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Chapter 1: Write 2 research questions + research objectives for the following

research topic (3pts):

1. A study on the vocabulary learning techniques to enhance reading skills among

freshmen majoring in English at IUH.
Research Questions:
1. What are the techniques to enhance reading skills?
2. What are the freshmen’s attitudes in the methods of learning
Research Objectives:
1. Investigate the techniques to enhance reading skills among freshmen majoring in
English at IUH.
2. A study on the difficulties in essay writing among sophomores majoring in
English at FFL, IUH.
Research Questions:
1. What are the difficulties in essay writing?
Research Objectives:
3. “A study on the effects of Peer Review technique in Enhancing Writing Skills for
English-majored freshmen at IUH”.

Research Questions:
Research Objectives:

Chapter 2: Write 1 indirect in-text citation and 1 direct in-text citation for the
literature chapter based on the following extract, and write references
“When students work cooperatively to assess each other’s writings, they are
given the opportunity to: find real readers for their work, be confident writers and
decision-makers rather than relying passively on teacher’s feedback.” (p.382)

Article title: Effective writing tasks and feedback for the Internet Generation.
Author: Kris Buyse
Journal Name: Language Learning in Higher Education
Year: 2011
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 377-398.

Indirect in-text citation

According to Buyse (2011), students who work together on writing evaluations can
locate genuine readers, become confident writers, and make decisions without relying
exclusively on instructor’s evaluation.
Direct in-text citation
Buyse (2011) stated “When students work cooperatively to assess each other’s
writings, they are given the opportunity to: find real readers for their work, be
confident writers and decision-makers rather than relying passively on teacher’s
feedback.” (p.382)
Buyse, K. (2011). Effective writing tasks and feedback for the Internet Generation.
Language Learning in Higher Education, 1(2), 377-398.
Practice In class (longer writing, more difficult)
EX1: Read the input text on page 187-188 in the textbook: Learning Teaching -
The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching (Jim Scrivener)
Write a review paragraph to show your understanding of the topic: Lexis in the

EX2. Write a review (about 200-250 words) for the literature chapter of the research
topic “A study on the effectiveness of Peer Review technique in Enhancing Writing
Skills for English-majored freshmen at IUH”. The review will be based on the
following results from previous studies. Apply APA style in your in-text citation.

Results from previous studies:

1. Hajeid claims that peer correction would help achieve many goals such as
grammatical and lexical errors. It enables students to recognize content problems
as well as organization, development of ideas, and clarity of writing.
2. According to Topping (2009), “peer review is a formative evaluation tool that
allows students to evaluate their peer’s performance, written products, and results
in production quality improvement.” (p.23)
3. Elboshi presents that teachers employ peer review in order to give their students
the chance to assess and comment on each other’s work.
4. Buyse points out that “when students work cooperatively to assess each other’s
writings, they are given the opportunity to: find real readers for their work, be
confident writers and decision-makers rather than relying passively on teacher’s
feedback.” (p.382)
5. Breuch defines peer review as a response to one another’s writing for the purpose
of improving writing.


Breuch, L.-A. K. (2004). Virtual Peer Review: Teaching and Learning about Writing
in Online Environments. New York: State University of New York Press.

Buyse, K. (2011). Effective writing tasks and feedback for the Internet Generation.
Language Learning in Higher Education, 1(2), 377-398.

Elboshi, A. (2021). Web-Enhanced Peer Feedback in ESL Writing Classrooms - A

Literature Review. English Language Teaching, 14(4).

Hajeid, M. R. (2018). Developing Students Essay Writing. English Language

Teaching, 11(12).

Topping, K. J. (2009). Peer Assessment. Theory into Practice, 48(1), 20-27. Retrieved

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