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chapters contents Page no.
Chapter :1 Introduction

Chapter :2 Review of literature

Chapter :3 Company profile

Chapter: 4 Data analysis and


Chapter: 5 Summary and

conclusion (finding,
solution and

Objective of study
Scope of study
Analysis tool


Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising,

digital advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and
advertising that uses the Internet to promote products and services to
audiences and platform users. Online advertising includes email
marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing,
many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising),
and mobile advertising. Advertisements are increasingly being delivered
via automated software systems operating across multiple websites,
media services and platforms, known as programmatic advertising.

Like other advertising media, online advertising frequently involves a

publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and an
advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the
publisher's content. Other potential participants include advertising
agencies that help generate and place the ad copy, an ad server which
technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and advertising
affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

In 2016, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed

those of cable television and broadcast television. In 2017, Internet
advertising revenues in the United States total$83.0 billion, a 14%
increase over the $72.50 billion in revenues in 2016. And research
estimates for 2019's online advertising spend put it at $125.2 billion in
the United States, some $54.8 billion higher than the spend on television
($70.4 billion).

Many common online advertising practices are controversial and, as a

result, have become increasingly subject to regulation. Many internet

users also find online advertising disruptive and have increasingly turned
to ad blocking for a variety of reasons. Online ad revenues also may not
adequately replace other publishers' revenue streams. Declining ad
revenue has led some publishers to place their content behind paywalls.
With the advancement of internet, web has become the most preferred
medium for the businesses to promote their brands and services.

Traditional advertising involved putting up hoardings, billboards,

distributing pamphlet hoping that the customers would view them. But
there wasn’t any way to measure the success of the advertisement.

With advertising on the web, one can easily track the success of the
online campaigns and can know how many users have clicked on the

Through Online advertising, we can reach out to the potential customers

and ads will be displayed as per the interest of the users.

Online advertising is a rapidly developing marketing strategy that almost

any company can benefit from when used effectively. Because online
advertising is inclusive, affordable, and simple to manage, many
businesses can apply it to their field and reach a worldwide audience.
Understanding what online advertising entails can help you expand a
company's customer base, increase reach and engagement, and learn
more about the specific preferences of a target audience. In this article,
we answer "What is online advertising?", discuss the different types,
describe its importance, and explore its various benefits.
In the 90s, nobody could have believed that technological advancement
would lead to so many new opportunities. Many fields have tried to avail
these opportunities, and marketing is no different. The process of
obtaining information for purchasing has completely changed for
consumers; there is now so much information online.

Mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, etc., have allowed people to
access information anytime via the Internet. Online advertising has
become an increasingly important tool for companies to market their
products/services on these devices. As a result, companies are
allocating more funds for online advertising


Online advertising helps you to inform, persuade, remind, and educate

target customers about your products or brands. There are many
advertising objectives you can create before launching your campaigns
and it’s important to understand who your customers are, what your
objectives are and which channels you will use.
Here are 9 objectives that will help guide your online advertising tactics.

1.Tell the market about a new product

Online advertising is an important strategy when a new product or brand

is launched, however this should often be after the launch of an online
public relations campaign which includes press releases, blogs, news
sites and other tactics to gain wide media coverage. Advertising before
the launch of an online PR is not advisable because it loses its
newsworthiness and media outlets are unlikely to accept it.
Some online channels to use to announce your new product are display
ads on networks like the Google Display Network (GDN), Search
advertising, organic search, email marketing and others.

2. Explain how a product works

Advertising can help to explain the uses of a product and in what setting
it is to be used. It’s often easier with video advertising which can include

animation, motion, text, graphics and many other elements. It is also
effective at showing the product in use and even talking heads are great
for explaining how it works.

3. Reduce buyer fear

Video advertising is also helpful here after a purchase to reduce fear that
the customer has bought the wrong product and to explain how they can
use it. Buyer remorse is a major problem especially for high-ticket items
that require a high financial outlay, so it’s important to allay their fears
and convince them that they have made the right purchase.

