PsychAssess 13 TableStatistics

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Psychological Assessment

Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)

Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
Terms to Remember:

o Descriptive Statistics – used to summarize, organize, and simplify data

o Inferential Statistics – measurement of the extent to which pairs of related values on 2 variables tend to change together; drawing
conclusions or inferences about population based on samples
▪ Allows to study samples and make generalizations to about the population selected
o Parametric Tests – assumed normal distributions; requires numerical scores for each participants
o Nonparametric Tests – little to no information about the population; participants are just classified into categories
o Independent Groups – sample values selected from one population are not related in any way to sample values selected from the other
o Dependent Groups – provide information about subjects in other groups
o ANOVA – used to evaluate mean differences between two or more treatments (populations)
o T-Test - used to test hypotheses about an unknown population mean and variance
o Chi-Square – measures the relationship between categorical/non-numerical data

Differences/Correlation Level of Data No. of Description

Pearson R Correlation Interval/Ratio 2 o Quantifies a linear relation between two scale
+ variables
Interval/Ratio o Single number is used to describe the direction and
(Continuous) strength of the relation between two variables
Spearman Rho’s Correlation Ordinal + 2 o Measure of the agreement between two rankings
Ordinal o More sensitive to error and discrepancies
(Ranking) o Larger values
o Calculations based on deviations
o Measures consistencyꟷwhen two variables are
consistently related, their ranks are linearly
Kendall’s Coefficient of Correlation Ordinal + 3 or more o Measure of the agreement between two or more
Concordance W Ordinal + rankings
Ordinal o Has smaller gross error sensitivity and smaller
(Ranking) asymptotic variance
o Usually smaller values
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
o Calculations based on concordant and discordant
o An index of interrater reliability of ordinal data
Point-Biserial Coefficient Correlation Nominal 2
Phi or Fourfold Coefficient Correlation Nominal + 2
Rank Biserial Correlation Nominal 2
+ Ordinal
Tetrachoric R Correlation Artificial 2
Dichotomous +

(supposed to
but labelled as
Inferential Statistics
Z-Scores Differences Interval 1-2 o Describe the exact location of any specific sample
mean within distributions of sample means
1. Independent Samples Difference DV: 2 or more 2 o Also known as Independent T-Test, Independent
(Subjects) Measure T-Test, Independent Two-Sample T-Test,
Nominal Unpaired T-Test
o Between-Subjects design
IV: 2 o Compares the means of two independent groups in
(Treatments) order to determine whether there is a statistical
Interval/Ratio evidence that the associated population means
significantly differently
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
Experimental + o Must have equal variances, independent, and
Control normally distributed
o Parametric Test
2. Dependent Samples Difference DV: 1 (Subjects) 1 o Also known as Paired T-Test or Paired-Samples T-
Nominal Test
o Within Subjects
IV: 2 o Compares means of two related groups to
(Treatment) determine whether there is a statistically
Interval/Ratio difference between these means
o Same participants are present in both groups
Before + After o Fewer subjects
o Suited for studying learning, development, or other
changes that takes place over time
o Reduces or eliminates problems caused by
individual differences
o Allow factors other than the treatment effect to
cause a participant’s score to change from one
treatment to next
o E.g., pre-test-post-test
4. Variances
5. 2 Correlation Differences 2 o Used to assess the significance of the difference
Coefficients between two correlation coefficients found in two
independent samples
6. One Sample T-Test Differences Interval/Ratio 1 o Whether the mean of a population is statistically
different from a known or hypothesized value
o Test variable’s mean is compared against a “test
value” which is a known or hypothesized value of
the mean in the population
Regression Equation
Linear Regression of Y on Prediction Interval 2 o Y = a + bX
X o A and B are unknown constants know as intercept
Y – DV and slope of the equation
X - IV o Used to predict the unknown value of variable Y
when value of variable X is known
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
o Y’s coefficient will change if there would be an
increase in X
Linear Regression of X on Prediction Interval 2 o X = c + dY
Y o Used to predict the unknown value of variable X
Y – IV using the known variable Y
X - DV
Coefficient of Determination
1.1 One-Way Within-Groups Differences DV: 1 1 o Compares means of 1-2 independent groups in
ANOVA order to determine whether there is statistical
e.g., female evidence that the associated population means are
significantly different
IV: 1 but more o Analyze data from field studies, experiments, quasi
than 2 levels experiments
(Categorical) o If the grouping variable has two groups, then the
results of one-way ANOVA and independent
e.g., 3pm (High samples T-Test will be EQUIVALENT
Blood o Denoted as F
Pressure or o Within-Subjects, Repeated Measures
Low Blood o Determine whether the differences that are found
Pressure), between treatment conditions are significantly
5pm (High greater that would be expected if there is not
Blood treatment effect
Pressure or
Low Blood
Pressure), 6pm
(High Blood
Pressure or
Low Blood
1.2 One-Way Between- Differences DV: 2 or more 2 or more o Independent Groups, Between-Subjects
Groups ANOVA
E.g., Boys &
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
IV: 1 but more
than 2 levels

e.g., low,
medium, high
2. Two-Way ANOVA Differences DV: 1 or more 1-2 o Hypothesis test that includes two nominal IV,
(Factorial ANOVA) regardless of their numbers of levels and a scale
e.g., Age group dependent variable
(Adolescence, o Mixed ANOVA
Young o Two-factor

IV: 1-2
regardless of
the no. levels

E.g., Therapy
Techniques &
Monthly report
Multivariate Analysis of Differences o More than one dependent variable
Variance o Provides regression analysis and ANOVA for
multiple dependent variables by one or more factor
variables or covariates
Analysis of Covariance Differences o A covariate is included so that statistical findings
reflect effects after a scale variable has been
statistically removed
o Analyzes the differences between three or more
groups while controlling the effects of at least one
continuous covariate
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
Goodness of Fit Differences Categorical o Measure of how well a statistical model fits a set
of observations
o High = values expected based on the model are
close to the observed values
o Allows to draw conclusions about the distribution
of a population based on a sample
o Used when you want to test a hypothesis about
distribution one 1 categorical variable
o Data Binning – converting categorical variable to
continuous by separating variables into intervals
Independence Differences Categorical 2 o non-parametric
o used to determine whether your data are
significantly different from what you expected
o aka Chi-Square test of independence
o based on observed frequencies
Non-Parametric Tests
Median Test Differences Ordinal o used to test whether two (or more) independent
groups differ in central tendency (mean, median,
Fischer’s Sign Test Differences Ordinal o alternative to paired t-test, chi-square
o knowing whether the proportions for one variable
are different among values of other variable
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test Differences Ordinal o when the requirements for t-test for two
independent samples are not satisfied
o Paired T-test
Mann-Whitney (U) Test Differences Ordinal 2 o evaluates the difference between two groups of
(Independent T-Test) scores from an independent-measures design
o Unpaired T-test, Independent T-test
Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Differences Ordinal 2 o evaluates the differences between two groups of
Tests (T) (Paired T- scores from a repeated-measures design
Test/Dependent T-Test)
Kruskal-Wallis H Test Differences Ordinal 3 or more o evaluates differences between three or more
(One-Way Between groups from an independent-measures design
Groups ANOVA)
Friedman Rank (Repeated Differences Ordinal 3 or more o evaluates differences among three or more groups
Measures ANOVA) from a repeated-measures design
Psychological Assessment
Intelligence, Developmental, Aptitude, Achievement Tests (Table)
Source: Cohen & Swerdlik (2018), Kaplan & Saccuzzo (2018), Gravetter & Wallnau (2013)
Spearman Rho (Pearson Ordinal

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