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MATRIC NO: 2022410009









This is to certify that this research work was carried out by ALARAPE SULIYAT
TEMILADE with Matriculation Number 2022410009 in the department of Marketing
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of National Diploma (ND) in

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Project Supervisor

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Head of Department

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This project is dedicated to the Almighty GOD and my lovely parents Mr. and Mrs.
ALARAPE for their parental role and support towards a successful completion of this
project and my programme as whole. I pray the Almighty God will give you the grace to reap
the fruits of your labour. (Amen).


My appreciation goes to Almighty GOD for sparing my life and also granting me the strength and all
it takes to complete this project successfully.

My appreciation goes also to my parents for their parental role and support towards the successful
completion of this project and my programme as a whole. I pray the Almighty God will give you the
grace to reap the fruits of your labour. (Amen).

I am equally grateful to my project supervisor MR. RAJI ALI TOBI for his support towards the
successful completion of this project work. I pray you will live long in good health and enjoy the
fruits of your labour. (Amen).

I also acknowledge the Head of Department of Marketing MRS. O. T. ISHOLA and also other
lecturers in the department for impacting a valuable knowledge on which I admit will be useful in
every facet of life in the nearest future.

Furthermore, appreciation goes to the Nigerian and foreign authors whose books have been of
immense contribution during the project write-up.

Finally,my profound gratitude goes to my big mummy Mrs. OmolaraAgbabiaka because without her,
it won’t have been possible for me to be a graduate. I pray the Almighty God will give you the grace
to reap the fruits of your labour. (Amen).

With full heart of thanks, I acknowledge the love, prayers and support of my siblings Adeyemi,
Adeyemo, Adeyele, Oluwaseun, Fatimoh, Oluwaseyi, Karimot, Oyindamola, Suleiman, Abike,
Zainab, Hannan, Far’hannah, Oluwalonimi, and Jason (J-Boy) &coursemates. I strongly admit I owe
you all debts of gratitude for your undaunted support, including those whose names could not be
mentioned for inevitable reasons that have contributed to this success of this project and my
programme too.


The study investigated the relationship between online shopping and customer satisfaction. The major
objective was to evaluate online shopping influencethe satisfaction of customers in Jumia company.
The study made use of a survey research design and employed evaluative quantitative analysis
method. Primary sources of data was used in carrying out this study. Fifty (50) completely filled and
returned questionnaires was used as the sample size of this research study. The data collected were
analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. The chi-square result of the study suggests
that online shopping has significant relationship on customer satisfaction. The findings indicate that
there is a significant relationship between product performance and customer satisfaction. The study
concluded that Their decision of preferring online shopping as against the traditional retail shops
may be encouraged by several factors including brand, time-saving, ease of use, satisfaction, service
quality, product variety, and price of goods The study therefore, recommends that Challenges faced
by vendors of online shops. Such study will explore the challenges faced by vendors of online shops to
proffer solutions for future advancement of online shops.

Keywords: online shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Convenience, Customers, Product, Marketing, Value.


Title Page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of Content vi-viii



1.1 Background to the study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Objective of the study 4

1.4 Research Questions 4

1.5 Research Hypotheses 5

1.6 Significance of Study 5

1.7 Scope of the study 5

1.8 Limitation of the study 6

1.9 Historical Background of the study 6

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms 8

References 9



2.1 Conceptual Framework 11-18

2.2 Theoretical Framework 18

2.3 Empirical Framework 18-20

2.4 Conclusion 21

References 22



3.1 Restatement of Research Questions and Research Hypotheses 24

3.2 Research Design 25

3.3 Characteristics of the Study Population 25

3.4 Sampling Design and Procedure 25

3.5 Description of Data Collection Instrument 25

3.6 Method of Data Analysis 26

3.7 Statistical Analysis and Procedure 26

3.8 Limitation of Methodology 27



4.1 Introduction 28
4.2 Respondents characteristics and classifications 28
4.3 Presentation and analysis of data according to research questions 30
4.3 Test of Research Hypotheses 36



5.1 Summary of Findings 40

5.2 Conclusion drawn from findings 40

5.3 Recommendations Based on the Conclusions 41

5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 41

Bibliography 42

Appendix I 44

Appendix II 45



This chapter focuses on the background of the study, the objectives of the study, the research
questions and hypotheses including the significance of the study, operational definition of terms.

1.1 Background to the Study

In the past years, there has been a drastic improvement in the way consumers have altered
their way of shopping. Although consumers continue to purchase from a physical store,
consumers feel very convenient to shop online since it frees the customer from personally
visiting the store. Internet shopping has its own advantages and it reduces the effort of
travelling to a physical store. Decisions can be made from home at without unnecessary stress
looking at diverse choices and prices can be easily compared with the competitor’s products
to arrive at a decision (Ali & Sankaran, 2010).
According to Rajeswari (2015), Competing in a high-pressure business scenario has become a
challenge for retailers. As an effective alternative sales channel sellers are looking at the
internet, which gives them direct access to target customers. Online retailing (also known as
e-tail) is a web-enabled interface between a retailer and its target consumers for selling
products and services on the web with the facility of ecommerce.
Internet has become a part that supports all activities of people around the world. With the
availability of the internet network, a person can to browse on websites, run social media,
look at the images and see video, as the medium for exchange messages through which mail,
to be able to support someone online shopping activity (Schehl, Leukel, &Sugumaran, 2019).
Purthi and Guptha (2017) heighted in their research that it has become very popular in the
areas of apparel, arts and handicrafts, books, car rentals, computers and electronics,
cosmetics, financial services, gifts and novelties, etc. With the advent of the internet and the
World Wide Web, customers have changed the way of seeking and using information at their
end (Rosenfeld & Morville, 2012). Online retail provides an exorbitant benefit to both the
customers and the businesses (Griffith & Palmer, 2019). With the help of online shopping,
business houses have been able to reach and tap the customers from both the metro cities and
remote areas at a considerably low cost (Leamer & Storper, 2014). Moreover, the inventory
management cost is also declined remarkably through the e-retailing (Myers, 1984).
However, it is not that the online shopping has benefited only the business houses. E-retailing
offers a wide range of advantages to the customers as well. Customers are not required to visit
the outlets physically for shopping; also the choice of products is very large in online
shopping as compared with the limited choice being offered in the brick and mortar store
(Reibstein, 2002).
The internet has become a vital and significant place of business these days contrary to the
earlier belief as a tool only for enhancing information (Porter & Michael, 2001). In today’s
modern era, the internet is not only limited to mail, chat and information search but also used
as a platform for shopping goods and services (Walsh & Godfrey, 2011). It has made almost
everything just a click away from the customers.
Based on analysis of the site (2020), online shopping centers in other
countries from year to year it had developed and variation of increasingly varied with the type
C2C and B2C is the most attractive to internet users in other countries. But, online shopping
centers varying is finally presenting an intense competition with each other. Intense
competitions among the online of shopping centers characterized by active the number of
visitors fluctuating and tend to continue to fickle to data on every quarter (Iprice, 2020).
Hence, for each of the enterprises, it is necessary to encourage loyalty of user to shop online
that they desire. The research concept of loyalty to this intention behavior associated with an
increase in positive a consumer to repeated do purchases in online stores, recommended
shopping shop online at relatives or friends and continue to commit to the online shop (Salehi,
2012; Jiang, Yang, & Jun, 2013). As the theory of tam states, the company can increase the
intention behavior of consumers by noting two important components is perceived usefulness
and ease of use on a system that offered (Davis, 1989). One of the aspects that can meet the
criteria of two important components relating to perceived usefulness and ease of use is
increasing the dimension of perceived online convenience where all dimensions of the
variable are outlines aspects of the quality of the shop that could cut the time and effort from
consumers in reaching online shopping centers (Duarte, 2018; Jiang, 2013; Pham, 2018).