4.Build company image

Many online channels are effective at building a company’s image but

social media is one of the best and using advertising tools on sites like
Facebook you can reach out to new, existing and non-existent
customers. This is about raising brand awareness and reinforcing the
company’s image at all touchpoints with the target market. Social media
is helpful because the company can interact with followers and build a
relationship outside of its own portals.

5.Build brand preference

There are many brands in the online space that are vying for customers’
attention and it’s important to highlight brand attributes and values and
create a competitive advantage for your brand. Using advertising
vehicles like PPC advertising, display advertising, social media paid
advertising and others, your brand can promote its unique online value

proposition and increase click through rate, conversions and brand

6. Inform market of an offer

If you have a sales promotion and want to inform the market through
online advertising, you can use text and display ads on search and
display platforms. you can include a money-off offer, a coupon or
voucher, category discount and many others and these are effective at
boosting CTRs for ads and also conversions.

7. Encourage switching to your brand

Comparative advertising is common online especially on PPC platforms

like Google. So, you can bid on competitor brand names and then
display ads that highlight your unique offers and how your products have
a competitive advantage. Of course, many competitors will be doing the
same so it’s important that you bid on your own brand names too.

8. Maintain top of mind awareness

Remarketing is an online advertising vehicle that works well for a wide

range of brands and companies that want to raise brand awareness,
increase sales or leads, increase brand recall and be top of mind.
Google, Analytics and Facebook provide remarketing features and
resources to target people that are aware of your brand and then bring
them back to your website and purchase from your business.

9. Remind buyer of the product or brand

This marketing objective is similar to top of mine awareness and using
remarketing and pay per click advertising, it is possible to effectively
remind target customers of your products or brands. The benefit is that it
is affordable and you only pay for clicks to your website, unlike traditional
advertising vehicles where you pay even if there is no customer
interaction or response.


 Display advertising

An example of display advertising featuring geotargeting

Display advertising conveys its advertising message visually using text,
logos, animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Display
advertising is ubiquitous across online systems including websites,
search engines, social media platforms, mobile applications and email.
Google and Facebook dominate online display advertising, which has
become highly concentrated market, with estimates that they were
responsible for 70% of overall US digital advertising revenue in 2016.
The goal of display advertising is to obtain more traffic, clicks, or
popularity for the advertising brand or organization. Display advertisers
frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads' effect.

 Web banner advertising

Web banners or banner ads typically are graphical ads displayed within
a web page. Many banner ads are delivered by a central ad server.

 Banner ads can use rich media to incorporate video, audio,
animations, buttons, forms, or other interactive elements using Java
applets, HTML5, Adobe Flash, and other programs. Frame ads were
the first form of web banners.[23] The colloquial usage of "banner
ads" often refers to traditional frame ads. Website publishers
incorporate frame ads by setting aside a particular space on the web
page. The Interactive Advertising Bureau's Ad Unit Guidelines
proposes standardized pixel dimensions for ad units.[34]

 Pop-ups/pop-under: A pop-up ad is displayed in a new web

browser window that opens above a website visitor's initial browser
window.[35] A pop-under ad opens a new browser window under a
website visitor's initial browser window.[30]: 22 Pop-under ads and
similar technologies are now advised against by online authorities
such as Google, who state that they "do not condone this practice".

 Floating ad: A floating ad, or overlay ad, is a type of rich media

advertisement that appears superimposed over the requested
website's content. Floating ads may disappear or become less
obtrusive after a pre-set time period.

 Expanding ad: An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that

changes dimensions upon a predefined condition, such as a preset
amount of time a visitor spends on a webpage, the user's click on the
ad, or the user's mouse movement over the ad. [37] Expanding ads
allow advertisers to fit more information into a restricted ad space.

