogue inputs, and 4 hardware serial ports, the Mega 2560
can be used for a wide range of projects, from simple LED blinking to complex robotics and
automation. It also has a larger memory and more pins compared to other Arduino boards,
making it suitable for projects that require a large number of sensors or outputs. The board is
compatible with a variety of shields and modules, making it easy to expand its capabilities. In
this project, it was combined with the Bluetooth module.

In this project, the Arduino microcontroller carries the software that is used to initiate actions
such as activating the ultrasonic sensor, initiating the connection between the Bluetooth modules.
It also analyses the collected data to give the appropriate recommendations.

Arduino mega 2560

ii. Bluetooth module
A Bluetooth module for Arduino is a device that enables wireless communication between an
Arduino board and other Bluetooth enabled devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Bluetooth modules come in various types and models, but the most common ones used with
Arduino are the HC 05 and HC 06 modules. These modules use the Serial Port Profile (SPP) to
establish a wireless serial communication link between the Arduino board and the other
Bluetooth device. They are relatively easy to use and can be connected to the Arduino board via
the UART pins. With a Bluetooth module, an Arduino project can be controlled or monitored
wirelessly, which can be particularly useful for remote monitoring, data logging, and mobile
In In this project, the Bluetooth module is used to send data between two vehicles during the
overtaking process. The data collected from the car in front is sent to the car that needs to
overtake via a Bluetooth module. This communication process takes place needs to overtake via
a Bluetooth module. This communication process takes place milliseconds and it is milliseconds
and it is seamless.

Bluetooth module

iii. Ultrasonic sensor
An ultrasonic sensor is a device that emits high frequency sound waves above the human hearing
range and then receives the waves that bounce back from an object. By measuring the time it
takes for the sound waves to return, the sensor can determine the distance to the object.
Ultrasonic sensors are commonly used in robotics, industrial automation, and automotive
applications for distance sensing and object detection. They are also used in medical imaging,
where they can produce images of internal organs and tissues. Overall, ultrasonic sensors provide
non-contact and accurate way of measuring distances and detecting objects, making them a
valuable tool in various fields.
In this project, the ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the distances of the cars and involved and
also to determine the speed of the oncoming car.

iv. IR sensor and IR Transmitter

An IR sensor and IR transmitter are two complementary devices used for wireless
communication between electronic devices. An IR sensor is a device that detects and receives
infrared signals emitted by an IR transmitter. The sensor receives the modulated IR signal and
demodulates and decodes it to interpret the command. IR sensors are commonly used in remote
controls for electronic devices. An IR transmitter, on the other hand, emits modulated IR signals
that can be received by an IR sensor. IR transmitters are commonly used in remote controls and
can be connected to microcontrollers such as Arduino boards to enable wireless communication
between devices. Overall, IR sensors and IR transmitters are widely used for wireless
communication in consumer electronics and microcontroller based projects, providing a simple
and reliable way of transmitting signals over short distances.
In this project, the IR transmitter sends IR signals to the IR sensor that is at the car in front. This
helps the system in the car in front to know that there is a car that wants to overtake. This then
triggers the sensors to start taking readings.

IR Transmitter

Here, I simulated the smart vehicle overtaking system with an ultrasonic sensor, a Bluetooth
module and an Arduino sensor. The ultrasonic sensor was to determine the speed of oncoming
cars while the Bluetooth sensor was connected to an android phone to help simulate the driver’s
intent to overtake.

: Simple circuit diagram of key components.
When the driver’s intention was indicated on the android phone, the ultrasonic sensor measured
the speeds of any on coming vehicles and indicated the speeds on an lcd screen. It also indicated
whether or not it was safe to overtake.
From the experiment the following key observations were made that could help us analyze the
system in a better. The observations were:
i) The response of the system after the driver indicated the intent to overtake.
ii) There was about 95% accuracy of the sensors in detecting the speed and distances of the car.
iii) Whenever there was a blind spot or a sharp corner, the system warned the driver that it was
not safe to overtake.
iv) The system allowed for traffic to flow easily and hence saved on time used on the roads.
v) There was 0.01% error by the drivers while over taking.