Customer satisfaction is increasingly recognized as the important aspect for success in the
business environment and also a determinant for the survival and growth of business in
Nigeria (Merugu& Mohan, 2020). Providing superior service quality enhances customer
satisfaction and encourages more participation among customers. High Service quality
deliverance leads to overall customer satisfaction. With the widespread adoption of online
shopping services, an understanding of factors leading to customer satisfaction is beneficial
for business as this knowledge will drive them to focus and further strengthen the critical
areas that lead to customer satisfaction and retention. Therefore, it is imperative for online
retailers to align their strategies in response to changing customer’s needs and developments
in technology. The research is undertaken to gain a better understanding of the service quality
dimensions that shows the relationship between online shopping and customer satisfaction
reference to Jumia Customers.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One can find numerous statistical and economic studies on online shopping with regards to
customer satisfaction on physical stores. But this research on measuring online shopping and
customers satisfaction is rare of its kind. This increases the importance of our research work
and the need to study the online shopping among Jumia customers. This study has enabled us
to gather the views of online customers in Jumia with respect to what they expect and what
has made them remain loyal or satisfied to the product or service (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012).
A whole lot of factors could affect how customers rate performances of online retailers. Such
factors include; issues of fraud, authenticity of transaction, trust, ease of navigation through
websites, options for the return of goods if customers are not satisfied, time saved, costs,
conformity of goods delivered to those illustrated online, quality of the goods, etc. These are
factors that could affect perceived performance rating of online retailers by the customers,
which could in turn affect customers’ satisfaction and determine whether they keep
patronizing such online retailers or online retailing as a whole (Liao & Cheung, 2012).
Research contributing to understanding the importance of various dimensions that online is
against this backdrop; the paper examines the satisfaction level of customers using online

shopping services among Jumia customers. Hence, the present research is undertaken to
examine the online shopping and customers satisfaction with reference to Jumia Customers.

1.3Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of the research was to know and determine the leading relationship
between online shopping and customerssatisfaction. However, the specific objectives are to:
i. To determine the significant relationship between product performance on customers
behavior of Jumia Customers.
ii. To determine the influence of convenience of shopping on customers satisfaction.
iii. To determine the impact of product delivery on the satisfaction of customers among
Jumia customers.

1.4Research Questions
In view of the above objectives. The following questions were answered in this research.
i. What is the significant relationship between product performance and
customersbehaviour in Jumia customers?
ii. What is the influence of convenience of shopping on customers satisfaction?
iii. What is the impact of product delivery on the satisfaction of cutomersamong

1.5Research Hypotheses
The hypotheses to be tested in this study are as follows:
H0:There is no significant relationship between product performance and customer
H1:There is a significant relationship between product performance and customer
H0:There is no significant relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction

H1:There is a significance relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction.
H0:There is a no significant relationship between product delivery and customer
H1:There is a significant relationship between product delivery and customer satisfaction.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will help consumers especially those within the jurisdiction of Lagos, Ikorodu to
understand more about the usefulness of online shopping. It will also enable consumers to
carefully analyze every

This study would enable consumers to understand, develop and help cultivate the ability to
get their individual needs online.

This study will assist students who wish to know more about online shopping and customer
satisfaction and to assist students to gather more knowledge regarding the case study.

This study will also be available in literature to help future researchers and scholars and also
serve as working materials for them in a related topic.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study examined the relationship between online shopping and customers satisfaction
using Jumia customers as a case study. This study is focused at understanding how customers
could derive satisfaction from online shopping without stress and also to understand which of
the essential features of online shopping. The variables used in conducting this study is
product performance, convenience, and product delivery. This population for the study covers
both students and all other users of Jumia as a shopping site.while the sample size for the
study will be 100 respondents.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The following are the limitations encountered during the course the research investigation

i. The cost associated with printing and reprinting due to mistakes made during the
course of the research findings.
ii. Time constraint due to the fact that the researcher was preoccupied with academic
activities and was simultaneous shuffling between studying and conducting the
iii. The attitude and unwillingness of respondents to cooperate fully and provide
information needed by the researcher during the administering of questionnaires.

1.9 Historical Background of the Study

Jumia Group is a company which operates a range of online marketplaces. The company was
founded by Jeremy Hodara and SachaPoignonnec in 2013. Its headquarters are currently in
the Yaba area of Lagos, Nigeria. The company initially started out as the Rocket
Internet Company. However, the rapid growth of the company allowed it to secure strategic
investors, including CDC, Goldman Sachs, Orange, MTN and the Millicom group. On June
23, 2016, Africa Internet Group (AIG), Jumia Market's parent company announced that it was
bringing all its known e-commerce companies under the Jumia umbrella.