 Trick banners: A trick banner is a banner ad where the ad copy

imitates some screen element users commonly encounter, such as an
operating system message or popular application message, to induce

ad clicks.[38] Trick banners typically do not mention the advertiser in
the initial ad, and thus they are a form of bait-and-switch.[39][40] Trick
banners commonly attract a higher-than-average click-through rate,
but tricked users may resent the advertiser for deceiving them.[41]

 News Feed Ads

"News Feed Ads", also called "Sponsored Stories", "Boosted Posts",

typically exist on social media platforms that offer a steady stream of
information updates ("news feed"[42]) in regulated formats (i.e. in similar
sized small boxes with a uniform style). Those advertisements are
intertwined with non-promoted news that the users are reading through.
Those advertisements can be of any content, such as promoting a
website, a fan page, an app, or a product.

Some examples are: Facebook's "Sponsored Stories",[43] LinkedIn's

"Sponsored Updates",[44] and Twitter's "Promoted Tweets".[45]

This display ads format falls into its own category because unlike banner
ads which are quite distinguishable, News Feed Ads' format blends well
into non-paid news updates. This format of online advertisement yields
much higher click-through rates than traditional display ads.


1.Cost Efficiency

One of the largest benefits of online advertising is that it is much more
affordable compared with other traditional adverting methods.

Even on a shoestring budget, business owners can access a fairly wide

audience and stretch their marketing dollars further.

Google estimates that for every $1 you spend on Google Ads, you’ll earn
back $2 in revenue. That’s a 200% ROI – not something to be sniffed at.

2. Targeted Campaigns

Traditional media such as flyers, television, billboards and direct mail

offer no way to hone in on your target market.

Your budget is spent on showering your ad over as many people as

possible, in the hope a few will see your message and act. Online
advertising gives us much more control.

Websites such as Facebook and Google can tell us who to target, based
on their profiles and search history. This allows us to target key
messages specifically to those people who are most likely to purchase.

3. Global Reach

If you have your eyes on overseas markets or are launching an

international e-commerce business, online advertising is a must.

Put your brand before millions of overseas customers without the

overheads of establishing international offices. Leverage the existing

global reach of platforms like Google and Facebook to tell customers all
over the world that you are open and ready for business.

4. Measurable Performance

Online marketing is also a lot easier to measure and quantify.

Online analytics tools can help show what’s working for you and what’s
not, allowing further targeting of your marketing spend.

They can also provide priceless data on what your ideal customer looks
like ‐ allowing you to further target your advertising to your most lucrative
audiences. Few other avenues allow you to continually hone and perfect
your marketing strategy.

5. Instant Feedback & Trust

The internet, in particular social media websites such as Facebook,

helps people connect with their friends and family all over the world. It
can also help you contact your audience via many different platforms.

Beyond paid advertising, organic engagement like replying to comments

on your Facebook page, tweeting about your products or industry, and
delivering great customer service via digital channels are all ways to
make people feel good about your company.

Great customer service is one of the most powerful advertising methods,

and the internet is a very powerful tool to help your business achieve this
within every interaction.

6. Timely Delivery

While traditional paid advertising such as KB TVCs and print media can
have long lead times, digital advertising can be set live immediately.
There’s less capital required to launch online advertising both in terms of
money and time.

This can be the difference between being seen as a relevant, connected

brand and being simply out of the loop. Publish email direct marketing
and social campaigns that relate directly to current events in a matter of
hours (or less, if your creative time is quick enough!).

For example, in the wake of COVID-19, the importance of quick adaptive

communication has proven itself. Customers want to know your
availability and if their service is affected at all, and online advertising is
the quickest, most efficient way to make that happen.

7. Keep Your Customer Relationships Going

Every customer is valuable. Digital marketing automation makes it

possible to stay in touch with these valued customers long after they’ve
made a purchase.

Customers can be automatically sorted into relevant mailing lists,

directed into retargeting audiences and enticed to convert time and time


 Customers Ignore Ads

Consumers are so used to seeing advertising on television, hearing
radio commercials and flipping through advertisements in magazines,
they've developed an aversion to all forms of advertising. This is also the
case with online advertising, where consumers can avoid clicking banner
advertisements, bypass ads in online videos they watch and close pop-
up advertisements as soon as they come up on their screens.
Customers are in control of which advertising messages they want to
click and respond to.

