Kisi-Kisi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Sem 1

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1. I see many flowers in the garden and _____ one flower that I like the most.

A. There are
B. There is
C. Here
D. Wear

2. I'm hungry. _____ there any apples in your backpack?

A. Is
B. Are
C. You
D. My

3.Dika : Don`t go to my house tonight because I … I`ll go to Semarang with my family

Sita : Okay. I see.
A. won`t be at home
B. will not go anywhere
C. will stay at home
D. will go nowhere

4. You __________ to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle in this country.

A. Should
B. Must
C. Could
D. May

5. She __________ finish her homework before watching TV.

A. Could
B. Will
C. Has to
D. Might

6. Ricky can play the guitar but ….

A. He can play the violin
B. He can play the drum, too
C. He can`t play the angklung
D. He cannot plays the gamelan

7. Which of these sentences is correct?

A. The little child can the stairs go up himself
B. The stairs can go up the little child himself
C. The child can go up the stairs little himself
D. The little child can go up the stairs himself
8. Although my father has a lot of work to do, he ….
A. won`t come to my birthday party
B. will not attend the meeting
C. will come to my school to attend the meeting
D. will work from morning until evening


Dear Fahmi,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five!
You are the best. Congratulations!
Uncle Andre

From the text we know that Fahmi…

A. Get A Medal For The Best Student
B. Is The Best Student At School
C. Graduates From High School
D. Got Five For His Test

Dear Fahmi,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five!
You are the best. Congratulations!
Uncle Andre

“…when your name is called as the best….” The word “your” refers to…..
A. Fahmi
B. Uncle Andre
C. Student
D. Uncle Fahmi

Dear Dori,
Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning
of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college.
Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,

The purpose of the text above is …..

A. To Persuade Someone
B. To Entertain Someone
C. To Congratulate Someone
D. To Invite Someone
Shidqi’s 3rd Birthday!
Thursday, August 29th
At Trumia’s house, from 1 p.m, to 4 p.m
Jl Raya Wonosegoro No 3
RSVP to Almusto (0857276549180

What kind of event is?

A. Wedding Party
B. Anniversary
C. Birthday Party
D. Graduation Party

Shidqi’s 3rd Birthday!
Thursday, August 29th
At Trumia’s house, from 1 p.m, to 4 p.m
Jl Raya Wonosegoro No 3
RSVP to Almusto (0857276549180

Who will have a birthday party?

A. Almusto
B. Trumia
C. No one
D. Shidqi

Shidqi’s 3rd Birthday!
Thursday, August 29th
At Trumia’s house, from 1 p.m, to 4 p.m
Jl Raya Wonosegoro No 3
RSVP to Almusto (0857276549180

How long will the party last? It will last for...

A. Three Hours
B. Four Hours
C. Five Hours
D. Six Hours
. 15. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.

Adit : I think Heru is the nicest student in our class? What do you think?
Jarwo : . . . . He is always helpful
A. I don't think so.
B. I don't agree.
C. Impossible.
D. I think so.

16. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.

Ghania : Shall we have a picnic to Pangandaran beach this weekend?

Aisyah : . . . It will be fun.
A. Oh, I disagree.
B. I'm sorry I can't.
C. That would be great.
D. What a tiring journey.

17. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.

Mr. Mukti : What do you think of our new house, dear?

Ghania : . . . I don't have any place to put my stuff.
A. It is the best place I believe.
B. I think it's too small.
C. It is beautiful I think.
D. I think it is lovely.

18. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Adriano : What do you think of our new classmate, Angga?
Ghania : He is a really . .. student
Adriano : I think so. He makes friends easily. Nearly all of our friends know him well in just a mo
A. shy
B. sociable
C. talkative
D. stubborn

19. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Nunun : You look very happy, Dini. What's happened?
Dini : Guess what? I got a hundred in the last English test.
Nunun : . . . Congratulations on your achievement.
Dini : Thanks.
A. I don't believe it.
B. What happened?
C. That's too bad.
D. Fantastic!
20. Read the dialog and choose the best answer to complete the blank.

Billy : Did you see what the fireman did?

Rafi : Yes. He saved the lady just in time. He climbed the ladder so quickly and jumped into
Billy : Yeah! He is a dedicated person.
A. What a brave man he is!
B. What a careless man!
C. What a poor man!
D. How poor!

21. Students __________ raise their hands before speaking in class.

A. Should
B. Must
C. May
D. Could

22. Complete the following conversation !

Chris : Next Saturday is the grand opening of my new book store. I will make a little
party that night. Do you like to come?
Mike : ...............You’re my best friend. I want to be there to witness your success.

A. Sorry, Maybe Next Time

B. With Pleasure
C. I’m Very Sorry, I Don’t Think I Can Go
D. I’d Love To But

23. Complete the following conversation !

Rodriguez : match with me?
Isabel : That would be very nice.

A. I Would, Thank You

B. Do You Like
C. I’m Sorry But I Can’t
D. Would You See
Dear Dori,
Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning
of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college.
Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,

What has Dori done?

A. Won The Contest
B. Passed The College Entrance Exam
C. Invited Fina To His Celebration Day
D. Graduated From University

25. Dear Dori,

Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning
of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college.
Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,

What is the text about?

A. A Letter From A Teacher
B. A Student Report
C. A Greeting Card
D. An Email

26. We __________ be at the airport by 6.00 AM for our flight.

A. Should
B. Must
C. Can
D. Will

27. You __________ pay your bills on time to avoid late fees.
A. Would
B. Might
C. Have To
D. Could

28. There ______ six eggs in the fridge.

A. Is
B. Are
C. They
D. We
29. 26. There ______ a red car parked in our driveway.
A. Is
B. Are
C. I
D. You

30. 11. You __________ to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle in this country.
A. Should
B. Must
C. Could
D. May

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