Jumia Market was founded by Jeremy Hodara and SachaPoignonnec in February, 2013. The
company started operations in Nigeria and Pakistan that same year under the name Kaymu;
after receiving an undisclosed amount of seed funding from Rocket Internet.The company
grew from an employee base of ten to sixty within first nine months and opened operations
in Ghana and Morocco in October, 2013.

By June 2015, Kaymu had expanded its operations to Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Croatia and
Angola Mozambique, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria,
Uzbekistan, and the Philippines, bringing the total number of countries to 35. Jumia Market
employs eBay's business model, serving as an online mall where sellers and buyers meet to
make transactions.

The company launched its smartphone apps for Android, iOS and Blackberry in September,
2014 tapping into the tremendous growth of mobile technology, especially on the African

continent. In March 2016, AIG announced that top tier investment bank, Goldman Sachs and
French Insurance company AXA, had joined its list of investors with both investing a
cumulative sum of over $300 million.The company is headed globally by MassiSpalazzi, who
serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), while Andrea Di Natale serves as the company's
Chief Operating Officer (COO).

In June 2016, AIG, via a combination of a live Periscope broadcast and Twitter feed updates,
announced that it was merging all its online brands into one company: Jumia. As a result,
platforms exploring food, real estate, automobile and general goods market, became a part of
the Jumia franchise.

By the first quarter of 2019, Jumia was already operating in several countries in Africa,
including Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt and Uganda among others. The Kenyan Jumia is the most
popular online shopping platform in the country

n October 2015, Jumia Market Village, an offline store, was created to help attract customers
who were skeptical about the safety of online transactions. The store was designed to create
an environment for customers who were looking to interact with seller’s face to face and
customers who could not complete payments through the Internet.

Jumia Market launched AIG Express, a logistics network, in May, 2015 to help ease logistics
and operations management in Africa. AIG Express aims to provide faster delivery time while
creating 100,000 jobs in Africa.

1.10Operational Definition of Terms

i. Shopping:to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things We
went shopping for a gift at the mall.
ii. Online Shopping: Online shopping is the activity or action of buying products or
services over the Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller's website,

selecting something, and arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good
or service online with a credit or debit card or upon delivery
iii. Customers:A customer is an individual or business that purchases another company's
goods or services. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without them,
businesses cannot continue to exist.
iv. Satisfaction: Satisfaction is getting what you wanted or desired or the payment of a
v. Convenience: at a time that is convenient for someone: at a time that will not cause
someone too much trouble or effort I'll be happy to meet with you at your convenience.
vi. Performance: A performance is an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or
other form of entertainment. It is also defined as the action or process of carrying out
or accomplishing an action, task, or function
vii. Consumer: is a person who buy goods for consumption use only.
viii. Consumer purchase decision: is the process or activities a consumer or people
engage in when searching, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing a
product or service so as to satisfy their yearnings and desires.
ix. Product: is anything that is offered for acquisition, use and disposal and that satisfies
the need of the target market.


Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of Marketing. 14th Edition, Pearson Education,
Inc., Upper Saddle River.

Liao, Z. & Cheung, M.T. (2002) Service Quality in Internet e-Banking: A User-Based Core
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Service, Hong Kong, China, 29 March - 1 April 2005, 628-631.

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Duarte, P., Costa e Silva, S., & Ferreira, M. B. (2018). How convenient is it? Delivering
online shopping convenience to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage eWOM.
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Iprice. (2020). Peta E-Commerce Indonesia. Retrieved June 24, 2020, from

Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of
Information Technology. 13(3), 319–340.

Griffith, D. A., & Palmer, J. W. (2019). Leveraging the web for corporate success. Business
Horizons, 42(1), 3–11.

Myers, S. C. (1984). The capital structure puzzle. The Journal of Finance, 39(3), 574–592.

Reibstein, D. J. (2002). What attracts customers to online stores, and what keeps them coming
back? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30(4), 465.

Merugu, P., & Mohan V., (2020). Customer satisfaction towards online shopping with
reference to Jalandhar City. International Journal of Management (IJM) 11(2), 36–47

Gupta, P., Purti C.D., (2017). The impact of online shopping on customer satisfaction in
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Rajeswari, M. (2015). A study on the customer satisfaction towards online shopping in

Chennai City. International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and
Development , 5(1).33-34.



This chapter intends to systematically look deep into online shopping and customer
satisfaction with the use of past literatures, journals, textbooks and internet relating to the


2.1.1 Online Shopping

Online shopping, which is also known as electronic purchasing or internet shopping is

considered the purchasing of services as well as goods utilizing the web browser over the
internet, by the means of a mobile phone, an internet television or a computer. According to
the statement of Hooda and Singh, (2018), it has been examined that online shopping is
ensured by numerous people, who have a hectic schedule and not having time or energy for
spending their precious time in the mall in order to shop their desired products. It has been
examined that nowadays people have been enduring more confidence in order to embrace
online shopping.

Online shopping or internet shopping has been vigorously escalating at a breakneck speed as
well as an immense popularity of it has been fundamentally grownday by day as well. It
becomes possible as it is mainly a convenient way as well as easy for purchasing the desired
products as well as services. The consumers become able to identify the desired products as
well as services using the internet along with web browser from a sales representative when
they visit the retailer’s e-commerce website directly. In addition, the consumers get assisted
as they can compare the products as well as services along with their price as well that have
been provided by the different vendors by utilizing a search engine of shopping that helps in
displaying the availability of the same products as well as services.

The existence of the Internet as a business tool has provided firms with an opportunity to stay
competitive by providing their customers with a highly fast, relatively cheap and easy way of
making purchases. Online shopping otherwise referred to as online retailing simply means
retailing activities conducted online through the Internet (Chaffey,Mayer, Ellis-Chadwickand
Johnston, 2006). It is a process of exchanging of goods and services through the World Wide

Web (Muhammad & Nasir, 2011). Since it started out in the mid-1990s, online retailing
business has grown rapidly and is growing at a faster rate than retailing in general (Kim, Zhao
& Yang, 2008).The Internet provides a way for organisations to increase their profit margins
as new and existing companies/organisations are creating websites, while many are now
operating online stores in addition to their physical stores. Having a website is highly
significant to businesses as it provides an avenue for marketing and advertising as well as
developing and managing customer relations. There are various factors that could appeal to
customers to shop online; examples of such factors include the ease, speed and lower level of
stress involved as compared to physical shopping, and also customers can purchase items at
any time of the day that proves convenient to them (Binod & Neeraj,2014)