 Technical Viewing Problems

Website downtime, lags in website or video loading and browser
complications can reduce the number of times consumers see online
advertisements and how well they see them. When technical issues
occur, companies lose the opportunity to broadcast advertisements for
their products and services and may lose potential sales. Viewing
problems can occur because of problems with a website or if a
consumer is using a smart phone or other mobile device to view a
website, has a slow connection speed or does not have the correct
applications and programs installed on his computers for proper viewing.

 Expensive Ad Prices
Pricing for advertising online can range from inexpensive – $20-a-month
placements on local parenting blogs – to thousands of dollars on popular
sites such as the New York Times. The cost for banner, text and video
ads varies depending on the amount of traffic and the type of readership
a website or blog receives. Online advertising through pay-per-click

campaigns and social media sites can also wreak havoc on a company's
marketing budget, potentially yielding little to no return on investment.

 Consumers Get Distracted

When customers visit a website, they typically have a goal in mind,
whether it's to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip, read the news,
chat with friends, download music or shop for a specific item. Websites
present customers with various options that can easily distract them and
pull their attention from your online advertisements.
 Too Many Options
The Internet offers a wide range of websites on which companies can
place advertisements. This can be overwhelming, especially for small
business owners. With so many options, it's difficult to narrow down the
choices to the websites that will attract the most potential customers and

Once a company selects a website, it is then presented with a variety of

ways it can advertise its products or services on the site, such as
through banner advertisements, video marketing or by sponsoring a
post. Companies have to determine which type of advertisement yields
the best response from their target markets.


 To find out awareness of advertisement in the consumer point of view.
 To study the influence of advertisement in purchases of goods.
 To figure out which way of advertisement is more effective in online.
 To study the possibilities of advertisement in online.

This study entitled as “effectiveness of online advertising “will help you to
understand effectiveness in online adverting and also influence of online
advertising in purchases of goods and figure out in making decision in
effective way.

The data collected has been tabulated and analysed using simple
percentage method. the tabulated result is represented in the form of bar
and oil chats. It’s a data visualized tool.


Review of literature


Longman (2000) says “advertising is an act of telling people publicly

about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it. Alonge
(2001) feels that advertising can be defined as any paid form of non-
personal communication which is directed to the consumers or target
audiences through various media in order to prevent and promote
product, services and idea. Gillian (1982) views it as
“Means of drawing someone’s attention to something or notifying or
informing somebody of something”.

Uplinger (1996) says “advertising is the non

-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually
persuasive in nature, about product, services or ideas by an identified
sponsor through the various
media. So much for academic double talk. Let’s take this statement
apart and see what it means. Young (2005) stated that in an effort to
improve managing and gain audience attention, advertisers create
branding moment that will resonate with target markets, and motivate
audiences to purchase the advertised product or service, advertisers
copy test their advertisement before releasing them to the public
Newhaven and Rafaeli (1996) define interactivity
y as “a
communication that reflects back on itself, feeds on, and responds to
the past”. Therefore, in the authors‟ research, interactivity is defined
as the communication between consumers and advertisers, for
example, advertiser affect consumer’s habit a
Nd behaviours, while
consumer also affect advertiser’s management.

Combed and Snyder-

Duch (2001) also observed that “the internet

and other interactive technologies made it possible to create ads that are
more targeted, but more personal, in which advertising is an
experience in which the consumers participate and is engaged.
“Rodgers and Thorson (2000) also remarked that “what we already know
about tradition advertising is relevant to internet advertising…
the additional complexities of interactivity and greater proximity to reality
available via the web, additional specifications of function and
structure is necessary.”
Li, Daughterty and Bicocca (2002) were of
the view that “rich media advertising is different from conventional
banner ads, in that it generally incorporates high impact sound with
video and is often more interactive.”
Duco fee, (1996) writes that web advertisement consists of impersonal
commercial content paid by sponsors, designed for audiences, delivered
by video, print and audio. According Tod coffee, this comes in inform of
corporate logos, banners, pop-up message, email messages and text -
based hyperlink to official websites.

