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vocabulary for bridge to terabithiavocabulary for bridge to terabithia

messy1. primly (adverb) precise or proper; formal, neat, trim
page 19 - they were sitting there primly dressed in their spring sunday
order2. pandemonium (noun) a place characterized by uproar and noise,
chaos, mayhem, bedlam, racket
page 13 - so the students of lark creek elementary sat at their desks all
friday, their hearts thumping with anticipation as they listened to the
joyful pandemonium pouring out from the teachers' room. . .
attractive3. repulsive (adjective) disgusting, tending to repel or drive
off; causing extreme, revolting, hideous, gross, vile, foul,
page 23 - that noise is pure repulsive.
sorrow4. consolation (noun) something that consoles or comforts in time
of grief, relief, solace, support
page 29 - jess knew now that he would never be the best runner of the
fourth and fifth grades, and his only consolation was neither would gary
5. regicide (noun) the killing of a king, one who kills a king
page 52 - "hey, girl, you kill the king of terabithia, and you're in
"regicide," she said proudly.
fact6. speculation (noun) a conclusion, opinion or theory reached by
speculating, reflect or meditate on a given subject
page 57 - this year elli and brenda both had boyfriends at the
consolidated high school and the problem of what to give them and what to
expect from them was cause of endless speculation and fights.
7. dregs (noun) the sediment of a liquid, the least desirable portion,
trash, a small amount, residue, remains, silt
page 67 - or maybe it was the time of year - the last dregs of winter
spoiling the taste of everything.
anxious8. complacent (adjective) self satisfied, content, smugness,
unworried, content
page 79 - jess was glad to escape to the shed and the complacent company
of miss bessie.
regularly9. sporadically (adverb) occurring at irregular intervals,
having no pattern or order, not widespread, intermittently, infrequently,
periodically, from time to time, once in a while, occasionally
page 90 - the rain continued sporadically, so that by wednesday the creek
had swollen to the trunk of the crab apple and they were running through
ankle-deep water to make their flight into terabithia.
captured10. liberated (verb) - to set free, to release, enlightened,
freethinking, open-minded
p. 100 - i'm a liberated woman, jess aarons.
nothingness11. consciousness ( state of being conscious, having an
awareness of one's own existence, capable of thought, realization, notice,
page 106 - he was awake, jerked suddenly into consciousness in the black
stillness of the house.
lose12. retrieved (verb) to get back, regain, to put right, to find and
carry back, fetch, recover, repose, salvage, rescue, reclaim, take back
page 115 - he went into the bedroom and felt under the mattress until he
retrieved all his paper and the paints that leslie had given him at
merciless13. piteously (adverb) - pathetic, compassionate, showing sorrow
or grief of the misfortune of another, pitifully, wretchedly, sadly,
page 119 - p. t. was left crying piteously on the other side.

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