2.1.2 Online Shopping Trends

Customer’s attitude in online shopping plays a very significant role in the increase of
customer satisfaction (Roman, 2010). Lucas (2017) noted that user’s attitude towards
computer systems are highly related to user satisfaction. Furthermore, online shopping is
associated with computer system usage towards online shopping system can greatly influence
user satisfaction. Kwak (2016) asserted that customers who exhibit higher computer
proficiency are likely to enjoy and adapt quickly to online shopping than those who are

Olusoji et al (2015) stated that since online shopping is recently introduced in most
developing countries in the world, as such online shopping development in Nigeria has not
gained the most need acceptance as their counterparts in developed nations. They further
stressed that people are beginning to involve themselves in online banking (e-banking) that
yet most people still find it difficult to be open in shopping online. Several studies such as
Egwali (2009); Adeshina and Ayo (2010); Adeyeye (2008); Ajayi (2008) and Ayo (2008),
have stated the rate of internet usage in Nigeria compare to the developed countries. A recent
study on internet usage conducted in United Kingdom reveals that 82.5% of the total
population are internet users and 29.4% are broadband subscribers (internet World Stats,
2010). The ease accessibility to the internet has been seen as one of the major factors that
encourages the growth and adoption of e-transaction and online shopping in the United
Kingdom (Soopramanien and Robertson, 2007).

However, there is a sharp difference on the majority of internet users in Nigeria. A recent
study on the usage of internet in Nigeria revealed about 16.1% of the total population
(149.22,090) people use internet and less the 1% of the populace (67,8000 people) subscribe
to broadband (Internet World Stats, 2009). From the above result, it is obvious that only a
fraction of the population are internet users and those who even access it do so through the
help of numerous cybercafés in urban parts of the country (Ayo, 2006) as cited by (Olusoji et
al, 2015). Ajayi et al (2008) stated that the factor affecting the use of e-economic for online
shopping in Nigeria. He further stressed that most Nigerian populace finds it difficult to make
payments using the internet for the purchase of goods and services. Ayo et al (2008) noted
that the cause of low-level e-payment in Nigeria is as a result of infrastructure in the country
which serves as a hindrance for customers to engage in using online transactions. Most
Nigerian also find it difficult using online to do their transaction. This is because, the
infrastructure of facilitates, and the software and network used for shopping and usually out
dated or being ineffective due to network problems. We are inclined t say that (ATM)
Automated Teller Machine is the most popularity used method of payment in Nigeria. At least
four in the number of five person use the ATM (cash) card in Nigeria which makes banking
through online more convenient and without queuing up in the banking hall. We also support
the argument of Ayo et al (2008) that ATM is widely used in Nigeria for local payments and
other transaction, while online shopping has not gained ground in Nigeria which has a
negative effect on shopping online in Nigeria.

2.1.3 Dimensions of Online Shopping Experience

‘When a consumer decides to buy online several features will determine whether the customer
is willing to continue using the e-retail system or not. However, novelties which are form of
innovative graphics done on the site proves to be irreplaceable when it comes to referring and
encouraging customers to visit online stores, browse the internet and also consumption of
various products and services on the online platform.
According to Ward (2018), consumers are conscious of time pressed and are more
convenience –an oriented, value-added service that brings and saves their time. Online stores
have been seen to have a ubiquitous nature, as they are available 24 hours a day for the
purpose of customers’ convenience. Therefore, online shopping saves times for both the seller
and the buyer, as it can discard long trips to the store, long queues and delay when at the

Liang (2009) asserted that most online customers prefer using online shopping for faster and
efficient shopping experience from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, it is evident that
most online retailers are providing better channel variations that bring them into direct
contract with the consumer without setting an eye on the customer in the physical store
(Smith, 2013). Thus, online shopping services have the ability to fulfil the goals of both the
customers and the online firms. The importance of web design has been stressed as salient
factors towards online shoppers’ perception in several studies.. Ranganathan and Ganapathy
(2002), Ward (2008) stated that security and privacy are essential and are used as the
dimensions of online shopping experience. Wafinbarger and Grilly (2003) also identified
security as one of the factors for measuring the nature of online shopping service quality.
Siddiqui et al., (2003) are of the view that there are elements that encourage customers to buy
various products and services online which include, web page design, ease navigation and the
search for information, guaranteed security and a clearly organized return policy. Several
studies have discussed online shopping experience and pointed out some outstanding factors
such as: perceived time saved, Cude (2000); perceived risk, Rangantahan and Ganapathy
(2002); web design, Liang and Lai (2000); convenience, Bhatnagar and Ghose (2004);
flexibility of website, Clemes, Gan and Zhong (2014); security website, Wolfinbarger and
Gilly (2003).

 Convenience

Convenient factor is a process that enables customers to browse and search for information
easily through the internet. This factor brings about faster access than the traditional retail
shopping. Through online, customers can easily search for product through online catalog.
When the customers gets the products or services he needs online, he immediately places an
order and the online store processes the order and gives the customers feedback, within 48
hours, the customers gets the product at his doorposts, this brings about reducing the time to
be consumed in shopping physically in the retail store. Darian (1987) noted that online
customers look forward to multiple benefits in terms of convenience which includes
flexibility, less time of consumption and physical effort. Bhatnagar and Ghose (2004), claims
that convenience is a very crucial advantage for online shopping. Robinson et al., (2005)
noted that one major motivation in online purchasing is that, it is convenient and one can shop
at any time and having bundles of items delivered at one’s door step. Convenience and to seek
variety of items and information are major motivation of online shopping. Through online
purchasing customers can easily compare prices with other online stores at the comfort of
their homes with visiting the traditional or physical stores.

 Perceived Time

Saved Customers are very conscious about how long they spend while transacting with a
firm. They tend to be discouraged when their time is being wasted in a particular transaction.
Time savings is one most important elements of online shopping. Customers enjoy speedy
transaction, and they are being attended to quickly it brings about satisfaction, thereby
creating loyalty. Rohm and Swaminathan (2004), posited that online shopping saves times in
the purchasing of goods and it can eliminate the stores involved in traveling or going to the
traditional store. Although, time saving is one of the motivating factor, but it is also a
challenge for online stores to deliver the good immediately. Furthermore, Goldsmith and
Bridges (2000) noted that there is discrimination between customers that shopper online and
customers that does not. Online shoppers are concerned with convenience, time saving and
selection, while nononline shoppers are more concern or worried about privacy, security and
on time delivery.