Effectiveness Online ads:

Doole and Lowe, 2008 defines “the online advertisements also one of
the marketing c
communication tools. Lapidge & Steiner, 1961 “When
it comes to the effects of advertising; they are considered to be an
investment in a long-term process”. According to Robinson et al.

(2007), online advertising has grown significantly since its beginning

in 1994. From the article of E-Marketer. Stewart & Pavlou, 2002;

“However, with the advent of the Internet, a new type of interactive
medium appears. Still applying traditional approach to measure the
effectiveness of interactive medium--- online advertising may incomplete.
Tyagi and Kumar (2004) state, there are several major steps in
developing effective on-line ads, which includes: “(1) identify the
target audience; (2) determine the communication objectives; (3) design
the message; (4) select communication channels; (5) develop the total
promotion budget; (6) decide on the promotion mix; (7)
measure the promotion’s results; and (8) manage and coordinate the
total marketing communication process” (Tyagi &Kumar, 2004, p.74)
Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO, IAB (2012); says
has steadily increased its ability to captivate consumers and then
capture the marketing dollars that follow. Mobile advertising’s
breakneck growth is evidence that marketers are recognizing the
tremendous power of smaller screens. Digital video is also on a positive
trajectory, delivering avid viewership and strong brand-
building opportunities.”
Buzin-Avery et al. (1998) explains the about the effectinecommunication
promotional tools like online ads can be measure into ways that can be
the effectiveness of the interactive media. One of them is the influence of
the media which indicates that whether consumers are positive in affect,
preferences, and purchase intensions (Buzin-Avery teal, 1998

Patsi Oura et al. (2

009) defines in his article that states “how to design
effective online ads to fully utilize the advantages of the online medium
(ibid). Meanwhile, have formulated an advertising
effectiveness model for corporate advertising web sites.” Online
advertising can be one-to-many or many-to-many model. Compare with
traditional advertising (Anouchka & Anja, 2004). online advertising has
the ability to target specific audience, along with the least waste
coverage (Belch & Belch, 1998) Thierry Limousin Digital Director,
Samsung says about advertisements as
“Advertisers are aware of the large number of
resources available to them for measuring the effectiveness of online
advertising. It is up to each one of them to select the most useful
indicators for their interactive strategy and develop an online culture
within their environment.”
Matthieu Couturier Media Director, Leclerc, explains in his lecture said
“Increases in online budgets must be based on appropriate
performance measures, in order to justify and optimise digital
Julien Guiraud Digital Marketing, Manager, of Coca-Cola defines that
“We have a wide range of online resources available (search,
display, social networks, brand websites, media partnerships, etc.) which
we use in different ways depending on the objectives of our brand
campaigns. For each one, we use specific measurement indicators and
assess the final contribution made by online resources to the
effectiveness of our brand strategy.”

Company profile

Company Profile

Taking Marketing & Branding to the Next Level

A prolific combination of Advertising and New Media, Sepia Advertising

is credited to be the best digital marketing company in Noida. We have
become a trusted name in branding and business promotion with special
focus on Online Marketing services. The company delivers high-end
marketing and business branding services online as well as offline
ensuring promising results every time.
Now, you can perfectly focus on your business as all technical and new
age media requirements are taken care of by us. We offer customised
and integrated solutions taking a unique approach for all our clients,
whether it's an individual, a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) or a
Multinational Corporation. We particularly aim to provide the best
possible advertising solutions best suited to one and all.
We have already created buzz in the advertising world by executing a
number of innovative and highly creative works across Delhi & NCR.
Now, through Sepia Advertising our digital advertising services are
involving a range of streams starting from real estate, e-commerce,
education, financial services, retail to travel and many more in the offing.

Our Team
Mr. Rajesh Goyal
Founder and MOur Team
Mr. Rajesh Goyal

Founder and Managing Director of Sepia Advertising, has
been the mentor of High Street.