This project presents a well-designed method of safe and effective overtaking that helps reduce
the number of accidents on the road.
Adoption of Smart overtaking system has several advantages including:
1. Increased driver safety: The system can help prevent accidents caused by driver error by
providing real time feedback and alerts to the driver.

2. Improved efficiency: The system can help drivers make more efficient use of the road,
allowing for smoother and safer overtaking manoeuvres.
3. Reduced congestion: By facilitating safer overtaking, the system can help reduce congestion
on roads and highways.
4. Lower emissions: A more efficient use of the road can also result in lower emissions and
reduced environmental impact.
5. Better traffic flow: Data collected by the system can be used to analyze traffic patterns and
identify areas where improvements ca n be made to traffic management systems, resulting in
better traffic flow.
6. Increased comfort and convenience: The system can provide drivers with a more comfortable
and convenient driving experience, allowing them to focus on the road and enjoy a smoother
Despite the advantages Smart overtaking system has several disadvantages too including:
1. Cost: Implementing a smart overtaking system could be expensive, requiring significant
investment in sensors, cameras, and other technologies.
2. Technical challenges: Developing a reliable and accurate system could be challenging, as it
would need to function in a range of weather and lighting conditions.
3. User acceptance: The system requires to be installed on all vehicles for it to work
appropriately. Therefore if the system is not enforced by the laws of the country, it might not
work appropriately.
4. Maintenance and repair: The system would need to be regularly maintained and repaired to
ensure it continues to function correctly, adding to ongoing costs.
5. Potential for hacking: Any wireless communication system is vulnerable to hacking or
unauthorized access, potentially compromising the safety and security of the system.


One can clearly note with no doubts that the implementation of the Smart overtaking system will
help reduce the number of deaths caused by miscalculated overtaking on the roads. It will also
make it easier for drivers to overtake on roads without any major risks.
This system will be highly beneficial to the community because:

i) A smart overtaking system can improve driver safety, efficiency, and traffic flow.
ii) It can help prevent accidents caused by driver error and reduce congestion on roads and
iii) Data collected by the system can be used to analyze traffic patterns and identify areas for
iv) It reduces congestion by facilitating safer overtaking, the system can help reduce congestion
on roads and highways.
However, implementation of the system could be costly and challenging, maintenance and user
acceptance may also pose challenges.
In conclusion, while a smart overtaking system has the potential to offer significant benefits,
careful planning and consideration of these factors is necessary to ensure successful
For further improvements on this project I would recommend:
i) Conduct a cost benefit analysis to determine the economic feasibility of implementing a smart
overtaking system.
ii) Perform extensive testing and validation of the system to ensure its accuracy and reliability.
iii) Develop user friendly interfaces and provide training to drivers to ensure they understand
how to use the system effectively.
iv) Develop a maintenance and repair plan to ensure the system is functioning correctly at all
v) Establish appropriate security protocols to prevent unauthorized access and potential
vi) Consider implementing the system on a trial basis before full scale deployment to assess its
effectiveness and identify any areas for improvement.
vii) Work collaboratively with transportation authorities, policymakers, and other stakeholders to
ensure the system is integrated effectively into existing infrastructure and regulations.
viii) Continuously monitor and evaluate the system's performance and make necessary
adjustments to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.
viii) Finally, publicize the benefits of the system to increase public acceptance and encourage
Appendix 1: Work plan

Appendix 2: Budget.
For the completion of his project, certain requirements have to be met. These include;

1. S. Ali, A. Mahmood, R. Asif, and M. S. Akram, "Vehicle to vehicle communication for road
safety: A survey and future directions," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 726 737, 2017.
2. H. Menouar, S. Moussaoui, and F. Didi, "Vehicle to vehicle communication: A
comprehensive survey," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 79, pp. 25 50,

3. Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., & Zhang, H. (2019). "Development and Application of an
Ultrasonic Vehicle Speed Measuring System." Journal of Sensors, 2019.
4. Sopanen, J., & Hämäläinen, M. (2014). "Ultrasonic Speed Measurement in Traffic Flow."
Sensors, 14(8), 15494 15505.


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