 Website Design/Features:

The Design and features of the website plays a very vital role in online shopping. The website
design, reliability, fulfilment, website customer service and website security/privacy are most
of the features that attracts customers when buying online (Shergill and Chen, 2005). Website
quality outlook gives the consumer a perception about the online firms. Web design also plays
an important role on consumer choice of electronic stores (Liang and Lai, 2000). According
to Zhang and Dran (2000), website design and features displayed on the website are important
and influencing factors that lead to customers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a
particular website.

2.1.4 Advantages Of Online Shopping

 Convenience: Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers
have Internet access both at work and at home.
 Ease of exchange In the event of a problem with the item (e.g., the product was not
what the consumer ordered, the product was not satisfactory), consumers are concerned
with the ease of returning an item in exchange for either the correct product or a refund.
Consumers may need to contact the retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping,
and then wait for a replacement or refund.
 Information and reviews: Online stores must describe products for sale with text,
photos, and multimedia files, whereas in a physical retail store, the actual product and
the manufacturer's packaging will be available for direct inspection (which might
involve a test drive, fitting, or other experimentation). Some stores even allow customers
to comment or rate their items. There are also dedicated review sites that host user
reviews for different products. Reviews and even some blogs give customers the option
of shopping for cheaper purchases from all over the world without having to depend on
local retailers.
 Price and selection: One advantage of shopping online is being able to quickly seek out
deals for items or services provided by many different vendors (though some local
search engines do exist to help consumers locate products for sale in nearby stores).
Search engines, online price comparison services and discovery shopping engines can be

used to look up sellers of a particular product or service. Shipping costs (if applicable)
reduce the price advantage of online merchandise, though depending on the jurisdiction,
a lack of sales tax may compensate for this.

2.1.5 Disadvantages Of Online Shopping

 Fraud and security concerns: Given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise
before purchase, consumers are at higher risk of fraud than face-to-face
transactions. Merchants also risk fraudulent purchases using stolen credit cards or
fraudulent repudiation of the online purchase. However, merchants face less risk
from physical theft by using a warehouse instead of a retail storefront.
 Lack of full cost disclosure: The lack of full cost disclosure may also be
problematic. While it may be easy to compare the base price of an item online, it
may not be easy to see the total cost up front. Additional fees such as shipping are
often not be visible until the final step in the checkout process. The problem is
especially evident with cross-border purchases, where the cost indicated at the final
checkout screen may not include additional fees that must be paid upon delivery
such as duties and brokerage.
 Privacy: Privacy of personal information is a significant issue for some consumers.
Many consumers wish to avoid spam and telemarketing which could result from
supplying contact information to an online merchant. In response, many merchants
promise to not use consumer information for these purposes.
 Product suitability: Some non-digital products have been more successful than
others for online stores. Products less suitable for e-commerce include products that
have a low value-to-weight ratio, products that have a smell, taste, or touch
component, products that need trial fittings—most notably clothing—and products
where colour integrity appears important. Nonetheless, some web sites have had
success delivering groceries and clothing sold through the internet is big business


This study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) was developed to study the adoption and levels of diffusion of new technology
at individual levels, and to clarify computer usage behavior. TAM essentially refers to how a
user accepts new technology. TAM outlines factors that could influence how a user accepts
and uses specific technology (Davis, 1989]. The basic factors in TAM are Perceived
Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). Davis defines Perceived Usefulness as
the “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or
her job performance” and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) is the “degree to which a person
believes that using a particular system would be free from effort” (Jarvanpaa, & Todd, 1997).

It is assumed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of online shopping will
affect the attitudes of the individual towards adopting online shopping technology. This in
turn leads to a behavioural intention to use such technology and then this leads directly to
actual use of the online shopping system to make an actual purchase or some other form of
transaction. In other words, the user would first consider the ways in which he/she would be
free from effort in terms of the ease of using online shopping sites. This leads to him/her
thinking that using such online shopping sites could increase his performance and then he/she
moves forward to develop the intention to use before finally using the system.


Purthi and Gupta (2017) in the study titled, the impact of online shopping on customer
satisfaction in indian marketing Shopping on the Internet is convenient as there is no time
restriction, it is comfortable since it is in a user friendly environment and there is also an
instant satisfaction of ordering, paying and delivering. A one-to-one basis, as well as, a two
way communication with customers through the Internet is possible. Enhancing brand image,
creating awareness and providing customer service are more important than just selling the
products or entertaining customers. With better technologies, companies can create a stronger
brand image and thus increase sales. On the other side, it is easier for customers to receive a
kind of acknowledgement; feeling that they did not waste their time. Nowadays, people live a
busy life and shopping online is time consuming for them. The company also saves time since
whenever a customer uses his/her credit card to purchase a product’s-marketing is seen as a
promotional as well as informational tool. This new era of commerce is beneficial for
marketing logistics, a global presence, to establish and maintain a competitive edge, shorten
components of supply chains, for cost savings and research advantage in India.

According to Olasanmi (2019), in the study titled Online Shopping and Customers’
Satisfaction in Lagos State, Nigeria, This study ascertained the level of awareness of
customers to online shopping, and examined the relationship between online shopping and
customers’ satisfaction. It also investigated how certain factors influenced customers’
satisfaction by prompting the usage of online shopping. Primary data was used for the study
and a structured questionnaire was administered to obtain the data. The population for the
study consisted of individuals from different occupations within Lagos, Nigeria, who had ever
purchased items online, while purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used in
selecting the respondents. Data collected were analysed using frequency counts and
regression analysis. Results revealed that over 50% of the respondents engaged in online
shopping regularly. It was also discovered that different reasons were suggested for preferred
specific online retailers such as convenience, availability of better product information,
availability of a variety of product to choose from and better prices than others. It was further
revealed that usage of online shopping represented by costs involved, level of awareness, time
and convenience, quality of products and risks involved, had significant relationships on
customer satisfaction. The study concluded that improved customer satisfaction can in turn
impact on continued patronage of online shopping outlets.