He is a gracious Team

Mr. Rajesh Goyal

Founder and Managing Director of Sepia Advertising, has been the
mentor of High Street. He is a gracing epitome of creative and
entrepreneurial skill that percolates to the entire team of professionals.
In addition, his quintessential marketing and advertising strategies
always lead clients to break the stereotype and make a distinct identity
in the market.

Mr. Shailesh Goyal

Founder and Director of Sepia Advertising, has been another guiding

force behind the success of High Street. His expertise in creative
advertising and business promotion plays a vital role in taking clients'
businesses to new heights. Mr. Goyal possesses a rich experience of
branding and advertising on both the online and offline platforms that
makes Sepia Advertising a high performing organisation

Mr. Shailesh Goyal

Founder and Director of Sepia Advertising, has been another guiding
force behind the success of High Street. His expertise in creative
advertising and business promotion plays a vital role in taking clients'
businesses to new heights. Mr. Goyal possesses a rich experience of
branding and advertising on both the online and offline platforms that
makes Sepia Advertising a high performing organisation.

 Deliver result-oriented, creative, communicative advertising and

branding strategies and solutions to add distinctive value to the
 Transform strategy, creativity and market research analytics into
brilliant ideas that sell our clients product
 We seek to partner our clients.
 Become the most sought-after advertising and branding agency
across the nation with high creativity, performance and customer

 Full-Service Management. We pride ourselves on
transparency. With our detailed processes and expert project
management, you will always know the status and progress of your
email marketing campaigns.
 Comprehensive Strategy & Continuous
Innovation. Our data-driven strategies revolve around identifying
your audience, building and auditing your email marketing lists, and
meticulously creating cohesive campaigns that drive email open
 Experienced In-House Content & Design
Teams. Besides being aware, our team deeply understands the
unique intricacies of email marketing, delivering optimal content and
impressive visuals.
 Various Industries. We work with 150+ clients across a wide
range of industries, providing best-in-class solutions for all our clients.
 Advanced Deliverability Monitoring &
Resolution. We focus on implementing our tired-and-true best
practices, ensuring your emails skip the junk folder and go straight to
your audience's inbox.
 doing, Testing & Deployment. Consistent monitoring of
KPIs helps us know when to pivot and try a new strategy.
 Analysis & Optimization Opportunities. As a team that
relies on metrics to inform our decisions, we track items including
opens, clicks, bounces, conversions and more.

 Experienced Staff. With more than a decade of focused
experience in email marketing, consistently leading the industry and
 utilizing various certifications to offer you a comprehensive array of


Data analysis

Female 98 77.8%
Male 26 20.6%
others 2 1.6%

From the above table it has been analysed
that number of responses among the effectiveness of online
advertising 77.8%of female are more responded compare to
male 20.6%are responded and others 1.6%.

Below 20 23 18.4%
20-25 58 46.4%
25-30 21 16.8%
30 above 23 18.4%

From the above table the age between 20-25 are
responding more 46.4% about the online advertising comparing to
the age groups of below 20 and above 25 are less of using online

Student 77 61.1%
Self employed 5 4%
Employee 33 26.2%
Others 11 8.7%

From the above table it shows that the
students are responded 61.1%, Employee are responded 26.2%
and remaining self-employed and others are responded less about
online advertising.

4.Are you aware of online advertisements?
Yes 99 79.2%
No 15 12%
May be 11 8.8%

From the above table the 79.2% of more
people are aware of using online advertising and 12% are not aware
of online advertising and 8.8% of people may be aware of online

5.How many hours do you spend on browsing?
One hour 42 33.1%
Half an hour 47 37%
More than one 38 29.9%

From the above table 37 % of people
using more than half an hour on browsing, 33.1 % are spent one
hour and more than one hour are 29.9 % spent on browsing.

6.Do you check the online ads while browsing?
Yes 75 60%
No 50 40%

From the above table people are
responded 60 % on checking of online advertising and 40 % are
not responded while browsing the online advertising.

7.Ads related to which product are you intended in
Entertainment 49 31.6%
Financial loans 12 7.7%
Academic 14 9%
Jobs 34 21.9%
Others 46 29.7%

From the above table people are more
intended to purchasing 31.6% on Entertainment, financial loans 7.7
%, academic 9 %, jobs 21.9 % and others 29.7 %.

8.which sites consist of more ads?
Yahoo 8 5.8%
Instagram 55 39.6%
Facebook 20 14.4%
Others 56 40.4%

From the above table people are more
interested of visiting the sites are 5.8 % in yahoo ,39.6 % in Instagram,
14.4 % in Facebook, and remaining 40.4 % on others are visiting the

9.Have you ever purchased online?
Yes 109 87.2%
No 16 12.8%

From the above table 87.2% of people are purchased
from online and 12.8% of people are not purchased yet.

Pop-up 26 18.2%
One which is 19 13.3%
One that runs on 19 13.3%
the top/bottom of
the screen
Banner ads 29 20.3%
Others 50 35%

10.What kind of ads do you like to see?

From the above table we can conclude that 35% of
people are interested to watch others ads and rest of them are 20.3%
banners ads,18.2%pop-up ads, 13.3% are interested of people are like
to watch both ads one which is questionary and one that runs on the
top/bottom of the screen.

11.Do you have trust on online ads?
Yes 37 29.4%
No 49 38.9%
Neither yes or no 40 31.7%

By seeing these responses, we can
conclude that 38.9% people are not having trust on online ads. 29.4% of
people are having trust on online ads. And 31.7% of people neither yes
or no on online ads.

12.Have you made any purchases after seeing these
online ads?
Yes 64 50.4%
No 46 36.2%
Neither yes or 17 13.4%

From the above responses we can conclude
that a greater number of people are purchase after seeing these online
ads.50.4% has responded yes and 36.2%are not purchased and 13.4%
people are responded neither yes or no.

13.Do you think online ads are really helpful to you?
Yes 56 43.8%
No 20 15.6%
Neither yes or 52 40.6%

From the above responses we can conclude that a
greater number of people think online ads are really helpful to
them.43.8% has responded yes and 15.6% people think it’s not helpful
and 40.6% people are responded neither yes or no.

14.Which media ads do you think is reliable?
T. V 46 29.9%
Instore 4 2.6%
Outdoor 6 3.9%
Internet 28 18.2%
Mobile 53 34.4%
Others 17 11%

With the help of these responses, we can
conclude that
34.4%people response that mobile is reliable for media ads. And rest of
them are 29.9%for t.v,2.6% for instore,3.9% for outdoor,18.2%for
internet and 11% for people are interested to watch ads in other sites.

15.While ordering any product through online ads
which type of payment mode you prefer?
Cash on delivery 93 67.4%
UPI payments 27 19.6%
Debit 3 2.2%
Credit 4 2.9%
EMI 5 3.6%
Others 6 4.3%

From the above table we can conclude that greater
number of people are prefer mode of payment is cash on delivery with
67.4% people are responded. And rest of them are19.6% for UPI

payments,2.2% for debit,2.9%for credit ,3.6% for EMI and 4.3% for
others payments options they prefer.

Summary and conclusion


This study is an attempt to find out the effectiveness of online

advertisement is preference of people in purchase of goods and
services through website. With online advertising, we have control
and flexibility over how much people spend, when and where ads
appear. if strategy changes people can quickly and easily increase
and decrease over ads spend react to new trends and opportunities.
The online offers company targeting well educated
innovative affluent males or student great potential for success as
there segments are highly represented. products with high
information intensity and high buyer involvement are also appropriate
for online promotion due to its large information captivity at low cost.
its distribution opportunity is especially suitable for the increasing
channel of mail order products.
Traditional advertising is consumed passively and
online implementation required understanding commitment resource
allocation for corporation management operate successfully. The
marketing department should be responsible in conjunction with
advice with from competent advertising agency for online strategy
development and implementation.


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