According to Karim (2013), on the research based on Customer Satisfaction in Online

Shopping: a study into the reasons for motivations and inhibitions (2013), This study
endeavours to understand customer satisfaction in online shopping while investigating the
major reasons that motivated customers’ decision-making processes as well as inhibitions of
online shopping. The Kotler and Killers (2009) Five Stage Buying Process Model was chosen
as the basis of framework of this study to explain customer satisfaction through their
motivations to buy products online. The existing literature was reviewed to discover reasons
that would influence customers positively or negatively towards shopping online. Surveys
were conducted by distributing questionnaires in the Wrexham area (North Wales) to gather
data for this research. SPSS software package was used to present research data graphically
and to test research hypothesis. From the findings, it was discovered that respondents use
internet to purchase products through online because they believe it is convenience to them
and the term convenient includes elements such as time saving, information availability,
opening time, ease of use, websites navigation, less shopping stress, less expensive and
shopping fun. In contrast, along with respondents’ mind-sets, online payment security,
personal privacy and trust, unclear warranties and returns policies and lack of personal
customer service are the foremost barriers of online shopping. Furthermore, the result of
hypotheses established that even though online shopping is convenient to all consumers,
online payment system and privacy or security anxieties have significant impact on online
shopping. Finally, some recommendations have been offered for online retailers to take
initiatives for making online shopping more admired and trustworthy.


The above reviews have shown that the topic of users’ satisfaction with online shopping is an
interesting topic that needs further investigation. This is because the process of implementing
the cashless policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria can only be possible if more people
practice online shopping and are satisfied with the process. It is also a fact that customers’
satisfaction with online shopping is related to their attitude towards the experience, which
may be associated with their proficiency in the use of a computer.


Binod, K. & Neeraj, A. (2014) A Study of Performance Measurement of Online Retail Stores.
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, 1, 672-693.

Chaffey, D., Mayer R., Ellis-Chadwick, F. & Johnston, K. (2006) Internet Marketing:
Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Pearson Education, London.

Chander D. P & Pramod G. (2017), The impact of online shopping on customer satisfaction in
indian marketing, International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management
5(5,), 01–11,

Davis, F.D. (1989) Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of
Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(22), 319-340.

Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P. &Warshaw, P.R. (1992) Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to Use
Computers in the Workplace. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22(2) 1111-

Delafrooz, N., Pain, H., Haron, S., Sidin, S. and Khatibi, A. (2009) Factors Affecting Attitude
toward Online Shopping. African Journal of Business Management, 3, 200-209.

Karim, R. A (2013) Customer satisfaction in online shopping: a study into the reasons for
motivations and inhibitions Journal of Business and Management, 11(6) 13-20,

Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2009) Marketing Management. Global Edition, Pearson Education
Inc., Upper Saddle River

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of Marketing. 14th Edition, Pearson

Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River

Kwak, H., Fox, R. J., & Zinkhan, G. M. (2017) ‘What products can be successfully promoted
and sold via the internet?’ Journal of Advertising Research, 42(1), 23-38

Muhammad, U.S. & Nasir, U. (2011) Consumers’ Attitude towards Online Shopping. M.Sc.
Thesis, Gotland University, Gotland.

Olasanmi, O.O. (2019) Online Shopping and Customers’ Satisfaction in Lagos State, Nigeria.
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 9(10), 1446-1463.



This chapter will seek to relate the methods employed in gathering facts and data that will
further guide the study where data analysis and presentation, summary of findings, conclusion
and recommendations will be made.

This study was carried out with a sample drawn from

3.1 Re-statement of Research Questions and Hypotheses

3.1.1 Restatement of Research Questions

In view of the above problems that the following research arises:

i. What is the significant relationship between product performance and
customersbehaviour in Jumia customers?
ii. What is the influence of convenience of shopping on customers satisfaction?
iii. What is the impact of product delivery on the satisfaction of cutomers among
3.1.2 Restatement of Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses are been tested in the course of this study;
H0:There is no significant relationship between product performance and customer
H1:There is a significant relationship between product performance and customer
H0:There is no significant relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction
H1:There is a significance relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction.
H0:There is a no significant relationship between product delivery and customer
H1:There is a significant relationship between product delivery and customer satisfaction.

3.2 Research Design

Research design is a systematic plan for collecting data in order to provide answers to specific
questions. It is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation which guides the collections and
analysis of data in a piece of research (Fagbohungbe, 2000).

The research design for this study was a survey method which entails administration of
questionnaires to uncover the impact of online shopping on customers satisfaction with
reference to

3.3 Characteristics of the Study Population

The study was centered on Jumia which are over 100 staffs of the organisation. as a study; the
population of the study was made of employees of Jumia company. Using the following
characteristics such as age, sex, educational and marital status as variables.

3.4 Sampling Design and Procedures

The sampling technique employed by the researchers is random sampling method that cut
across all areas of Jumiacompany. A sample of 50 was chosen as the sample of the study, and
50 questionnaires was administered to the sample drawn.

3.5 Description of Data Collection Instrument

Well-structured questionnaires were used for the collection of data in this study. This was be
employed by the researcher in order to minimize the problems associated with the collection
of data.

3.5.1 Primary Data

The primary data were collected with the aid of questionnaires. Questionnaires were given out
to the sampled area (respondents) to generate both qualitative and quantitative data. A five
Point Likert rating scale were used to measure all variables. The lowest rating of 1 will
signify a low opinion by the respondents while a high rating of 5 will signify a high rating by
the respondent.

3.5.2 Secondary Data

This is the data that has already been used for previous studies or researches. However, in this
study, secondary data included the review of available documents like, books of accounts,
reports and manuals. It also includes information collected from the public and annual reports
of other organisations, internet and other forms of documented data whose source can be

3.6 Method of Data Analysis

In analyzing the effect of pricing strategies on consumer buying behaviour with a focus on
Access Bank Plc. the study shall employ a simple tabular method of presentation, descriptive
analysis as well as Chi-square Test. The data for this paper work were collected by means of
questionnaire administered to respondents in Jumia company.

3.7 Statistical Analysis and Procedure

The researcher adopted simple percentage method to analyses the data collected through the
use of questionnaire while Chi-square method was used the formulated hypothesis.

2 ∑(O−E)

X2 = chi-square

∑ = summation

O = observed

E = expected frequency

X2 = Chi-square calculated value

X2t=Chi-square table value

N= number of categories.

Df= degree of freedom.

∞ =Level of significance

3.8 Limitations of Methodology

Research of its nature is bound to have some limitations; some of the respondents in the
organisation may not feel like disclosing their true identity, for security purpose. Inadequate
time is another constraint. There might not be enough time to carryout extensive research.

More also, gathering data pose problem to the researcher as a result of negative attitude of
respondents towards answering the designed questionnaire.


This chapter deals with the critical analysis of the data gathered during the study of “the effect
of advertising on sales performance of consumer goods” with reference to Indomie Noodles.
In accordance with the sample size computed in chapter three, 50 questionnaires were
distributed to staff and workers of Indomie Noodles, and 48 questionnaires were returned.

TABLE 4.2.1: Frequency distribution of respondents according to SEX
Sex Number of response Percentage (%)
Male 27 56.25
Female 21 43.75
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that the majority of the workers in Indomie Noodles are male. We can
see that the male has 56.25% while the female was just 43.75%
TABLE 4.2.2: Frequency distribution of respondents according to AGE
Age Number of response Percentage (%)
Below 20 35 72.92
21-30 9 18.75
31-40 3 6.25
41-50 1 2.08
51-60 0 0
61 & above 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 35 respondents representing (72.92%) are within the age range of
below 20years, 9 respondents representing (18.75%) are within the age range of 20-30years, 3
respondents representing (6.25%) are within the age of 31-40years, 1 respondent representing
(2.08%) is within the age range of 41-50 years and no respondent is within the age range of
51-60 years and no respondent is 61years & above.

TABLE 4.2.3: Frequency distribution of respondents according to MARITAL STATUS

Marital status Number of response Percentage (%)

Single 39 81.25
Married 8 16.67
Divorced 1 2.08
Others 0 0
Total 48 100

Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 39 respondents representing (81.25%) were single, 8 respondents
representing (16.67%) were married, 1 respondent representing (2.08%) was divorced.
TABLE 4.2.4: Frequency distribution of respondents according to EDUCATIONAL
Educational Number of Percentage (%)
qualification response
SSCE 25 52.08
NCE/ND 15 31.25
HND/BSC 5 10.42
MA/MSC 3 6.25
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The table above shows that 25 respondents representing (52.08%) have SSCE certificate, 15
respondents representing (31.25%) have NCE/ND certificate, 5 respondents representing
(10.42%) have HND/BSC certificate, and 3 respondents representing (6.25%) have MA/MSC

TABLE 4.2.5: Analysis of the respondents according to their YEARS IN THE

Length of service Number of response Percentage (%)
Less than 1 10 20.83
1-5years 31 64.58
6-10years 6 12.5
11-15years 1 2.08
16years& Above 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 10 respondents representing (20.83%) were less than 1 year in the
organisation, 31 respondents representing (64.58%) were between 1-5 years, 6 respondents
representing (12.5%) were between 6-10 years, 1 respondent representing (2.08%) were
between 11-15 years.

Table 4.3.1: I prefer Online Shopping over Retail Shopping
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 28 58.33
Agree 18 37.5
Undecided 2 4.17
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 28 respondents representing (58.33%) strongly agreed, 18
respondents representing (37.5%) agreed, 2 respondents representing (4.17%) were undecided
on the above statement.

Table 4.3.2: I am aware of the concepts of online shopping

Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 16 33.33
Agree 23 47.92
Undecided 3 6.25
Disagree 3 6.25
Strongly Disagree 3 6.25
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 16 respondents representing (33.33%) strongly agreed, 23
respondents representing (47.92%) agreed, 3 respondents representing (6.25%) were
undecided, 3 respondents representing (6.25%) disagreed, 3 respondents representing (6.25%)
strongly agreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.3: I shop often online..
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 22 45.83
Agree 17 35.42
Undecided 6 12.5
Disagree 3 6,25
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 22 respondents representing (45.83%) strongly agreed, 17
respondents representing (35.42%) agreed, 6 respondents c representing (12.5%) were
undecided, 3 respondents representing (6.25%) disagreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.4: I prefer Jumia portal to shop than other shopping portal
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 11 22.92
Agree 21 43.73
Undecided 11 22.92
Disagree 4 8.33
Strongly Disagree 1 2.08
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 11 respondents representing (22.92%) strongly agreed, 21
respondents representing (43.73%) agreed, 11 respondents representing (22.92%) were
undecided, 4 respondents representing (8.33%) disagreed, while 1 respondent representing
(2.08%) strongly disagreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.5: I get all my wants online

Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 20 41.67
Agree 18 37.5
Undecided 5 10.42
Disagree 4 8.33
Strongly Disagree 1 2.08
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 20 respondents representing (41.67%) strongly agreed, 18
respondents representing (37.5%) agreed, 5 respondents representing (10.42%) were
undecided, 4 respondents representing (8.33%) disagreed, and 1 respondent representing
(2.08%) strongly disagreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.6: You will never repurchase from the same company if there is a great difference
between expected and the real product
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 10 20.83
Agree 24 50
Undecided 11 22.92
Disagree 3 6.25
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 10 respondents representing (20.83%) strongly agreed, 24
respondents representing (50%) agreed, 11 respondents representing (22.90%) were
undecided, 3 respondents representing (6.25%) disagreed on the above statement

Table 4.3.7: The difference between your expectations and real products would influence
your satisfaction level
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 11 22.92
Agree 18 37.5
Undecided 9 18.75
Disagree 9 18.75
Strongly Disagree 1 2.08
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 11 respondents representing (22.92%) strongly agreed, 18
respondents representing (37.5%) agreed, 9 respondents representing (18.75%) were nb
n(2.08%) strongly disagreed on the above statement.
Table 4.3.8: The products available online are priced low in comparison to traditional

Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 15 31.25
Agree 20 41.67
Undecided 8 16.67
Disagree 5 10.42
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 15 respondents representing (31.25%) strongly agreed, 20
respondents representing (41.67%) agreed, 8 respondents representing (16.67%) were
undecided, 5 respondents representing (10.42%) disagreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.9: The quality of products purchased online is highly satisfactory

Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 18 37.5
Agree 13 27.08
Undecided 11 22.92
Disagree 3 6.25
Strongly Disagree 3 6.25
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 18 respondents representing (37.5%) strongly agreed, 13
respondents representing (27.08%) agreed, 11 respondents representing (22.92%) were
undecided, 3 respondents representing (6.25%) disagreed, 3 respondents representing (6.25%)
strongly disagreed on the above statement.

Table 4.3.10: The speed of Delivery of products is fast.
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 13 27.08
Agree 20 41.67
Undecided 9 18.75
Disagree 4 8.33
Strongly Disagree 2 4.17
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
The above table shows that 13 respondents representing (27.08%) strongly agreed, 20
respondents representing (41.67%) agreed, 9 respondents representing (18.75%) were
undecided, 4 respondents representing (8.33%) disagreed, and 2 respondents representing
(4.17%) strongly disagreed on the above statement.


H0:There is no significant relationship between product performance and customer
H1:There is a significant relationship between product performance and customer
I prefer Online Shopping over Retail Shopping.
Table 4.3.1
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 28 58.33
Agree 18 37.5
Undecided 2 4.17
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021
Computation of chi-square
2 2
Strongly Agree 28 9.6 18.4 338.56 35.27
Agree 18 9.6 8.4 70.56 7.35
Undecided 2 9.6 -7.6 57.76 6.02
Disagree 0 9.6 -9.6 92.16 9.6
Strongly 0 9.6 -9.6 92.16 9.6
Total 48 48 0 651.2 67.84
X Calculated = 67.84

Level of significant (LOS) = 5% i.e. 0.05

Degree of Freedom (DF) = n-k-1

N= number of variables i.e. 5

DF = n-k-1 = 5-1

DF = 4

Level of significant (LOS) = (0.05, 4), critical value = 9.49

Since the calculated X 2 value 67.84 is greater than the table the table value of 9.49.the null
hypotheses (H0) will be rejected while the alternative hypothesis (H1) will be accepted which
states that there is a significant relationship between television advertising and sales turnover.

Testing of Hypothesis 2

H0:There is no significant relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction
H1:There is a significance relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction.

I am aware of the concepts of online shopping

Table 4.3.2
Alternative Response Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 22 45.83
Agree 17 35.42
Undecided 6 12.5
Disagree 3 6,25
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 48 100
Source: Field survey, 2021

Computation of Chi-square

2 2
Strongly Agree 22 9.6 12.4 153.76 16.02
Agree 17 9.6 7.4 54.76 5.7
Undecided 6 9.6 -3.6 12.96 1.35
Disagree 3 9.6 -6.6 43.56 4.54
Strongly Disagree 0 9.6 -9.6 92.16 9.6
Total 48 48 0 357.2 37.21
X Calculated = 37.21

Level of significant (los) = 5% i.e. 0.05

Degree of Freedom (DF) = n-k-1

N= number of variable i.e. 5

DF = 5-1

DF = 4

Level of significant (los) = (0.05, 4), critical value = 9.49

Since the calculated X 2 value 37.21 is greater than the table the table value of 9.49.the
alternative hypothesis (H2) will be accepted while the null hypothesis (H 0) which state that
There is a significant relationship between billboard advertising and market sharewill be




The basic objective of this study is to critically examine the online shopping and customer
satisfaction: A study of Jumia Company. Fifty (50) respondents were randomly selected.
Forty-eight (48) questionnaires were returned and analysis of the data was based on this
number. From the analysis of the data especially, and the testing of hypotheses it was realized

i. There is a significant relationship between product performance and customer

ii. There is a significance relationship between convenience and customer satisfaction.
iii. There is a significant relationship between product delivery and customer satisfaction.

The study examined the relationship between “online shopping and customer satisfaction”.
From the data and information collected scientifically tested and analyzed in the course of the
research the following conclusions can be deduced from the study that most customers, are
satisfied with their experience of online shopping; and that they often have a positive attitude
towards online shopping. Their decision of preferring online shopping as against the
traditional retail shops may be encouraged by several factors including brand, time-saving,
ease of use, satisfaction, service quality, product variety, and price of goods. The absence of
these factors may likely discourage them from shopping online. This study provided a
worldview on the state of online shopping to the extent of customers’ satisfaction and attitude
towards online shopping.


During the research process, the researcher has observed a few recommendations for future
research. Illustratively, further studies should be conducted in these areas:
1. Customers’ attitudes towards traditional retail shops as against online shops. Such a study
will provide data on how customers perceive traditional retail shops that made them prefer
online shopping over traditional retail shops
2. Impact of government fiscal policies on online shops. This study, when conducted will
provide insight into the current fiscal policies of the government and how they impact online
shops in the country
3. Challenges faced by vendors of online shops. Such study will explore the challenges faced
by vendors of online shops to proffer solutions for future advancement of online shops.

The study covered onlyonline shopping and customer satisfaction.The study was limited in
scope due to limited time, resources as well as COVID 19 Pandemic.

As a result of this, further research should be focused on the contribution of existing

knowledge in e-commerce such that it has provided empirical data on customers’ satisfaction
with online shopping.


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Dear Respondents,


I am a final year National Diploma (ND)student of the above-mentioned institution. In partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of National Diploma in Marketing, I am conducting

I will be very grateful if you could spare me a bit of your time to complete the questionnaire.

I hereby solicit for your cooperation in carrying out this exercise. Your responses shall be kept
confidential and used only for the research.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Yours Faithfully,





Please tick where applicable in the box/space provided below:

1. SEX: Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. AGE: 20- 30 years [ ]

31 - 40 years [ ] 41 - 50 years [ ] 51 & above [ ]

3. MARITAL STATUS: Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorce [ ] Widowed

[ ]



5. WORKING EXPERIENCE; Less than 10 years [ ] 11 - 19 years [ ]

20 - 29 years [ ] Over 40 years [ ]


Instructions: kindly mark the box [√] with one of this alternative to indicate your degree in level of
response. Kindly respond to the questions raised by ticking [√] the boxes that best reflects correct

SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, U= Undecided, D= Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree.

S/ Statement SA A U D SD
1 I prefer Online Shopping over Retail Shopping.
2 I am aware of the concepts of online shopping
3 I shop often online.
4 I prefer Jumia portal to shop than other shopping portal.

5 I get all my wants online
6 You will never repurchase from the same company if there is
a great difference between expected and the real product.
7 The difference between your expectations and real products
would influence your satisfaction level
8. The products available online are priced low in comparison
to traditional market
9. The quality of products purchased online is highly
10. The speed of Delivery of products is fast.


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